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Is another round of Powerset Proliferation going to be in Issue 19?
Over the course of the game, I've played a bunch of brute with kin corrupter duos. I've been both the brute and the corrupter at different times. One unanimous bit is that fire seems like the best corruptor primary overall... as for the brutes, here are some thoughts from previous experiences:
Dark/Shield - Shields was great, but dark was so anemic in a group setting that I eventually had to reroll the character. It did ok in a duo setting, I guess, but even then I felt like I did meager AOE contribution (mostly through the PPP) and half-decent single target contribution compared to the fire/kin. Contributing solely through shield charge and the patron/epic pools seems like a stretch for saying that dark is great in a very AOE-centered game. It's a really nice soloing primary, though.
SS/Fire - Was strong before the buffs last issue, is pretty incredible now. Fiery Embrace now can push you past the double-fulcrum damage cap. Add to that blazing aura and the new burn, and you have something that will make you feel incredibly powerful offensively, if somewhat fragile if you're doing x8 spawns.
SS/WP - I consider willpower too boring when combined with a set like Super Strength. Could work well with a more "busy" primary, though. This brings me to...
Mace/Electric - I was really impressed by mace. At high recharges, you essentially have a continuous and very powerful AOE attack chain from the primary alone. The single target chain is also quite powerful. On top of that, I don't see a lot of people use mace. Electric secondary (and speed boost) helps with mace's endurance issues.
SS/Shields/Fireball - My current main character, and also my favorite character so far, after playing this game off and on from the start.
I still need to try fire melee. It seems to have a lot of potential, though I'd need to get used to losing the huge radius of footstomp. Rage won't be missed, though... I wish they'd replace it with something else. I hate the crash so much that I no longer use the power except in heavy to-hit debuff situations. -
Brute by far. Especially in the earliest levels. Just put brawl on autocast, to help your fury be constantly at its best.
Masterminds always seemed dinky. Until you filled out your pets, but that takes some leveling. They're quite safe, if you don't mind practically boring your enemies to death.
Scrappers lag behind brutes at the earliest levels. They're actually better than brutes for solo leveling once you can get to 22, though. A brute has an advantage there, where they can just slot purely for accuracy and endurance in earlier levels. They get adequate damage buffs from fury. Once a scrapper can slot for damage, without neglecting accuracy, their higher base damage actually has a chance to shine. -
Quote:A number of MMOs have been cancelled that might have been profitable, but weren't meeting the business requirements for success. Sims Online / EAland wasn't losing money afaik, but it wasn't successful enough to justify keeping a team on it. If you've got $50m and the choice is investing it in an existing title that might generate 10% return or spending it on a new title that could open up a new market space and generate 20% return (at a higher risk, certainly) then it's not hard to see where the money might go.
My point was that NCsoft HQ has been in the process of gutting NCsoft West / NA due to a raft of its own business failures. Comparatively NCsoft gets something like 78% of its revenue from Korea and 11% from NCsoft West (iirc), so even CoH/V's success is a small drop in the ocean.
Yes, CoH/V is profitable and was built to be profitable on a player base of 50k. It's earned its money back and generated over US$100m in revenue. This does nothing to stop NCsoft HQ deciding that the priority moving forward should be Guild Wars 2 and co-opting Paragon Studios to get to work assisting ArenaNet on that title (or another scenario).
I dunno enough about the Sims Online to comment on it. I don't know anyone that actually played it. I think it devolved into major embarrassment for EA, based on players using the game world for not-intended purposes that got picked up by USA Today. I'm also going to go out on a limb and assume the "business requirements for success" EA expected for the Sims Online was astronomical. Just being merely 20% profitable was probably out of the question. 40% of the world must play it or they'd pull the plug.
Most failed MMOs I can name failed really, really hard. Hey, here's another MMO I think is still around: Asheron's Call. That's pretty amazing to me.
