Dear Devs,
Well said, Couldnt agree more. *Applaudes*
I salute you sir! total agree with everything, only one thing will the devs ever bring more to pvp
Completely agree with you.
I kept getting people in or not in my team who were dissapointed or mad because their farm night was ruined. Think that tells alot about the zone.
PvP has to be more rewarding, why is it so hard to put some sets in. They certainly don't mind people running the same map over and over to get them.
Also pvp balance is [censored]. Whenever a new player walks into the zone with the powersets he liked best, he gets dissapointed when the next blaster kills him in two or three shots and he never saw him coming. After a few comments about how fly sucks and dual blades is balls, he leaves the zone, to never come back.
PvP is a big part of the endgame and since you can become 50 in a week or two with normal gameplay now, they have to reconsider their vision of max level life.
Couldn't put it any better myself. ^
A packed zone with a huge amount of people tonight in RV on Union.I saw at least 60 people at some point which was awsome and nearly brought a tear to my eye.
And then:
- Whole zone packed with mobs that not only stun you in split seconds but they deliver some unreal damage.In fact whole zone is full with this garbage.
-Playing on a team and i actually end up dying from....*drumroll* AV in PvP zone.
Whoever was the genius that thought placing AV's in a PvP zone should be given a reward for having no clue about PvP objectives and design.
Yes i know you tried to copy AV from WoW but you failed.
You had the brilliant idea of placing SO's as the IMBARULTIMATUM OMG REWARD from sirens call and what you get for pvping at level 50 with a 400-1billion influence build?
Nothing at all.Thats epic dissapointment.Spent 2 hours today on a player created event to spark up pvp and what did i get?I had some fun with my friends and a PUG,gave some directions to some new people about PvP and yeah i got 4 reputation points.
Yes yes this is not a PvP a game.Well if its not remove PvP from game and not advertise it as part of its features.
It's not bad you know to look around you open your eyes and see other games that got PvP incorporated as part of their gameplay what they do to keep people interested.
100 people passed tonight from RV and from those 100 only 20 will come back to PvP.And these are the hardcores.
Sort PvP out cause its worth it and try to restrain your urge to revamp Galaxy City and add lipstick and make up to female pedestrians.
[/ QUOTE ]
I also think that if nothing is done to improve PvP in i13 then it really is the death of it
This, i know some that will leave if pvp isnt improved by then. Myself might leave to.
I also think that if nothing is done to improve PvP in i13 then it really is the death of it
[/ QUOTE ]
I can see what you are saying guys.
Since arena way back in i4 there hasnt been a decent mega boost to pvp in 8 issues. Rewards seem to be the big issue here. Taking down decent pvpers is FAR harder a challenge than anything PvE has to offer, however you get no rewards for doing so.
Trading in 100 separate kills (different toons) in RV for a choice of decent IO's may be a start in RV. It would certainly encourage people to enter the zones.
Also, allowing event organisers to offer some kind of IO reward to the winners, would certainly help with numbers!
I also think that if nothing is done to improve PvP in i13 then it really is the death of it
[/ QUOTE ]
I am on the same boat.I already canceled my subs for CoX and they run out sometime next week and devoting more time to beach,drinking and WAR beta.i13 is my limit i feel.If PvP doesnt see some massive improvement and revamp that will spark it up and i see again a bunch of useless revamps like Galaxy City or maybe Independence Port revamp and useless changes then i dont think there is coming back.Especially since much better PvP games are out by then.
TG can I have your Infamy.
TG can I have your Infamy.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can have all the IO's too
Can't people just do something because they enjoy it? Why do you need a reward?
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
It's incentive for people to try it that otherwise might not.
I don't like using it as an example because it's not the be all and end all of how to do it, but in WoW you get a lot of people on PvE servers that otherwise completely avoid PvP running Battle Grounds because it offers tangible reward as a result of PvP. Without that reward they'd happily just run around doing quests or instances without a hint of PvP.
There is no activity in gaming that doesnt reap some kind of reward.If it was all down to enjoyment we would all have one power just running around punching stuff all day.
Yeh PvP needs serious attention.
