IC rumours




"Christ....Longbow are getting riled up. I've been stopped by them three flipping times today."

"Huh, you been talking to the wrong people again? Heheh."

"Ah, shut it. But no....no. Something spooked them alright, they seemed worried trouble was going down."

"The thing at Siren's Call?"

"Probably. Big attack on the gate yesterday, right? Got put down by the drones?"

"...hey, uh, you think something might have gotten through?"

"Don't be stupid."

- Conversation heard in Steel Canyon, early Wednesday morning.



"yo dudes, you hearing me?"
"yea dude, whatsup?"
"you hear of that Drade guy yeas?"
"yea, the hunter guy, why?"
"yea, get this.. my bro in the Craotao saw him, with like twenty other robe guys around him!"
"Wow dude, thats harsh.. bet he aint walking no more!" * laughter*
"nah dude, hes walking.. he beat the whole lot up in like under a minute!"
"WHAT! no way! Thats not heard of! dude."
"well, i know hard to believe as it is, but he grab one and asked him where some Magnus guy was but the guy was out cold so he dropped him and walked off!"
"pah, thats all a lie, noone could beat up twenty guys by himself without a weapon!"
"well he did, and those robe guys just turned to dust and disappeared in the wind! freaky or what!"

Said by two guys talking outside the city hall in atlas park on 18th of may.



Conversation between a MAGI mystic and his friend:

"Did you hear about the murders a few days ago?

"What, where the whole family was killed? Yeah, i did"

"You also remember how they were killed?"

"Wasn't it that they were all frozen?"

"Yeah, thats right. Now, don't go telling anyone this, but everyone at MAGI knows it's a demon now."

"An ice demon in Paragon? I thought the hellfrost were all in the rogue isles?"

"It's not a hellfrost. It's... well, something else"



"You hear about that...that weird Doc guy...the one who invented Chronodyne..."

"Yeah...that bombed big time didn't it..two weeks on the market before it got yanked...stupid move if you ask me...should have kept his mouth shut..."

"Yeah well he's been spouting it off again...talking to a robot chick...Kanae ((sorry if i spelt your name wrong...it's late and my head hurts)) in D's a while back, heard them myself"

"Oh yeah...what about this time?"

"Apparently the New Mafia are taking to shipping Chronodyne...hard to believe they'd take on something as hot as that stuff..damn stupid if you ask me..."

"Yeah real stupid...probably just trying to get them in trouble...i mean i heard him and Pistol don't see eye to eye at all, something about him trying to date her sister or something..."

-Conversation overheard in Kings row between two thugs.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Hey, did you hear about the zombies?"
"The Vazihlok guys?"
"Naw, man, these guys were proper zombies. Lurchin' and everything."
"Really? Freaky."
"Yeah.. apparently they were comin' outta the forest on the outskirts of Paragon."
"Really? Why d'you think that is?"
"Dunno. Maybe some Necromancers got his knickers in a twist or somethin'."

-Two students chatting outside a University.

Sometimes, even heroes need saving.

"For truth, justice and apple pies!"



Rumourm has it that Dr Mechanibus has created a powerful protective battlesuit using some untested power source. Also, rumour has it that the suit has gone missing...



Mysterious deaths of three female arachnos agents!

Last night the bodies of three female Arachnos operatives and one female longbow operative were found unburied in the Vagabond hills of Cap Au Diable. Reports of the victims being left shrivelled husks are attempting to be denyed by Arachnos.

Some claim this to be the work of the Circle of Thorns, having been known to operate in that area for quite some time, it is not known for the Circle to leave their victims like this.

When questions an Arbiter who wished to remain nameless said, "Yeah it's like someone just sucked the soul of out of them...i mean the Longbow chick i don't care about, they can go to hell but those three poor ladies, i mean, they were just trying to help protect this city, they didn't sign on for this..."

What kind of man or beast could have done such a deed so vile and wicked even by the standards set in the isles. Rogue Island Police continue their investigation...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



<conversation between two Pocket D patrons late last night>

1: "Did you see the big mercenary guy in here earlier mouthing off at the demon?"

2: "no. what happened?"

1: "I got no idea. He just came charging in, and started shouting. Chim came over to break it up, and she was told to mind her own business, and that its being taken outside"

2: "so they duked it out in the parking lot then?"

1: "Nah, the demon refused to leave, so the big guy throws a bullet at his feet and threatens him before leaving"

2: "I wonder what he done to [censored] him off..."

