Dear Devs,




The comments about The Hollows being worked on jumped out at me in particular on a skim read. The Hollows revamp was a tiny amount of work by comparison with revamping the PvP system. Whether that got done or not had zero impact on PvP work in the grand scheme of things. It was something War Witch got to do because there was an amount of time available in her schedule in which she could get that work done. There was a clear reason why Hollows was generally avoided, and the work done was to address that and was addressable with a clearly defined amount of work fit into a small window in a tight schedule. Any belief that working on updating The Hollows was resources "wasted" by not being allocated to PvP is really misleading.

[/ QUOTE ]I think that was time well spent along with the other warning system and we were warned that i12 would be smaller than most other issues content wise.

In regards to constructive:[ QUOTE ]
There are many problems with PvP.

I am a casual PvPer, I tend to use the zones to 'stress test' now powers, what better way to test a new power than against a thinking opponent.

As with the topic in the US of a similar nature (entitled 'why does CoX pvp suck?') there were a lot of problems raised in the topic, I shall voice several raised.

Stalkers and blasters are simply unfun to fight against, I for one don't care about losing, heck I expect with a toon built for PvE primarily than PvP but being 1 or 2-slotted by someone is simply not fun, I love a stand up fight, hell even if I get mezzed (and forgot to bring breakfrees >.&gt and I last longer than 10 seconds, it's still a tad more fun than just being defeated with no possible chance of getting any shots in on the enemy whatsoever because I know it was my own stupidity that cost me the fight and not a game mechanic.

Base raids, while they may be fun, the cost of creating stuff only for it to be trashed while fighting simply means a lot of SGs wont open up to base raiding because it simply risks months (sometimes years) of work on their base to be trashed in under 20 minutes.

Melee classes (besides Stalkers) in PvP are under-represented, what we could do to really boost their PvP Viability is a tough one. Having melee attacks supress travel suppresion, while good, does bring up the problem of that, to quote:

A flying Broadsword Scrapper doing a Brian Blessed and diving into attack an unsuspecting defender who, while trying to run like Stone Cold Steve Austin through Molasses, has no chance as the Scrapper wheels around for another attack before the supression wears off

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a hard problem to solve and I honestly can't think of a decent, no overpowered way, of solving it, better minds than I should be at work at solving the problem though.

FoTM builds are always going to be a problem, there really is no way of dealing with it, some set combos simply will outpreform others, however, perhaps making it so that the other sets aren't outpreformed by such a wide margin (buffing certain sets for PvP situations only) as to make them atleast a viable, if not alternative, choice where someone new could atleast succeed decently in PvP instead of being dropped every time like a dead weight simply because they made the wrong powerset choices.

No tangible rewards, for one, up the rep for kills gained, for gods sake get rid of the current decay rate, allow people to earn that 400 rep badge over time and increase the rep from a measly 1.00 upto a 10, that's still 40 PvPers you have to kill to gain that badge and you DON'T have to actually resort to rep farming to do it for a change.

The problem is that you end up going the WoW Arena route. Make PvP rewards completely outshadow 90% of the PvE rewards and it kills a large percentage simply because the PvP rewards are better (large raiding guilds suffered massively thanks to Arena simply because people could get perfectly viable PvE gear, not only with less effort but far easier than attending tier 4-5 PvE dungeon raids).

[/ QUOTE ]Doc makes some very good points, the main ones which jump out are the rep, blasters/stalkers, base raids and tangible rewards (as did a few others before him).

The rep points one would make me play a little more for starters mainly because the second rep badge grants a very useful gladiator badge which I can try and gain my healing badges on. I'm also told by certain rednames (possibly Bridger but can't clearly remember) that City PvP is geared towards team-based PvP, that we should band together to fight against these kind of malicious opponents but when we do the rep is usually shared in pitiful amounts between team-mates. One time I got 0.25 in a team which meant it would take about 1600 PvP opponents to defeat in order to get the 400 rep badge discounting the decay rate which would push that number even higher. Unless I was prepared to devote weeks and weeks of my life to getting it with a group of fun-loving people who could kick [censored] where I fell then it would just feel like time wasted (much like my one and only EU hami raid, i9 edition).

