IC rumours




((Nova, your above post is not a rumour so it should have been posted here at the Recaps and Plots thread.))



((It's tabloid, which in the states is practically printed rumor. Unlike the UK, in the US noone really takes anything a tabloid say seriously. Furhtermore, if lunks Rogue Isles news channel report is here, then I thought mine was in the right place))



(( I'd put it else where if only for the sheer length of it... and then summerise it in here, keeping it short and to the point. ))

"Do you see those bushes?"

"Yes, what about them?"

"Only yesterday I've seen them get torched by Rikti plasma blasts... and now they're fine..."


"You're telling me..."

"It's probably those plant ladies of the Garden Jewels"

"Oh, they're hot... Especially the tall blond... I bought a ring for my girlfriend there"

"But you don't have a girlfriend!"

"I know... I guess I'll sell it back... or ask her out.."

A conversation between two men walking in Port Oakes, passing the Garden Jewels jewellery store.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



'WOAH! Did you see that?'


'A whole bunch of Robots running towards the childrens home!'

'Dammit wheres a pay phone when you need one?'

'Knew I should of bought a cellphone'

Conversation between two old women in Brickstown

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



"Hey did ya hear?! That 'Hero Slayer' struck again. Sky Dragon got messed up!"

"Yeah lucky for heroes they got the medevac system or else..."

"Yeah... My friend says their sending out a Ballista to hunt this guy down in St. Martial."

"Really.. you think he will be enough? I mean that guy took down Back Alley! They should send like Ms Lib, or Synaspse or someone."

"No dufus, he's targeting heroes! Besides want do you want? A ballista is the best we got.!"

((Conversation between two longbow recruits in Mercy))



"I can't believe Inago has killed again. This time a group of security guards who were looking after an old spellbook. That's messed up..."



[conversation between 2 pocket D patrons]

"damn... i just learnt a real important lesson"

"whats that?"

"Dont drink from unattended bottles you find at bars"

"hahah! let me guess, cigarette ends?"

"nah, there was this ring in the bottom of a bottle of scotch... [censored] nearly chocked to death"



"...the new Steel Guard fought another armored hero in the sky of Talos Island. The other hero claimed to be named Steel Guard too and called his opponent an impostor."



"Hey, you hear about that Rebirth guy? They say they've found him, all stripped down by the Rikti apparently..."

Crey scientists talking in lobby.



"You hear what MAGI found this morning?"

"No what?"

"A woman... made completely of ice"

"wow.. she melted yet?"

<laughs> "Nah... apparently she's so cold the water in the air around her creates a self controled atmosphere around her."

"a what now?"

<sighs> "in other words, she keeps herself frozen by freezing the air"

"wow.. so whats she like?"

"what'cha mean?"

"Like.. y'know"

"aww man...is that all y'think about?"

"Well..yeah.. I mean.. well?"

<sighs and walks away>

((Two rookie heroes talking in the freedom corps building in atlas))



Heard in Aeon City Hospital this morning.
"Monica hasn't come in to work again..."
"I've phoned her place, but there's still no answer, and her mobile is off... I'm worried about her."
"Maybe the R-"
"Don't say it... I know, but don't say it..."

<A conversation between a nurse and a Junior Doctor.>



"Hey I heard that Family boss Morretti got burgled Wednesday night. Apparently a real valuable painting got robbed. The guy who did it left some sort of calling card too, calling himself Jackpot."

"I bet Morretti is totally steamed."

"Yeah. I heard he's got that merc Big Game hunting the guy down."

"Big Game? I heard Morretti, and his boys kidnapped Game a little while ago."

"Maybe Game got that Stockholm sybdrone or something?..."


Conversation between a couple of Family goons.



Conversation between two patrons in Pocket D this morning

"Hey did you see those two girls last night?"

"The green one and that tall one with the freaky eyes? What about them?"

"Yeah, well, I've seen that tall one down loads of drinks and hardly flinch. She'd hardly been in here a couple of minutes before I saw her being carried out by that green one. Out cold she was."


"Mhmm. Also, I've never seen those two together, why do you think she took her?"

"I dunno. But if she went into the Isles, it cant be good."



Conversation between two passing tourists this morning

Tourist 1: Hey, did you take a look at these snapshots I got?
Tourist 2: Wow, they're really good, I like... err.. the way this bit does ... that.
Tourist 1: Yeah, it's really nice the way the light plays off of this... bit.
Tourist 2: Hey..... You bought these... didn't you? The logo on the back says Feld's Fotos!
Tourist 1: No way...
Tourist 2: You're a complete cheat, buying holiday snapshots. Take your own!


Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Conversation between two beat cops in Steel, two nights ago...

"Hey, you spoken to Greggs yet?"

"Naw man, ain't seen 'im. Why, sup?"

"He says he was on patrol the other night when a Rikti death squad attacked him. Says he'd be dead now if it hadn't been for the archer that saved his hide."

"What archer? You mean like that Crimson guy?"

"No. He says this guy was different. Wore a hood 'n' all, but he seemed younger, fiercer. Says the Rikti were almost on him when the air was filled with arrows. Next thing he knows, the Rikti are all dead and this archer just nods at him before disappearing over a rooftop..."

"He report it in?"

"Yeah, but the Commisioner has wrote it off as another of that Crimson fella's acts of courage. Commisioner's got himself some wood over that crimson hood guy."

