Dear Devs,




People, enough on the whole Psydock / Shannon topic please. It's off-topic and trending very close to the harassment rules.



Lie mode: Shenny is contributing loads to this discussion. Serious mode: i don't think having rewards for arena PvP would be good. Maybe badges when its balanced but other than that it should be fun enough to draw people in without extra incentives.

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I think a lot of the problem if you've got people with incredibly tweaked out IO builds and then you've got people with IO builds that aren't as focused, so there's a bit of a gap. Having an option to toggle off set bonus' might be something usefull.



I do PvP when PvPed against.

[/ QUOTE ]But I did fight Shannon, here the proof!

About OP:
TG has made his points about CoX PvP known for long time through this board but I think what triggered the "exit thread" is that he grieved from an AV...

I always thought that AVs come out at RV after the 4th pillbox takeover and there is a warning so people can avoid the specific pillbox. If people decide to use the environment for their gain, they do it to downgrade PvP experience?

Arena is here for PvP without NPCs, I don't understand why people that disagree with the NPCs existence in PvP zones, come to those anyway instead of using Arena...



Nah I pay my own subs. As for making arena more popular just have offical tournements and leagues with rewards, simple as that.



Zone PvP is different to Arena PvP and the night in question was an organised PvP night in RV. Everyone likes to do something different once in a while and PvP in a zone can be fun. I think adding more options to Arena battles would improve them, no set bonuses is a start and something that wasn't for seen in I4. The arena needs updating to take into account recent issues and changes. I'd also like to see a map select and objective options added.



More maps, people have been asking for that for ages.



Nah I pay my own subs. As for making arena more popular just have offical tournements and leagues with rewards, simple as that.

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It's not as simple as that - you need relative parity between players and builds for any sort of official tournament or league to actually attract new players.

Being able to disable set bonus' would go a long way towards that.



People always ask things from devs... It's easy.
What I will propose, is not for the devs to hear (like they do..., but that's another thing...), but for the PvP population:
More public PvP event organizers.



There are already lots of public PvP events, i don't know about other servers but Union has a weekly get together and recently there was zone PvP. There has been more player organised stuff than dev organised PvP. Not to mention the nightly disorganised stuff. Seems like player stuff is a few times a month and dev is once a year.



The thing is, public made event can't offer rewards such as titles etc.



Sorry for my attitude but i'm a bit fed up with shannon thinking she knows all

[/ QUOTE ]

Then your attitude is there, because you think, that I think, that I know all. Your attitude is there because you put it there.

PvP needs work in this game and its no secret.

Inbalances exist that some matches may as well of been fixed. Pretenders may rise to a throne.

I don't like people telling other people what I think when they can't possibly know. Often no matter how you word things people will read into it "their way" or assign a personality to you that doesn't exist.

Edit: I will like to point out that there are some very good PvPers who treat it as a science, are very warm to new people, leave their egos outside of their characters, aren't irrational and act in a mature manner when PvPing. More people like them should get more people in PvP.

Edit No 2: To be fair I habitually troll PvPers, should my tank be in a PvP zone I would rather her to not have to use taunt at all...thanks

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Hey...any thing that keeps you out of my realm can only be a good thing

For if our paths were to ever cross in one of my pvp zones, you really wouldn't like the outcome.

[/ QUOTE ]

Another one assuming what I'd think.

Our paths have crossed.

Your powers are as follows:

Char, Flashfire, Bonfire, Fire Imps.
Radiant Aura, Radiant Infection, Accelerate Metabolism, Enervating Field, Linger Radiation
Hasten, Superspeed
Hurdle, Health, Stamina, Swift
Assault, Tactic
Combat Jump, Super Jump, Acrobatics
Conserve Power, Powerblast, Temp Invulneranility and Powerboost.

Accolades include Vanguard, Atlas, Portal Jockey, Freedom Phalanx, Eye of the Magus and Geas of the Kind ones.

How close is that?

I didn't even have to come off of the Zukunft server.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seems like I've been added to someone favourites...

I feel a hunt and some mob tp's coming on...

