Just curious Devs...

Abigail Frost



Knight, its a video game, you seriously compared your life to an MMO, thats as sad is can possibly get. Real life is obviously different, certain "risk" factors apply. Why even bring it up, when were talking about a fake market. I understand your need or want to make it like RL, but thats just sad. The game should be just that. Whether people exploit, demand, complain, etc is irrelevant, as its just a game. When you log off you keep living your sad/boring/happy/eventful/depressing life. I don't care how much you make , what you've done, or how much you need. It's sad when a person has to defend an in game market with fake money. It's all just code man, its just a game.

"Look at my inf, look at my purple IO's, look at my furrows of worry, this has to be real". QFTT(quoted for twisted truth)

[/ QUOTE ]

Oddly enough you have it exactly backwards. The skills I learned in the real world make creating vast sums of inf in game ridiculously easy with the very very simple economic system the game uses. It's about as hard to accumulate 20 million in a play session through the market as it is to walk into the kitchen and get a drink of water.

I have no need to try to make inf in game. I've earned all I wanted and quite a bit more for all the alts I have. My marketeering is more of a game with in a game now and it's done sporadically and at whim.

I'm certainly not defending the in game market as I have made several suggestions that would ease many of the concerns that other players have none have been implemented and the concerns that others have are growing not decreasing as this thread clearly demonstrates.

Real marketeers will make use of what ever game change occurs to make influence no matter where or what that game change is whether it is completely opposite from the previous change or not.

Changing rules, changing how the market works will not matter one bit to the marketeer since the change is where the opportunity for profit comes. This is true in real life and in the very simple in game system that we use.

Except for my blasters very few of my toons use purples. Not because they are expensive but because they lack defense bonuses which is where my current build interests lay.

I find the puzzle of putting the sets I want together in the powers I want almost as interesting a game as playing the character while leveling or after it's complete.

At one time I found the market as compelling a game within a game. Now it lacks the challenge but it's still a means to an end in the other parts of the game that I find enjoyable.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



IMO setting a price cap and adjusting the drop rates is a good place to start.

[/ QUOTE ]
RagmanX would LOVE this!
I doubt you would, though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm so glad people remember I strongly favor this excellent idea.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



It suppose it takes a certain type of person to be drawn into the act of dressing in spandex and killing gangsters with a katana. The sad thing you can't do it in real life and have to get your kicks in a video game...then act all high and mighty like your something special and talk down to people. Way to go guys. Good job.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who says you can't do that in real life?



It suppose it takes a certain type of person to be drawn into the act of dressing in spandex and killing gangsters with a katana. The sad thing you can't do it in real life and have to get your kicks in a video game...then act all high and mighty like your something special and talk down to people. Way to go guys. Good job.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who says you can't do that in real life?

[/ QUOTE ]



Amazing how everyone in this section of the forums knows everything.....ever. even in the old PvP forums I;ve never seen a bunch of folks so full of themselves.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, hello collapsed star calling the kettle black.

By and large, you've gotten nothing but explanations about how and why things are like they are, and you not only refuse to even consider whether any of it might be valid, but you insult the people posting.

I'm not sure if I hope you never come back to this part of the forums again, or hope you do so we can have a spectacle.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Milady's Knight said, in the same post:
1) With the exception of costume recipes (which are cosmetic only and don't change any game function), every patch that the devs have put into place that have any thing at all to do with "loot" and the market have been to make the best "loot" more rare not less rare.

[/ QUOTE ]

the MA was massively over rewarding tickets and by extrapolation "leet loot."

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess the TL;DR version of this is "They make changes both ways. Saying they ONLY lower supply is inaccurate."

Three instances:

1) Adding magic salvage to Council and DE did nothing except make "leet loot" more common. Before you say "Salvage isn't what I mean" consider that in the I9 timeframe if you wanted an Impervium Armor: Resistance, you spent three times as much on the Enchanted Impervium as you did on the recipe. I picked up several Psi Resistances for a million each, and the salvage was MUCH higher. My point is that while the juicy items have changed as the market changed, those counted as leet loot at ONE point. And supply has gone up repeatedly on them.

