IC rumours




"You know those ladies who came in here yesterday?"

"Hmm? That blonde one and the glowy one?"

"Yeah thats them, well it seemed that glowy one was researching seperation spells! That doesnt sound like good reading material does it? Think maybe she messed up something and attatched two things together when she didnt mean to?"

"Seems so, and I heard her talking to herself, apparently telling herself to 'shut up and go back to her cage' or something, and then, even wierder, she told herself this was going to be over quickly. I wouldnt feel safe sitting next to her!"

Conversation between two women on a smoking break outside the Steel Canyon university library at around noon today



09/04/07 | 23:08, Golden Giza security room

Two men study the CCTV cameras closely laid back in their chair another normal night. Echo Campbel was walking down the east road out of the Giza, casually strolling the cameras on the outside of the Giza catch her

"Whoa, Harry get aload of this, look at the [censored] on that"

The camera zooms into Echos behind, shes totally oblivious


Suddenly a large american red car drives alongside Echo, three men in suits let off clips of fully automatic fire at her she has enough time to deflect the bullets with her right mechanical arm. The vast majority of the bullets spray from left to right managing to completly miss Echo, poor shots even from near pointblank. They dive back into the car.

"Holy s**t, Phil?! you seeing this?"

The security guard remains silent, stunned.

A large man steps out of the passenger side the cars suspension raises when his feet are on the tarmac, the bald, cigar smoking, suited man approaches Echo in blind rage stretching out his huge right fist as Echo still recovers, unable to concetrate to use her 'powers' as a shield, she manages to pull away from the full on punch, but she still gets caught by the right hook, she dives out of the way, the men in the red car pop back out about to open fire. Echo *just* gets her focus, the barrier of electricity sizzling the bullets as the men open fire, she ducks another of the mans punches and gives him a hard energy powred right hook, sizzling the giants face. He gives Echo a kick, electrocuting himself in the process. The giant runs feebily back into the car, this hit was going to be harder than he thought. The car wheelspins away while Echo seems to be shouting obsenities.

"We should get down there Phil!"
"F**k that its not on Giza property, i want nothing to do with that"

Echo hobbles out of view heading west, the two men continue work like it were just another day...

Around 11am 10th of April the video was posted on Youtube[u]



Rumour has it, the Terra Liberation Front is seeking Villains with a distinct lack of values and respect for law and authority, seeking them out and individually recruiting them. According to the buzz they're headed up by a pair of supes, one calling himself "The Hatesman", flying around in a knock off of Statesman's costume no less, while the other "Dr. Hermann Oswald" seems to be more of an administrative type. The rumour circluating is that there's a lot of money and power to be gained by joining up, some villains even being paid to do join based on the level of their unique "talents".

-- This is going around the whole Villain community and might be picked up by some Heroes with good connections too.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Hitting the news this morning were a number of shocking pictures of an incredibly huge man being assaulted and tortured in his stately home. In the pictures known individuals are Frederick "Laugh Riot" Jones, Ben "Big Lunk" Campbel, 'The Tormentress' and Antonio "Big Game" Fedele. It is believed that the individual under assault is fifty eight year old Duke Payne.

The pictures show Big Game and The Tormentress in the background, while Duke Payne is in the foreground between Laugh Riot - the individual in the suit and grinning mask, and Big Lunk, the man in the combat trousers with the ponytail.

The pictures show these two known metahumans of exceptional strength and size each grabbing one of Payne's arms and pulling presumably as hard as they are able. As the pictures go on, they grow continually more shocking. Payne is believed to have been alive for this. Discression is advised.

It is believed that this act of violence from known members of the mercenary organisation dubbed "EVIL" was retaliation for the attack on one of their members outside the Golden Giza earlier this week. Why such shocking and brutal methods were employed is unknown, though we surmise that EVIL were attempting to send a message or make some sort of example.



"Hey Sandra you hear that hunter boy Big Game was arguing with DJ Zero last night?”

“No Tracy what was it all about then?”

“I heard Game was telling Zero he should turn that c**p off he is usually playing, and have a karaoke night so he can show Zero’s patrons some real entertaiment. Zero said he ever catches Game singing in his club he is going to open a portal beneath him, but make sure this time he misses one of those floating islands out there.”

“His singing really that bad then?...”


Conversation between Sandra and Tracy two Pocket D regulars!



The Rogue Isles Reporter has on it's front this morning, pictures of three male "victims" the report underneath reads.

The latest stream of crime in the Isles has been pretty gruesome, as, news has it, three men have all been killed in the same style. It has been said each man was killed brutally during a sexual act, each victim has had thier testicals removed, and it is thought fed to them and then had thier throats slit.

It is unknown whether the killer is going to continue thier rampage, but it is assumed that they will. The serial killer has been nicknamed "The Bloody Maiden" and has left no evidence at any of the scenes.

It is assumed that the killer is a female and may have had accomplices, the men have no link and the murders took place an hour after the other.

