Just curious Devs...

Abigail Frost



QR: Holy crap, if the price cap went to 150M, I would make so much money on an actual black market.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



What I read in that is instant gratification, people tend to forget that when you want the best you have to work hard for it, and these enhancements provide something for people to work hard for.

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Well I dunno, sounds a bit like a puritan work ethic PoV to me, this IS a game and we don't have to work within quite the same rules as the real world, IMO. We have nigh-complete autonomy to set those rules. Then again if we don't follow some of those real world rules we may find ourselves in "matrix 1.0" land with people rebelling from all the lovely wonderfulness.

Edit: Heh, and now I see above that you prefer smarter to harder in some instance.




And also, I'd like to see any purchase of 500mil or more flag that account for investigation of RMT. Before you jump into an uproar, if you earned that Inf the honest way, then you have nothing to worry about.

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Yes, because treating your customers like criminals is such a fantastic way to keep them subscribed.

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Hey, you changed your sig from the History of Responsible Developer Changes in CoX...



I'd be the richest player in City of Heroes by hundreds of miles.

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Whoa man, I'm not saying you wouldn't or couldn't but don't you think there is a difference between confidence and drink too much of your own cool aide?



Look smurph, if they tripled the drop rate of purples but didnt have a price cap, the market manipulators would just buy them up and flip them still demanding 200 million to a billion inf for one IO.

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Obivously, the market doesn't work the way you think it does. Not even close.

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Honestly, just stop trying. The man's absolutely convinced that the market is easily manipulated by our ebil bankrolls.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!




And also, I'd like to see any purchase of 500mil or more flag that account for investigation of RMT. Before you jump into an uproar, if you earned that Inf the honest way, then you have nothing to worry about.

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Yes, because treating your customers like criminals is such a fantastic way to keep them subscribed.

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Hey, you changed your sig from the History of Responsible Developer Changes in CoX...

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Well, they didn't go on an orgy of recrimination after the mito fiasco so I'm willing to let bygones be bygones and assume they learned something.

Also I just really loved that thread title- it brought me joy.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Players set the price, if they are willing to pay 1 billion influence for a single enhancement then so be it.

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Basically, your gripe is with the players, not the Devs. Tell people not to buy things when the price climbs... see how well that works for ya!



Holy crap, if the price cap went to 150M, I would make so much money on an actual black market.

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And I really do not understand how people cannot grasp this concept. Explained again ...

Lets look at a high end example that should get the point across.

Gladiator's Armor +3 defense.

These have recently sold for 600 million to 1.2 billion on the market. If a price cap was put in place of say 150 million, literally thousands of people would put bids in at 150 million. At an apparent drop rate of 1 or so per day (that's a total guesstimate, but close enough for this) How many years would it take for a bid to fill?

Now lets say SuperDuperMan gets one to drop. Think he will list it on the market for 150 million? (That's pretty funny!) No, he will advertise through channels, forums, whatever, that he has one for sale for 2 billion. And remember the people willing to pay 1.2 billion? Well they will jump all over the chance to get one for 2 billion because the waiting list on the market is years long!

Now what has this precious price cap of 150 million done? It has made SuperDuperMan more money than he thought possible. It has also basically removed ANY chance you ever had to get it on the market for even 1 billion if you wanted to pay that much. The new price is now 2 billion.

It will work the same way for any of the really rare drops in the game. People willing to pay 250 million for a purple before the price cap will now likely pay what, 400, 500, 600 million, or more? because there will not be any for sale on the game market.

You WILL NOT have the option to outbid someone to get what you want.

As it works now, if you want something from the market, you bid higher than anyone else, and you win the item. Simple. With a price cap, you simply put in a max bid and get on the waiting list with thousands of other bidders. As more Influence/Infamy enters the game world, more and more items will reach the cap and the waiting lists will grow and grow ... I hope you get your item within the next year or 2.

Are you really sure you want a price cap?




Because I tried a lot of the things JDouble thought would work, and they didn't work...

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I can't tell you how shocked I am.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Well, I extend my kudos to the marketeers who had the patience to deal with the silliness of the propositions made by the OP. I am a little surprised we haven't had the pleasure of an intervention by Mod8.



My impression was that the majority of items (ie everything but purples and TF drops) were supposed to function in a "store-like" manner. Basically plenty of supply, very reasonable prices.

One could argue that the market isn't currently working very well in this regard. I know a few months ago I could stop by at lvl 27 and franken-slot my toon for a few million with instantly filled bids.
Price is not the issue now with this, but many IO's that should have high suppy just don't anymore.