1: "probably nothing... the way i hear it, the big guy's got a major grudge against demons"



< heard by a few people around Galaxy city, two people seem to of been talking about an event earlyer in the day.>

"hey Joe, did hear and see what went on at the statue like 30 mins ago?"
" Nah i didn't Max, what happend?"
" theres reports of some ghost there at the statue, so some guys came dress all in black to try and get rid of it.."
"Why did they just get one of those heroes to do it?"
"god knows.. anyway as i was saying, two minutes after they got there someone saw them as did i, running for their lives shouting about some screaming in their ears, and i saw like four bunches of hovering pebbles flying after them."
"whoa.. thats freaky Max, bet you want to go check it out yea?"
" No thanks.. i'm not going back there unless i get payed for it."



“Hey Tony, can you cover Vince’s slot tonight?”

“Why? What happened to him? He off sick?”

“Yeah, he says the last thing he remembers is some broad with a tail chatting him up then he woke up with one big kahuna of a headache.”

“She doped him?”

“Dunno, he says his wallet was still there and everything. Probably one of Vince’s dodgy friends.”

“Probably. What a jerk.”

(Conversation between two Pocket D barmen on Monday morning.)

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



"hmm thats wierd.."

"What is?"

"Says some villain was kidnapped yesterday in the paper... but the description kinda fits her over there"

Raven Skathe turns to face the two smiles, winks and waves then walks off down the street.

"heh... "

"well she don't look very kidnapped to me..."

"Ah whatever man... think I could get her number?"

<conversation between to men standing outside the same cafe where Raven Deathstorm had been kidnapped from yesterday>



"Hmm... that van's been parked outside the Unity Vigil headquaters for over two weeks now..."
"Yeah, probably theirs or something."
"Heh, if it was an ice cream van or something, it'd be like in those movies where they spy on people and tap their phones or something."

Two people in a cafe in Skyway City.



"Another load of Hellions were tagged last night."

"Oh yeah? Gangbangers got in over their heads?"

"Maybe. A lot of blunt trauma and burnt flesh - ironically enough - on 'em all. Think one of the Capes got a little too enthusiastic."

"On the streets?"

"Nah. Some warehouse on the edge of Galaxy City."

- Conversation heard in a local morgue.



The Longbow officer looked at the stamped out cigar by the vault door which stood dented, but not destroyed.
"I am assuming they caught him?" said the officer, the PPD shock his head
"No sir, he got away..."
"Unfortunate...Headbreaker is making a name for himself. Luckily we've prevented him from robbing this bank twice!"
The PPD looked about at the damage
"Begging your pardon sir but each attack has been more sever, do you think we could stop him a third time?"
The longbow laughed
"He's a villain, of course we'll stop him..."

Not too far away, in a dark alley, the slow burning of a cigar fills the air with a pungent smell as clouds of thick black smoke pour from the mans mouth as he eyes up the bank from a safe distance,

"No-one makes a fool of me twice then lives to tell the tale...i'm gonna destroy Kings Row...i'll make sure they remember my name!!"

he takes a last draw of his cigar and throws it to the ground as he escapes down a manhole back to his contact, then back to the Isles...



“What makes you say that?”

“I was getting off the ferry in Port Oakes last night when I heard a yelp from up the top of the cliff stairway. I looked up and saw this freakin’ huge bearded guy dangling Big Game over the edge of the wall.”

“Big Game, you sure?”

“Yeah it had to be him, who else wears tiger striped pants?”

“Got a point there...Then what happened?”

“While he was dangling Game over the edge, the big guy starts tearing into the crazy merc. Im guessing Big Game started to do some pretty fancy talking, ‘cause after a few minutes the big guy hauls Game back over the wall. Then I swear they shook hands, and headed off to Ds together.”

“What do you ‘spose it was all about?”

“Ha! You know Big Game he probably slept with the guy’s girlfriend.”

“Yeah...Or his sister.”

“Hmmm...Maybe it was his mother?”

“Nah, his grandmother.”

“Eeeeugh! That’s gross...Hell knowing Game he probably slept with all of ‘em.”

<Both men burst into simultaneous laughter!>


Talk heard between two ferry passengers this morning.



“Ok now I seen it all.”

“Why, what you see?”

“That Big Game actually turned a woman down.”

“What the hell? She must of been ugly as sin, a real bush pig.”

“No total opposite. She was totally hot! It was that Elizabeth Balthory, you know that vampire, runs her court from that castle in Cap Au Diable.”

“No way! Well can’t blame Game for not wanting anything to do with that. If he had gone home with her he would of probably ended up a dry husk thrown into a dumpster, or serving as one of her lap dogs. Mind you takes a hell of a lot of moxie to turn down a lady that powerful. I bet she wasn’t to pleased about it.”

“Damn straight! I don’t think anybody has ever said no to her before. If looks could kill Game would of been a bloody stain across the bar floor. She totally vamped out, turned into a giant freakin’ bat monster and tore out of the bar.”

“Man, I kinda feel sorry for Big Game. You hear all kinds of sick rumours about what goes on at that castle of hers .Just imagine what she is going to do to Game if she gets hold of him.”

