IC rumours




((Anyone with access to the Rogue Islands Police homicide reports may have seen this))

Homicide Casualty Report
Case ID: 00879223214325667337
Lead officer on scene: PD J. J. Longrave (003457483)

Casualty: 003829473498983423
Name: Mike Chivers
Sex: M
D.O.B. 04.17.86

E.T.O.D.: 09.20.08 04:00 aprox
Location: Room 33, Emerson Hotel, Port Oaks

C.O.D.: Weapon most likely 2 double edged 10 inch knives
Two piercings, in the lower back below the ribcage on either side of the spine through to the lungs
Two piercings above the collar bone either side of the neck down into the heart
Initial blows would have been from behind and low to the victim as he stood.

Notes: No sign of struggle, victim in underwear facing outer doorway from inside hotel room when struck from behind.
Entry / exits, two possible areas; from outside the room's window, which was unlocked but closed or the door to the room which could possibly have been unlocked from outside.
No signs of forced entry.

Just basic ablutions in the room, suggesting the victim’s clothes and effects have been taken.

No guests or staff heard or saw anything, however the receptionist reported feeling light headed and falling asleep around the time of the death. Possible Psi / Sleep / Gas? no residue found.

R.F.D.: Unknown

Recommendations: Possibly a professional attack, no known suspects at present time, recommend putting this on hold unless further information presents itself.

Related reports: aj003425827378, gg002459092910, mk00847662973, ps00835925962



"Man one of the Casinos must be having real problems with it's sound equipment. I was snoring away this morning when I was practically launched from my bed by Bon Jovi's 'Living on a Prayer' booming across the neighborhood. Took out all my windows, and everybody else's in the surrounding area."

"Wow!... 'Living on a Prayer' huh? Man I love that song."

"Yeah. Me too. It was epic man!"


Two road workers speaking in St. Martial, mid afternoon, 23/09/2008.

Rumour relates to... Hyenas... From the Ashes.



(( This is an off screen event ))

(( A bit late, I know, but... here it is ))

Grand Opening of The Rose Petal.

An adult entertainment club situated in Skyway City.
<Listed Address>

Saturday 25th of October, 22:00 the doors open.

Featuring dancers:
Jenna Jameson
Sandra Sunshine
Briana Banks
Taykir Hayes
Chelsea Sinclaire

Your hostess Monica will be delighted to welcome any guests on our opening night.

First two drinks are on the house.

(( Though this is Roselin’s club, it is not publicly advertised or know as such. While she is there, it is as a guest, along with her sister Rosalin.

Fliers hung up and adds printed in a few news papers, though nothing grand.
Some characters will have gotten an invitation in their mail, mostly those that the Thorne twins know and think might like such a place. ))

(( This is an off screen event ))

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Sharkbait Boutique, Mercy Island
01.12.08, 12:15 pm

Wife of shopowner: She just...just waltzed in. I thought she was a regular customer, she looked too young to... She was pale, a little too thin. She was browsing the jackets, picked out one she liked...

RIP officer: And when did she pull the knife?

Wife of shopowner: It's strange, she didn't seem to have a knife on her. But she made for the door so my husband called after her. He ran outside after her and then... I heard him scream.

RIP Officer: And was your husband suffering from a virus at the time?

Wife of shopowner: That's even stranger - he was perfectly healthy. But...he was so pale and sweating.

RIP Officer: Well he's being taken care of now. Looks like the entry wounds of the knife were shallow. Call us if she comes back.



Monday 5-1-2009, from 3pm to 8pm, there was a charity show for the Independance Port Hospital's patients.

A mix of music, comedy sketches and stage magicians profided the entertainment.

Despite a brief interruption of Council troops, the show went off without noticable mishaps.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



A pair of Sky Raider Engineers in Pocket D talking

25th Jan, 7pm

"Had some wierd jobs through the years, stealing from a charity store, placing a bomb in an abandoned warehouse.. Wierd stuff, y'know?"

"Call that wierd? Just last week some guy paid me $20,000 up front to steal a seat from one of those trams, then another $10,000 to put it back!"

"Damn, insane people with too much money, what's this world comin' to?"

A group of women having a night out on the town in Skyway, talking loudly through their drunken haze

23rd Jan, 11pm

"So yeah, like, this place is way too freaky, y'know? Those mages and stuff, all wierd!"

"Err! Yeah! Saw this ugly mutant guy or something, mouth went, like, ear to ear and his eyes, I mean, eww!"

"Eww! Didn't look at you or anythin' did it?"

"It did! It was really creepy, it just like, stared at me then ran down an alleyway, was like, one of those bigfoot sightings."

"Oh, he had big feet!?"

