Ask A Ben




Ok, here's one:

Is it true?

That's it, that's my question.



Is it true?

[/ QUOTE ]

Another spawns from this:

Wth is 'it'? :S


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



Is 'it' alive?



Is stasis really having an affair with bridger? Also, what is her current relationship with Chiefette, and Silver Weasel?



....And that's your lot.

I don't mean MaX, I mean everyone. I am officially closing the 'question' part of Ask A Ben. As it stands, the second season will run for 24 episodes (four of which I consider 'special' episodes), with a whopping 71 questions being asked. After reviewing, and making a list, of all of them, I've decided that, with the exception of the 'dildo' question, they'll all be answered. Some of them however, won't be answered in the way you think, an, in my opinion, they're borderline racism. And, since my opinion is the only one that actually matters in these things, you be out of luck.

One guy actually asked 14 questions for one episode. Compare and contrast to the Omnibus Episode last season, which had 23 questions. And the questions.....ugh. Remember people: Quantity is NOT quality. Or Quilty. Which means that not Quality.

The questions, I'd like to point out, will NOT be running in the order they've been asked in. Some of the questions are time-specific, in that they reference either events or statements that have taken place very recently. Because of this, I've had to jumble the questions around. Also, I don't think MaX' question is a great one to end season 2 on.

So, watch this space, as Ask A Ben will be returning VERY shortly...



That'll be in about...March 2007, if I give myself a break between seasons.



Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. FlashFire Productions, in association with The Forumites, is pleased to announce that ASK A BEN has returned!

Over the next 24 weeks....that's right 24 weeks....that's SIX MONTHS, I'll be plumbing the depths of internet knowledge and general chicanery to bring you the answers to the questions that burned deep within you.

So sit down, settle back, take a shot (shout out to Xan) and enjoy Ask A Ben, Season Two.



Now, get posting episode 2.2 then




Good to have it back in action, especially by answering a question from the legendary ducky



He's baaack..

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



im glad he's back and all but i have a pain in my stomach area at the moment and it hurts when i laugh

damn you for making me laugh about chickens and ducks



Welcome back, excellent as usual FG!

Surely chickens have the advantage of global domination though, albeit in a cooped-up, restricted freedom, kind of way?



Funny as always , liked the Autobot to FG emblem flip ... even though I also use that emblem.



WOOHOO, he is back. *does a happy dance*

Hope u get to answer all of our questions FG.



Yay! He's back!


Surely chickens have the advantage of global domination though, albeit in a cooped-up, restricted freedom, kind of way?

[/ QUOTE ]
And surely a duck is more useful in a combat situation?

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



*does Max style dance*



Why have I only found this now!

It's genius



And surely a duck is more useful in a combat situation?

[/ QUOTE ]

You've got me there. Ducks FTQ!




But chickens give us eggs... which will bring me on to my question.

Wat came first the chicken or the egg?



Good to see the show return.....

*considers that statement*

"Hello. Local nuthouse? I may have self-diagnosed myself with that insane disease thingy."

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter




But chickens give us eggs... which will bring me on to my question.

Wat came first the chicken or the egg?

[/ QUOTE ]

*serious moment*

Easy, the egg. Because if could've been an animal which was similar to a chicken could've laid it which was evolving overtime into a chicken. Kinda like how wolves evolved into dogs, or how apes evoled into humans.

EDIT: sorry to steal your spotlight FG, but it's only the truth.



EDIT: sorry to steal your spotlight FG, but it's only the truth.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sory i have to say this. U cnt say its the truth because u werent there when the first chicken was created. Now thts off my chest.

Plus its one of those questions tht cnt be answered like "If a tree falls over in the woods and no one is around it hear it, does it make a sound?
Which is y i asked the chicken and egg question.



Actually the egg came first, cause reptiles were around way before anything resembling a bird, but that leads to the question. Which came first the reptile or the egg?