IC rumours




Sandra and Tracey looked at each other.

"Damn pity nobody can watch Trace, that looks like its going to be a good fight."

"How can you say that? The big guy has nearly three feet, and a good 200lbs on Britanic, he's gonna get creamed."

"Shut up Trace, Brit got that Hero of the City medal recently. They don't give that out for stopping purse snatchers y'know. Lets go hang in the Monkey bar. Maybe we can find out who won when they get out of the arena."

"Good idea San, if Brit does lose and he has to sing America the Beautiful standing on the bar, like he said he would, I want to hear that."


About fifteen minutes later...

"Here they come."

"Hmm, big guy is buying Brit a drink. I told you Brit would win"

"No I bet the big guy won, and hes just being gracious to Britanic."

"C'mon Trace does he really look the gracious type to you?"

"Shut up San Im trying to listen"


"Dont worry mate, I wont compromise you, and il keep an eye out for your sister."

"Thanks Brit. Il do what I can to get that information you want...Dont worry im a man of my word."

"Right im off. I still got new teammates to try catch up with. Look after yourself mate."

Sandra and Tracey looked at each other.

"Bit of an anticlimax San, huh?"

"Yeah. Lets go find some guys."


Conversation between Sandra, and Tracey Pocket D Regulars.



Overheard in a bar
"No way."

"Way. I know a guy who knows a guy. Apparently the PCPD pulled all the security drones for Kings Row and replaced them with ones from stores. Something about hacked recognition systems, he says."

"No way."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



((The following is an extract from the Rogues Isles Protector, 15/7/07))

Super-Hero Goes Bad!

It has been revealed last night that Eric Mitchel, CEO if Sentinel Industries, and the costumed crime-fighter known as Britanic, has handed in the cape and started a life of crime. Pictures have been obtained of Mr Mitchel breaking through the vault door of Atlas Park bank, as well as dragging an unconcious hero known as Flamberge outside. He has already put a number of Paragon ity's finest into hospital, and even came close to killing the hero No-Mind. Nothing is knows as to why the former hero has gone bad, but rumours are circulating that it's got something to do with his reclusive fiancee, Suzi White, instigator of the "Heroes for People" movement. This newspaper will be following up all leads in order to bring you only the best news on this developing subject

((Following the article are several pictures of someone who looks strikingly familiar to Brit, only wearing a colonial-style red military coat, and dark glasses))

((Oh, and thanks go to Brit for giving me the ok with this character! 8D ))



News broadcast on the Paragon Radio Network, later followed by similar statements on other radio stations, local TV news, as well as the next day's papers.

"It would seem that it has been erroneously reported that respected Paragon hero Britanic had abandoned championing his adopted city, and taken to a life of crime."

"Britanic gave himself up to the Paragon Police Department in Founders Falls to correct what he called a "gross misunderstanding." Shortly after giving himself up, representitives from the Paragon supergroup the Militia, where Britanic is temporarily serving as a field commander, are said to have supplied irrefutable evidence of his innocence."

"Britanic has since been released without charge, and is now investigating what appears to be an imposter running around the city."

"When questioned by ourselves on the matter Britanic had this to say..."

"This isn't the first time this sort of mistaken Identity has caused me bloody grief. Whoever this clown is he has right royaly [bleep]ed me off. Im really not in the bloody mood for this sort of nonesence, especially from some second rate phony, with dodgy fashion sense. Be assured who ever this bloke is he will making number plates, or stitching mail sacks before long."

"A PPD spokesman on the matter had this to say..."

"We are happy to accept that Britanic is in no way involved with this case, and would like thank both him, and the Militia for their cooperation with matter."

"The PPD will continue their investigation..."



“Hey Sandra. Look over there at that guy with the dark hair, dressed in black.”

“Hmm, I suppose he ain’t bad looking. You go for it girl.”

“No stupid. I was just going to say I overheard him bragging out how he killed some people.”

“So what Tracey. This place is full of murdering creeps like that.”