With that, they all burst out laughing, entering the next nightclub of the evening.

A pair of smugglers talking at one of the Pork Oakes docks

26th Jan

"Tell me 'bout it, the nutjobs around here are always tryin' to double-cross this profession. It's a tough job, but gets ya by."

"Yeah, hell, I've made a good haul this year, some kid keeps taking rides to Paragon and back, practically every day, I'd tell him to move there if it weren't such good money."

"Any chance you could tell me who? Ain' been racking in the dough like usual because of the weather."

"Hell no, smuggler-villain confidentiality."

With that he smirked, both roaring with laughter

"No serious, tell me, I'm low on money."

"I'm not telling you squat, if I keep on going like this I can finally move out of the shack I'm in now."

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



I've snipped out the last little section here. Please try to keep all content posted to the forums in keeping with the age rating of the games (including keeping in mind that CoH was originally rated 12 and that this forum allows anyone aged 13+ with a valid account to register).




Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Rumours amongst citizens/gangs in Atlas Park, Kings Row and the Hollows

Talk has been abound of a psyker let loose on the gangs around Kings Row, Atlas Park and the Hollows, although reports have also come from further afield. Gang 'victims' picked up from around the place have suffered from large ammounts of psionic trauma, sometimes become overly fearful and paranoid, while others have had limbs and various bones broken unbeliavably cleanly, or not so in cases where the gang members have been hurled into other objects.

Reports are sketchy at best, but the individual, as it is currently believed to be, is female, around 5' 8", and works for the City as well, though few gangers who have been fit to interview can remember where exactly.
A very few have mentioned red hair.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



News report on Breakfast TV …………..Paragon City 19th March 2009-03-19

It is reported that the PPD has had a exceptionally busy night , as a unidentified Hero swatted most of the Hellion gang members of Galaxy City. A “glowing blue coloured “ figure was seen flying over the streets and parks of Galaxy , targeting any member of the Hellion street gang he came across .The identity of the hero is unknown , but a number of rescued citizens stated that he had no face and never spoke .
The local PPD say they had to call in extra units to deal with the number of “arrested” gang members, and that special measures where needed when the local police station's cells became full ,with SWAT units deployed to guard the convoys of buses across town to the Zig prison .



E.L.I.T.E. offices, Galaxy City.

24 July 2009

ELITE Employee 1: Did you hear about that Arctic Princess incident over at Kings?

ELITE Employee 2: Yeah, one of the suits has been investigating her over claims that she's been attacking civilians. I remember her when she first arrived here. Never figured her for that kind of person.

E.E. 1: Yeah but she's y'know, not from around these parts. Maybe she really is some kind of sleeper agent...



"I really don't get that guy."


"Him, over there. Y'know Britanic. I mean he's here as a civilian structural engineering consultant, upgrading all the forts and stuff, right? He's not even serving as a frontline combat operative, yet he still bunks with the rest of the grunts."

"So what?"

"Well the guy is loaded, 'sposed to have a fantastic penthouse in Founders Falls, and is married to that White Vampyr. Y'know that hero chick who used to be a rockstar."

"Well it's obvious then isn't it?"

"It is?"

"Trouble in paradise, buddy!"


Conversation between two Vanguard Soldiers in the mess hall of the Vanguard Compound, RWZ.



Rumour has it that there was a riot in the Brickstown asylum in recent weeks. The place turned into total anarchy as every inmate was released from his containment cell. Although none of them were superpowered, as this was not the Ziggurat asylum, they were still very, very dangerous. Well, them not being superpowered is not quite true. Supposedly, Crey uses this asylum to acquire test subjects for their experiments that no one will miss. So, even if these crazies didn't have powers when they went in...However, the authorities in the asylum are quite confident that they brought in all of the few inmates that actually managed to escape - most appeared more concerned with tearing the place apart - but considering the amount of damage that was suspected to have been done to their records, they can't be that certain.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



"Hey Barney check that out!"


"Over there on the Jelly Fish Dream."

"He he! Ain't that the girl from that magazine who's 'sposed to be interviewing Big Game?"

"Yeah, and by the state of her hair and clothing it looks like they ran into some rough weather out on the drink."

"He he! Pretty strange that seeing as the sea has been dead calm all week..."


Conversation overheard between two fishermen at Darwin's Landing shortly before they burst into fits of laughter.



A few of Paragon's more hero-centric celebrity magazines have been abuzz with the news that Buck the Troll has returned to Paragon. For the past few months he has been reported to be in Italy, fighting crime with the country's few remaining heroes. Whether he is here to stay or just visiting is yet to be seen.




"Hey, you hear about John Mill? They say he's back from the grave covered in that ore he fell into."

