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  1. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    What the Mess said, +1.

    Exactly the answer I would write if I had the brains or willpower to write something of that length. So, good job.
  2. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    Okay, that makes a lot more sense. And in fairness, you are right.

    As for your friend, the person should have reported the incident to a GM, and sent chat logs. That kind of behavior is totally out of order and should not be aloud to happen.
  3. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    I'm fairly sure that supergroup doesn't exist either.

    And you never know, may be some homosexuals who are afraid of themselves!
  4. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    psychabilly, I'm sorry. But you're comment that homosexuals are afraid of homophobia so won't join a supergroup is one of utter and complete bull.

    I know several people (myself included) who have never been afraid of putting themselves out there, infact, I don't know of a single instance where someone hasn't joined a supergroup because they where afraid of homophobia.
  5. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    Infact, my final point before I stop reading this topic.

    A straight only supergroup would be an outrage, and people would flame it to no end, screaming it was homophobic.

    Why should a G ay only supergroup be treated any differently?

    Answer me that Shazan, please.
  6. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    "Though your earlier point about straight people not being able to join a g a y SG when there are hundreds of straight ones already"

    THERE ARE NO STRAIGHT ONLY SUPERGROUPS. Okay, that's all. Onto point two.

    Shazan, if you haven't figured it out by now. I am a homosexual. You are putting words in my mouth and I have openly apologized, not once, but TWICE, if my comments have offended anyone. So just stop. Now.
  7. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    Shazan, I'm making this clear to you now.

    I -PERSONALLY- have no problem with anyones sexual preference, I am just making it obvious that some gamers WILL, and if a G-ay only supergroup where to be made, people in that supergroup will most likely be flamed because of it.

    That is all! Now just STOP. This topic has gone off track more than I care to note.

    ----- Read this -----

    And if you care to stop flaming now, I am SORRY if I have offended anyone with my point of view. But seeing as that is all certain people are doing now, I will take any futher flaming and report it to moderators. So I am asking you nicely to stop.
  8. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    Okay, post deleted. Psychabilly's responses seem to be just a little too troll like.

    Plus he's picking figures out of the air, which I don't like.
  9. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    I suppose so, I don't think we are disagreeing though, I think we're looking at the topic name and OP's post in two different ways.
  10. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    --------------READ THIS------------------

    Since people are now calling me a bigot (Which is just peachy.)

    My point stands on this thread that; A supergroup named G-A-Y would be a BAD idea, for the reason it would just be flamebate. I have NO problems with [censored] relationships (or that would make me a hypocrite.) I just think that exiling other people from a supergroup because of there sexual preference is darnright stupid.

    You don't see any Straight only supergroups about? I understand some people may need help, talking to other people who are like them, in being accepted. But there are hundreds of thousands of sites for that, with trained professionals.

    I'm sorry if people have read it any other way, I'm just trying to make it clear that creating a G-A-Y only supergroup would make people WANT to troll you, since you're pretty much saying 'you can't be in this because you don't think the same way as us'.

    I didn't mean to offend anyone in the slightest, I just think the points some people have made Pro this kind of supergroup are counter able with even a small counter thought. This is all.

    Hidden out.
  11. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    [ QUOTE ]
    From the way some people have described it on this thread even mentioning that you are G ay is to much of an advertisement.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Let me put it this way, do you see any supergroups that are called STRAIGHT? Or anyone going around saying 'I'm not G ay'

    This is all.

    And to your first comment, I was saying that having an SG called G AY or something to that extent would be screaming it about, not this topic at all!

    [ QUOTE ]
    2/ why should g-a-y ppl have to advertise their sexuality? because straight ppl flaunt their sexuality all the time in books in films in life in general and in this game. There are loads of references to straight sexuality in this game but not 1 to homosexuals but then may g-a-y ppl cant be heroes? well at least in Paragon anyway

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There really, really isn't. [censored] Pride being a very big part of this actually. We don't see any straight prides about! And yes, there are straight relationships in CoX.. But so what? 'Straight' relationships are considered normal, since most people are attracted to members of the opposite sex.
  12. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup

    [ QUOTE ]
    I also 'partly' agree with Hidden, but I just felt that he could have been more friendly whilst stating his point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Late response, sorry. But yes, it's the people who go around screaming 'I'm 'this' way inclined' the give the rest of us a stereotypical name, same thing with being camp. Just makes people feel like they're forced away from you, and splitting yourself from society even more. But anyhow, goodluck if you do make one.
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Creative comment here.

    And Techbot, I'm afraid people use these things to glitch free XP and whatnot, removal of XP from the entire system would stop 99% of people using it. I know it's a huge shame when they remove it for people who are using the stuff correctly, but far too many people use it to exploit the game. Really sorry to hear your arc got scrambled in the mess though.
  14. Hidden_EU

    g-a-y supergroup


    Oh come on now, really?

    Is there anyway of making yourself stand out more than creating a SG stating your sexual preference?

    By which I mean: Do expect for homophobes to flame you because of your SG's name.
  15. Here's a quick bug for you lot:

    Crash, crash, crash, crash, crash. I've had more Fatal Errors in two days than I've had in my 4 years of playing.
  16. "Architect Entertainment regrets to inform you that your critter was invalid and melted into goop. Please edit your custom character to revive him."

    Bahahahahahaha. Good going NCsoft.
  17. Indeed, they killed the hami's. And it took 3 hours to do that!? Damn.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    What the hell is this CoP you all speek of?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cathedral of pain, aptly named really.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You're all wrong: It's CoP going live again!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And one day, pigs may fly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I remember the first time we tried that on live, I also remember people screaming, and then blood.

    Please don't reactivate CoP, ever.
  20. A.

    And it's too late already, people have got to 50 just by killing those blasted things!
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Broadcast by Atlas n00b : "Hay. Y are I covered in bes??"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Noob buster: Its the new power the devs have just put in. To help combat exploitive farming, they are putting nerf powers onto characters that do these farming missions. All your attributes are much lowered and xp gain decreases by a certain amount [in relative to amount of farms you done] The only way to get rid of it is by doing the positron taskforce. .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Twice, back to back

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While unslotted, and inspirations are disabled.
  22. Hidden_EU

    City of Cute...

    Those are adorable Psy!

    Found myself having an 'Aww' moment.
  23. Hidden_EU

    Imperious TF

    Is this going to be in character, or just someone posting in the wrong board?
  24. Hidden_EU


    Get about 2000 XP away, have a contact on call, and auto complete a mission in a big gathering (Ie/ A Rikti Raid, a Costume Contest in Atlas)
  25. Im trudginly having to agree with Steel on this, but if your staying- it's all good.

    Your OP did have the whole "Please tell me how much you like me so i stay" feel to it. But, how about we drop the argument and just say good to see your staying.