“Yeah, but he is supposed to be one of the heroes. Calls himself Silver, or something. I heard him say they were getting what they deserve, but that ain’t really up to him to decide ain’t it?


Conversation between Pocket D regulars Sandra and Tracey 18/07/07.



"..And that's when the Brawler said, that ain't Manticore, that's Swan!"

"Heh, very funny.. Speakin' of the Brawler, I heard he got sent t' the hospital the other day, some villain fought him in the Isles and won."

"I dun' believe ya, although, the Isles are a dangerous place to be about now, I hear the crime rate rockets by the end of summer."


(( A discussion between two Independence Port dock workers, earlier today, 20/7 ))

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



"Oh..My..God! Did you hear?"

"No? What?"

"Ya remember that Red Arrow guy? The one my sister has all the posters of?"

"Oh..um..Crimson Archer? Yeah, what about him?"

"I just heard from a friend of mine that he punched some woman in the face last night in Pocket D! For no reason!"

"No way?!"

"Totally! Apparently he was like shouting his mouth and then just punched her. In the face! That Britanic guy had to wrestled him out inna head lock!"

"Wow... Isn't he like G..A..Y?"

"Who, Britanic?"

"Nooo, stupid! The Crimson guy?!"

"Probably. They all are is what I hear..."

((Two waitresses in a Superbucks coffeeshop in Talos Island - am 20/07/07))

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



"Oh man, not another one"

"Another what?"

"Another hero lost.. looks liek this one saved a bunch of people though"

"What happened?"

"Something about getting sucked into an unstable portal"

"Oh no, that's terrible. Even if they live they'll end up on some wacky, tripped out world where their bodies get turned inside-out by some poisonous gas"

*a long silence ensues*

"You really gotta stop watching the Simpsons"

((Conversation between two clerks in the City hall office preparing letters informing groups of hero deaths)

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Explosions Shake Brickstown Foundations (Newspaper Excerpt)

A series of fires and explosions across Brickstown woke citizens from their slumber in the early hours of Friday night. A terrorist or Rikti attack was originally feared. However, after closer inspection by forensics it appeared that all the buildings targeted were the bases and strongholds of various know criminal organizations.

The largest blast was located in a large warehouse where an illegal rave was taking place. The hosts of the rave were non other than the Carnival of Shadows.

Survivors were discovered amongst the rubble and and broken masks . Witnesses heard one man screaming out in terror. "The guy wouldn't stop yelling. Something about 'him' being back and that he was sorry for what he had done."

The identity of the attacker is yet to be found, however an independent photographer managed to take a photo of a lone figure on a rooftop just minutes after the warehouse lit up in flames. The poor lighting make it impossible to see who it was.

The PPD are appealing for all witnesses to come forward in the hope that they will find a significant lead.



... Inago is back in the city.

Man 1: "You here that the insect boy is back in the city?"

Man 2: "Which one? The flyboy?"

Man 1: "No... the Japanese one. Grasshopper... The little guy!"

Man 2: "Inago? Really? Wait... where'd he go anyway?"

Man 1: "No idea... he just vanished. I always thought he died or quit or something. Word is he's been hunting down Rikti and the Carnies aren't too happy either. He's been rounding them up like cattle."



(( heard in the freedom corp building in galaxy city, between two MAGI persons.))

"ok, this is weird."
"what is?"
"these readings..it's as if there is no magical energy here what so ever from the local area.."
"oh that, yeah, thats been happening alot lately been reports coming in of heroes from the magical backgrounds just losing power, a few have been found out cold and taken into A&E wards."
"should we get looking into this?"
"well, we would but everytime i go to leave this room my hands disappear."
"oh.. yeah.. i forgot, your a magical person."
"yeah, don't remind me."