NCsoft just invested more money into Paragon Studios. Large additions to their staff. Expansions coming out. They could co-opt Paragon Studios, but it would be a pretty big surprise. -
Quote:#1 would be fun. I'd dump a ton of money at a special tailor that was ludicrously expensive, but offered special costume pieces.extra costume options
more space in the various containers we use
#2 kind of exists already. I recently dumped infamy into buying Field Crafter for the 18 extra salvage slots, plus the optional 45-50 enhancements to unlock 9 more recipe slots. Buying the recipes directly from the table was a slight money sink, but it saved me extra trips to the Black Market. Totally worth it.
I'd pay absurd amounts of inf to craft exclusive, functional base items that had huge price tags. Things like:
1. 50 slot salvage racks (that still took up 1 storage).
2. Personal Tailor/Cosmetic Surgeon
3. Some sort of Black Market terminal (the ultimate thing for someone with a lot of inf)
I also liked the earlier idea of having the autodoc and so on have money sink features. -
Quote:I think you actually have to do pretty horribly as an MMO to actually get cancelled.
If Aion does well, it might just tell NCsoft HQ that transferring Korean developed MMOs to the Western market is a better strategy than having Western studios develop their own MMOs. So why bother continuing to develop a MMO with a comparatively small player base that failed in Korea?
See: All examples given of failed MMOs.
If an MMO is even a tiny bit profitable, it'll stay in business. Hell, I think Anarchy Online is still up.
If Aion does better than COH, they wouldn't gut COH. That's a rather childish way to think.
"Your game is still making money, but not quite making as much money as one of our other products. Sorry, clean out your offices by this afternoon."
With this line of reasoning in mind, what happens if two MMOs, owned by the same company, make the same amount of money? Do they draw straws to decide which equally profitable dev team gets fired? Does upper management just put both dev teams in a big conference room, put newspapers on the ground, and give everyone knives? -
SR has Quickness, which is a mighty nice power. It's something that's overlooked a lot in "why not just get rid of SR and replace it with Ninjitsu?" posts. If Ninjitsu was ported over to Scrappers and was somehow given Quickness instead of Smoke Flash, I'd pick it over SR.
Quote:Can't make a Spines/Shield guy. I was so disappointed about this that I went to villainside, which has Super Strength/Shield as an option.Kinda seems like spines will still be a better AoEer to me.
Just saying.
I wish you could make a Spines/Shield. Maybe with some sort of shield that looked like an enormous sea urchin. -
Spines/Ice with full fury would be hilariously good. I'd make one in a second. Katana/Anything would be great, though I never liked Katana. It's great on paper, I just can't stand the death-by-many-cuts playstyle. Unless of course the cuts are double toggle auras, because that has comedic appeal.
Though really, what I'm hoping for is Scrappers getting more brute primaries. I want a version of footstomp or crowd control that can crit. -
Quote:Liberate TV farms? That's my preferred farm on my SS/shield. 0/x8, no bosses. They can't eat you alive if they're dead.If you plan on running lib farms at all, stay away from shield. Those nemesis eat defense-based characters alive.
It's not that bad because only the LT's trigger vengeance, not the minions. The minions fall, then the LT's generally all fall at the same time. Sometimes there's a couple left over, but it seems like vengeance does not boost their AOE defense. This means that any survivors just die in the next footstomp. -
Quote:One of Paris Hilton's ancestors had to actually make their money legitimately, by working with people or being an immigrant. An immigrant working hard, with nothing but his clothes on his back, and a dream. Who then gave his money to his children.Agreed.
I hear people claim that "most rich people were born into money" a lot but it doesn't seem that way when you actually look around at the millionaires you are aware of. The Paris Hilton's of the world appear to be the minority.
I'm not even going to go into the "richest people in the world = more of a minority by default" bit.
Not that this discussion has anything to do with the game at all, of course. It was just what this thread was doomed to become. -
SS/Shield wins out in sustained damage, that is, damage over time. People above are saying that Elec's burst damage advantage is overkill for situations you'd actually see in the game.
However, Elec/Shield is incredibly flashy, especially with the new power customization. Even when min/maxing, you have to consider how good you look. Besides, you could always lightning rod + thunderstrike one group, then shield charge + thunderstrike the next group.
