Ask A Ben




Yeh man Smurfs are famous,



What I don't get was the view that the Forumites had so called "special" privileges with Bridger, everybody had the same treatment off Bridger, unless you broke the rules, and even then you had to break them into tiny little pieces too small for the eye to see to get anything other than a warning.



What I don't get was the view that the Forumites had so called "special" privileges with Bridger, everybody had the same treatment off Bridger, unless you broke the rules, and even then you had to break them into tiny little pieces too small for the eye to see to get anything other than a warning.

[/ QUOTE ]

Think you will find views on this change depending on who you ask. but lets not drag up the past



What I don't get was the view that the Forumites had so called "special" privileges with Bridger, everybody had the same treatment off Bridger, unless you broke the rules, and even then you had to break them into tiny little pieces too small for the eye to see to get anything other than a warning.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats not quite true, some people were slightly more equal than others.



What a great episode, sounds like me every day with the swearing.



Never ever teamed with FG but I gotta say the more AAB I see the more he reminds me of Eros on TS, funny-brutally honest-and foul mouthed to a tee

Best thing is its 2am, im tired and have finished a brutal day of lvln so after watching it once through (was interestin to find out about the forumites since i know bugger all about what goes on here - still a little green 2 yrs in) I couldnt help but replay back the last ten seconds to try and figure out who he meant....its one of those things...were you 1-dont care enough but 2-am damn curious regardless

Annyhoo babbling over...nice info there and keep up the foul mouth honesty you [bleep]-ing [bleep] of a [bleep]s [bleep] [bleep]-radish

And to throw in a question while my mind is as knackered as John Leslies career;

Lets say for giggles you warrant enough attention to have one of your characters immortalized ingame, but it has to become part of a current faction, which character and what faction and why.

(slaps self for actually asking a serious question...)

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



I'm not sure that this problem, whatever it is, is really suitable for this forum.
Using the Creative section to post links to personal attacks on people you don't like is not really what the Creative section is for.
If you have issues with people, then I think it'd be better if you and whoever the other people are kept them private, instead of dragging them on here.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Using the Creative section to post links to personal attacks on people you don't like is not really what the Creative section is for.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is why, in the video, I edited out certain names. However, although I owe it to anyone watching to be entertaining, I owe it to myself to not smile, nod, and lie through my teeth by pretending everyone loves each other and that this is a jolly, happy place. Believe me, if I wanted to cause drama and flames, the video wouldn't have been under five minutes long, it would have been over 10.

You think that I was too harsh in my comments? They're the nicest bits of what I recorded. I took a lot of it out because, as I just stated in a PM to someone who saw the video, read my comments, and saw it for what it was (a bit of entertaining video), whilst I bleeped and edited out certain names that was purely because I don't want to get banned, and, besides, it isn't my place to enforce my own beliefs about people onto others. I have no intention of rocking the boat.

However, if I can make just one person stop and think about the community, their own places in it, and think about what they may say and how it affects others, then I consider it a bonus for someone like me, who merely seeks to entertain. If you don't like that, there's no reason for you to continue watching.



I have a question for you sir.

What do you think of many of the current MMOs and is there any that you will be looking forward to like Champions Online, DC Online and Star Wars



I hate beeps if your going to beep out swear words just don't use them. Its obivouse it hit a personal note so why bother beeping it out. I have never and never will beep out stuff on my Lotro Podcast (I have cut out sections where people name and shame but thats for legal reasons).



I have never and never will beep out stuff on my Lotro Podcast

[/ QUOTE ]

Good for you!

I beep stuff out because, yes, it hit a personal note with me. On the other hand (and this feels very similar to something I replied with a while ago concerning a question to do with a certain type of battery operated female stimulation equipment) this is a game played by young people. I don't feel the need to contribute to any decline in society (or be accused of contributing to the decline of society) connected with youths swearing. I'll say what I like to say, but I'm always mindful, when editing, that people who weren't born when I was their age may very well be playing the game - or the young children of people who play the game may be in the room when the players are watching the video.



