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  1. Definitely Masterminds, they pretty much have everything from damage, buffs/debuffs, heals, controls and tanking ability(from bodyguard).
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    IIRC, they did say that they based at least some of the look of the set on Tai Chi, minus the glowiness of course.
    Don't know what kind of Tai Chi you saw but it definitely does glow when you focus your chi.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jonas1974 View Post
    only level 10, but thought it would at least catch my attention.....it only did like 1 or 2 points a tic!

    hope it's not a rich man's combo........meaning i hope you dont have to have top notch IO's to make it worthwhile
    Oh, yea it only does 1-2 damage per tic at that level and it will continue to deal 1-2 damage per tic for a long while. Doesn't matter though because it tics so many times and so fast that it's actually a lot more damage than it seems, especially when Scourge kicks in.

    RoF does 76 tics of damage, so unslotted, RoF does 1.67 per tic, which is 126.8 damage total. Unslotted Fire Ball only does 52.6 damage. You can already see how powerful RoF is here. Compared to your nuke, Inferno, RoF only deals about 60% less damage.

    Now, the problem with RoF is that it creates panic among those being hit by RoF, which is where Tar Patch comes in. Not only does Tar Patch add a whopping -90% run speed on top of RoF's -40% run speed unslotted, Tar Patch also debuffs resistance by 30%.

    Too long didn't read version: each individual tic of damage will be small, however, there are 76 tics total. Therefore, the total damage is actually pretty impressive. Also, Scourge pretty much doubles RoF's damage when mobs reach about 50% of their hp.
  4. No, I'm not aware of any nerfs involving RoF and/or Tar Patch.

    What level are you? How is your RoF and Tar Patch slotted? What kind of mobs did you use it on?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
    SS Rage
    "Power sets"
  6. For your Kin/WP, just leave Boxing empty. Wasting 4-6 slots on a power for about 4% bonus to anything isn't worth it, unless you don't have anywhere better to put those slots.
  7. It feels right to play Fiery Armor now. It finally stands out as an offensive armor set.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    The most awesome thing about the new Fiery Embrace is how it can buff your damage beyond the damage cap.
    Yea, I read that the more damage buff you have, the more damage Fiery Embrace will buff that buff? Did that make sense? Haha.
  9. Of course, Fiery Embrace went through some changes too but is it better than the old Fiery Embrace? What do you guys think?
  10. Just...WOW. Just in case some people haven't tried it yet or read about it, it's just fantastic!

    Pretty much, the fear component has been removed from this power; mobs will not attempt to run away anymore. Most of the damage will be up front, instead of DoT. It's like 120 damage up front and then 13 tics of 10 damage afterward...whereas my Fire Sword Circle is only 120 damage.

    It's definitely much more powerful than Fire Sword Circle now and it still seem to be an auto-hit power :O
  11. I'm not sure what WoW is like, but in CoH, Tanks can't always hold onto aggro, especially when someone else on the team is dealing a lot more damage. Also, a lot of toons that are built for damage are squishy...and a single, ordinary Boss can pretty much 2-shot you at full health.

    Now, why do so many Scrappers want softcap? They're always in melee range, where they'll be taking the majority of the damage as well as any AoE damage. Since Scrappers' secondaries already provide damage mitigation, it's easier for them to work toward the defense soft-cap.

    As for other archetypes, such as Blasters, they can reach the defense soft-cap as well, although they'll have to sacrifice a lot more than Tankers and Scrappers to do so. Ranged archetypes will mainly just go for ranged defense, since they'll be attacking from far away anyhow.

    Defense soft-cap are "easy" to achieve in that defense bonuses for IO's are plentiful across the board and they are positional, meaning that there are melee, ranged and AoE defenses. Usually, people will only attempt to soft-cap 2 out of the 3 positional defense, mostly melee and ranged defense since AoE's are generally pretty weak and does not occur very often.

    As for if it's necessary, well...it's not. It's nice, yes, but I wouldn't recommend going for an actual defense soft-cap, which is 45% defense. Rather, just aim for 30% or so defense, you wont have to sacrifice too much this way.