@Sweet Chilli



Go in RV teleport to AV. Oh wait wasn't that what started this discussion



Adding game mode´s like CTF, King off the hill etc would deffo IMO make more peeps go to arena. And disable set bonuses? Thats an option, BUT peeps with those "imba" builds(like myself) that have worked hard for those builds, so that dont sound like fun to me.

Considering Zone´s my dream would be NPC free zones, merge atleast EU servers(for pvp), (US would be LOL) and the balancing thing sorted. And make it possible to team heroes with villians.
And be able to have alt. builds for the toon, 1 spec that you have outside pvp zones, and 1 for pvp that autoload upon entering the zone.



Thats an option, BUT peeps with those "imba" builds(like myself) that have worked hard for those builds, so that dont sound like fun to me.

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Its an option, meaning its not mandatory. You just need to agree with who ever your fighting not to use it. If a Dev hosted PvP came up with it as a mandatory rule, then its up to you whether to enter or not. I think there would be more people entering than there would be deciding not too. Personally I might consider using a different toon that might not have a fully IO'd build. Just because I might think they were more effective without IO's. Such is the fun of Alting. I feel sorry for GG.



The thing about disabling Set Bonus' is that in a lot of cases your IO slotting will still be superior to what you could do with SO's.

You'd still get higher numbers accross the board on multiple values (example acc/dam/rech/end %'s that you couldn't with SO's), you just wouldn't get the slot bonus'. IO's would still beat SO's, but the margin wouldn't be quite so noticable.

More to the point I think if the Red Names did organise an event, having something like disabling set bonus' would seriously bring in more people than it put off.



Good part about playing without Set bonuses(after thinking about it ), you wont need to buy the expensive Io´s. So wasnt that bad idea tbh



Exactly. You can get grate %'s mixing and matching cheap sets, but you don't get the really good bonus' that way.

Being able to toggle them off means a 30 mil build isn't far off a 300mil build.



Lie mode: Shenny is contributing loads to this discussion. Serious mode: i don't think having rewards for arena PvP would be good. Maybe badges when its balanced but other than that it should be fun enough to draw people in without extra incentives.

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The problem with rewards for PvP is that the uber get more uber, and the people who arent prepared to grind to get the uber build get fed up of repeatedly getting ground to earth for no rewards.

IE Rewards only really reward dedicated PvP'ers. So its no attraction.

Of course, if PvP became anything other than the farce that it is now, and non grinded uber cookie cutter builds actually stood in the same ball park, then adding rewards may be an additional incentive.

But just on its own it will have minimal, if any, effect.



What kind of balance changes to people want?

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



I think Death_Badger and Cognito stated best how I feel about PvP in this game. Sure PvP is tacked on, as with a lot of PvE-biased MMOs, but it needs to be better balanced with more appealing rewards if it is going to thrive in any form at all. I PvP very little here anymore and I’ll give you my main reasons and perceptions why:

<ul type="square">[*]Depending which character I take into PvP, I usually either get 2/3-shotted by someone I didn’t even know was there, quickly debuffed into uselessness and slowly killed without being able to do anything, or avoided (because I’m not worth the hassle of defeating, I guess), which isn’t fun. Most PvPers I’ve run into only seem interested in easy kills with the odds way in their favour. When I get kills like that I feel cheap and get no sense of satisfaction from them, which is odd because in PvP FPS games I get lots of satisfaction from snipe-kills (especially headshots) at a few hundred yards, or shooting people in the back, which is comparatively the same (maybe it's the lack of twitch skills /shrug - here your build is more important than skill)
[*]My PvE builds cannot compete with purpled-up hardcore PvP builds, but I’m not about to spec for PvP because I enjoy doing endgame TFs and I like how my characters are built for PvE - and I don’t want to farm.
[*]When I defeat someone in PvP (mostly on my stalker), or get defeated (every other AT ), there is a very good chance that I’ll get some kind of personal abuse fired back at me via /tell - I’m not sure if this is still as commonplace as it was in I6/7, as I haven’t PvP’d much lately, but...
[*]I get such a bad vibe from abusive and elitist posts I see on these forums by hardcore PvPers, and from reading the Arena channel in-game sometimes (I had to move it to its own tab, so the meaningless spam/abuse wouldn’t “pollute” my other tabs), that I just know I don’t want to associate, or be associated with, most of them - this is a strong disincentive for me to want to participate in PvP, or care about PvP, at all.
[*]There is no worthwhile in-game reward for PvP except enjoyment - and for the above reasons I don’t get any enjoyment from it in this game.[/list]PvP isn’t balanced, it’s a colossal hassle, I don’t find it at all fun in this game (even though I adore the PvE combat here) and it gives me no tangible rewards - why should I bother? When I feel like PvP I play a game designed for it that has either no PvE or very little PvE (mainly Battlefield 2142 atm - my PvP game is usually an FPS - but the only one I’ve played that really fostered the tactical and co-operative PvP I like was Planetside a couple of years ago - I really hope Huxley is going to be good, but my hopes are fading).

