Ask A Ben




lol, very dramatic. A look forward to the next season, seen all of em so far.



love it m8 very cool lol

cant wait hehehe




I thought this second trailer captured the feeling of Ask A Ben a bit more than the first...

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You can't beat a good day of wrath for anticipation though...




Hey, speaking of which, let's get some more questions in, guys!



Do said questions have to be CoX related, or can be about anything?



You've not been following the earlier episodes have you?




Yeeesss. Anything your little heart desires to know. Previous non CoH related questions have included:

If a mime falls down in the forest, and tree falls down on him/her, does anyone care?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck chucked a woodchucking Chuck Norris?
Junction 21 is part of the M1. Can you name another?
What is the meaning of life?
Do you like Marmite?
Where can I get all of Monty Python's Flying Circus on DVD?
What is your favourite colour?
What is your personal favourite type of controller?
If the following statement is true, and the previous statement is false, which one is really true?
Given that space is infinite, that time is endless, and Chuck Norris is considered G-d, have you ever thought about working in comedy?
Is that really you singing, or do you just mime?

And, my personal favourite...




*enters coma 'till 01/08*



*rummages in treasure chest for piratey questions....



Here's one FG, What do you think is more awesome?

The colour red or the colour blue ?



Yeeesss. Anything your little heart desires to know. Previous non CoH related questions have included:

If a mime falls down in the forest, and tree falls down on him/her, does anyone care?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck chucked a woodchucking Chuck Norris?
Junction 21 is part of the M1. Can you name another?
What is the meaning of life?
Do you like Marmite?
Where can I get all of Monty Python's Flying Circus on DVD?
What is your favourite colour?

If the following statement is true, and the previous statement is false, which one is really true?
What is your personal favourite type of controller?
Given that space is infinite, that time is endless, and Chuck Norris is considered G-d, have you ever thought about working in comedy?
Is that really you singing, or do you just mime?

And, my personal favourite...


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Of course... how is that not CoX Related... u really are being funny or missunderstood the question.. or very... very slow :P




*goes off to plot fiendish questions*



Well, given that my reply was "X-Box", it could be taken in many, many ways.



I thought this second trailer captured the feeling of Ask A Ben a bit more than the first...

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Lol, now that's more like it.



Ih, and here's a question for you to work on if you could use it.

Ghost Widow vs Sister Psyche
ONLY them two in a ifght with each other
Who would win?

NOTE: they are allowed to use marshmallows.



I thought this second trailer captured the feeling of Ask A Ben a bit more than the first...

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Excellent! I only recently 'discovered' your stuff and it's bloody great! I'm donning my +5 cloak of patience until August

BTW, you surely missed a trick in not having that American trailer voiceover guy with the incredibly deep voice reading out the text? After a quick Wiki trip, I discovered I mean Don LaFontaine. IIRC, he's supposed to earn 1 Million dollars a year doing that job!

Question: Why is the sky blue? with a bonus q: of Why is the sky blue, black, then blue again really quickly in Paragon City?



BTW, you surely missed a trick in not having that American trailer voiceover guy with the incredibly deep voice reading out the text? After a quick Wiki trip, I discovered I mean Don LaFontaine. IIRC, he's supposed to earn 1 Million dollars a year doing that job!

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Eh. A million a year really isn't all that much. I would have preferred Nick Tate, myself, but any of the top five American VO artists would have done the job.



Question: Russel T. Davies. Why? And would Statesman have done a better job or would the Doctor have been nerfed all the way back to Earth? (So that's what happened in the Pertwee era! )

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Eh. A million a year really isn't all that much. I would have preferred Nick Tate, myself, but any of the top five American VO artists would have done the job.

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Great link, when it downloaded, that's the fella, yeah! From your earlier work however, I'd say you could tackle the job yourself, bringing grace, humility and a certain 'I don't know what' to the voiceover.

BTW, a million maybe isn't all that much to an artiste such as yourself, but what about us mere mortals lower down the food chain?

Anyway, shouldn't you be working on AAB Season 2 or something? Get back to work, you!



BTW, you surely missed a trick in not having that American trailer voiceover guy with the incredibly deep voice reading out the text? After a quick Wiki trip, I discovered I mean Don LaFontaine. IIRC, he's supposed to earn 1 Million dollars a year doing that job!

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Can i do you voice over thingy? I have a canadain accent! I'll do it for a shiny nickel!



Well, to be honest, I wasn't really planning on having a voice-over. The trailers seem a little busy right now as they are. Thanks for the offer though!



LOL im surprisedyou tokk me seriously