What's Your Dumbest Moment?




Most of my better moments were when I was a newbie:

- Trying to get into Hospital when my health was low, and I hadn't a proper defeat yet. Even tried to run into elevators when a player run out.
- Trying to get into train when doors were open. "Clicking with blue hand" not yet discovered by then. Maybe I needed a train ticket?



Most of my better moments were when I was a newbie:

- Trying to get into Hospital when my health was low, and I hadn't a proper defeat yet. Even tried to run into elevators when a player run out.
- Trying to get into train when doors were open. "Clicking with blue hand" not yet discovered by then. Maybe I needed a train ticket?

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Or the old "clicking on the Train door over and over again, trying to figure out why they wouldn't work". Before eventually realising that the Train entrance and train exit are two seperate little rooms.



Deleting the wrong toon to make space :O

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I don't see why trying to solo Frostfire with a blaster is *that* stupid - I did it with a L12 'troller (and two entire trays full of Inspires - I pegged it when I ran out of Break Frees the first time). I can see why it would be very painful especially if you attack Frostfire as your opening move.

As for my most stupid thing, grouping my powers by theme. Then wanting to teleport onto a building when within a mission - and hitting the power next to it. The Pocket D VIP Pass



Way too many to mention over the last 3.75 years, including notable classics everyone does like:

#"OMG! - I can't move!" (AV closes in for the kill) - "Arrrgh! - Help! - ... Nevermind I left Rest on!"

#'R' Key Auto run death on Hami pre-battle.

#During the MoX Gumbal Rally in The Hollows: Mis-judging a key jump from girder to girder across a split in the Earth and plummetting to the bottom of the Gulch and almost the back of the race order. (I'd done it fifty times before in preparation for the race and absolutely no problems) - almost lost me the race that blunder. I remember turning the air blue with an extraordinary outburst of rather profane obsenities, cursing my stupidity as I fell.



Most of my better moments were when I was a newbie:

- Trying to get into Hospital when my health was low, and I hadn't a proper defeat yet. Even tried to run into elevators when a player run out.
- Trying to get into train when doors were open. "Clicking with blue hand" not yet discovered by then. Maybe I needed a train ticket?

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Or the old "clicking on the Train door over and over again, trying to figure out why they wouldn't work". Before eventually realising that the Train entrance and train exit are two seperate little rooms.

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Ooohh.. I am guilty of this one too. I can remember sending an petition. Ahh.. starting out as a villain made me a bit metro dumb I guess.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!




Or the old "clicking on the Train door over and over again, trying to figure out why they wouldn't work". Before eventually realising that the Train entrance and train exit are two seperate little rooms.

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Figured that out on Saturday... I have only had the game since July mind.



using just sprint while forgetting i'm in founders falls as a lvl 20-_-....forgot to turn on fly and fly high enough.



Mid Lady Grey TF and team was getting a Hammering I had a sudden thought to Nip to Ourob and grab some wakies and Break Frees, smiling to myself as I thought just how smart I was.

I had plenty of time to reflect on how "smart" I truly was as I waited all alone for my very nice team to decide whether to restart with me or not.

I did not realise zoning would throw me from the team

Kneeling girls! Statues driving cars! What's going on? Ten years ago a man was arrested in the area for driving statues around in a car. Was it him?

@Ted Maul - The Echelon



Most of my better moments were when I was a newbie:

- Trying to get into Hospital when my health was low, and I hadn't a proper defeat yet. Even tried to run into elevators when a player run out.
- Trying to get into train when doors were open. "Clicking with blue hand" not yet discovered by then. Maybe I needed a train ticket?

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Or the old "clicking on the Train door over and over again, trying to figure out why they wouldn't work". Before eventually realising that the Train entrance and train exit are two seperate little rooms.

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@MrMac & @MrMac2




How many times have I autoran into a mob with a new alt while trying to type a message - every single one!

Metro exit and entrance - yep done that too.

UNION @Flitz 50, Lead Hose 50, Red Rag 50
DEFIANT Rose Bloodthorn 34
VIGILANCE Captain Caledonia 20 - Yeah, I made toons on the French server coz we only had 4 back then (might have to transfer/recreate them on one of the US servers)
..and many more!



Making a grav/energy dom and deciding to follow a "ranged attacks only" theme. Deleted him at 20 after failing to solo.. anything.
Oh and deleting a DB brute on whom I had grinded for the redcap daggers - kinda miss it now, but no way I'm going to redo that.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



I don't see why trying to solo Frostfire with a blaster is *that* stupid...

