IC rumours




"hey you heard about whats happening?"

"no, whats happening?"

"well, it looks like freedom corp or someone else thinks theres something going to happen soon."

"what!? noo.. not in this city, i mean its full of heroes."

" well theres been reports of some sort of new thing beating up all the hellions around here in the dead of night."

" i wondered where they all went.."

(( ok a little i10 thing from me, also watch out.. something is coming.. to help? or to destory?))



*Two Arachnos wolf spiders stand by a body being wheeled off to a hospital in the isles*

"Ok let me get this straight...this girls spinal fluid was drained?"

"Yep completely"

"And nothing else was done?"

"Well she died from a blow to the skull with a heavy object we think."

"Right and who did it? You saw him right?"

"Some guy in a black gas mask and wearing skintight leathers."

"Oh great that narrows it down. Lets see we have at least five thousand suspects now!"

"Well who cares? Its not our problem really."

"Yeah but what if this sick [censored] gets sick of just stealing the spinal fluid from little girls?"

"Ah...gotcha. Well we'll deal with that if it happens I guess."



A young man walked into the popular sex shop in St. Martial, Jackpot. He was a normal office type man, shirt, tie, all the rest. He was a regular at the adult shop but something was diffrent today, pints of blood seemd to be on the pavement outside, stained into it, darker than any normal blood. He looks to the cashier as he made a purchase.

"Whats with the blood outside Susan?" He asked.

"Last night... just, bad things. You know how rough it is around 'ere."

"Something happen like? Doesnt sound good." Replied the mid-twenties man.

"We shut early last night, the pavement will be cleaned sometime Thursday."

The cashier bagged the item handing the black bag to the man. He took it, then looked curiosly at her breifly, he then walked out of the black fronted shop stepping over the pool of dried blood covering a good 3ft radius. He continued down the street, looking back once or twice.



"Hey Matches, I think there is some new gang trying ta move in on our turf."

"Whattya mean Flint?"

"I was just hangin' in Atlas Park waiting for an easy purse to grab, when I see these guys in funky blue armour and masks totally whale on this hot chick."

"They kill her?"

"Dunno, I didn't hang around. Doubt these guys would of appreciated a witness. mind you when I left she wasn't moving."


Conversation between Flint, and Matches of the Atlas park Hellions, about the attack on Tina Onders.

((Posted as a favour to Onders ))



"Seems that tiger-striped Cassanova Big Game really upset someone this time. He got jumped right here at the Gallows by five armoured goons, they totally kicked the crud outta him. Never seen anything like it either. These guys were real pros. They didn't say a single word the entire time they laid into him, and I don't think I have ever seen the flawless level of teamwork these guys displayed. See that broken window there? After giving Game the beating of his life, they launched him straight through it. I gotta find out who these guys are, I could throw all kinds of work their way."


Conversation between Mikey the Ear, and a Rogue Isles Mercenary. 18/06/07



“Who’da thunk it? Big Game being a hero!”

“What the hell? You talking about big white hunter in the tiger stripes?”

“Yeah him. The Tavern in lives above in Oakes got torched by his old Humanity First buddies. Anyway him, and the girl he’s shacked up with manage to get out, but five minutes later he goes back into the burning building to rescue his landlord and the guy’s daughter.”

“Was she cute?”

“Hehe, what do you reckon?”

“Geez not even a burning building will stop that horndog!”


Conversation between two Port Oakes residents.



"This is strange.."
"what is?"
"these reports, it's as if someone has been useing an awful lot of magical energy these past two days, and i mean an awful lot."
"where let me see them.. yeah, odd indeed."
" thats not all, they also seem to mention something about weird flashes of light in the sky and a dark vortex of cloud, like a thunder storm over head."
"hmm.. wasn't it yeasterday they said that the hero Drade was found seriously hurt and out cold in Galaxy City?"
"yup, its as if.. if i may say.. connected in someway."
"maybe, but something just isn't right about this.."
"yeah, tell me about it.."

conversation between two M.A.G.I people in Galaxy city.



'You heard what happened to Linda yet?'

'No man what did?'

'She was found this morning stone dead with a huge hole in the back of her skull'

'Gah thats brutal man'

'Her friends said she left the club with a robot or something last night'

'Told her she shouldn't trust machines'

Two M.A.G.I operatives talking about another while having a working lunch.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



"Remember that French writer you were talking to last night?"

