best archetype for solo lvling
Blasters are great early on. They're fun and flashy, but may start to slow down in the 30s. Very good for getting to grips with the game when you start.
Dominators are a bit like Blasters, with lower damage but better controls for more safety.
Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers all solo very well, combining good damage and robustness, but may take a little longer to come into their own.
Masterminds make good solo-ists, after a bit of a slow start with some combos.
Defenders, Tankers, Controllers, Corrupters are generally more team oriented, although the solo-ability varies greatly with the choice of powerset.
I'd suggest a Blaster or Dominator first for getting your feet wet, and make a melee character as a second character once you've levelled the Blaster/Dom a bit.
Scrappers, tanks or brutes.
I'd say a Scrapper trumps most if not all in terms of good solo leveling.
Scrappers or Brutes. They are a good combination of offense and defense with a littel bit of utility to use as 'oh shi~!' buttons.
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
Another vote for Scrapper
Scrappers or Brutes are good to get your feet wet with as a new player.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Scrappers are certainly king after level 22 or so. That can be a long way away for a new player, though.
I started with a Blaster and then moved on to Scrappers later, and thus appreciated the extra toughness of a Scrapper rather than miss it if I'd gone Scrapper then Blaster.
Scrappers are fast levelers and reasonably tough.
Brutes do everything a Scrapper does only better, except for burst damage. They solo extremely well but can be slower than Scrappers at lower levels.
Masterminds (especially Bots or Thugs + Dark or Traps) are pretty much the best soloists in the game unless you spend a fortune on fancy IOs. They start slower, but tend to be unstoppable at higher levels. The playstyle is annoying for some people though.
Tankers are the safest soloist, but their damage is low.
Blasters can solo extremely well if you know what you are doing, but they die a lot faster than the previous four ATs. Dominators are slightly safer, somewhat slower versions of Blasters.
(All the above assumes a basic build. If you spend enough inf on IOs then all sorts of things are possible.)
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
AOE-Scrappers, AOE-Brutes and AOE-Tanks (soloing at /x8 boosts the lvling-speed by a large amount). The Scrappers and Brutes kill faster, but will also die faster.
I have had very poor luck with scrappers -- I tend to end up getting squashed on larger groups, and I don't have much for escapes or oh-!@#* buttons.
My most successful toon thus far is a dark/dark defender, and next after that is a bots/traps mastermind. The first toon I got very far with was an ill/rad controller (soloed Frostfire, even).
Which is to say: YMMV.
In my experience, the class that will solo the best is probably the one whose playstyle suits you.
Mastermind, all the way. You're your own team as an MM.
Definitely Masterminds, they pretty much have everything from damage, buffs/debuffs, heals, controls and tanking ability(from bodyguard).
Definitely Masterminds, they pretty much have everything from damage, buffs/debuffs, heals, controls and tanking ability(from bodyguard).
They take more patience to play well. Once you learn some of the AI quirks, you'll be golden. Until then, MMs can be pretty daunting.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Tanks lack of damage gets "annoying" in the middle levels. (IMO) Lower levels the modifers haven't kicked in yet, so it's ok. Higher levels, if you plan for it you'll have a mature and decent attack chain and things get better. The middle levels, your chain isn't up and running, most sets are lacking a heavy hitter or AoE, and stuff just tanks forever to kill.
Scrappers and Brutes are where it's at IMO for solo play. And frankly, they are pretty evenly matched in solo play, so pick the powers you want, without reguard to AT. If they share powers... go brute. (IMO)
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...

Definitely Masterminds, they pretty much have everything from damage, buffs/debuffs, heals, controls and tanking ability(from bodyguard).
MM's are good soloers, if your into Micro managment, and are perfectly happy playing pet support then actively fighting. I love MM's, but much perfure to team with them. Mainly because, i'm going to endup playing team support either way, in teams or solo, with a MM, so, the more the marrier. If i'm not in the mood to play team support, i'm not in the mood to play my MM. Hince why i don't tend to think of them as a solo friendly AT, even though i guess they really are. *shrug*
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...

Depending on the the Primary/Secondary, MMs can be a snorefest (I'm looking at you Bots/FF) you can be more active and less team support ( /Traps in general) or tend to be heavy in micromanaging and support (Ninjas/ and Zombies/, pretty much)
Edit: I remember when I had a Bots/FF, I would actually send them off to a battle buffed up, alt-tab out of the game and do something else for a few minutes, and then come back to see I've won the fight.
These are good for soloing:
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Brute by far. Especially in the earliest levels. Just put brawl on autocast, to help your fury be constantly at its best.
Masterminds always seemed dinky. Until you filled out your pets, but that takes some leveling. They're quite safe, if you don't mind practically boring your enemies to death.
Scrappers lag behind brutes at the earliest levels. They're actually better than brutes for solo leveling once you can get to 22, though. A brute has an advantage there, where they can just slot purely for accuracy and endurance in earlier levels. They get adequate damage buffs from fury. Once a scrapper can slot for damage, without neglecting accuracy, their higher base damage actually has a chance to shine.
What does this mean?
Fastest Lvler? Safest Lvler? I think there is no best!
Depends on what you like and your Playstyle.
For me it's easy:
Getting defeated is bad.
Not too clicky.
I don't like downtimes btw the fights.
The Toon have to lvl fast enough >lvl30. For me ~1h for each Lvl btw 30 and 40, and ~2h for the lvls above lvl40 is fast enough. For that the Toon has to be able to run the Missions in +1 or +2/x8 in a fair Time. /x8 to get the full XP-Bonus.
Before lvl30 many Toons and Powersets sucks in Sologaming, but there you have to hang on. I preferr a Toon that sucks at lvl20 but Shines at lvl30 and above instead of having a Toon that seems to be perfect at lvl20 and sucks the whole Way from lvl30 to lvl50, cause this Way is much longer than the Way before.
So, there are some Powersets that are able to do this, some not. I had the easiest time with my:
SD/Fire Tank - was very easy from lvl26 on and the fastest lvler allover
Elec/SD Scrapper - was fastest after lvl 35
Spines/SR Scrapper- was very easy once i hitted softcap, but needed longer to take the Spawns down than the other.
I think besides SD-Tankers that many Tankers have not enough Damageoutput to feel like a Superhero and many Scrappers and Brutes have enough Damage but not enough Tank to stand a /x8 Spawn without Oh, sh*t-Moments till they are fully IOed and higher lvl. A MA/Stone Brute or Dark/WP Scrapper will lvl slower. A SD/Elec or SD/Fire Tanker will level faster than many Brutes or Scrappers. A Invul/Ice Tanker will laugh the x8 Spawns in the face and he will have enough time for it cause he needs hours to take them down:-))
What i wanna say is that it depends mainly on the Powersets you take.
1. Brutes.
2. Scrappers.
3. Masterminds.
Brutes generally are the fastest, they coast through the early levels riding on Fury, and then 22-50 they go around the same speed, or faster then scrappers, depending on set.
Masterminds are slower then Scrappers and Brutes, but they are a bit safer as well.
whats the best archetype for solo lvling?