Tangible rewards - not so tricky, grant common recipes as rewards for PvP kills. The system can tell who you killed last anyway within a certain time limit so why not use it.

Blasters/stalkers - I agree with Doc in that it's not fun to be two-shotted to death by either something you can't see or something that can't be stopped. Doms got a boost to their mez strength which I think is underminded by the new blaster defiance and stalkers can have up to 3 layers of stealth before Bloody Bay and a move that does almost as much damage as an AV.

The only other problem I have with PvP is something that no amount of dev time short of employing full-time observers to each of the PvP zones is over-the-top trash-talking. I'm already feeling down about an under-performing (ie non PvP galvanized) build getting wiped out; the last thing I wanna hear is some mouthy player bragging about how he got me with his uber-kill-all build that he spent X billion inf on enhancements for. I now operate on a 'one-death, I leave' rule; if I die, I'm done, gone, out of there. This would probably fall under the category of power balancing as my main is FF and most of his powers really fall apart in PvP including Force Bubble (which is supposed to repel opponents but usually doesn't in PvP because players have higher mag resists than NPCs). But then that all leads back to teaming in PvP with my support class aiding the heavy hitters.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Everyone sees Base Raids as a problem because they think stuff needs to be rebuilt after one. When in fact it doesn't. The only time stuff needs to be repaired is when its a scheduled IoP raid, which have never happened. Oh and I concede that people who don't know what they are talking about shouldn't comment.



you want people to pvp and when they state something you dont agree on. you tell em to go [censored] them selfs and then wonder why some people dont pvp?

[/ QUOTE ]



[/ QUOTE ]

You need to appeal to everyone. Not specific groups.
Everyone should comment on it, whether they PvP or not. Comment as in constructive. Why? because everyone has access to it, whether they want it or not. Except the trial players, they can go rot. Or buy the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

You should listen to everyone, but ultimately there are only two ways to increase PvP population.

1. Get more people playing the game, a proportion of whom will PvP
2. Get PvE'ers PvPing.

Making PvP zones more attractive to people who are allready in them is quite evidently not a way to increase PvP population (although arguably they may spend more time online).



If you want to keep the current PvPers you need to appeal to them, keep interest etc. If you want to draw new players in, you need to make PvP easily accessible, fun from the start and keep requirements to be effective to a minimum. Currently certain powers don't make a difference, acrobatics changes has started things off in making things viable again. Hopefully I13 will bring in more well thought out changes and PvEers who detest PvP for the sake of it realise a good thing when they see it.



I've canceled my subs till something big happens pvp wise to get me back. Sorry for my attitude but i'm a bit fed up with shannon thinking she knows all, yeah we all know you pwn with your empath who buffs with teleport



If you want to draw new players in, you need to make PvP easily accessible, fun from the start and keep requirements to be effective to a minimum.

[/ QUOTE ]

And more experienced PvPers also have a responsibility to treat new players gently, and not act in a way which might put them off from exploring PvP further.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I agree. I don't do PvP myself but PvPers deserve as much reason to keep doing what they enjoy as PvEers do.
*Link* <----- A thread I made ages ago.



If you want to draw new players in, you need to make PvP easily accessible, fun from the start and keep requirements to be effective to a minimum.

[/ QUOTE ]

And more experienced PvPers also have a responsibility to treat new players gently, and not act in a way which might put them off from exploring PvP further.

[/ QUOTE ]

We're not all like psydock

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



Sorry for my attitude but i'm a bit fed up with shannon thinking she knows all

[/ QUOTE ]

Then your attitude is there, because you think, that I think, that I know all. Your attitude is there because you put it there.