"Hm? Oh yeah! The hot one? What about her?"

"Be careful with that one, I think there's more to her than meets the eye"

"Whaddya mean?"

"I'm not sure, somethin' about the way she moved. Set my detective senses tingling"

"Pfft, you're only a second rate detective anyway"


Conversation between a PPD Officer & Detective in Pocket D



"I'm still having the nightmares but they keep changing. In one there's this girl and I killed her. That's the one I had around the time I visited Ghostworld. Recently though I've been having another about her except we're married with kids. We're respected heroes that people look up to; the friends I knew from my days in the Vanguard were still alive; we were..are.. happy."

"Maybe it's just your subconcious desire to finally settle down and have a family. You feel guilty that your other self went mad with power and so the woman in your dream is a way for you to compensate for having taken her life...

...either that or you're just plain crazy"

Tyger and his 'psychiatrist' Darla Johnson trying to figure out what his dreams and nightmares represent.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



"That Big Game is really going through the ringer at the moment. He got jumped by five guys at the Gallows last week, his home was fire bombed, broke up with his girlfriend, got attacked by some freak in a gimp suit, somehow lost all his money, and then literally got thrown out of the Golden Giza by security."

"I dunno he seems to be doing ok to me."

"Wha...What the hell you talking about?"

"I just saw him climb into the back of a Limo with what looked like the Swedish Bikini Team."

"No way! Hmmm, you reckon thats karma in action?"

"I dunno...hey wait maybe it is. C'mon Ricky slug me hard I wanna see karmic balance throw the Swedish Bikini team at me!"


Conversation between two Golden Giza patrons.



“Hmm, must be the start of the financial year for the Vanguard.”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“All week now there has been a steady flow of trucks transporting equipment, and building materials into the DMZ. It looks like the accountants have been dipping into the coffers for a change.”

“Well if they are getting loads of new stuff maybe the Vanguard will get off their butts and finally turf the last of the Rikti out of the zone. If they do give the Rikti the boot, it would be nice if they started to rebuild White Plains like they're doing in New Overbrook.”


Conversation between two PPD Gate Guards at the Crey’s Folly entrance to the Rikti Crash Site.



Britanic’s office, Sentinel Industries, Kings Row.

“Bloody hell, not again.” Eric Mitchell aka Britanic said as he slammed the phone down.

His personal assistant Cheryl turned to face him and spoke “What’s the matter Mr. Mitchell?”

“Its this shortage of reinforced steel luv. I can’t seem to get anything locally. Im going to have to get some brought in from out of state, which is going to cost more, and bloody add more delays to the renovation project. If this gets any worse I might ask Ben Campbell about smuggling some in from the Isles.”

Cheryl gave her boss a wide eyed look. Britanic then chuckled and grinned back. “Just kidding luv. You know all my business dealings with Ben are strictly above board.”

Cheryl rolled her eyes. “Im sure they are Mr. Mitchell. Would you like me to carry on calling around about finding some steel?”

“Yeah thanks. Saves me another headache...Oh and while you are at it try find out why there is a shortage all of a sudden, I want to make sure this is just a temporary thing, and not likely to cause problems in the future.”



"You have no idea what's coming do you? This place will be the only safe place left to hide. They will bomb your cities and decimate your homes. They won't be any place you can go that they won't find you. Lucky for me, they know better than to mess with my empire after the beating I gave them"

Evil (Emperor) Tyger to a slightly bemused Pocket D bartender

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



The end is neigh!


They will decend on our cities like a plague!

(( add other doom saying to the growing list of pre-i10 prohpecies.. jeez.. ))

(( edit: in response to Mechano below (I don't want to clutter the thread further)

No, it wasn't at Brit, as indeed I find his construction post very nicely done
I do find his Vanguard one a bit... godmoding Vanguard... but the other "pre-cog" or "Prophecie" posts...
Please feel free to ignore this sourpuss post ))

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



((fair point, though Brit's aren't prophcies, considering Brit owns a construction company, it's more than fair them to notice that reinforced steel is in short supply and doesn't directly link to the Ritiki Invasion (i'm thinking Faultline needs a lot of reinforced steel, perhaps the city is splashing out on finally pushing through it's rebuilding...see there is another explanation, so don't be so quick to judge old Brit. If you comment wasn't aimed at Brit, please ignore this comment...)).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