Which is why my cast is labeled explicit.



It's funnier with the bleeping. Jesus Christ.



Different points of view I guess.



I have never and never will beep out stuff on my Lotro Podcast

[/ QUOTE ]

Good for you!

I beep stuff out because, yes, it hit a personal note with me. On the other hand (and this feels very similar to something I replied with a while ago concerning a question to do with a certain type of battery operated female stimulation equipment) this is a game played by young people. I don't feel the need to contribute to any decline in society (or be accused of contributing to the decline of society) connected with youths swearing. I'll say what I like to say, but I'm always mindful, when editing, that people who weren't born when I was their age may very well be playing the game - or the young children of people who play the game may be in the room when the players are watching the video.

[/ QUOTE ]

Plus to be fair there is a fairly blatant PSA warning prior to the video continuing regarding the content so if it is likely to offend....there has been sufficient warning beforehand.

Other than that personally I didnt find offence, im an adult who likes to rant also, besides it was a subject that is clearly close to FG's heart and thus a rant was followed, I didnt see anything wrong with that.....oh did I say there was a PSA warning...oh right..I did.

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



I have never and never will beep out stuff on my Lotro Podcast

[/ QUOTE ]

Good for you!

I beep stuff out because, yes, it hit a personal note with me. On the other hand (and this feels very similar to something I replied with a while ago concerning a question to do with a certain type of battery operated female stimulation equipment) this is a game played by young people. I don't feel the need to contribute to any decline in society (or be accused of contributing to the decline of society) connected with youths swearing. I'll say what I like to say, but I'm always mindful, when editing, that people who weren't born when I was their age may very well be playing the game - or the young children of people who play the game may be in the room when the players are watching the video.

[/ QUOTE ]

Plus to be fair there is a fairly blatant PSA warning prior to the video continuing regarding the content so if it is likely to offend....there has been sufficient warning beforehand.

Other than that personally I didnt find offence, im an adult who likes to rant also, besides it was a subject that is clearly close to FG's heart and thus a rant was followed, I didnt see anything wrong with that.....oh did I say there was a PSA warning...oh right..I did.

[/ QUOTE ]

What if a 3 year old walks into the room while it's playing? Hmmm?

Also, there's not a watershed or anything on podcasts, they could be listened to at any time, so swearing is blocked out all the time.

You're allowed to swear, but really, he has his opnion and he doesn't want to be brought down as a foul mouther.

You do what YOU want when you get YOUR podcast, this is FG's podcast, his standards are different from yours.



Using the Creative section to post links to personal attacks on people you don't like is not really what the Creative section is for.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is why, in the video, I edited out certain names. However, although I owe it to anyone watching to be entertaining, I owe it to myself to not smile, nod, and lie through my teeth by pretending everyone loves each other and that this is a jolly, happy place. Believe me, if I wanted to cause drama and flames, the video wouldn't have been under five minutes long, it would have been over 10.

You think that I was too harsh in my comments? They're the nicest bits of what I recorded. I took a lot of it out because, as I just stated in a PM to someone who saw the video, read my comments, and saw it for what it was (a bit of entertaining video), whilst I bleeped and edited out certain names that was purely because I don't want to get banned, and, besides, it isn't my place to enforce my own beliefs about people onto others. I have no intention of rocking the boat.

However, if I can make just one person stop and think about the community, their own places in it, and think about what they may say and how it affects others, then I consider it a bonus for someone like me, who merely seeks to entertain. If you don't like that, there's no reason for you to continue watching.

[/ QUOTE ]

It doesn't matter if it's trying to entertain or not - if you made a post using the text you said on the video, there's no way it wouldn't be removed - posting a link to a video of you attacking other forum posters is the same as making a post attacking other forum posters.
If you made a video where you had to blank out the names of the people you were talking about in it to avoid being banned, then that should surely tell you that it was an unsuitable thing to post in the first place.
Not only that, but you also come across very badly in it, whcih I'm sure wasn't your intent - and it does tend to confrim the view people had of that whole silly "forumite" thing - which was a while ago now, and it'd be much better to leave it alone, and not try bringing it up again.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I DO have my OWN podcast and its has an awful lot of listeners it comes out twice weekly and my listener base continues to grow so I must be doing some thing right.