PvP needs work in this game and its no secret.

Inbalances exist that some matches may as well of been fixed. Pretenders may rise to a throne.

I don't like people telling other people what I think when they can't possibly know. Often no matter how you word things people will read into it "their way" or assign a personality to you that doesn't exist.

Edit: I will like to point out that there are some very good PvPers who treat it as a science, are very warm to new people, leave their egos outside of their characters, aren't irrational and act in a mature manner when PvPing. More people like them should get more people in PvP.

Edit No 2: To be fair I habitually troll PvPers, should my tank be in a PvP zone I would rather her to not have to use taunt at all...thanks

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



GG I would say that applies to everyone not just experienced players. I can see why you single that group out but repeatedly defeating players isn't the only way of putting people off.



Sorry for my attitude but i'm a bit fed up with shannon thinking she knows all

[/ QUOTE ]

Then your attitude is there, because you think, that I think, that I know all. Your attitude is there because you put it there.

PvP needs work in this game and its no secret.

Inbalances exist that some matches may as well of been fixed. Pretenders may rise to a throne.

I don't like people telling other people what I think when they can't possibly know. Often no matter how you word things people will read into it "their way" or assign a personality to you that doesn't exist.

Edit: I will like to point out that there are some very good PvPers who treat it as a science, are very warm to new people, leave their egos outside of their characters, aren't irrational and act in a mature manner when PvPing. More people like them should get more people in PvP.

Edit No 2: To be fair I habitually troll PvPers, should my tank be in a PvP zone I would rather her to not have to use taunt at all...thanks

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey...any thing that keeps you out of my realm can only be a good thing

For if our paths were to ever cross in one of my pvp zones, you really wouldn't like the outcome.

@Sweet Chilli




For if our paths were to ever cross in one of my pvp zones, you really wouldn't like the outcome.

[/ QUOTE ]

Rofl @ "my"



Realm lol. I'm suprised you didn't follow up with "thou shall taste thine steel cur!". Been a while since I actually seen you do anything. I still need to go to Siren's more.



Sorry for my attitude but i'm a bit fed up with shannon thinking she knows all

[/ QUOTE ]

Then your attitude is there, because you think, that I think, that I know all. Your attitude is there because you put it there.

PvP needs work in this game and its no secret.

Inbalances exist that some matches may as well of been fixed. Pretenders may rise to a throne.

I don't like people telling other people what I think when they can't possibly know. Often no matter how you word things people will read into it "their way" or assign a personality to you that doesn't exist.

Edit: I will like to point out that there are some very good PvPers who treat it as a science, are very warm to new people, leave their egos outside of their characters, aren't irrational and act in a mature manner when PvPing. More people like them should get more people in PvP.

Edit No 2: To be fair I habitually troll PvPers, should my tank be in a PvP zone I would rather her to not have to use taunt at all...thanks

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey...any thing that keeps you out of my realm can only be a good thing

For if our paths were to ever cross in one of my pvp zones, you really wouldn't like the outcome.

[/ QUOTE ]

Another one assuming what I'd think.

Our paths have crossed.

Your powers are as follows:

Char, Flashfire, Bonfire, Fire Imps.
Radiant Aura, Radiant Infection, Accelerate Metabolism, Enervating Field, Linger Radiation
Hasten, Superspeed
Hurdle, Health, Stamina, Swift
Assault, Tactic
Combat Jump, Super Jump, Acrobatics
Conserve Power, Powerblast, Temp Invulneranility and Powerboost.

Accolades include Vanguard, Atlas, Portal Jockey, Freedom Phalanx, Eye of the Magus and Geas of the Kind ones.

How close is that?

I didn't even have to come off of the Zukunft server.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



SweetChilli has been Shanalyzed!