"Heh...yeah. Say, wanna grab a doughnut over in Faultline?"

"Sure, you drive, I'll buy."



Two ravers in Pocket D last night:

"You hear that? That blonde - the one in the fishnets..."
"Yeh? Whut?"
"Asking that Tyger guy to rip off some Vanguard files for her..."
"No way..."
"Ooh...that can end no way that's good..."
"I hear that!"

"Can you get pizza here?"



Said by two members of the public in Galaxy city..

"..you know who i saw earlyer on?"
"No, who?"
"That hunter hero guy, i forget his name, anyways, he was walking around with a blind fold on, bumping into things and people."
"oh, who he bump into?"



"Oh my God! Sandra look over there."

"Um...Trace, aint that Big Game?"

"Yep, except he aint wearing them tiger striped pants."

"Trace, he isnt wearing any pants!!!"

*Grins* "I know. Cute little black boxers with the red love hearts though..."


Conversation between Pocket D regulars Sandra, and Tracey. 21/08/07.



Conversation between two teenagers in Galaxy City this morning

"Ya think I would look cool in spandex?"

"What!? No! No one looks 'cool' in spandex! Why?"

"Just thinkin'... I've been trainin' Tae-Kwon-Do ya know."

"What the [censored] does that got to do with spandex?"

"Nothin'. I just... Paragon City Protectors are recruitin' new heroes, that's all."

"Oh man! Those guys over at ELITE gonna chew you up and spit you out!"



OOC bits:

Felt that this was a little more appropriate sitting in this thread, if not the feel free to tell me where to stick it.

No wait, ......

IC bits:

Paragons front-line crumbles!

It seemed as if the end was far too clearly in sight yesterday for the Paragon Super-group 'The Militia'. After an intense week of public-brawling and unflattering media-attention it seems as though even their benefactors 'Wayne industries' have decided to pull the plug.

Wayne Industries, originally fronted by the late Sir Michael Wayne, passed a motion on the 20th of august this year, to liquidate all of the company’s assets in light of Sir Wayne’s recent death. Wayne industries had battled a valiant year throughout the many disasters that befell Paragon city and it was believed that the company had even held afloat during the latest Rikti invasion but after Sir Wayne was tragically killed during a Rikti attack, an emergency meeting was held and the decision to liquidate: an action that was always halted by Sir Wayne himself, was agreed. The closure date is believed to be as early as September this year.

It's held that Wayne Industries, and in particular Sir Wayne himself, were the sole financers for 'the militia' due to their past record of outstanding super-heroics. Sir Michael was once quoted last year as saying, "these are some of the finest men and women this city could ever hope to protect them. They are self-less, ever-giving and true examples of what a hero should live up to. This company is proud to support these fine individuals in their never-ending battle".

As it seems though, the glory days of super-heroics are over. The world - 'the militia' in particular- will have to slowly and painfully adjust to that. With riots amongst their ranks and suspected-murderers in their head-quarters, one would feel that this is simply the wake-up call these "heroes" are long over-due. With so much turmoil behind there closed doors, the city itself is beginning to feel left-aside by the controversy caused by these events. And also by those who swore to protect them.

For ‘Militia’ front-man 'Britanic', the future must be an unsettling place: is he asking himself, we wonder, “What would Wayne do?".




((Dude, I know the media in Paragon City is hardly ever accurate, but not a single word in your above article makes sense. If you had done some background research, or contacted Militia leaders for information, you would know that there was never any IC connection between Micheal Wayne and the public, let alone between him and the Agency; he has always been a distant man with little affiliation with the Militia. I suggest you adjust a few paragraphs in your article and I heartedly advice the community to IC-ly discard Kara Trent's news reporting as nothing but jargon; otherwise you will be left confused both IC and OOC. Thank you.))



(( okay, seems i'll take a slap on the wrist for that. What i find doesnt make sense tho is that if the guy was such a hermit - as in the fact that he never spoke to the public - Why would he fund an SG? And again, if he was such the Howard Hughes-type, how did he consistantly block actions from his board and shareholders? They could have easily folded the company from underneath him, a chairman cannot exercise power over his board or shareholders if it is detremental to the company, especially in oncoming financial crisis. Gimmie a few days to humbley sort out a retrection condemming my sources but i feel that it's a little unfair to simply pass it off as jargon over the matter of what i imagine will be most likely the quote from Wayne. Thanks for the input tho, Keeps us all straight.))



((Ah, so now (after printing) you want to know about Micheal Wayne and his methods, well its inappropriate for this thread; I shall PM you with the answers to your questions shortly. I think I've made my point clear enough here and so will make no further posts concerning the matter, in the hope of avoiding further bickering. Thanx))



((indeed it could have been avoided by simply PMing the artical to the play that has created that bit of back ground to get details, rather than posting regardless.))



"Okay, I'm back"
"What took you so long"
"Well as I was coming out of the door, Dr Mechano shoved me aside, went in and slammed the door. I asked him what his problem was"
"He probably needed to go. He is kinda old. That couldn't have taken that long."
"Well as I was coming back this woman in a leather kill-jill suit scared the bejeezus out o' me. That look she had could've melted titanium. I'm sure I'd seen her before as well which is why it tok so long.."
<a slight pause between the two of them>
"You were checking out her [censored], weren't you?"

Two drinking buddies in Pocket D digressing on Mechano's toilet break

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.