And I am also going to start MY OWN CoH podcast soon which will be based upon the format OF MY VERY POPULAR lotro podcast.

Wow putting emphasis on words is more fun that it looks. Also if your going to do a you podcast expect to get criticism good or bad. And that all that I was doing was pionting out that if your going to bleep out the swearing why swear.

So you can now stick a fork in it as its done.



Using the Creative section to post links to personal attacks on people you don't like is not really what the Creative section is for.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is why, in the video, I edited out certain names. However, although I owe it to anyone watching to be entertaining, I owe it to myself to not smile, nod, and lie through my teeth by pretending everyone loves each other and that this is a jolly, happy place. Believe me, if I wanted to cause drama and flames, the video wouldn't have been under five minutes long, it would have been over 10.

You think that I was too harsh in my comments? They're the nicest bits of what I recorded. I took a lot of it out because, as I just stated in a PM to someone who saw the video, read my comments, and saw it for what it was (a bit of entertaining video), whilst I bleeped and edited out certain names that was purely because I don't want to get banned, and, besides, it isn't my place to enforce my own beliefs about people onto others. I have no intention of rocking the boat.

However, if I can make just one person stop and think about the community, their own places in it, and think about what they may say and how it affects others, then I consider it a bonus for someone like me, who merely seeks to entertain. If you don't like that, there's no reason for you to continue watching.

[/ QUOTE ]

It doesn't matter if it's trying to entertain or not - if you made a post using the text you said on the video, there's no way it wouldn't be removed - posting a link to a video of you attacking other forum posters is the same as making a post attacking other forum posters.
If you made a video where you had to blank out the names of the people you were talking about in it to avoid being banned, then that should surely tell you that it was an unsuitable thing to post in the first place.
Not only that, but you also come across very badly in it, whcih I'm sure wasn't your intent - and it does tend to confrim the view people had of that whole silly "forumite" thing - which was a while ago now, and it'd be much better to leave it alone, and not try bringing it up again.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought it was [censored] hilarious.

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Jesus Rocky calm down already, and lets just let this go, enough has been said about the AAB 4 its done, its dusted, Panda doesnt like it, fair enough, we did.



Using the Creative section to post links to personal attacks on people you don't like is not really what the Creative section is for.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is why, in the video, I edited out certain names. However, although I owe it to anyone watching to be entertaining, I owe it to myself to not smile, nod, and lie through my teeth by pretending everyone loves each other and that this is a jolly, happy place. Believe me, if I wanted to cause drama and flames, the video wouldn't have been under five minutes long, it would have been over 10.

You think that I was too harsh in my comments? They're the nicest bits of what I recorded. I took a lot of it out because, as I just stated in a PM to someone who saw the video, read my comments, and saw it for what it was (a bit of entertaining video), whilst I bleeped and edited out certain names that was purely because I don't want to get banned, and, besides, it isn't my place to enforce my own beliefs about people onto others. I have no intention of rocking the boat.

However, if I can make just one person stop and think about the community, their own places in it, and think about what they may say and how it affects others, then I consider it a bonus for someone like me, who merely seeks to entertain. If you don't like that, there's no reason for you to continue watching.

[/ QUOTE ]

It doesn't matter if it's trying to entertain or not - if you made a post using the text you said on the video, there's no way it wouldn't be removed - posting a link to a video of you attacking other forum posters is the same as making a post attacking other forum posters.
If you made a video where you had to blank out the names of the people you were talking about in it to avoid being banned, then that should surely tell you that it was an unsuitable thing to post in the first place.
Not only that, but you also come across very badly in it, whcih I'm sure wasn't your intent - and it does tend to confrim the view people had of that whole silly "forumite" thing - which was a while ago now, and it'd be much better to leave it alone, and not try bringing it up again.