Or you could just obliterate a group with all three. Why does OVERKILL have to be a bad term? It sounds like a compliment to me. -
Yes, another double XP weekend's coming up. They said after I16, and it would be an extra one due to stability problems on some servers the last double XP weekend. The actual date is yet to be announced.
When I was leveling my SS/SD, I got my defense to about 33% to melee and ranged. Then I just carried lucks around. One luck got popped every minute or so to keep myself at the cap, with new inspirations coming in constantly to turn into lucks or whatever I needed. I lead the group and absorbed the alpha strikes (or I tanked, stupid recent "brutes aren't tanks" thread) during my entire run from 1-50.
Before I got the gaussians set and steadfast IO, I popped two lucks a lot. This worked, too, but it was kind of annoying. Once you get to 33%, just having to pop one luck really makes the process easy. -
SS/Shield Brute...
... paired up with a Fire/Kin Corruptor.
They just compliment each other too well. Brute does the initial volley of damage, the corr scourges everything with fireball and rain of fire, picking off the rare survivor with blaze. The corr heals and buffs, the brute easily provides an additional 15% defense to all.
The fire/kin corrs I group with tend to have high defense from set bonuses, and Grant Cover just pushes them to the cap. It's hard to call a character fragile when it is defense capped, has 60% resistances to the most common damage types, and can heal itself. Plus it lets them stay in prime fulcrum territory, barring AOE mezzers: directly in the middle of a group. -
lol wut a bad build u didnt even put an enhances in punch
Are you trying to cap AOE defense, too, or just melee/ranged? I have different advice if you're trying to cap AOE also, but for now I'll assume you just want melee/ranged.
1. Don't put the second slot into Phalanx Fighting, so not worth it. Just use it as a LOTG Recharge mule. The defense enhancement only enhances the bonus you get for standing right next to other people. I don't think I need to elaborate this point.
2. Put that extra slot from the above in Haymaker. Put a full Touch of Death set in there. That should cap out your melee defense.
3. Mako's Bite full set into KO Blow, raising your ranged defense.
4. Bust Grant Cover's slot amount down severely. I heavily suggest just to the one slot it gets for possible LOTG Recharge purposes. If you were going for set bonuses, you could probably just allocate another slot or two to health for the numina's 3 piece bonus.
5. Add one or two slots to combat jumping to put a 2 piece zephyr's in there. By this point your ranged defense should be capped out.
AOE capping's really quite possible, though after trying both non-AOE capped and AOE capped builds I have to recommend the former. If you wanted to, you could do a fully AOE capped build by taking the above tips, but then 6 slot stamina for Performance Shifter for an additional 3% AOE while also having Combat Jumping be 3 Zephyrs and a LOTG +Recharge or Defense slot. Looks like you'd have to make the following sacrifice for 44.6-44.9% AOE defense: You'd have only 3 (Woops 4) extra slots to share between Tough, Active Defense, and Health. 3 to share between them if you insisted on having two LOTG's in Combat Jumping along with 3 Zephyrs.
Sorry I didn't post a Mid's build, but I mangled my copy beyond repair at the moment. -
Sometimes I see the argument made that when GR hits, no one will want tanks in a commonplace PUG. I kind of doubt that. If anything, people will probably like tankers just because it's an advertisement of the player's mentality.
Tanker Icon near name = Most likely going to be thinking mostly about controlling aggro.
Brute Icon near name = Most likely going to be thinking mostly about punching mailboxes and destroying cars with lightning.
Scrapper Icon near name = Either thinking about CRITICAL messages or spreadsheets, depending.
I've seen some tanks that produce acceptable amounts of damage and some brutes that don't manage to do anything of value. At least with a tank, a bad player has a random chance of accidentally contributing. To me, the fact that we'll have a choice between tankers, scrappers, and brutes at all times just means that I have a bigger pool of PUG people to choose from that can fill a similar role.
Offtrack: I also look forward to having a pool of defenders, controllers, and corruptors to buff my brute to asinine levels. -
Quote:So you are saying that Deth is a bad brute for taking taunt on some alts? I hardly find that 1 power selection like taunt can make or break any set up. It is a choice of playstyle or concept, but I have seen poor tanks with taunt and poor tanks without taunt. I have seen great brutes with it, and great brutes without it. Just because you have it doesn't mean you intend to tank as a brute.