    Here's a tip, DO NOT worry about soft-capping defense from the get go, this will gimp your toon. You don't need Weave and Combat Jumping, save a respec and get these powers later on when you have all the necessary +def from IO bonuses. As a Fire Armor, I do recommend getting Tough and that's all you really need.
  12. I really would recommend /Dark. It's just an incredibly powerful powerset for any Archetypes that has access to it.

    It really isn't hard to learn how to use Dark Miasma at all, you just need a basic understanding of each powers and how/when to use them for maximum effect.

    I have free time right now, so here goes:

    > Twilight Grasp - I'm sure you're familiar with this power. It's just a PBAoE heal that requires an enemy to be alive in order to use. The heal is centered around you and of course it must actually land on your target in order to work...bla bla bla.

    > Tar Patch - A location-based power that debuffs whatever is inside it. Debuffs all resistance by 30%, slows them down to a crawl, disables their ability to jump, and disables their fly. Since it is location-based, you can cast it from behind a wall or wherever it's safe. Definitely slot this power with recharges ASAP, until you get about 90% +recharge in it. You will be using this power A LOT. It's especially nice when you get that final upgrade for your bots that makes your Assault Bot an AoE beast.

    > Darkest Night - It's a toggle that puts a debuff on your target and will debuff anything around your target as well. It debuffs tohit as well as damage. You can enhance the tohit debuff portion of the power so remember to do this, but you will want to put a couple endurance-reduction enhancements in this power first. This power should be used right after a "tank" takes aggro OR right after your robots take aggro. You usually don't want to just pop this power first since it will generate a lot of aggro...unless you know how to jump out of the way right after it activates and go behind a corner.

    **Other uses for this power: You can use this power to herd up mobs so they'll clump up better. Just simply pop it on a mob that's furthest away and then run behind something to cut off line of sight; the mobs should then all run to you...nicely clumped up and all debuffed.

    > Howling Twilight - The only team-rez power in the game. This power functions a lot like Twilight Grasp but instead of healing the area around you, it rezzes any fallen allies nearby instead. Oh, it's also auto-hit, which means that it does not require an accuracy check.

    **Other uses for this power: This power can be used as an AoE stun as well, although it's only a mag 2 stun, which means only minions will be affected. It's also a great power for fighting AV's because it has a -500% regen on it, which is HUGE. If you PvP, it's also great for dropping Regen Scrappers and Willpower anything.

    > Shadow Fall - A toggle aura that buffs you and nearby teammates. You can always look this power up in game if you want to see its effects so I wont bother with that here.

    > Fearsome Stare - A very powerful soft-control power. With a base range of 70ft, you'll notice that this power can pretty much hit an entire spawn. Once you have access to Fearsome Stare, it should be the very first power you use when you engage a group of enemies, UNLESS a Tank or someone else is herding...let them group things up nicely first before you throw Fearsome Stare out. This power has a nice base -11% tohit debuff so it'll stack with Darkest Night nicely.

    **Other uses for this power: Not actually another way of using this power...but you will usually want to Fearsome Stare -> Tar Patch -> Darkest Night. Tar Patch right afterward mainly because feared mobs will attempt to run away, Tar Patch will pretty much slow them down enough to prevent that from happening.

    > Petrifying Gaze - A single-target hold. I personally didn't find a use for this power and just wasn't worth wasting a power slot on.

    > Black Hole - A targeted-AoE power, pretty much means your target and anything around your target will be affected by this power. Also another situational power, however it IS useful enough to be in my build. It pretty much makes all affected mobs intangible, meaning they can't affect you and you can't affect them...in any ways. It's pretty much an "OH CRAP!" power for when sh*t hits the ceiling and it's pretty much going to be a team-wipe..or if you're about to die and you know no one can save you in time. However, team-wipes are fine as long as you're not dead...you DO want to use your AoE rez don't you? :P

    **Other uses for this power: Some people will NOT slot accuracy into this power. This is useful in that it will only affect some of the mobs, pretty much breaking a big group into 2 little groups so that you and your team can deal with them easier. If you slot it for use this way, it wont be a good "OH CRAP!" power simply because it probably will not hit whatever you want it to hit.