Purples were put in place to fill the request for super end game "gear/loot". To fill that niche, extreme rarity is pretty much one of the first requirements.

PvP IO's were implemented to satisfy the player demand for progression and reward for pvp activity. But for w/e reason have rarity beyond even purples. It would be ok if they had several layers of pvp enhancement similar to pve, but they don't. So pvp IO's are fail in every way.

For me Purples are more or less WAI, good IO's that make a non-purple top tier build are fine, pvp IO's have failed, and I get pretty pissed off when I have to "wait" on cheap IO's that I want to buy NAO for franken-slotting because there is zero supply.

However, unless they put in some ridiculous restriction on the new system for spawning team sized spawns while solo or w/e then I think the market is going to flourish in i16. Of course pvp IO's will still be phail.

*To answer this question: "dev's are you ok with Billion inf purple sets?"
Probably, a Billion inf is the equivalent to what about 400 million was a few months ago. Making a LOT of inf is even easier than ever and things cost a lot more. The proportions don't seem all that different to me.

However, the BIG numbers can be a shock now that inf has pretty much been converted from US currency to Yen!.



I'd be the richest player in City of Heroes by hundreds of miles.

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Whoa man, I'm not saying you wouldn't or couldn't but don't you think there is a difference between confidence and drink too much of your own cool aide?

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It is pronounced cool wHip



My impression was that the majority of items (ie everything but purples and TF drops) were supposed to function in a "store-like" manner. Basically plenty of supply, very reasonable prices.

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Where did you get that impression? I would think that if things were supposed to function in a store-like manner, they would have made everything available in a store. That's just me.

Price is not the issue now with this, but many IO's that should have high suppy just don't anymore.

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I suppose that the fact that you can earn tickets at a pretty good rate (the ticket cap left out) to be able to create quite a nice supply of recipes even in excess of what they were prior to MA may have been left out of your calculations. Before the MA nerfs, recipes were falling from the sky like rain in Oregon. Now it's more of a drizzle, but still, everything in the MA should lead to *more* recipes, not less.

Just a few questions on the reasoning in your post.



Amazing how everyone in this section of the forums knows everything.....ever. even in the old PvP forums I;ve never seen a bunch of folks so full of themselves. You all go on patting yourself on the backs and feeding each others egos. I realize now why I've never posted here. You all are the most self righteous egotistical group I've ever seen. I suppose it takes a certain type of person to be drawn into the act of getting rich at the expense of other people. The sad thing you can't do it in real life and have to get your kicks in a video game...then act all high and mighty like your something special and talk down to people. Way to go guys. Good job.

Devs...1 billion inf is too much for one IO. Please do something. Thanks.



Read, read, read, insult. My job here is done.

*rolls eyes*

I think the mods are on vacation. There have been plenty of opportunities for them to jump in here and they haven't yet. I think they're all at Comic-con with Megan Fox.



sorry jd, instant gratification isn't comming. if youy want purples work for them. if you notice you aren't getting alot of drops log off completely and then log back in to reset. it really is funny that people are posting all over about dropping 1-4 purples in their play session. play the markets and make infl/inf. but don't expect to be handed something for nothing.

it is not the dev's responsibility to do anything. why do you seem to think they are going to change the drop rates when people aren't playing the regular missions all that much to drop the purples? of course you could always set up an afk farm in RV to get some purple drops. i have , as well as others i know, done this and walked out the next day with 2-3 purples a day when we do it. then you aren't doing the work, the heavy is. the only thing you have to worry about is someone finding you.

and remember, it is not the seller that sets the price but the bidder. only on the very very few occaisions do the seller set the price. and those are the times when someone who doesn't understand the market places the item up for sale.



Amazing how everyone in this section of the forums knows everything.....ever. even in the old PvP forums I;ve never seen a bunch of folks so full of themselves. You all go on patting yourself on the backs and feeding each others egos. I realize now why I've never posted here. You all are the most self righteous egotistical group I've ever seen. I suppose it takes a certain type of person to be drawn into the act of getting rich at the expense of other people. The sad thing you can't do it in real life and have to get your kicks in a video game...then act all high and mighty like your something special and talk down to people. Way to go guys. Good job.

Devs...1 billion inf is too much for one IO. Please do something. Thanks.

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You're the one acting high and mighty and demanding people cater to your unrealistic. uneducated, childish notions of what drives a market and your insistence on the devs taking time out of their busy schedule to placate you.