2) Adding tickets BY ITS NATURE makes "leet loot" more common. It removes trash and replaces it with treasure. Your points in 3b, i through iv, are true and not going anywhere.

3) The devs weighted the Rare Recipe drop table so you get about 50% more of the good stuff. People on Test who did hundreds of rolls went from "40% good, 60% crap" to "60% good, 40% crap" .

They've made things tougher in some ways, easier in others, and sometimes they did it on purpose. But it hasn't been a one-way ratchet, Knight.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Funny how marketeers say "do the work" to get the stuffs. lol. The ones actually RUNNING MISSIONS and farming are the ones that want a higher drop rate. Seems to me, thats more like "work" than standing in front of a WW employee.

As ive said before, the market is and can be manipulated due to the lack of supply. That's what irritates me about the whole thing. I farm PI (peregrine island) for those AE heroes out there, and i can farm it for a week at a time with no drops. That's kinda low, imo. I AM doing "work" but i feel like we shouldn't HAVE to use WW if we don't want to just to get stuff. Why can't we just be able to "work" in the way WE like and not the way YOU like to get stuffs???



Funny how marketeers say "do the work" to get the stuffs. lol. The ones actually RUNNING MISSIONS and farming are the ones that want a higher drop rate. Seems to me, thats more like "work" than standing in front of a WW employee.

As ive said before, the market is and can be manipulated due to the lack of supply. That's what irritates me about the whole thing. I farm PI (peregrine island) for those AE heroes out there, and i can farm it for a week at a time with no drops. That's kinda low, imo. I AM doing "work" but i feel like we shouldn't HAVE to use WW if we don't want to just to get stuff. Why can't we just be able to "work" in the way WE like and not the way YOU like to get stuffs???

[/ QUOTE ]

Use merits.



Funny how marketeers say "do the work" to get the stuffs. lol. The ones actually RUNNING MISSIONS and farming are the ones that want a higher drop rate. Seems to me, thats more like "work" than standing in front of a WW employee.

[/ QUOTE ]

Go look up my recent "Number 9" thread here. I have 7B inf inf across 5 level 50 characters, and I hit the inf cap on one of them. I don't stand in front of WW employees. I play the game and sell stuff. I defeat mobs and sell stuff. I earn merits and sell stuff. No flipping. No sniping inf transfers. No painting sale histories. No PvP IOs.

I listed 900M in bids on a single set of purples last Monday. Since I did that, I've earned back 300M inf selling stuff, playing 1-4 hours a day after work and before bed.

You don't have to "stand in front of a market employee" to make money hand over fist in this game. You just have to spend more time trying to make money than you do wishing you could make more money.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



In other news: JDouble, you are going on /ignore. You don't have a shot at the arguments, so you're taking a shot at the posters.

[/ QUOTE ]
Second this. Now if only there were a way to block out avatars too without just shutting off image loading in my browser.



Uber, that's what i do also. You just gotta get the drops in order to sell them.. That's all i'm saying, ya know. I make millions easily, just not hundreds of millions. lol.



Amazing how everyone in this section of the forums knows everything.....ever.

[/ QUOTE ]

we don't need to know everything, just more than a guy who admits he dislikes the market and who doesn't understand anything about it.

I suck at math, but I look like Einstein compared to my 5 year old niece. Same thing here.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Amazing how everyone in this section of the forums knows everything.....ever. even in the old PvP forums I;ve never seen a bunch of folks so full of themselves.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, hello collapsed star calling the kettle black.

By and large, you've gotten nothing but explanations about how and why things are like they are, and you not only refuse to even consider whether any of it might be valid, but you insult the people posting.

I'm not sure if I hope you never come back to this part of the forums again, or hope you do so we can have a spectacle.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other news: JDouble, you are going on /ignore. You don't have a shot at the arguments, so you're taking a shot at the posters.

[/ QUOTE ]

Amazing how everyone in this section of the forums knows everything.....ever.

[/ QUOTE ]

we don't need to know everything, just more than a guy who admits he dislikes the market and who doesn't understand anything about it.

I suck at math, but I look like Einstein compared to my 5 year old niece. Same thing here.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love you guys

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Playing the market is just one small aspect of a larger game. I'm not asking for instant gratification. All I'm saying is the Devs might wanna think about creating some boundries that stop a minority from greatly affecting the majority in a negative way. IMO setting a price cap and adjusting the drop rates is a good place to start.