PvP needs so much work in this game to make me want to play it regularly - and my friends care about it even less than I do - so I hardly know where to start with suggestions. Also I’m not sure I want to bother, as I’d rather the Devs focused on PvE, as that is what they have proven they are good at. But I will suggest one thing - inventions certainly didn’t help - perhaps as a start we need to have a separate PvP build from our PvE one, with different power picks and slotting - maybe a PvP build that solely uses special PvP enhancements that you unlock access to by PvPing, with better rewards for PvPing in teams /shrug.

&lt;removed - please don't get personal&gt;



PvP isn’t balanced,

[/ QUOTE ]

As i said earlier what kind of changes do people want? From my point of view team mechanics remove a lot of issues - there is a counter to pretty much everything its a RPS style thing. eg. Slows countered by speed boost, repel countered by ID. In a team environment theres less of a gap between IOed builds especially toons which are accoladed. As far as blasters and stalkers there probably are issues but blasters can be countered by a few debuffers again its the team mechanic. I would like to stress again +hp accolades make a huge difference.

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



PvP is a lot more balanced in CoH when it comes to teams than some MMO's. 1v1, however, not so much. You've got specialised roles. A Blaster is there to do loads of damage so of course he's going to have an easier job of killing a Defender than the Defender will have of killing him.

In most cases.



What would I like to see PvP-wise?

Well, firstly, I don't PvP. I've been in the zones a few times, bimbled around a bit, usually get AS'd by a stalker, listen to a bit of trash-talk about being a n00b (to which my reply is "Way to make me want to PvP more!"), and then leave.

What would make me possibly interested in PvPing?

Simple, really. An Arena based PvP league, organised here on the forums (whether with the community guys involved or not), with prizes. Fairly loose and flexible organisation, because you can't tie people down to playing at a particular time very easily, but...

Duel League.
3v3 League.
3v3 Casual League.
5v5 League.
5v5 Casual League.
8v8 League.
8v8 Casual League.

The non-casual leagues are for fixed teams. There's nothing stopping a player of a character playing in more than one non-casual league at once (even with the same character), but a particular character may not be on more than one non-casual league team.

The casual league idea is basically for random teams selected from the characters who have registered for the league to be selected by an outside and independent adjudicator, the players in the league earn points individually, rather than by team, and prizes are given to the top 3 characters in each league.

And if the devs implement a "no set bonuses" option to Arena matches, you can have "hardcore" versions of each of those leagues for people who want it with set bonuses active.

Just a little idea, anyway.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Can I just pop in and say that if duelling is your method of PvP, then of course you would think it is broken, because this is a team game, and duelling is about as dull as being forced to be at keyboard whilst filling for people who don't speak english.

Try some team pvp, it's more fun, it's more rewarding and it's a lot more balanced.

EDIT: Though it could be argued that I have this negative view of duels because I suck at duelling, I just find team pvp a lot more fun. Just like any other game, I prefer co-op to FFA, team matches online on FPS are way more fun imo.


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



Best thing that could be done for PvP would be having Union Arena channel closed. Apart from that, there is a huge and extensive list available to anyone about things that could be improved