Ask A Ben




Some great questions all round, here! I'm going to start a weekly schedule, picking out questions at random. So, every Friday, my face will be ready to welcome you to the weekend.

...If that doesn't scare people, nothing will.



What DOES love got to do with it?

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Jesus Rocky calm down already, and lets just let this go, enough has been said about the AAB 4 its done, its dusted, Panda doesnt like it, fair enough, we did.

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I'm not angry who said I was angry.




It doesn't matter if it's trying to entertain or not - if you made a post using the text you said on the video, there's no way it wouldn't be removed - posting a link to a video of you attacking other forum posters is the same as making a post attacking other forum posters.
If you made a video where you had to blank out the names of the people you were talking about in it to avoid being banned, then that should surely tell you that it was an unsuitable thing to post in the first place.
Not only that, but you also come across very badly in it, whcih I'm sure wasn't your intent - and it does tend to confrim the view people had of that whole silly "forumite" thing - which was a while ago now, and it'd be much better to leave it alone, and not try bringing it up again.

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[censored] [censored] your [censored] face [censored].

In that post, I told you to "censored, censored your censored face censored", I have not and did not type one swear word, nor was I insulting to you in anyway.

However I deliberately made it appear that I was being insulting, and swearing my [censored] off for effect.

Fire_Guardian is an actor. Yes, he has real feelings about some people on these forums, and events in the past - but in Ask a Ben he is first and foremost, an actor. Episode Four is meant to show him up in a bad light, it's rather the point. Y'know, like the angry German kid, or... Yahtzee.

The unedited version, whilst containing real, very strong swear words and a genuine rant, also contains about 10 minutes of laughter from the both of us. You can spot him about to laugh on multiple occasions, he couldn't get through it without giggling.

Basically, [censored] happened, it was bad, it still stings, but it's funny as all [censored] [censored]-[censored] hell.

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Regardless, I've removed the link to that episode and a couple of other posts here. This forum is not the place for that sort of thing, even in jest. Especially in a case such as this where it dredges up issues of the past that should remain in the past.



The overemphasis of using CAPS for some words is generally taken to mean that you are STRONGLY stressing those words, SO OF COURSE WE THOUGHT YOU WERE ANGRY!

(I'm not angry, for the record - just illustrating a point.)

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



I think I'm with GR on this one - sure, it was funny, and I did agree with FG's points, but maybe it should've been put in the off-topic forum? Or is that down now?



I think the best thing we can do now is just drop the subject, episode's link is gone, episode has been done so best to forget about it now, all said and done, lets just look forward to the next question, Peace



Next question's now up and ready for your viewing pleasure. This week, I tackle Spawnus. In a sense.



Yay new episode!

Just for a few words about Jumpgate: Evolution FG, it's still in developement but is nearing a Beta phase (as in within the next two-three months), it too is an MMO I'm excited about.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Just for a few words about Jumpgate: Evolution FG, it's still in developement but is nearing a Beta phase (as in within the next two-three months), it too is an MMO I'm excited about.

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Yeah, an e-mail was sent within the last few days saying the beta was being issued sometime this year. However, since they said the exact same thing more than once last year, I won't be holding my breath.



awww now you've ruined me dreams FG...I want a space MMO played with a joystick dagnabbit!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Just for a few words about Jumpgate: Evolution FG, it's still in developement but is nearing a Beta phase (as in within the next two-three months), it too is an MMO I'm excited about.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, an e-mail was sent within the last few days saying the beta was being issued sometime this year. However, since they said the exact same thing more than once last year, I won't be holding my breath.

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The Beta will be happening this year. I did an interview with Herman Petersheck at connect 08 last year a great guy. Thats where the video is hosted if you want to watch it.