No, it wasn't at Brit, as indeed I find his construction post very nicely done
I do find his Vanguard one a bit... godmoding Vanguard... but the other "pre-cog" or "Prophecie" posts...
Please feel free to ignore this sourpuss post ))

[/ QUOTE ]

((I thought long and hard before doing the Vanguard post, actually researched what I could, and gathered opinions from various members of the RP community on what could reasonbly assumed IC. The DMZ in the Rikti Crash Site zone is meant to be a Vanguard sponsered operation, and although until I10 the game hasn't supported Vanguard models IC they were there. From what I have read from a few sources (CoH comic #19 being a good example) the Vanguard are preparing for something big. My post doesnt say that the Vanguard are preparing to repel and invasion, in fact if we didn't have any OOC knowledge of I10, most would think they are having a bit of a spending splurge, or possibly going to make a push against the already entrenched Rikti. At the end of the day even if I10 doesnt happen the sudden influx of equipment could be seen just as something a little more unusual than the PPD Gate Guard's normal boring routine.))



"What? Another group stop supporting us?"
"Yeah, D.A.W.N this time! they put it down to 'Needing to keep things to theirselves'"
"Yeah right, what they really mean is they WANT us dead"

A conversation in a small office-block thats hiring bodyguards concerning the Department of Alien Warfare Network (D.A.W.N) ((Hey, they would have SOME info on the invasion and the like ))



"It's amazing what you can find in Recluse's Victory, like this one time Mako was trying to get into the base and was winning when this hero came out of nowhere and challenged him, Mako being Mako he accepted and some wierd stuff happened.."

"Like what? Consider you're still alive I'm guessing the hero beat him?"

"You see I'm not too sure, the hero picked up Mako and threw him into this big black vortex thing, you know, like a black hole, then jumped in after him before the hole closed, not seen either of them since. What makes it stranger is, I was on duty to guard the portal tech and I never saw the hero come in, or out."

"Freaky, but not as freaky as the time I-[conversation carries on]"

Part of a conversation between two Longbow wardens at Pocket D Hero side on Sunday night

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc




(( add other doom saying to the growing list of pre-i10 prohpecies.. jeez.. ))

[/ QUOTE ]


<strange man running through steel canyon, yesterday>

((hey, shift up on that bandwagon so i can sit down))



“I dunno how he gets away with it,”

“Who? And with what?”

“Big Game. He spends the night chatting up these two young female heroines, telling them he’s the heroically amazing Captain Tiger or something, and they totally buy into it.”

“Well you got to admit for one of the bad guys he isn’t really conventional in the way he dresses, and he does know how to turn on the charm on occasion.”

“Yeah, well he really pulled the wool over one of the girl's eyes, think I heard someone call her Angela Mercy or something. He even managed to convince her he should escort her home. She didn’t even notice him bribing the Paragon elevator guard to let him through.”

“He ought to be careful one of these days he’s gonna pick the wrong heroine, and she’s gonna lead him straight to the Zig by his tongue.”


Conversation between Pocket D regulars Sandra, and Tracey.



Conversation continued between Pocket D regulars Sandra, and Tracey.

"Did you see what Roselin did?"

"That green red head?"

"That's her, she just gave that GoodGuy and his bride a set of jewellery! She doesn't even know them!"

"Really? Think it's a cursed set?"

"Could be, but I doubt it... From what I've heard, she's not that sort"

"It's a big present to give some one she doesn't know.. was she drunk?"

"Not likely, all she was having was orange juice, I mean, what's up with that?"

"She's a bit weird alright"

"I'll say, you know she's a [censored], right?"

"Not really a secret is it?"

"No, but she was flirting somewhat heavy with a couple of guys who appearantly were together. I think they were trying to be straight for a day or something"

"A shame, [censored] guys are so hot"

edit: -----------------

((hey, shift up on that bandwagon so i can sit down))


@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



*The following was sent on a strong radio wave,the voice talking sounds italian and young*
"Help..! *static*..orange soldiers with *static* planting beacons! We *static* help! We havent got *static* they get into here and *static*" *Multiple explosions are heard between pings of static until it stops suddenly*