Did they nerf RoF+TP combo???




I read alot of posts about the Rain of Fire + Tar Patch combo.

I have tried it a few times, and am not impressed.

Did they nerf it?



No, I'm not aware of any nerfs involving RoF and/or Tar Patch.

What level are you? How is your RoF and Tar Patch slotted? What kind of mobs did you use it on?



only level 10, but thought it would at least catch my attention.....it only did like 1 or 2 points a tic!

hope it's not a rich man's combo........meaning i hope you dont have to have top notch IO's to make it worthwhile



The combo multiplies the damage of ROF by 30% and stacks slows so that MOBs spend the majority of their time in the rain. At level 50, with just SO slotting, you will be doing over 300 points of damage to a spawn with that combo. If you are a Corruptor, it also scourges for even more damage.

It's very effective when teamed and you hit 10+ foes. It's not so amazing when solo and at low levels of enemy density.



At level 10, 1's and 2's are all you'll see. the 4's and 5's come in the 20's I believe.
Patience, grasshoppa. You'll be melting them like wax in no time.



Originally Posted by Jonas1974 View Post
only level 10, but thought it would at least catch my attention.....it only did like 1 or 2 points a tic!

hope it's not a rich man's combo........meaning i hope you dont have to have top notch IO's to make it worthwhile
It doesn't require a fat wallet, SOs are enough (rech in TP, damage and rech in RoF, the slow is fine as is). It's not the sort of thing that'll be killing groups of enemies all by its lonesome, though. Supplementing RoF's damage with Fireball and Breath of Fire is key. The stacked slows keep the enemies nicely bunched together so those AoEs have maximum effect. This, combined with the -Resistance from Tar Patch (and of course the DoT from RoF) means you'll be Scourging pretty quickly.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Jonas1974 View Post
only level 10, but thought it would at least catch my attention.....it only did like 1 or 2 points a tic!

hope it's not a rich man's combo........meaning i hope you dont have to have top notch IO's to make it worthwhile
Oh, yea it only does 1-2 damage per tic at that level and it will continue to deal 1-2 damage per tic for a long while. Doesn't matter though because it tics so many times and so fast that it's actually a lot more damage than it seems, especially when Scourge kicks in.

RoF does 76 tics of damage, so unslotted, RoF does 1.67 per tic, which is 126.8 damage total. Unslotted Fire Ball only does 52.6 damage. You can already see how powerful RoF is here. Compared to your nuke, Inferno, RoF only deals about 60% less damage.

Now, the problem with RoF is that it creates panic among those being hit by RoF, which is where Tar Patch comes in. Not only does Tar Patch add a whopping -90% run speed on top of RoF's -40% run speed unslotted, Tar Patch also debuffs resistance by 30%.

Too long didn't read version: each individual tic of damage will be small, however, there are 76 tics total. Therefore, the total damage is actually pretty impressive. Also, Scourge pretty much doubles RoF's damage when mobs reach about 50% of their hp.



Okay. We need to go into basic gameplay mechanics here so you'll understand what's going on.

First: Rain of Fire uses a large number of ticks. The game engine doesn't do round-downs on points below one damage. So anything below 1 damage is going to display on the screen as 1 damage.

Second: resists in the game are fairly... difficult to explain. Technically speaking, when you apply a resistance debuff to an NPC target, you are boosting the damage that the NPC target takes.

Now, since you said Rain of Fire and Tar Patch, this means you are playing a corrupter. Rain of fire does the following damage percentages without scourge

  • Level 1
    76 ticks .30
    Base 22.50
  • Level 25
    76 ticks 1.03
    Base 77.24
  • Level 50
    Base 1.67
    Base 125.12

Now if you push the damage values into ED with a 100% damage boost:
  • Level 1
    76 ticks .60
    Average 45
  • Level 25
    76 ticks 2.06
    Average 154.48
  • Level 50
    Base 3.34
    Average 250.24

Now if you take those numbers and add 30%
  • Level 1
    76 ticks .78
    Average 58.5
  • Level 25
    76 ticks 2.68
    Average 200.79
  • Level 50
    Base 4.34
    Average 325.31

As you can see, at high levels, and with damage boosts based on SO's, Tar-Patch adds a significant amount of punch to Rain of Fire's potential, and that's not even accounting for the damage scourge will do.

