What's Your Dumbest Moment?




3 slotting rest for recharge.

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....isn't necessarily a bad idea depending on your archetype, build and sheer patience.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



buying a defense enchantment on a blaster, waisted just what i needed.



My dumbest moment was when I decided to transfer from US servers to Euro servers so I would get a better ping and more teams .......-drum roll-



My dumbest moment was when I decided to transfer from US servers to Euro servers so I would get a better ping and more teams .......-drum roll-

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Trying frantically to blast the 1st Nova Form PB I saw




Trying to use Energy Absorbtion off some rescued Rikti I'd just rescued. Well they looked the same as the ones I was fighting at least but my end didn't come back

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Running across the fire patches in the gulch Least they had good food in the hospital that day ^_^

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Don't know about my dumbest, but my most persistant stupidity comes from my habit of double-clicking an attack to select my next target so that it fires off as soon as I run into range. Great for my many Scrappers...

Not so great when I'm playing a Blaster

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i have done this many a time myself u would think id learn when most my chars are blasters but no

also the trying to get on the train at the exit and wondering for ages why it wasnt working

my silliest by far has to be on the last mission in ITF trying to run through the big entrance doors while there open instead of clicking (the reason this is the worst is because i did this tf every night for 2 weeks n i still do it now)

always hitting R and auto running into mobs and not realising cos i think im typing

one i havent done for a long time is using my pocket D pass instead of an attack but actually wondered where id gone i thought the team must have dissapeared (i was a newbie then tho)



Umm... 3-slotted brawl on my first alt, a tanker called 'The Stalinizer'...

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I score that one. I hadn't realised you could slot more than one of a given kind of enhancement, so once my attacks had Acc/Dam/Rch/E-R I started looking for other places to put slots...



crafting a positrons blast to put it in my headsplitter which drained all my inf lol.



my dumbest moment was in itf on last part it was 3.30 am and i fell asleep on my laptop power button and shut everything down...wasnt happy



Having just completed the first patrol mission in Warburg on one of my villains I then returned to the contact on the hero boat.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Broadcasting in Kings Row that a "huge Robot was running around" and when asked "where" saying "Kings Row", well maybe noobish rather than dumbest




#"OMG! - I can't move!" (AV closes in for the kill) - "Arrrgh! - Help! - ... Nevermind I left Rest on!"

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So I'm not the only only one then Mum - good to know that even the best have made that same mistake

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Soo many soopids. so little time for them all.

When I was nought but a newbie I didn't know about trains. So I used hover to cross perez park to get into atlas.

Finding out that team invisibility is a click not a toggle while standing knee deep in baddies was a good one.

However I think my biggest, dumbest one was when I made a bind on my tanker that said "I can take you without my armour" and turned off all my tankers armours. I then forgot I had it and found it again while tanking lord recluse and a couple of his pals. very, very messy.



When I first started playing the game I kept seeing people asking for a ‘lift’ in the broadcast channel. I always thought it was something to do with getting a sidekick.

To be fair I’d moved across from SWG and no one was ever looking for a team there, so how was I to know what ‘lft’ meant.

I’ve also done the, “This train is taking ages to let me on. I’ll be there in a minute guys.” Then a few minutes later, “Right, omw now. Must have been a slow load.” As I went to the real entrance not that one the naughty dev’s put on the right of the station just to make sure I’m paying attention. Those guys, such jokers.



#"OMG! - I can't move!" (AV closes in for the kill) - "Arrrgh! - Help! - ... Nevermind I left Rest on!"

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Same here, first or second month after EU launch, in team in the Hollows. Very stupid.

Going to level my tank around level 40-45 in Steel Canyon and bringing in a DE ambush to that spot. Lots of lower level toons killed and me very red faced.



Hmm, most idiotic thing recently was listing salvage on the auctions while not totally awake. I'd been scrapping for about 4 hours, and frankly, 4 hours of concentrated scrapping will fry my brain a little, especially on my DB/WP, which I find requires a little more concentration than my Katana/Regen.

I'd finally reached about 107million ish, was listing some common salvage and somehow or other a couple of bits hadn't listed, so the list price box was filling up with numbers. Eventually I think a listing actually went through at something like 1,000,000,000 inf. For a piece of common mid-tier tech salvage.

And we all knows what that means, don't we, kiddies? Wave bye bye to about 50 million inf in listing fee <facepalm> <sinking feeling in pit of stomach>.

By some concentrated effort during the week, I've managed to get back to about 99 mill total, but it's reminded me to pay attention to the little details.


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



I once sold some Pangean Soil for 250 inf

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I once sold some Pangean Soil for 250 inf

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If you feel like doing it again, my global is @LeighB. We could just do a straight trade and save on the AH fee.