Power balancing does seem to be getting a little attention. And imo I can live with inevitable imbalances with that.
But I 100% agree with pervious comments. Stop wasting time on pointless zones that will be empty in 2 months. Cimer imo is an absolute waste of space. Badly programmed at that. The lag in some of the TF is, to put it politely F'ing insulting.
Maybe the devs should finally make a LEVEL 50 PVP ZONE. Or fix RV.
And i agree, its time to either put some weight behing the pvp in game or just delete it. And without the pvp the game is dead.
Sry for "doom"
And without the pvp the game is dead.
[/ QUOTE ]
*cough* bull *cough*
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
But it is
That makes no sense. The game would never have made it to Issue 4 if that were the case...
This is one of those differences of opinion things that we're never going to agree on, isn't it?
I can understand the PvP need for something more. After all, there's been little done for you guys in quite some time. But I can't think at any time that PvP has been a significant driver for getting people into the game. Maybe some blips, but not a continued trend. People come to this game for lots of reasons (including PvP), but it's hardly the big draw, is it?
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
But it is
[/ QUOTE ]
If PvP was taken out, the PvPers would leave and if this thread "proves" anything, it's that PvPers in this game are few and far between. Thus, the game would not die if it was removed (no, I don't want it taken out, I enjoy it too much) and to suggest otherwise is silly, to say the least.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
this thread "proves" anything, it's that PvPers in this game are few and far between.
[/ QUOTE ]
What it proves is that the devs are wasting resources in revamping hollows and god knows what will be next instead of dealing with other more important areas.
the game would not die if it was removed
[/ QUOTE ]
Of course it wouldnt.I 100% agree with this.
But i am also 100% sure it would grow a lot more if PvP was taken care as well.
The point is that the devs have been totally mistaken in the way
a)designed PvP progression system.Its worthless,pointless and without any meaning.
b)Havent sorted out any PvP red name representative with the exception of unofficial Ex Libris that has a thing about PvP
c)Insist on dropping resources on things that are used very little (Hollows is the brightest example of wasted resources) instead on giving some focus to PvP despite the fact that the US PvP forum has a wide consolidated thread of community suggestions where the devs could start from.
d)Proved that when they tried to create PvP purpose and zonal objective PvP in the game failed hard. RV is the worse example of a PvP zone ever and god help us with Sirens control points.The temp rewards that are supposed to lure players into attempting control of sirens are a joke and an insult to player intelligence.Amd thats why noone cares about them.
e)Proved that they fail to realise the need of aligning PvP rewarding to inventions system.
f)Proved that the concept of PvP reward the developers have is badges you can get for afking in a PvP zone,and extra influence and prestige rewards making PvP more into farming.
All and all a big fat failure.
I am fine with PvP being taken out because its pointless at the moment and misleading.And of course i am in 100% agreement that the PvP population is less than PvE and that the game certainly wouldnt die without PvP.However i am also of the mentallity of doing something good rather than doing it in a mediocre and dissapointing way.
Took a player event to get some action in RV and thats the most we will ever get.After the event some new person asked me: "So what did we gain from this?"
And all i could answer was "influence for the PvE kills in the zone and some useless reputation points".
That said it all for me and while i had an excellent time seeing all these people in RV when the event was over i still felt dissapointed cause that was the last i was gonna see for a looooooong time till someone bothered again with an event which once again the only purpose would be to bash people and of course get nothing out of it.
NOTE: I am not ranting against PvE or to drop PvE development for the sake of PvP.But i would like to see the devs to get their heads out their butts and decide to revamp something that needs heavily revamping.
while were at it, lets all have a big laff at bases/raiding/CoP trial and SG prestige.
All of the above were effectively the cool stuff when introducing new issues, and all the above are broken, severely.
how I would have loved to have huge raids against a well designed stocked up base.
I have nothing against PvP and take issue with people who state if PVP dies then the game does, thats blatantly not true.