Page 5 - The Rogue Isles Protector, 23/7/07


ROGUE ISLES POLICE were told a body had been found in the reception of the 'Le Grand Cancrelar' hotel early this morning, they are treating the death of the twenty-two year old as a murder investigation. It is suspect that the body is that of Harry Roberts who had been missing from his family home for the past few nights, it is thought a row had broken out between him and his girlfriend and he was removed from her property left to wander the streets. His BLACKENED body was discovred at 9am this morning, forensics suspect an overdose of sulphur, "His skin crackled and an ash black, each of the muscles contracted inover, it also seems there was some pressure on the youths wrists and neck, a small pool of blood lay beneath the body. Two rather large fang marks are on the right side of the neckline." Said forensics expert Dwayne Nigel.

The police currently has no suspects, and are appealing for witnesses to come forward.



"Hey did y'hear?"

"why does everyone start a conversation that way an expect someone to turn round and say yeah?"

*blank expression*

"Ah whatever... anyway apparently Demonic Storm the big blue guy proposed to Lady Stormcrow in D's last night"

"Really? good for them... wait... do demons even get married?"


*confused expressions at eachother*

((Two people talking in MAGI departments of freedom corps atlas park))



[conversation between two civilians in King's Row]

civ 1: "hey, I heard there's an invasion coming"

civ 2: "what makes you say that?"

civ 1: <points at group of Rikti and Skulls fighting>

Both: <run away screaming>

((oh yeah, couldn't resist it. one more for the road ^_^ ))



"Great as if life wasn't bad enough round here, now we got Rikti rampaging too."

"Hey it could be worse."

"What the hell you on about, how could it get any worse than it is now?"

"You could be who ever stole Consigliere Morretti's dead son's burial suit."

"You what?"

"Some guy broke into an undertaker's in Mercy and stole a custom made Italian suit that Frederico Morretti, who got gunned down last week, was due to be buried in. Apparently the suit had only been delivered half an hour earlier. It had not even been removed from its packaging, who ever took it stole a bunch of flowers too."

*Chuckles* "Sounds like someone had a date then."

"Yeah but now the Family are up in arms about it, you know how crazy they get about being direspected, and honour, and all that ***p."

"Yeah, I guess whoever did it better hope the Rikti get him first."


Conversation between two guys in a Mercy Island bar.



[wspdr news report]
"... several protesters where shot and killed today in Grandville Plaza.
The group of around eight young men where said to have been demanding that Ambassador Kuhr'Rekt, the diplomat from the Rikti Restructurists who are behind the current attacks, would be evicted from the tower.
Things took an unpleasant turn a bane spider patrol group saw that one of the protestors was 'armed, and making threat of a violant nature', and promptly opened fire to protect nearby citizens from this rampaging lunatic...



"Nothing ever happens round here"

"What are you talking about?"

"Ever since they shut us down last decade, nothing exciting happens round here"

"What about all the heroes who go off to far-flung dimensions battling familiar enemies inrealms that they rose to power?"

"But that's in another dimension, why don't they come here?"

"The Rikti are trying to invade again..."

"Yeah but they're being repelled and they can't enter doors for some reason. I want the action to be inside here instead."

((Conversaion between two techs in one of the Portal Corps buildings right before a squad of Longbow burst through the door and head for one of the portal rooms))

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Sword of Truth was seen escalading the town hall of Paragon City. She removed the US flag from the rooftop and left with it.



Some times later, holding the flag, she was seen patrolling the streets of Paragon City.
Until she faced apparently a known criminal.
A witness says she ordered the man to surrender and he was under arrest.
A brief comment was made by the man who then fled. Some said they recognized Big Game.



"Man things must be bad."

"Its war, what do you expect?"

"Yeah I know that, but im talking about how some of them heroes are playing nice with the bad guys so they can take on them Rikti."

"Well I suppose it makes sense. Its not like the Rikti are gonna care if you are a good guy or a bad guy."

"Yeah but it gets worse, they're even talking about decorating some of bad ones, just check this in the newspaper...


Conversation between two train passengers en route to Atlas Park.