"There's no way that's true, Ross. If that heat melts metal it melts bones: you were there yourself, there was nothin' left over in those vats."

"You believe what you want, but when he comes 'round to bust up Cage Consortium for the work conditions I'll be having the last laugh."

Scrapyarder conversation during a lunch break.



"hey did you hear about that battle in steel canyon a few weeks back? With one of those Nighthunters and some guy in a red suit"

"ummmm...yeah, YEAH! i saw some pictures some guy had taken, looked pretty awesome, why?"

"Well i heard that guy in the red suit was one of them, in fact after a few minutes they stopped fighting and started talking, like seriously just stood there having a chat, one of them with a big honking sword in his hand while the other looked like one of Americas most wanted."


"Oh yeah, i think the red guys name was Storm but they coulda just have called him that because of all the Lightning he was throwing around, but yeah...something going on there, definately, in fact if you believe some people...that guys actually with them again, like, saving people and stuff, they fight each other then try and save people side by side"

"Wow, thats pretty messed up, a super villain working with a band of heroes...somethings not right there..."

A conversation by some party goers at Pocket D

http://union.virtueverse.net/wiki/The_Thunderar - My main, under construction



"Oh my God! Sandra did you see that?"

"See what Trace?"

"Big Game! He just stormed out of D's and I swear he had tears in his eyes."

"Tears! Aw C'mon Trace you know 'Game. He couldn't be more insensitive unless he wore two condoms during sex."

"Im telling you I saw tears."

"Well maybe he put some moves on some girl who responded with a knee in the groin?"

"I dunno San he wasn't exactly walking funny..."


Conversation overheard between Pocket D regulars Sandra and Tracey in the early hours of this morning.



"Say, Joey, didja hear about those Mook bozos they found in the river?"
"Nah, Lenny. Ain't the Marcones always goin' after those guys anyway?"
"They said it was real vicious, Joey, like real vicious. They had more holes than body in 'em, leastways that's what I heard. Marcones ain't like that. They was big-shots, too - d'ya think someone's tryin' to take over the Mooks?"
"Nah, Lenny, don't be stupid. No-one can take over them guys, they're too big... right?"

Overheard conversation between two dockworkers on Sharkhead Isle




"I heard it was a bunch of Circle of Thornes came out of Perez and did it."
"Well, I heard it was Hellions sacrificing to a demon so they could fight off the Circle."
"Sure sounds like those magic-types are up to something."
"Yeah, they deserve all they get. Killin' kids, it's not on."

Two policement talking in the Galaxy City preceinct building.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



"Hey did you hear that Captain Hollywood stopped the Skulls from robbing Ron Gurney's hardware store?"

"No, I bet Ron is pleased with that."

"Not really. Apparently Captain Hollywood totally wrecked his store while fighting the Skulls, Ron wreckons it would of cost him less if he just handed over everything that was in the till."

"Typical. Some heroes are more trouble than they are worth. I don't know why the guy didn't just £*$% off home after Capecon. It's not like we got a shortage of capes in these parts."


Conversation overheard by two road workers in Kings Row



"Did you hear about the bodies floating about up north?"

"Ew, those icky dead thorns?"


"Ew ew ew!!"

"Clare? Stop that. You're creeping me out now."

"But they're so, like, icky!"

"Anyway. I totally think that wierd chick that Mason saw by Spanky's the other night has something to do with it, you think?"

"Pfft, who listens to that Dynemonkey? That stuff's got him seeing things."

"Shut... up... Mason's totally not doing Dyne."

"His skin is, like, green? Hello?"

"He's a mutant, peroxide-for-brains..."

"Wait, wait, wait, didn't, like, that Donna wierdo mention something a little funky over by Spanky's last week too?"

"That crazy little ice queen?"
Three ditzy schoolgirls yakking away in a Talos street.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




"...NO! You're not listening. It wasn't the Skull who smashed up my car it was that psycho Captain Hollywood! The maniac just kept slamming the Skull's face into it. You can't tell me licensed heroes are supposed to behave like that. Im telling you some of these heroes are getting out of hand. Somebody needs to do something about them."


An overheard statement being given to a police officer in Kings Row 1st of May 2010.



"Seven shadows and seven graces...."

"What's that?"

"Something some old guy was ranting about."

"Sounds like a kung fu film"
Two guys talking in Kings Row.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



"Hey Sandra you see that over there?"


"Big Game. He's talking to Starjet. Looks like he's gonna make a move on her too."

"Don't be stupid Trace. A classy girl like that wouldn't give a loser like him a second look."

"Oh yeah? Then why is she giving him her number then?"

"Wow who'd of thought Starjet likes to slum it?"


Conversation overheard in Pocket D by resident gossips Sandra and Tracey.