IC rumours




"Word on the street says Killgauge has a job to offer."

"What kinda job?"

"Dunno, all I know he seeks men -no aliens or monsters- to do a job. And he needs firepower. 'More guns the better' I've heard he's been saying."

"One time gig? Or long-term stuff?"

"One time short gig. Honestly, that's all I know: a bunch of guys with guns, human men. I think he wants a bunch of hitmen. With a lot of firepower."

"Oh, an assassination. That's cool. Who he wants killed?"

"I dunno. You've gotta ask him."

"Where to find him?"

"You might want to try Pocket-D, but he's rarely seen there. He's been seen to have businesses with Arachnos in Aeon City, Cap au Diable. And sometimes he hangs out in Port Oakes, dunno exactly where in there."

((Kicker for Union RP, someone wants to have someone else assassinated. And needs people to do it. PM @Redefette or contact in game for further info))



"Did you hear about Doctor Desecrator?"

"Shh, we're not supposed to talk."

"I know, but, they say he's just... disappeared. Gone, vanished."

"Don't be silly; Doctor Desecrator? Gone? That guy had too much fun trying to take over the world. What possible reason could he have to just scoot off?"

"Well, I heard that his robots were last seen raiding Portal Corp HQ over on Peregrine. When the heroes arrived, they found no sign of any robots or the Doctor himself. But they did find that one of the portals had been recently used."

"You're kidding. Did it say where it was used to go to?"

"News says the coordinates were set to Upsilon Bet-"

"Shh! Archon's coming! Back straight, feet together!"

Overheard from a pair of Council soldiers on the Striga Isle docks.

Username: @Royal
The Alien Tyrant, 357388: Stop the reign of an evil emperor!
Spawning Chaos, 469020: Form an army of Freaks, win the Freaklympics!
The Restarian Front, 363257: Stop the invasion of an alien fleet from another galaxy!



WSPDR Breakfast News for Saturday 11th September

The reporter looked in to the camera lens, a bored expression on his face, inserted in to the corner of the screen, a clip of a ruined building can be seen, surrounded by Arachnos troops and a shot of a Flyer can be seen in the middle of the street.

"Good morning folks, and here is the news."

"Earlier this morning, at approximately 4am, an explosion rocked the club district of our fair St. Martial, and the upper story of a newly opened business, the Zero-Point Club was reported as partially demolished."

"Insiders within Arachnos forces have reported that two individuals were seen and challenged, but managed to elude capture. It is presumed that these two terrorists were responsible for the blast and the death of two individuals, one reported to be the club owner, Mister Zero."

"Our source can be quoted as saying the interior of the building was a, and I quote, 'It's a right mess, bits of the guy were all over the place. Kinda tough on the clean up crew.'

The reporter paused as the image in the corner shifted to a shakey shot of the building interior, a phone cam recording by the looks of it. Furniture lay in ruins and part of the ceiling had collapsed. To one side, among what remained of the sofa, several splashes of red covered the scene, and two black sheet covered shapes lay still.

"No further information is available on the two terrorists responsible and our Arachnos insider said it was likely just a case of an internal dispute among various family factions."

"If true, it doesn't sound so good for clubbing in St Martial right now, and several other club owners in the area have already been reported to be planning to beef up their own security."

The reporter, still looking bored, offers the camera another small smile. "Another exciting night in the Isles, folks."

"In other news..."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.