Headbreaker sat on the roof of the Sharkhead hospital, his legs hanging over the side. The wind picked up and suddenly the front page of a newspaper blew past him. He grabbed from the air and looked at the news article.To his amazingment he read the article about Echo, then he started to laugh.

"Now that's going to get the capes blood boiling!"

He tossed the paper back into the wind, laughing at an image in his head of Echo receiving a medal, while the capes watch, eyes filled with hate moaning about how they work to the bone and don't get recognised for their work...



"Damn Rikti beamed right inside the building tearing the place apart. Lucky enough there was three of those Militia here at the time. they gave them Rikti a proper whupping."

"Yeah, any idea which ones?"

"Lemme think. I recognised Britanic, the new PPD/Militia liason Wavekite, and a guy called Silver Eagle or something."

"So how come they were there in the first place?"

"It seems that Brit, and Wavekite were hauling Silver in. Something about suspected unnaceptable vigilante activity. Still after the battle there was a lot of talking, I heard something about a BRMC and MYRS, and then they all left together."


conversation between two PPD officers.



“Looks like the ladies are going to be safe for a while from that no good Big Game.”

“Whys’ that then?”

“Looks like someone from the Family ran him down with a car before, waving a suit or something in his face, and throwing him in the back of the car.”

“They ran him over, waved a suit in his face, then kidnapped him?”

“Yeah, crazy huh. I wonder if it’s got something to do with that business of Consigliere Morretti’s son’s burial suit being stolen?”


Conversation between a streetwise vendor, and a street thug.



'Hey did you hear about Davids squad?'

'Wasn't he stationed in warburg?'

'Yeah apparantly he's in deep trouble because a group made off with a bunch of WMDs on his watch'

'Wouldn't want to be in his shoes'

A conversation between a Fortuna and a Longfang in S.Martial

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



((The following is read inside a local tabloid newspaper. Posting it here since it has come up in the CoW thread ))

With the second rikti invasion in full swing, most metahumans, hero or villain, have formed an uneasy alliance. The Vanguard, who recruits metas from both sides of the moral code, has even had the lesser morally inclined sign a non aggression pact stating that thye will be exemped of pass crimes as long as they are willing to work with their heroic counter parts, adn even allowed in to paragon itself, with out fear of arrest, so long as they do not commit further crimes or break the peace treaty. You would think that after the first Rikti invasion, and the devasting damage that followed, the metahumans could put behind their petty feuds and work together to once and for all repel this threat from our world. However this is not the case it appears.

There are always those who try to profit from others suffering. One of those men is Crimson Revenant, know metahuman bounty hunter. It's seems that he was taken up a contact against none other than Paragon's own sidekicks turned superheroes, the Vindicators!

Crimson Revenant

However it seems as though the PPD and Longbow is powerless, not only because they have used his service's in the past, but because of his use of a , as of yet, untraceable "freelancer" to do his drity work.

Infernal defeated

Mynx Defeated

Both Mynx and Infernal were targeted and defeated by, what this journalist is dubbing, a mysterious "Hero Slayer". There is very little infomation on this Hero Slayer, he apparently has no past criminal records, and niether the PPD nor Longbow have any information on him. However there are CCTV images of him commiting preivous crime. To be exact, the Hero Slayer has only ever been caught on CCTV camera a few times, as seen above with Crimson himself, and during a bank robbery in Talos Island.

Hero Slayer

Even more disturbing or bizarre, is his defence of none other than Aurora Borelis from the Rikti moments after the first air sirens sounded! Aurora was attcked by the rikti, probably to give themselves an advantage on a psychic level.

Aurora Defeated

Althought the reason's why the Hero Slayer was in the base at the time is reason for debate, he fought off the rikti, giving Aurora's team a chance to extract her.

Hero or Villain?

Confused? So are the authorities. Wiether he is some sort of Noble Villain or Anti-Hero.. is yet to be seen! Any information about the Hero Slayer is appreiated, and if you have seen him, norm or meta, you are to steer clear and let the authority handle it.