Respecs for 5.99?
Well, that's a little more cashflow for NC
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Goddammit NC. If you want the contents of my bank account, just come out and ask.
Ok, now I have respecs coming out of my ears on every toon of mine but I can understand how some people may not, but paying for one? Not sure if this will actually be taken up by that many people. respec recipes still go for 40 million inf these days?
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
Ok, now I have respecs coming out of my ears on every toon of mine but I can understand how some people may not, but paying for one? Not sure if this will actually be taken up by that many people. respec recipes still go for 40 million inf these days?
[/ QUOTE ]
last i checked they were going for 10 - 15 mill.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Option to pay for recipes next?
19 Million for a Respec Recipe, but I can see the attraction of someone PvP-speccing their toon a LOT. It's not for me, but then I'm trying NOT to use the store for fear of filling up my slots on Defiant.. I'm not quite THAT addicted!
-Defiant Server-
H: Wolfsbane(50 MA/ReGen), Orthoclase(50 Stone/Axe), Dreamhunter (50 Ill/Storm)
Daybreak(50 Fire/Kin) Tygrrforce (50 Hooman PB), Tygrrstryke(50 NRG/NRG), EbonWolf(50 WS)
V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)
Cheaper and safer to buy the respec than to buy the inf to buy the respec... not that i'd bother to be honest.
I've never run out of ingame respecs yet. However its nice for the option to be there for those who want it and are willing to pay for it.
"Live forever or die tryin'"
Thats a nice feature to add, has more use to newer players than long term ones though I feel. Don't think I'll ever struggle for a respec between the trials, Vet rewards and the AH.
I was buying 5 new slots eariler today and noticed this at the top of the list, no idea how long its been there or anything, some people dont even belive me about them hehe but here they are.
Respecs for 5.99
Respecs for 5.99
[/ QUOTE ]with recents upset on mastero this wouldn't surprise me if we don't get told anything anymore, as it seem we findout stuff be it little or big little to late on Europe side of thing of latley
Nice news.
As far as I am concerned I don't have enought vet respect for my taste ( 36 months vet here ) and don't have the time nor the will to run the TF respect.
Picked up 2 respec recipes for 8 mill each I'd rather spend 8 million influence than £5.99 for a respec tbh.
This is bad news as far as I can see, what next ? Badges, Influence, Prestige and the Big Fella in heaven forbid, Levels. I can see it now Statesmans special power leveling offer of £5.99 for levels 1 to 20
They should also re look at the respec trials, I mean what is the point ??
@Boy Wonder
Quantum Flash - Ill/Kin Controller
Leader of the Legion of Heroes
I dislike this feature very much. This feels as bad to me as bying influence or levels. This also starting to sound as if you have to spend money to get updates. This gives me a bad taste.
I pay every month to play this game. I do not want to be forced to buy extra stuff.
This is bad news as far as I can see, what next ? Badges, Influence, Prestige and the Big Fella in heaven forbid, Levels. I can see it now Statesmans special power leveling offer of £5.99 for levels 1 to 20
They should also re look at the respect trials, I mean what is the point ??
[/ QUOTE ]
The End is Near ! The End is Near !
The point of the TF trial : a badge, a respec, xp, salvage, recipes.
The list of your "what next" gives an ingame edge to a player next to an another, a paying respec token does not ( IMO ).
I do not want to be forced to buy extra stuff.
[/ QUOTE ] what way are you forced to buy any of the services they're offering? It's a premium luxury - just like server transfers and the like.
Until they start offering permanent character bonuses that can't be obtained "free" in-game, I don't think there's any issue here.
Most people i know do the TV trial now for the reare recipe at the end rather than the respec. It personally doesn't bother me as respec lost its importance when it became available in the AH's - if someone wants to pay for one.... its money in NC's pocket which helps game development
33 months and counting of Paragon heroism (and villany)
Onyx: Frostbane (TNK), Vanguard (SCR), Monolith (WS),
Mindswipe (DEF), Martyr (DEF), Pyre (CON), Pulsar (DEF),
JuJinKai (MM)
last i checked they were going for 10 - 15 mill.
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<removed by mod>
I only mention this because I think it's wrong to have players paying for this type of thing.
Please fight My Brute:
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
It personally doesn't bother me as respec lost its importance when it became available in the AH's - if someone wants to pay for one.... its money in NC's pocket which helps game development
[/ QUOTE ]
I do look back with nostalgia when we were about to start an epic mission with waves after waves of foes to fight and save the Terra Volta reactor to prevent a tragic disaster.
Damn, haven't done a respect in a very long time.
last i checked they were going for 10 - 15 mill.
[/ QUOTE ]
<removed by mod>
I only mention this because I think it's wrong to have players paying for this type of thing.
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Why ? Please explain.
I really can't see myself purchasing a respec but some people can get themselves into that much of a pickle or be a Zukunft player where its sodding empty and getting a team for the Respec is the first milestone. It might be more tempting if you could buy in bulk but I tend to have spare respecs coming out of my ears.
I have used the transfer function a lot though. If I feel that the people I know on Vigilance would be great to team with a controller from another server I just move. £5.99 is less than a cinema ticket and paying for the transfer can be the absolute equivalent of leaving the repeats on the TV to watch a new film at the cinema.
New slots, I have probably bought 15 atleast, that works, mainly because you can buy in bulk and buying in bulk can lead to more alts and more future gametime.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
last i checked they were going for 10 - 15 mill.
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<removed by mod>
I only mention this because I think it's wrong to have players paying for this type of thing.
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Why ? Please explain.
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He'll never explain.
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The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

last i checked they were going for 10 - 15 mill.
[/ QUOTE ]
<removed by mod>
I only mention this because I think it's wrong to have players paying for this type of thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why ? Please explain.
[/ QUOTE ]
The removed text was treading too close to an activity that is completely banned for CoH. I know it was not intended that way, however I still needed to remove it.
I was buying 5 new slots eariler today and noticed this at the top of the list, no idea how long its been there or anything, some people dont even belive me about them hehe but here they are.
Respecs for 5.99
Respecs for 5.99