The problem with incentivising PvP is what incentives do you give? As you have stated you have a ridiculously expensive build, what could possibly improve it? And if it's something that could improve it then its probably too much of an incentive, especially with the way PVP is so massively imbalanced (which really in this game is unfixable, one of the major problem being travel powers which marginalise certain ATs)
What do you get from getting a character to 50? Nothing in real terms but a sense of accomplishment. In reality we play a game, what do we get from any of this other than fun, a sense of accomplishment, etc. I personally don't see why you have to get anything from PVP in order for it to provide those things. Maybe if the game isn't providing you fun in whatever way you want it to then its time to take a break/leave/do some rl stuff as just sitting around complaining isn't going to make you happy, of that I'm certain.
Just to counter, many people dont give two hoots about PvP, and would rather it withered and died so the Dev's concentrated on PvE. Fair play, just as its fair play many people are screaming for more PvP. Thats just there opinion.
My own opinion is that I think healthy PvP is good for the long term vitality of the game.
However, healthy PvP will only occur when PvE'ers are tempted into PvP land. And there are herculean obstacles to this.
1. PVP is now dominated by uber builds based on grinding. Many people do not want to PvP and repeatedly get thrashed by a fully IOd out PvP build.
Now I know many people will say "Its player skill that counts". I disagree. Im pretty bad at PvP, but I can garuntee I can whip anybodys behind with a PvP build, infinite inf, against a PvP build based on just SO.
People naturally want a level playing feild. Otherwise, why bother?
I appreciate that people dont want to sacrifice their 10 billion inf PVP build and want to feel uber whipping other peoples behind. Dont blame you. But unfortunately, I veiw IOs as having a devasatating effect on attracting people to PvE. I cant see how it can be solved or sold. Its absolutely killed it dead in the water for me and everyone I know.
2. PvE Builds are utter rubbish in PvP.
Basically, if you want to be a good PvE player, you stuff every AoE power you can get into your build. PvP is entirely the reverse. Add to that a load of ill thought out differences in power utility between PvP and PvE means if you want to PvP you need a PvP build which will largely be gimped in PvE (mitigated to some degree by your 10 billion inf build). More importantly, a PvE build is just there to make PvP builds feel uber by getting completely spanked.
If people truly want PvP to thrive, the answer is not to whine and whinge at the dev's to develop it. It's to provide sensible ways and suggestions to attract PvE'ers into PvP.
If you are feeling optimistic you can look at the recent change to Hover (immune to -fly) as an inkling that the Devs are looking at making PVE builds better in PVE. Its this sort of stuff that needs to happen to develop PvP.
Personally I think its almost insurmountable, but others may see more hope than me.
The NCsoft team (Norcal) is growing, isn't it? Perhaps if we're patient enough they will eventually have a big enough team to allot the PvP side of the game to some of them, so that it can be taking care of - both with and seperately from PvE.
A packed zone with a huge amount of people tonight in RV on Union.I saw at least 60 people at some point which was awsome and nearly brought a tear to my eye.

And then:
- Whole zone packed with mobs that not only stun you in split seconds but they deliver some unreal damage.In fact whole zone is full with this garbage.
-Playing on a team and i actually end up dying from....*drumroll* AV in PvP zone.
Whoever was the genius that thought placing AV's in a PvP zone should be given a reward for having no clue about PvP objectives and design.
Yes i know you tried to copy AV from WoW but you failed.
You had the brilliant idea of placing SO's as the IMBARULTIMATUM OMG REWARD from sirens call and what you get for pvping at level 50 with a 400-1billion influence build?
Nothing at all.Thats epic dissapointment.Spent 2 hours today on a player created event to spark up pvp and what did i get?I had some fun with my friends and a PUG,gave some directions to some new people about PvP and yeah i got 4 reputation points.
Yes yes this is not a PvP a game.Well if its not remove PvP from game and not advertise it as part of its features.
It's not bad you know to look around you open your eyes and see other games that got PvP incorporated as part of their gameplay what they do to keep people interested.
100 people passed tonight from RV and from those 100 only 20 will come back to PvP.And these are the hardcores.
Sort PvP out cause its worth it and try to restrain your urge to revamp Galaxy City and add lipstick and make up to female pedestrians.