[/ QUOTE ]

I cannot comprehend how a rational person could contemplate price caps being a good idea to increase the availability of items after receiving an explanation of how they work and what would occur. If by price caps you mean "vendors selling at specific prices" then that actually would work. However, if you mean actual price caps on the market then you need to stop and think.

[/ QUOTE ]

I cannot comprehend how a rational person could not see that I'm talking about adjusting the drop rate AND using a price cap.

[/ QUOTE ]

No. No. No!

You do NOT want a price cap. Surprisingly, I *too* wanted a price cap but I have since changed my mind.
Price caps will remove items from the Markets, period. Instead, if I get my Armageddon: Chance for Negative Damage I'll say so in the BMT channel, ask for the best offer and go from there. I won't sell it at the Market for 10,000,000 or whatever...that 10,000,000 not being nearly enough to get what I need.

What you should be asking for:

i)Increased drop rate of Purples. Unlikely to occur...they are supposed to be high end loot.
ii)Alternate supply of Purples, either through Merits, Ticket or a Store. If "Jane's Purple Paradise" sells each Purple at a flat 30,000,000 (or whatever) this accomplishes two things: increases supply of Purples AND takes inf out of the game.
iii)Make Purples BoP (Bind on Pickup)...this would be a vastly extreme solution. It would mean they couldn't be traded AT ALL and could only be stored in bases, etc. Not going to happen.


Don't ask for price caps, ask for increased supply. The more items there are available, the more diluted the price becomes. The more diluted the price becomes, the lower the price points people can sell at become.

Or...YOU can sell the drops you get gaming AND save up for your purples and other kit. I sold one of my Purples redside and my Therm spend the resulting Infamy IOing out in Numina's, Titanium Coatings, Devastations etc etc and she is powerful!

P.S. Save some of those crafted IOs and list them high during 2xp...wait a while and place bids for your stuff...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes




You don't have to "stand in front of a market employee" to make money hand over fist in this game. You just have to spend more time trying to make money than you do wishing you could make more money.

[/ QUOTE ]

This should be the lead aphorism in our Little Book of Market Wisdom.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Uber, that's what i do also. You just gotta get the drops in order to sell them.. That's all i'm saying, ya know. I make millions easily, just not hundreds of millions. lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I don't either. Well, all that often. But here's the thing. I have been finding I can sell pretty damn mundane crafted level 50 set IOs for 4-5M apiece on the Black Market, and I'd say a majority of them move in a day if you price them right.

It doesn't take all that much of that to earn 100M inf. It takes 22 and change sales at 5M inf accounting for 10% market fees. Do that 10 times and you've got a billion inf.

It's not as fast as can be done with what I'll call "true" marketeering, but it's not all that slow by my standards.

Edited to be clear I was talking about the Black Market.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



In other news: JDouble, you are going on /ignore. You don't have a shot at the arguments, so you're taking a shot at the posters.

[/ QUOTE ]
Second this. Now if only there were a way to block out avatars too without just shutting off image loading in my browser.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm way ahead of you guys. Actually it took me longer than usual to put JDouble on ignore, but Lacrymosa got on my ignore list within hours! *slow clap*

BTW, Milady's Knight you are awesome. You remain one of my favorite posters in these forums for your unending patience and willingness to educate people (even those that don't want to hear it) across any subject. Props.



I'm going to make an assumption. Please correct me if I am wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Supply and demand, economy 101. I know people will always want to pay for something. It's the extreme's people will go to do so that makes me shake my head.

You do realize that cannot work? There has to be some method of dividing stuff between players. There are many options: Lottery, Wait in line the longest, Someone arbitrarily deciding need, or whoever pays the most. The Black Market and Wentworth's work on the "he who pays the most" method. Purples prices simply reflect that. If you think purples are overpriced go out into the game, find them, and sell them or send the devs a PM.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never really posted that I wanted everyone to have EVERYTHING. I just made a comment towards JD billion in purple rant. And I agreed that it is ridiculous that something should sell for 1bil. On another note, I'm not saying we should all get this or that, but I did notice the price of Costume Wings drop dramatically when no one bought them for the laughable price of 14mil. My biggest suggestion is wait, not "we all should have everything".