I think this discussion is becoming fairly circular and repetitive. (just like the end of that sentence... lol)
No, I was saying Deth was a bad brute for NOT taking taunt on some alts This was after he replied to someone that claimed that not taking taunt lessens you as a brute. And then I immediately told a story about how I was questioned ingame for not taking taunt.
I specifically called Deth a bad brute because he said that no one had called him a bad brute or tank. Well, I just did. So much for his streak! -
Quote:You're a bad brute or a bad tank.And where did I ever say that I don't take taunt on my brutes, some I do, some I don't. As far as looking good when pugging, I have yet to have anyone say I was a bad brute or a bad tank.
I never take taunt on my brutes. I've never had it be a particularly big deal. It turns out that constantly cycling massive AOE attacks keeps enemies on you as a brute. How does this work? No one knows.
I think I've had one person, ever, look at me at the beginning of a pug and comment how it was odd that I didn't have taunt. I was the only brute on a boss farm. Sometimes I'd miss aggro on a single enemy, but then I'd just shoot another AOE. No one died or came close, of course.
After a few groups I looked at his build and noticed he was a crab spider. He did not have his defensive leadership toggle or venom grenade. Maybe it's hypocritical to say, since I don't get taunt and all, but those seem like major omissions in a Crab build. I don't remember, but he either got replaced with a storm corruptor or I just left the slot in the group empty. -
Quote:I do the same thing. I'm considering buying a Gladiator's Armor PVP +3% defense IO for the purpose of finally not blowing 5 slots on Rage. Though, then I have to figure out what to do with all those extra slots. If my brute could get tanker's pyre mastery somehow, I'd spend the money in a heartbeat.I usually six slot rage. With Gaussians. The defense bonus is too nice to pass up on any toon that actually cares about defense. Plus they're relatively cheap and easy to get, and can be slotted earlyish in your career, which makes the bonus that much nicer.
On any toon with defense based protection, when I'm trying to soft cap them I always first thing look for a space I could stick the Steadfast Protection +3%, and the second thing I look for is somewhere I could stick Gaussians.
Personally, I barely use Rage anymore. I really dislike the crash. I'll use it if I'm fighting an enemy that's hard to hit, otherwise I don't miss it as I'm constantly popping reds on my SS/Shield brute. -
I recently leveled an SS/Shield, without kins or any outside help for my blue bar for the most part. Stamina consumption wasn't a huge deal, especially post stamina. Some things that helped me:
1. Put tons of endurance reducers in your attacks. Sacrifice damage. When I had DO's or under I basically just slotted accuracy and damage, by the time I reached SO level I did two acc, two end, and either two damage or a damage and recharge, depending on the attack. Fury gives you the option of neglecting damage until you're IO'ing it up, because you're still going to do brute damage with a loaded fury bar.
2. As soon as you can get IO's reasonably well, switch to them. Three or four school IO's have the most total enhancement percentage per slot. If you don't care about set bonuses, it's not difficult to get 60% enhancement or more to all the stats of all your attacks way before level 50.
3. Linked to the above two: Your attacks drop your endurance faster than your toggles, as a rule. Make sure to concentrate on putting endurance enhancements in your attacks.
Additionally, but I don't recommend it because it will cause me to be booed at: Rage seems to really deplete your endurance. I never liked the penalties of Rage anyway, despite the numerical superiority of the power. Once I started using Rage only in emergencies, I noticed that my blue bar went from almost full to almost nothing less often. This is most likely due to the combination of Rage and Hasten crashing at the same time. It seems to me that when I only have to deal with Hasten's crash, my endurance bar has a chance to actually bounce back. -
Most AOE in as little time as possible? Probably Electric/Shield/Mu. Not necessarily the best in sustained AOE dps, though.
Not City of Stockbrokers? Doesn't feel like it from where I'm standing.
Playing the market not heroic enough? If I remember right:
Batman's main superpower was that he played the market.