The Rogue Island Police had this to say:

"We are unsure at this time about anything, we have our best men looking into it. The killer will be caught, it is just a matter of time, we have no seen such a disgusting display since the images that were in the news a few days ago, however it is not thought this is linked with the organisation E.V.I.L. The investigation is on-going as as I have said we are looking into it."

It has been suggested that the woman could very well be any female "villain" in the isle... keep your eyes peeled folks.

-Written By
Janine Ryan



"You heard about that new drug?"

"What new drug..there's always new stuff coming out."

"That anti-aging drug...Chronodyne i think it's called, heard some weird science type talking about it in Pocket D's...apparently makes you twenty years old and give you super-powers..."

"Just what we need...some granny transforming into a twenty year old superhero..."

"Nah he said it was cut with regular dyne...so it means they'll trollout and go rampaging..."

"Just the kind of distraction you need to cover a heist...wonder where i can get this stuff from..."

"Who knows man...who knows.."

-conversation between two thugs in Kings Row.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Hey, have you heard?"

"What? Joe done something stupid again?"

"No, man! That costume called High Burn She just fell outta the sky today, holding her head!"

"So? Why should I care? She hates Skulls"

"Yeah, but what if it's an Arachnos plot, man? Who'se to say we're not next on the hit list after the heroes?"

--Conversation between two Skulls in The Gish, Kings Row; 19:32, 19/04/07



"You heard that an intelligent Supa-Troll has cut a deal with the family to begin shipping Chronodyne?"

"Wasn't the inventor some Doctor or something?"

"Yeah turns out some lab explosion turned him into a Supa-Troll for the time being...anyway...apparently they're shipping it to King's row, Skyway and the Hollows, reckon they'll be some aging capes trying to get their hands on the stuff..."

"Heh...could be quite lucrative...probably should have a word with our local supplier to get our hands on it."

-Conversation between two Skulls in Kings row.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Rumour has it that Big Game has ditched that tarty Janine Ryan, and is now seeing that kitty cat-girl Feme Feline. It seems after beating up on some Wyvern agents to build up an appetite, the pair went out for dinner, and a movie."

"I know what that Game is like. I bet watching the movie was the last thing on his mind....Hey what about that Janine, how is she taking it? You remember how steamed she was when she caught Game flirting with that Feme Feline last time. She nearly ripped his throat out."

"How do you think she is taking it? She doesn't even know yet! It should be one hell of a fireworks show when she does find out though..."


Conversation between Sandra and Tracy, Pocket D regulars.



"Hey did you hear? One of those Peacebringer things was reported dead to city hall two days ago"

"What?! Thats great! one less of those idiots to break our quantum toys."

"Yeah but it makes you wonder..... What got her?"

conversation between two skull members in kings row



"Rumour has it a bunch of Trolls busted up a Chronodyne operation in Skyway today. They literally raised the warehouse to the ground destroying a massive C-Dyne shipment. Seems the Trolls ain't happy with market competition."

"How did the Trolls find out about the place? They ain't exactly known for their detective skills."

"Thats the thing, its seems they were tipped off by some hero. Im telling you,some of those heroes are damn sneakier than some of the villains out there..."


Conversation between two PPD officers at HQ in Kings Row.



"Rumour has it that one of Danny Mozzotta's boys, who narrowly escaped being busted by mutie hero Britanic, says the reason the heroes are getting the drop on the C-Dyne shipments is because Dr.Mechano has been mouthing off about them in that Pocket D."

"You're kidding. I thought Mechano was supposed to be some sort of egghead. Surely he isn't stupid enough to forget heroes hang out in that place too?"

"Yeah, but didn't he recently accidently turn himself into a Supa-Troll?"

"Yeah but I heard he sorted that out."

"Looks like the Doc still has some of that Troll stupidity!"


Conversation between two Family goons in Independence Port.



"Hey! did you hear? that small island a few kilometres off Peregrine got napalmed!"
"What!? How? who?!"
"Some hero..."
"Hero? what hero napalms a island?"
"Arc Bled, he got a missle silo"
"Him? how did...get the pets inside,its going to be a long year..."

Two people on the Green Line from Talos to Brickstown



"Who is that woman who comes in to see Officer Preston for lunch?"
"The cat-eared and tailed one? Tiger Dark..."
"The one there was that APB on several months back? Nictus? Didn't she attack Preston at the begining of the year?"
"Yeah, that's her. Says she's 'reformed'."
"I doubt Sunstorm or the Awakened Division head is happy with that, a Peacebringer and a Warshade dating..."

-Chatter in Talos Island PPD Precinct today.-

"What was that racket last night?"
"Paladin was thrashing about High Park... again. Unity Vigil dropped in to take him apart and help with the cleanup."
"Ahh... hmm, one number out on the lottery, again..."

-Gossip heard in a Kings Row cafe.-

"Hmm... something odd about that newsclip, when that Peacebringer transforms... looks kind of different for a moment."