Many posters here in the market forum have no issues with the developers increasing drop rate. A drop rate increase does increase the items available for players. A price cap does not. That is where poster's here have issues.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're not reading my posts, I never once stated there should be a price cap, JD did.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



To the OP:

So seriously Devs, do you want purple sets to be THAT rare that they cost over a billion inf? It would seem this ridiculous inflation is either do to a.) all people do is farm AE which equals no purples, b.) folks are just buying inf from those dirtbag .com sites, or c.) a little of both.

[/ QUOTE ]
It's pretty obvious that the dev don't intend AE to be farmed nor want us to buy from inf with real money. The AE farming is more or less a side effect of the flexibility of designing missions. Buying inf is a side effect of just having an economy.

I guess the only thing the dev can say about the purples is that they are intended to be rare and expensive. But other than that, the dev don't seem to interfere with the free market. Maybe, the dev do want the purples to be that expensive. After all, players complain about what to do about the level 50 end game. As in other mmo, the end game is about farming for better equipments, and it is better enhancements for this game.



I'm beginning to think that anybody who doesn't know the difference between your and you're should automatically be ignored since a lack of fundamental grammatical knowledge usually indicates some lack of rational thought process.

At least in this thread the case holds true.

Edit: God bless Firefox and the creator of AdBlock Plus!!!! How I love that I can right click an unwanted image and never have to see it again! Huzzah!



Funny how marketeers say "do the work" to get the stuffs. lol. The ones actually RUNNING MISSIONS and farming are the ones that want a higher drop rate. Seems to me, thats more like "work" than standing in front of a WW employee.

As ive said before, the market is and can be manipulated due to the lack of supply. That's what irritates me about the whole thing. I farm PI (peregrine island) for those AE heroes out there, and i can farm it for a week at a time with no drops. That's kinda low, imo. I AM doing "work" but i feel like we shouldn't HAVE to use WW if we don't want to just to get stuff. Why can't we just be able to "work" in the way WE like and not the way YOU like to get stuffs???

[/ QUOTE ]

Just because you like being inefficient doesnt mean i find it fun to farm to make my money.

Farming is boring as hell to me.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



In other news: JDouble, you are going on /ignore. You don't have a shot at the arguments, so you're taking a shot at the posters.

[/ QUOTE ]
Second this. Now if only there were a way to block out avatars too without just shutting off image loading in my browser.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm way ahead of you guys. Actually it took me longer than usual to put JDouble on ignore, but Lacrymosa got on my ignore list within hours! *slow clap*

BTW, Milady's Knight you are awesome. You remain one of my favorite posters in these forums for your unending patience and willingness to educate people (even those that don't want to hear it) across any subject. Props.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lacrymosa has the honor of being the first person on my ignore list. Mostly because I find it absolutely hilarious that he thinks the best way to solve his argument with me was to threaten me.

I dont have Jdouble on ignore, but thaqts mostly because his views of how economics work are so laughable that even someone like me who's sum of economic knowledge is reading newsweek and social studies classes in highschool can read his ideas and start laughing uncontrollably.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



I'm going to make an assumption. Please correct me if I am wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Supply and demand, economy 101. I know people will always want to pay for something. It's the extreme's people will go to do so that makes me shake my head.

You do realize that cannot work? There has to be some method of dividing stuff between players. There are many options: Lottery, Wait in line the longest, Someone arbitrarily deciding need, or whoever pays the most. The Black Market and Wentworth's work on the "he who pays the most" method. Purples prices simply reflect that. If you think purples are overpriced go out into the game, find them, and sell them or send the devs a PM.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never really posted that I wanted everyone to have EVERYTHING. I just made a comment towards JD billion in purple rant. And I agreed that it is ridiculous that something should sell for 1bil. On another note, I'm not saying we should all get this or that, but I did notice the price of Costume Wings drop dramatically when no one bought them for the laughable price of 14mil. My biggest suggestion is wait, not "we all should have everything".