“Hey who knows maybe Big Game will surprise us all, after all hasn’t he taken up monster hunting as a sideline?”

“Yeah, he’s pretty good at it too. I heard he captured himself a real live Gargoyle by the Clock Tower near Fort Darwin last week.”

“Well he better hope he is good enough to handle vampires too, cause I can’t imagine being humiliated by Big Game it going to sit easy with Balthory.”


Conversation between two Pocket D patrons late Wednesday night.



”You know that big fella that nearly wasted Sternum’s entire clan a couple of months ago?”

“Yeah, that Goody Two-shoes. So?”

“I saw him and that green rad-girl of his last night near Wentworth’s. And guess what?”


“He went down on one knee and handed her a ring the size of a friggin’ egg!”

“Really? Geez!”

“Yeah I know! Shall we pop her next time we see her and nick it?”

“Damn straight! We’ll be rich fer sure!”

Conversation between two Skull gangers in Kings Row this morning.



"What the hell caused this!?"

"Bomb, they reckon. Left by the Council as an unpleasant surprise."

"Anyone hurt?"

"No, but almost took out a few of those Militia types."

"Shame, I can't stand those guys."

*Conversation between two firemen attending a blaze in Founder's Falls.*

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



"man this place looks like a warzone..."

"Tell me about it, feel sorry for the guys we had out here on patrol.."

"So what's actually happened, we've got an unconscious cape in the hospital..."

"Yeah poor Override..."

"...the bank robbed, a jewelry store robbed, a bar set fire too, looking at over a hundred counts of GBH on PPD officers, Longbow and any witless goon that stumbled into the area, vandlism, the destruction of every single motorized vehicle within the area along with all the bus stops, fire hydrants and the like...plus the break out of a known villain called Shock treatment and the PPD precient generally trashed..."

"I've got one of the witness..says they saw who did it.."

"hmm go ahead what's the description..."

"Elderly gent, grey skin, accompanied by a small team of robots of varying size, a very large Caucasian male, dressed mostly in black and a small Caucasian female dressed in a skirt and vest top..."

"Hmm best feed this to the capes and HQ, judging from the few that arrived they look mighty angry, especially with regards Override..."

Conversation between two PPD officers on Talos Island.

((I.E. Myself, Big Lunk and Pica really went on a massive rampage in a mayhem mission and cleared the entire map of anything hostile or blowupable and did all the side missions...man it was great fun, only time i've finished a mayhem mission wit more time than i started))

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




((I.E. Myself, Big Lunk and Pica really went on a massive rampage in a mayhem mission and cleared the entire map of anything hostile or blowupable and did all the side missions...man it was great fun, only time i've finished a mayhem mission wit more time than i started))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Damn you, Mechano for offering Lunk a somewhat destructive outlet for pent up stress! He'll be getting moaned at by Lunk for having to pay out to cover up his involvment in this :P ))



USA Times
The paper for todays American!

The mutant protests continued yesterday in Minnesota, over 2,000 Mutates marched the streets. Eyewitnesses say no violence had broken out and it was a peaceful protest for Mutant rights. The protest finally came to a standstill midday yesterday, the majority left most likly to head home. But some strange sightings were seen roughly two hours after the somewhat peaceful protest, a small alleyway near where the protests took place was encased in solid ice, trapping several pedestrians inside of it, which ultimatly lead to their unfortunate death. Eyewitnesses said "All i seen was this steaming block of ice, and.. and people trapped inside of it, i tried smashing it, breaking the ice open but it was impossible! Its them Mutants, who else could of done this?!" described Bill Bloggs. The investigation is underway, the Minnesotan Police Department have no suspects yet.



"They're coming I tell you! It's all there, don't you see! You gotta do something! We're all doomed.. They're all coming!!"

From a screaming man running around Kings Row between 2 and 5pm on the 13th of June, who oddly disappeared down an alleyway.

(( Yes, this is some IC stuff about I10, I just couldn't help myself ))

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



<Tyger looks down in a solumn stance>

I barely survived last time...

They took my allies...
They took my friends...
They nearly took my life.... after I took theirs...

I stood as Vanguard to fight them in Europe and now I'm called again to fight them in Paragon.

Well this time...

... I'll kill them all

((Tyger standing on a ledge of a skyscraper in Peregrine holding a recall letter from the Vanguard before roaring out into the night))

{{For added effect I just did it in-game too}}

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



"Yo' 'Enry? You hear 'bout this new virus on the web?"

"... No."

"Apparently, it gets into the network and just spams a sound-byte."

"What's it say?"

"Accordin' to this, "The storm is comin'."

"Probably just some punk kids from Steel."


[Two office workers talking about the TM.VM virus.]