Isn't it Marlboros (sp?) rather than Sweet Chilli now? An while we're at it does anyone want to guess what i'm thinking? :P



I've canceled my subs till something big happens pvp wise to get me back. Sorry for my attitude but i'm a bit fed up with shannon thinking she knows all, yeah we all know you pwn with your empath who buffs with teleport

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sure we'll all miss your mature, intelligent posts. Bye now!



The amount of inf on the auction house just plummeted. Anyway back on Topic: i hope the dev's do what needs to be done to make PvP excellent and not just what they can fit in. I'd rather it take ages and they get it right than make huge changes quickly and get it wrong.



I've canceled my subs till something big happens pvp wise to get me back. Sorry for my attitude but i'm a bit fed up with shannon thinking she knows all, yeah we all know you pwn with your empath who buffs with teleport

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sure we'll all miss your mature, intelligent posts. Bye now!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm gonna miss you too darling xx



I still haven't had the chance to fully read the thread, but I am following it ... just for noting:

Whether or not someone currently plays PvP in CoX is not a valid reason to tell them they aren't allowed to comment. That person can still have valid opinions formed on prior experience in other games (or CoX itself in the past).

These forums are open for all CoX players to express their opinions. If you disagree with someone, then feel free to explain why you disagree. However, to stress it again, dismissing an opinion out of hand simply because the person holding the opinion is not a current CoX PvPer is not a valid counter-argument. Pointing out why their opinion might be outdated, or not relevant to CoX, is a far better approach and helps advance the discussion instead of getting it bogged down in silly arguments.



I've canceled my subs till something big happens pvp wise to get me back. Sorry for my attitude but i'm a bit fed up with shannon thinking she knows all, yeah we all know you pwn with your empath who buffs with teleport

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure we'll all miss your mature, intelligent posts. Bye now!

[/ QUOTE ]

Because coming out with comments like that makes you much more mature and better than he is



I've canceled my subs till something big happens pvp wise to get me back. Sorry for my attitude but i'm a bit fed up with shannon thinking she knows all, yeah we all know you pwn with your empath who buffs with teleport

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure we'll all miss your mature, intelligent posts. Bye now!

[/ QUOTE ]

Because coming out with comments like that makes you much more mature and better than he is

[/ QUOTE ]

Play nice, you.



Because coming out with comments like that makes you much more mature and better than he is

[/ QUOTE ]
Not really - but hey, I can spell.

The best way to get new people in to PvP (in my opinion) would be to offer tangible rewards.

These can come in such as:

A) Chance for Common Recipe/Salvage per enemy player kill.
B) Chance for Recipe/Salvage for completing a PvPvE Objective:
<ul type="square">[*]Bloody Bay: Common Recipe/Salvage on top of Shivan Shard temp. [*]Sirens Call: Uncommon Recipe/Salvage on top of the SO or instead of one. [*]Warburg: Uncommon Recipe/Salvage for launching the Warburg rocket and/or for picking up an access code. [*]RV: Rare Recipe/Salvage for completing a zone objective like taking a pill box. [/list]
A) and B) aren't mutually exclusive, so you'd still get a chance for drops while actively PvP'ing even if you're not hitting zone objectives. Any drops would be the same as Mob drops so we're not tapping any TF or Trial pools and would be around the same chance of getting something as in PvE (maybe a bit higher, mind, for the PvPvE stuff). I think this would encourage some more people to PvP as well as adding more value to the PvPvE Objectives in the PvP Zones themselves.

As for getting more people in to Arena, that's trickier. You can't really offer loot for kills or winning a match because it'd be pretty damn easy to abuse that.



Lie mode: Shenny is contributing loads to this discussion. Serious mode: i don't think having rewards for arena PvP would be good. Maybe badges when its balanced but other than that it should be fun enough to draw people in without extra incentives.



I've canceled my subs till something big happens pvp wise to get me back. Sorry for my attitude but i'm a bit fed up with shannon thinking she knows all, yeah we all know you pwn with your empath who buffs with teleport

[/ QUOTE ]

What? Your mum won't pay anymore you mean?

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"