[/ QUOTE ]

You forgot the smiley.



Using the Creative section to post links to personal attacks on people you don't like is not really what the Creative section is for.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is why, in the video, I edited out certain names. However, although I owe it to anyone watching to be entertaining, I owe it to myself to not smile, nod, and lie through my teeth by pretending everyone loves each other and that this is a jolly, happy place. Believe me, if I wanted to cause drama and flames, the video wouldn't have been under five minutes long, it would have been over 10.

You think that I was too harsh in my comments? They're the nicest bits of what I recorded. I took a lot of it out because, as I just stated in a PM to someone who saw the video, read my comments, and saw it for what it was (a bit of entertaining video), whilst I bleeped and edited out certain names that was purely because I don't want to get banned, and, besides, it isn't my place to enforce my own beliefs about people onto others. I have no intention of rocking the boat.

However, if I can make just one person stop and think about the community, their own places in it, and think about what they may say and how it affects others, then I consider it a bonus for someone like me, who merely seeks to entertain. If you don't like that, there's no reason for you to continue watching.

[/ QUOTE ]

It doesn't matter if it's trying to entertain or not - if you made a post using the text you said on the video, there's no way it wouldn't be removed - posting a link to a video of you attacking other forum posters is the same as making a post attacking other forum posters.
If you made a video where you had to blank out the names of the people you were talking about in it to avoid being banned, then that should surely tell you that it was an unsuitable thing to post in the first place.
Not only that, but you also come across very badly in it, whcih I'm sure wasn't your intent - and it does tend to confrim the view people had of that whole silly "forumite" thing - which was a while ago now, and it'd be much better to leave it alone, and not try bringing it up again.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought it was [censored] hilarious.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought it was [censored] hilarious to but I don't know the history that surrounds this vid, so to someone like me it was a bit of fun but to someone that knows or was involved in the history/backstory/drama of it all I'm sure it seemed like a poke in the face to them ..with a healthy dose of nerd rage.




It doesn't matter if it's trying to entertain or not - if you made a post using the text you said on the video, there's no way it wouldn't be removed - posting a link to a video of you attacking other forum posters is the same as making a post attacking other forum posters.
If you made a video where you had to blank out the names of the people you were talking about in it to avoid being banned, then that should surely tell you that it was an unsuitable thing to post in the first place.
Not only that, but you also come across very badly in it, whcih I'm sure wasn't your intent - and it does tend to confrim the view people had of that whole silly "forumite" thing - which was a while ago now, and it'd be much better to leave it alone, and not try bringing it up again.

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored] [censored] your [censored] face [censored].

In that post, I told you to "censored, censored your censored face censored", I have not and did not type one swear word, nor was I insulting to you in anyway.

However I deliberately made it appear that I was being insulting, and swearing my [censored] off for effect.

Fire_Guardian is an actor. Yes, he has real feelings about some people on these forums, and events in the past - but in Ask a Ben he is first and foremost, an actor. Episode Four is meant to show him up in a bad light, it's rather the point. Y'know, like the angry German kid, or... Yahtzee.

The unedited version, whilst containing real, very strong swear words and a genuine rant, also contains about 10 minutes of laughter from the both of us. You can spot him about to laugh on multiple occasions, he couldn't get through it without giggling.

Basically, [censored] happened, it was bad, it still stings, but it's funny as all [censored] [censored]-[censored] hell.




A question.

Who would win in a fight, Jesus or Ghandi (please keep in mind that Jesus isn't allowed to bring God into it but to balance out the fact Ghandi knows Kung-fu, Jesus is armed with a pair of first century spanish fighting clogs and a muffin).

If this question with obvious Religious AND Political ramifications is something you'd rather not delve into then another question.

Who would win in a fight, you or Stasisesque? are both armed with Muffins...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!