Many posters here in the market forum have no issues with the developers increasing drop rate. A drop rate increase does increase the items available for players. A price cap does not. That is where poster's here have issues.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your not reading my posts, I never once stated there should be a price cap, JD did.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have read your posts. I stated "I'm going to make an assumption. Please correct me if I am wrong" because I was making an assumption on what you thought. You corrected me. My assumption was incorrect because I have trouble understanding why you are talking and what you are trying to accomplish.

Many poster's in this thread are trying to educate others about how economics works and about Supply and Demand. You seem to at least state those words several times in your posts. Why you state those words I cannot grasp. You seem to think that because some aspects of the real world economy don't exist in CoH that we shouldn't think about economics in "CoH" because it is just a game. You also seem to think that saying "I have purples" makes someone an elitist pig who should go outside.

This is my understanding of the thread:
1) Understandable frustration at purple recipes
2) Understandable proposition of TWO solutions to the frustration
3) Explanation that one of those solutions would increase the problem
4) Denial that one solution increases the problem
5) Deluge of explanations, examples, proposals, tests that really... dude... really... it increases the problem
6) You stating "it's just a game go outside stop defending the market".

Do I get that right? Is that really how you fit into this conversation? We are attempting to educate someone how economics works and you are saying "no go outside and stop thinking". You seem to at least state the words "Supply and Demand". We are trying to hammer home that purples are incredibly rare, have become even more rare, and even more people want them.

How would "not being greedy jerks" solve the problem? Is your opinion that everyone should just let others have the purples instead of buying purples for themselves? What is your opinion?



I'm going to make an assumption. Please correct me if I am wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Supply and demand, economy 101. I know people will always want to pay for something. It's the extreme's people will go to do so that makes me shake my head.

You do realize that cannot work? There has to be some method of dividing stuff between players. There are many options: Lottery, Wait in line the longest, Someone arbitrarily deciding need, or whoever pays the most. The Black Market and Wentworth's work on the "he who pays the most" method. Purples prices simply reflect that. If you think purples are overpriced go out into the game, find them, and sell them or send the devs a PM.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never really posted that I wanted everyone to have EVERYTHING. I just made a comment towards JD billion in purple rant. And I agreed that it is ridiculous that something should sell for 1bil. On another note, I'm not saying we should all get this or that, but I did notice the price of Costume Wings drop dramatically when no one bought them for the laughable price of 14mil. My biggest suggestion is wait, not "we all should have everything".

Many posters here in the market forum have no issues with the developers increasing drop rate. A drop rate increase does increase the items available for players. A price cap does not. That is where poster's here have issues.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your not reading my posts, I never once stated there should be a price cap, JD did.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have read your posts. I stated "I'm going to make an assumption. Please correct me if I am wrong" because I was making an assumption on what you thought. You corrected me. My assumption was incorrect because I have trouble understanding why you are talking and what you are trying to accomplish.

Many poster's in this thread are trying to educate others about how economics works and about Supply and Demand. You seem to at least state those words several times in your posts. Why you state those words I cannot grasp. You seem to think that because some aspects of the real world economy don't exist in CoH that we shouldn't think about economics in "CoH" because it is just a game. You also seem to think that saying "I have purples" makes someone an elitist pig who should go outside.

This is my understanding of the thread:
1) Understandable frustration at purple recipes
2) Understandable proposition of TWO solutions to the frustration
3) Explanation that one of those solutions would increase the problem
4) Denial that one solution increases the problem
5) Deluge of explanations, examples, proposals, tests that really... dude... really... it increases the problem
6) You stating "it's just a game go outside stop defending the market".

Do I get that right? Is that really how you fit into this conversation? We are attempting to educate someone how economics works and you are saying "no go outside and stop thinking". You seem to at least state the words "Supply and Demand". We are trying to hammer home that purples are incredibly rare, have become even more rare, and even more people want them.

How would "not being greedy jerks" solve the problem? Is your opinion that everyone should just let others have the purples instead of buying purples for themselves? What is your opinion?

[/ QUOTE ]

Smurph, the problem here I think, is both Jdouble and lacrymosa seem absolutely convinced that theres only a lack of a supply because of "ebil people like you who buy all the supply up the second it hits the market and then repost it for double its value."

Nevermind thats not economically feasible or possible, but theres been at least a statement or two to that effect

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!