    > Dark Servant - A temporary pet. He's pretty much a replica of you, except his powers are just a bit different from yours, and he has fewer powers than you. He can PBAoE Heal like you, has his own version of Darkest Night, which is centered around him instead of an enemy. He has a hold, an immobilize and probably some other powers that I'm missing. There are many ways to slot Dark Servant, however make sure you slot enough recharge in him so you can have him up most of the time. Also, make sure to have enough accuracy in him so that his powers can actually hit. Popular slottings for Dark Servants are recharge, accuracy, heals and tohit debuff.

    Have fun reading through my semi-wall of text!
  13. Inspirations are OPed! NERF THEM!!

    Don't hate, guys. I do this because I care for you all <3
  14. The verdict is...take it and love it. It's phenomenal with all the cones and aoe and knockdown and stuns and ZOMG!!!!

    If the members on these forums EVER, EVER agreed on something...it's that no one that has tried War Mace has ever disliked it. Unless they've tried it a long time ago before it got buffed.
  15. I decided to roll one at last and he's in his 20's. I love planning out builds and messing with Mids so I might as well ask this question now.

    What kind of set bonus or bonuses should I focus on for my Ice Armor tank?

    I was thinking of going for +HP and +Regen, but...here let me show you:

    Set Bonus Totals:
    18% Enhancement(Heal)
    309.2 HP (16.5%) HitPoints
    114% (8.92 HP/sec) Regeneration

    I was mainly going for these 3 things. However, are these numbers decent? I'm not familiar with bonuses and numbers for heals and regens so I don't know how much is a lot or not.

    Also, what's the HP cap for Tanks?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    Needs more chest tattoos to stare at.
    Might as well have an option for a whole-body tatoo so female toons don't even have to wear clothes! :]
  17. Definitely, I always believe that all Tanks should take Taunt. Auras are good at grabbing aggro and alphas, but in order to hold aggro effectively, you need that Taunt!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    Hey guys, how do I target a specific henchman or even a specific player with a slash command? Is this possible? I am trying to create a single macro that will target the Oni and cast Smoke Flash. I can't seem to find any information on the language used to target a specific henchman or a player by name.
    The /targetcustomnext command will target anyone or anything with the name you specify. For example, if you want to target sappers, simply type: /bind s "targetcustomnext sapper". You can now keep clicking on your 's' key and it will only select anything with the word "sapper" in its name. Targetcustomnext will also target partial names as well. For example, /bind s "targetcustomnext civ" will target anything with the word 'civ' in its name in any order; this is useful for those rescuing civilian missions where the name of the hostages may change but they all have the root word "civilian" in them...which the targetcustomnext will work on.

    As for macro, instead of typing /bind key "targetcustomnext ", you would type /macro name "targetcustomnext " instead.

    Now, I don't think you can actually tell a henchman to use specific powers...so it's really not possible to tell your Oni to use his smoke bomb. The command /Marco Oni "targetcustomnext Oni$$powexecname Smoke Flash" will not work since it will target your Oni BUT will try to execute YOUR smoke flash...which is impossible since you don't have that power, your Oni does. Therefore, this command would just simply target your Oni and that's it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    As Broken Prey has explained, your understanding of the way tohit and defense work in this game is wrong. This is why you believe what you believe.

    Erroneous data always leads to incorrect assumptions and beliefs. What I showed is factually correct. What you show here is not.

    EDIT: If you really wish to know how defense functions, read Arcanaville's Guide to Defense.

    EDIT2: I can run my claws/sr at +4/x8 with bosses while solo. If defense were useless I would be unable to do so.
    This is helpful, I will go do just that.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrokenPrey View Post
    That is way wrong, you didn't bump defense up you lower it to 0%. With no defense an even minion as only a 50% chance to hit. With 45% they only have 5% chance to hit.
    I was just looking at it as a flat percentage, I'm assuming that the critter has a 100% chance to hit. Which is why out of 10 hits, 5 will land on a toon with 50% defense.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Hmmm, can I do math on that?

    30% defense + 70% dam-res versus 45% defense.

    The first guy gets hit 1 out of every 5 attacks for 30% damage.
    The second guy gets hit 1 out of every 20 attacks for 100% damage.