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It is if your Level 10 Blaster is being played by a relative newbie (i.e. me at the time) and so you also:

a) Decide to dip into lots of 'whizzy' pool powers - like flying! And leaping! - at the expense of... oooh, I don't know, powers that could actually damage something, perhaps?

b)Use up extra slots on things like Brawl, Sprint and Rest. Well, they're the least effective ones, so surely I need to slot them to the max with Recharge, Accuracy, Power etc.? Yeah? No...? Oh...

As for my most stupid thing, grouping my powers by theme. Then wanting to teleport onto a building when within a mission - and hitting the power next to it. The Pocket D VIP Pass

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Ohhhhhhhhhh! That must've hurt. Haven't done that yet myself, but have a secret dread of ever doing it.



Way back before you got that text that said "only affecting yourself" in the corner of the screen I made my first hero on Union. A bubbles defender.

I arrived at Miss Liberty, chucked on personal forcefield and ran of to do some damage to some mobs. Only nothing worked. I couldnt hit anything at all. I tried a few attempts at checking my key binds etc before logging off, delting the toon and remaking them - assuming that this was some kind of weird freak bug. So I remade the toon, landed at Miss Liberty, threw on personal forcefield and off I went to fight again. Same problem tho, nothing worked. Was getting quite frustrated by this point and then Gonk pointed out that when Personal Forcefield was up I couldnt attack. Felt quite embarassed that it took me to delete and remake a toon to realise that



Actually, Psygon, you've just reminded me of an early one I did that you were involved in....

On Coin, my first character, about a week or two into the game (levelling was much slower back then, debt meant something and all that) really excited to be playing the game, in the old Sheepies SG having a great time, finally, finally, finally got to the right level for Flight!! SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!

Rushes over to Miss Liberty, clicks on her to train up......can't select Fly!!

"I can't select Fly!! Why can't I choose it!! I'm the right level!" screams me over SG Chat

Psygon replies with "Coin, you're only lvl 12.....you need to be level 14 for Fly."


meh, I was but a young newbie

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Best one I've done. My first attempt at a Strike Force with my Ice/Ice dom. The team decides to stealth the mission, someone puts grant invisibility on everyone. I superspeed off, and get past the 3rd group before all the attacks from the first group kill me. It would have helped if I switched Arctic Air off. Best aggro aura in the game!

Story Arcs:
The business of destruction ID: 80848



Lets see, one time I wanted to see if TP foe worked on the bombs on the way to the reactor room in the TV respec....it does. I think I got 3 or 4 of my team with that

I've lost count of the number of times my little kinetics defender jumped into the middle of a group of Nemesis to Fulcrum Shift then nuke....only to be killed by all the exploding teapot thingies

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.



Getting Hover at 6 on my first toon, then flying to the Port Oakes ferry...

Otherwise, my stupidity is often very prominently displayed in the team chat tab:


@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter



When I first started playing CoH, which was nearing the end the Winter Event, one of the first missions I did was in the helicopters that appeared in Atlas for a winter-themed mission. Then after the winter event ended (which I didn't know was going on at the time, first MMO and all), ended up running around Atlas constantly looking for the helicopter... finally dawned on me that is was something special for Winter



seeing a Deathsurge and thinking, "Wow...only purple and no level...I've taken out a purple con lt can't be THAT much harder can it?" and then proceeded to get smacked down faster than I could blink.

"hmm...maybe they're tougher than normal mobs..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Deleting the wrong toon to make space :O

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hmm... I deleted my very 1st controller, who was an illu/kin, to make space too... and 1 year and a half after that, my Angelic Illusion, illu/kin controller, dinged 50

Now is much better because you can buy lots of slots, it was a harder choice before; I've just re-created my old ws (deleted it at lvl 25 a year ago) and my old spines/dark scrapper (deleted it at lvl 12 8 months ago).

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts: http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/13494



A bit Off topic but my dumbest moment ever gaming was in a Enemy Territory match many years ago. We were winning (for once) and I saw two enemy go into a building then 3 of my team go into the same building, now I was armed with a rocket launcher and for reasons I still can't explain I fired into the building Game lost I was very popular

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



Accidentally switched the slotting of speed boost and siphon speed when i respecced, and buying a respec recipe to fix it ASAP.



3 slotting rest for recharge.
Crafting the sting of the manticore set only to see that lrm doesnt take sniper sets(which is stupid).