You're like the little kid throwing a screaming tantrum because mommy and daddy had to pay the rent instead of buying you a playstation 3.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



JD, after IO's thats all its ever been, elitist sucking elitist. I'm just glade the purple IO's don't make your character "god", I'm happy in knowing purples dont "turn the tides" of battles. And honestly, I hope they don't. We don't need WoW "elites" running around claiming this or that. Like I posted before, I wish I could say your dealing with mature people....but we both that aint true. Some definitives will always exist. Aslong as there's a market for avarice then people will "feed". I'm sure some market head will make the claim, that its "your fault" that you didn't manipulate some form of the AH.

he sad thing you can't do it in real life and have to get your kicks in a video game...then act all high and mighty like your something special and talk down to people.

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT over the many years of MMO's...

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



JD, after IO's thats all its ever been, elitist sucking elitist. I'm just glade the purple IO's don't make your character "god", I'm happy in knowing purples dont "turn the tides" of battles. And honestly, I hope they don't. We don't need WoW "elites" running around claiming this or that. Like I posted before, I wish I could say your dealing with mature people....but we both that aint true. Some definitives will always exist. Aslong as there's a market for avarice then people will "feed". I'm sure some market head will make the claim, that its "your fault" that you didn't manipulate some form of the AH.

he sad thing you can't do it in real life and have to get your kicks in a video game...then act all high and mighty like your something special and talk down to people.

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QFT over the many years of MMO's...

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I love how people like you are the same type who will then go clock in to your 9-5 job just like everyone and take this same sort of "talking down to" from their boss without so much as a whimper of protest.

The internet, making entitled whiners feel safe to scream about how unfair life is.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



You're the one acting high and mighty and demanding people cater to your unrealistic. uneducated, childish notions of what drives a market and your insistence on the devs taking time out of their busy schedule to placate you.

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Can we all keep in mind, that its a PRETEND market. It doesn't exist. It's just code. Defending it doesn't exactly make you a better person, your not defending anything real, or anything that will change the world. Your literally defending a fake market. But that in of itself should tell you something...go outside, go eat a donut, do something just do it away from the comp, because if you think defending a VIDEO GAME market is worthwhile, you failed at life.

"Thats some powerful stupid" - QFT

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."




Perhaps your getting so worked up becuae you realize a price cap would ruin the market manipulators because the only way to make money off the market would be to go out and earn drops rather than use your vast amounts on Inf to push up prices for everyone else.

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I ran the ITF the other night and got an Armegeddon. I listed it for 200mil. I didn't flip it. I listed it for 200 mil because 150 people were bidding, and there were NONE selling. Flipping isn't raising prices, high demand and low supply is.



You're the one acting high and mighty and demanding people cater to your unrealistic. uneducated, childish notions of what drives a market and your insistence on the devs taking time out of their busy schedule to placate you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can we all keep in mind, that its a PRETEND market. It doesn't exist. It's just code. Defending it doesn't exactly make you a better person, your not defending anything real, or anything that will change the world. Your literally defending a fake market. But that in of itself should tell you something...go outside, go eat a donut, do something just do it away from the comp, because if you think defending a VIDEO GAME market is worthwhile, you failed at life.

"Thats some powerful stupid" - QFT

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Defending a moron who wants rare items for free in a game like an MMO where that sort of system will kill the game doesnt make you a saint either. But then, given your sig, you arent looking for a reasoned debate so much as to start a fight. so welcome to my ignore list.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Can we all keep in mind, that its a PRETEND market. It doesn't exist. It's just code. Defending it doesn't exactly make you a better person, your not defending anything real, or anything that will change the world. Your literally defending a fake market. But that in of itself should tell you something...go outside, go eat a donut, do something just do it away from the comp, because if you think defending a VIDEO GAME market is worthwhile, you failed at life.

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Can we all keep in mind, that its a PRETEND market. It doesn't exist. It's just code. Attacking it doesn't exactly make you a better person, your not attacking anything real, or anything that will change the world. Your literally attacking a fake market. But that in of itself should tell you something...go outside, go eat a donut, do something just do it away from the comp, because if you think attacking a VIDEO GAME market is worthwhile, you failed at life.



Cavatina your judging me on an online forum, inaccurately at that. Honestly, assuming makes fools of us all. I'm either guessing your the "non comformist. with a 9-5 job"? or are you liberated and living with some type of relative?, see we can all assume. Then again if you live close to NY we can meet and see how vocal you are when we meet?, sure I would love to see how much your willing to "bark" when I'm in front of you. We can forget about all the back and forth on the boards. Then again I have a feeling your going to sidestep from that very notion...

But we digress...

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."