-Video Editor heard to remark in Channel 1's Editing Suite.-



"Did you hear what happened when the president made a holo appearance yesterday?"
"No, what?"
"He was complemented about his tie.. his TIE! And then asked some personal questions I heard..."
"Really? The President? Any idea to who the holo-converence was?"
"I have no idea.. not the most respectful bunch, though"
"Kinda funny though!"

- the 'buzz' at Capitol Hill... and oddly enough Paragon City Hall

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



"I dont believe it!"


"Over there. Big Game is leaving the club with that winged girl Raven."

"Raven? Oh you mean that Soul of the Shard."

"Yeah her."

"So what?"

"He has been leaving with her every night this week. Maybe the sleazeball hunter ain't collecting trophies anymore, and he's found someone to finally settle down with."

"Haa, ha, ha haa, ha! Stop it Sandra you're gonna make me wet myself. Game is probably having a lazy week and can't be bothered to try it on with anyone else. Bet you in couple of days time he will be back to his old self sniffing around anything and everything in a short skirt again."


Conversation between Pocket D regulars Sandra and Tracy, just as Big Game and Soul of the Shard are leaving Pocket D.



"Did you hear about last night?"

"You mean the Vagabond Hill woods gone all spooky all of a suddon?"

"Yeah, that. I know a guy who's roommate went to check it out... Would you believe he got thrown out!?"


"Oh yeah, but check this... he got kicked out... by a tree!"

"No way!"

"Way! And no sights of those mages that went to check it out either"

"Wow... weird"

Conversation at the Cap Au Diable University between two frat boys about the hills behind the Uni

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



10am, Port Oakes, 05/05/07. Spoken by two builders, near the Oakes hospital.

"Someones rolling in it." The long haired man points over the road to a shining new car, which is awfully parked one wheel up on the curb on a slant, facing the wrong way, just outside the Campbels' place.

"Wow, dont see many of them in the Isles, that a TVR?"

"Looks like one." The man approachs the brand new car. Peering inside. "Whoever parked it must of been pi**ed."

The long haired man stiffles a laugh "It wont last long in this place, i bet by next week the windows are out."

The other middle aged man comes up off the windscreen and turns around. "I'll bet too. Its even right hand drive." He proceeds to walk along with his friend "Dinner breaks nearly up anyway, back to that building site." He sighs.



"You hear?"

"Hear what?"

"That crazy psychic guy the city gave its super powered neighbourhood watch to just hired some other loser."

"Man what is with him? He seems to take in anyone who happens to be around"

"Arn't psychics normally smart?"

"Must be the black sheep"

"Well I hear he's offering a [censored] of money for anyone with medical or technical experience right now."

"Oh man I'd hate to be the guy who got that gig. Whats he got in his group? A demon, a rabbit and that girl with the wings?"

"Heh its like a collection of societies oddballs or something"

"Maybe its some kind of twisted social experiment?"

"Oh god that would be hilarious..."

*Conversation in the donut shop in Faultline*



""Hey, you know that superhero in the armour, Cauter, was in last night getting those condoms? Well, he came in again with that huge giant of a girlfriend of his, and they brought a pregnancy testing kit! Guess something didn't go well for those two!"

-A girl gossiping to another in one of the brand name chemists in Atlas Park.-



"Great,just great..."
"What? Life isnt getting better?"
"Hell no,got a new villain INSIDE Paragon,he killed about...twenty-six people,and injured a fair few aswell!"
"Wha? How did the thing get into Paragon?!"
"Ex-hero we think,it managed to smash a police drone that didnt even fire at it!"
"What did he look like?"
"dressed in black,head-to-toe,weird glasses,and killed a couple citizens with a bow,others with a knife and gun"

Conversation between two Galaxy City Police in Up N' Away, said conversation spread around quickly



(conversation between Pocket D patrons, over lunch, may 13th.)

Council soldier:"Did you see what happened over by the monkey cage yesterday? That Mafia chick pistol was going on about drugs at the Chronodyne fellow... looked like it was going to kick off"

Troll: "Me no like Chronodyne. Too 'spensive and make little troll"

Council soldier:"yeah, well get this... A couple of minutes later the place is swarming with those mercs from EVIL... there was dozens of them, even that Big son of a [censored] and his wife."

Troll: "Me not like to be in her shoes"

Council soldier: "yeah. If this errupts into a gangwar, im stearing well clear of both Nerva and Oakes for a few month"



"Hey! You wanna know what I heard?"
"What? Not some lame story about that guy from your block again, is it?"
"Naah naah naah!"
"So, like, what is it?"
"You know that hot music tutor?"
"Who? That emo goth chick?"
"Yeah! Well, she's in a band and, like, I heard they are gonna play in Pocket D!"
"This weekend, or so Billy said"

(Conversation between two Paragon U students, Steel Canyon, early May 14th)



"What the... she's with him again!"
"Whats that Tam?"
"That Samantha girl...the one whos always in the music rooms"
"What about her?"
"Shes been turning up with that guy everyday.... it's like they're married or something"
"What? ah don't be stupid.."

((two girls talking in paragon U as sisterhex and Swift guardian arrive at the uni))