At level 10, you'll still be using Training Origin Enhancements.
  • Level 10
    Base: .53
    Average 39.67
Each Training Origin is worth around 7.5%. Presuming you went ahead and 6 slotted Rain of Fire with 6 Damage TO's, you would have a damage boost of around 45%.
  • Level 10
    Base: .77
    Average 57.52
With Tar Patch running, your numbers, if you slotted Rain of Fire with 6 Training Origin Damage enhancements would be about:
  • Level 10
    Base: ~1
    Average ~74
You won't see a change in what the engine tells you the damage is counting since the base tick is still around 1 damage per tick.

You won't see a change in the amount of power put down by using Tar Patch Either, since you'll more than likely only have 1 or 2 damage TO's, not 6. It's not GOING to catch your eye. No power combination will at that level.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Training SO's.




Yup, don't need anything other than SOs to make this combo work. RoF needs time to do its damage, Tar Patch keeps them in the area for the duration. The -res so it does even more damage is the other part of the equation.

Something I'm surprised no one has mentioned:

RoF does double Scourge damage. Supplement RoF with your other AoEs as Demobot said to get the enemies into Scourge-range and you'll see why RoF is so fantastic.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Yup, don't need anything other than SOs to make this combo work. RoF needs time to do its damage, Tar Patch keeps them in the area for the duration. The -res so it does even more damage is the other part of the equation.

Something I'm surprised no one has mentioned:

RoF does double Scourge damage. Supplement RoF with your other AoEs as Demobot said to get the enemies into Scourge-range and you'll see why RoF is so fantastic.
Double scourge damage? Really?

I thought it just checked per hit because it continuly rolls ToHit checks as it goes (unlike other DoTs) so it tends to be a better leverager of Scourge.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
... ... ... where's that beet red emoticon?

... yeah. that'll do.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Double scourge damage? Really?

I thought it just checked per hit because it continuly rolls ToHit checks as it goes (unlike other DoTs) so it tends to be a better leverager of Scourge.

Unlike say, Irradiate, it checks for Scourge on each tick rather than at the initial cast so it makes better use of Scourge as you say.

-40.00% run speed for 15.50s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements
-40.00% strength to jump height for 15.50s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements
-40.00% jump speed for 15.50s on target
-3.50 max run speed for 15.50s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements
76 Ticks of 3.00 fire damage over 15.00s on target
76 Ticks of 6.00 fire damage over 15.00s on target 2.5% chance per every percentage point targets health is below 50%

-30.00% fly speed for 15.50s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements

Copy-pasted from power details. Bolded for emphasis, as you can see the normal damage is 3 per tick, Scourge damage is 6 per tick.

RoF is beastly on Corrs, yo.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post

Unlike say, Irradiate, it checks for Scourge on each tick rather than at the initial cast so it makes better use of Scourge as you say.

-40.00% run speed for 15.50s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements
-40.00% strength to jump height for 15.50s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements
-40.00% jump speed for 15.50s on target
-3.50 max run speed for 15.50s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements
76 Ticks of 3.00 fire damage over 15.00s on target
76 Ticks of 6.00 fire damage over 15.00s on target 2.5% chance per every percentage point targets health is below 50%

-30.00% fly speed for 15.50s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements

Copy-pasted from power details. Bolded for emphasis, as you can see the normal damage is 3 per tick, Scourge damage is 6 per tick.

Is RoF unique here? Does Ice Storm do the same thing?

Dammit, stop putting ideas for alts into my head. I haven't done a Fire corrupter yet (or any corrupter in fact, at least not seriously in the last 3 years).

And Je Saist, decent explanation of the round off display issue for RoF & Tar Patch.

*wanders off to the Corrupter forum to have a think about potential secondaries*



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
As far as I know, yes it's the only power that doubleScourges.

If you've not made a Fire/ Corr, you don't know the power of Scourge

Make a Fire/Dark.
I'm up to my ears in Dark Miasma characters already, got a MM and a Defender already (EU side so now in limbo )

Fire/Traps though... hmmm.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Fire/Traps is also great.

But trust me, a MM and Defender won't do DM justice like a Fire/ Corr will

Damn you Silas*

I am liking Elec Control at the mo but I do love Dark Miasma a lot and at the moment from what I've seen Praetorian teams seem a tad melee heavy, coupled with lots of Elec Control and a Dark Miasma would fit in well, not to mention that Fire Blast would be a bit easier to use with the lag I've been getting.*