    So for 20 attacks that do 100 points of damage each:
    First guy takes 4*100*.3 = 120 points of damage
    Second guy takes 1*100*1 = 100 points of damage

    In that particular case, the softcapped defense guy wins.
    Not quite. Let's look at this from another perspective.

    First guy: 30% defense + 70% damage resistance
    Second guy: 45% defense

    A critter throws 10 attacks at the first guy, every single one of its attack does 100 points of damage. The first guy will take 7 out of those 10 attacks at 30% of its strength because of his 70% resistance: 7*100*.3 = 210 damage.

    A critter throws 10 attacks at the second guy, every single one of its attack also does 100 points of damage. The second guy will take 5 out of those 10 attacks at 100% of its strength (yes, I'm going to bump defense up to 50% here instead of 45%, giving the soft-cap +5% defense so it's easier to calculate): 5*100*1 = 500 damage.

    In this case, 30% defense + 70% damage resistance wins by a land slide.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vel_Overload View Post
    This is why I hate the IO bonuses. the power of the IO bonuses have really skewed (screwed more likely) many powersets. Many powersets that were perfectly balanced around their defenses, weaknesses and abilities but IO sets have changed their effectiveness drastically.

    IO sets weren't a bad idea, but the way they were implemented was, they weren't balanced. gaining 3.13 defense to melee is huge. Thats 6.26% melee mitigation from a minion of equal level from a single IO set.

    I havent planned out a whining rant for this one but ill give an example so for all 4 people that read my posts don't have to read a whole lot:

    A set that gives resistance gives upwards of 2-3%
    A set that gives defense can go as high as 3.75%

    But whats the problem? The defense bonuses are positional, thus they affect every damage type that is in that position. The ressitance sets only give resistance to that damage type, which may or may not be common in the enemy your fighting at the moment.

    Stacking resistance from IO sets is impossible to do with all resistances and the bonuses are so low that it would be a waste of time anyway.

    Stacking Defense is very easy considering how many sets have '+3.75% position defense' which is not only easy to come by but is astronomically better for surviveability when conpared to Resistance as a whole.

    Positional resistance will never happen but could we possibly get sets that give 'spectrum resistance' that cover lethal,smash,cold,fire,NRG,NNRG? The bonuses dont have to be numerically equal to defense but it would be nice to have the option to stack resistances on top of my typed-defense characters (poor poor energy aura and ice armor)
    That's simply what I mean and many people here just wont want to understand what I'm trying to say. Stacking defense is really as easy as you say it is while stacking resistance is not. That's all there is to it.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    He is right though, several posters have already answered your initial question and explained you why you're wrong in your assumptions, yet you keep insisting that:

    Which is simply a lie.
    So you're saying that resistance armor with...let's just say 70% resistance across the board AND 30% positional defense to all is NOT better than a defense-based armor with 45% defense to all? We already know that resistance can go way above70% and you usually only need defense toward melee and range anyhow, so there's really no reason for having aoe defense as well.

    In your defense, you argue that defense is much better than resistance, and yes it is, especially when resistance-based toons can get that amazing defense as well.

    Also, no one's really proved me "wrong," besides maybe Grey Pilgrim since he does provide some pretty good explanations. I don't read posts saying that I'm wrong to be proving me as being wrong.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    So you openly admit to trolling.

    Absolutely. That's why fire armor is the best and SD and SR are crap. Every thread I read these days is about someone who built that fire armor tank who can solo 6 AVs and a giant monster all at the same time.

    Not only have people described why you are theoretically wrong, the simple act of observing reality would show that you are wrong in a practical sense.
    You know it!

    PS: Sorry if you're having a bad day, bro.
  25. I think a lot of people are thinking that I'm saying defense-based armors suck. This isn't what I'm saying at all. In fact, if you go to the Archetypes and Powers Discussion part of the forums, you'll see that I'm very excited making my Ice Armor Tank :]. Sure, the title may suggest otherwise, but it's just to grab the readers' attention.

    Still, I'm saying that resistance-based armors have more potential to become better from IO bonuses. If we're just comparing resistance armor with defense armor without any set bonuses from IO's, then yes defense-based armors would be just as good if not better...but IO's and set bonuses change everything.