46 -
I love device. My fire/device is by far my favorite character to play. He sits at 49% def to s/l and has 85% global recharge. I think device is great for solo/stealthy/ranged/hover blasters.
Having only 4-5 powers in Device that are worthwhile makes it that much easier to build in my opinion.
Cloaking device, is great as it give's some defense on top of stealth (every bit helps) and give's a spot to throw a LoTG +rech, and a stealth IO isn't going to do all this.
Targeting drone gives tohit debuff resistance, tohit buff and +perception, and a buff to snipe attacks (if you use yours). As a blaster, if your not hitting anything, well, your useless. The tohit debuff resistance, no matter how small, is great.
Caltrops, great for every occasion and its amazing how much mitigation this one power can provide.
Webnade, typical immob thats always useful.
From devices, this is all I really need. For someone else, they might want more, but then, pick another set. Thats why we have so many sets to choose from. If device doesn't work for you and your play style, then reroll and try another one. For me, it works, but I stay at ranged and hover blast.
I'm glad it's different. They need to improve some of the powers in the set for sure, but don't change it to much. If every secondary was the same, what would be the point of having different sets anyway. -
Yeah, my fire/dev is crazy. Caltrops and rain of fire is just insane. Think i'm going to roll a fire/traps corrupter so i can have some scourge going too.
The question I have is, what do you want to focus on? I have a fire/dev and I LOVE him. I went for a hover blaster and focused on ranged defense.
After it is all said and done, i have 46% to range, 44% to energy and 35% defense to s/l.
The S/L mainly comes from frozen armor. Once i get him to villian side, i will pick up scorpion shield and then i will have pretty much the same S/L and roughly 50 something energy defense (which is good for all the new end game energy damage popping up).
I went musculature first, but now having alot of toggles, and reactive interface to pick up the damage, I went cardiac to help with end. I run manuevers, weave, cloaking field, targeting drone, hover, and combat jumping. He's a floating ball of fiery doom.
Reactive interface makes caltrops and rain of fire do INSANE damage. I'd respec my nuke out now if i didn't use it to hold some IO's.
He also has about 50% global recharge (alot of that comes from LoTG +recharge since I have alot of defense toggles) and accuracy. He's great. The only powers I got from Device is caltrops, webnade, targeting drone, and cloak, and its all i need. Think I have taser too, but its not slotted.
The IO sets that really help are (doing this off the top of my head as I don't have my mids available right now) is thunderstrike's, gaussins, and steadfast +def unique. I 6 slotted webnade with an immob set that gave good range defense and caltrops with a slow set that did the same. Also, universal travel, zephyr, has a range defense bonus as well when 2 slotted in travel powers.
Its really not that expensive of a build to get at least 70% of it up and going. I have some purps here and there, but 2 in one power for end bonus and I think rain of fire is fully slotted with a purp set as well, but in the mean time use posi's blast or something similar.
I'll post my build when i can but hope this helps and gives you and idea of one way you can go with your blaster. -
Yeah, even adding something else to the debt protection would work. Something at least that might make it a bit more worthwhile to slot them.
The auto conversion will be an OPTION, not mandatory. Hence the "none" option with the color choices. If someone doesn't want to use, they don't have to. It's not intended to be mandatory.
The suggestion I make are by no means things that I think NEED to happen in game. Some of these ideas are small, a few I think for sure might be hard to do.
1) I would like to see an AUTO CONVERSION option for inspirations.
Basically, a small tab menu that would pop out of the inspiration tab. It could be a little plus sign or something. Then, when it opens, attached to the inspiration tray, it would have all the colors for the inspirations, to exclude the level shift. It would have none, red, blue, orange, etc. and when you pick one, it will auto convert inspirations to whatever color you pick and it would do it within there same tier. So if i pick red, three tier 2 blues will auto-convert to a tier 2 red in my tray while I am fighting. Three tier 1 oranges would convert to a tier 1 red.
This comes from the frustration of trying to convert an inspiration to the one I want in the heat of battle and being frustrated on how long it takes. This is just for me though, I am unfortunately not a hot key person and do everything by mouse, so for me, takes a bit longer. Like a said, by no means a NEED thing for the game, but would be one of those small little things that would be appreciated.
2) I don't think I've seen this in game and if this emote exist, I would like to know it. But I would like to see a SWORD SALUTE emote, that could obviously be tied to taunt for katana/BS/DB.
The character stands facing the enemy, brings his sword hilt to his forehead (sword pointing to the sky) and salutes the enemy, then slashes his sword down to his side. Once done, toon resumes normal default pose.
I'm sure plenty of people had seen it in movies, so it shouldn't be to hard to imagine. Its just something I'd like to tie to taunt on my scrap. A salute of respect before a duel to the death sort of thing.
3)ELEMENTAL WEAPONS for all weapons. Some sort of flaming sword, Ice mace, Dark Katana, etc..so that we can have weapons that would fall more in line with characters that might be more elemental themed.
If I had a fire armor/ katana scrapper, it would be nice if I could also have a flaming sword without necessarily having to go fire melee.
4)Go back and REDO SOME OF THE IO SETS. For example, the sets that have xp debt protection in them. I don't know of a single person that slots for this. With the way COH is now, there is really no need any more for xp debt protection. Pull that bonus out of sets and put something else in it.
I'm not saying completely replace the set or total revamp, just go back and tweak some of the sets.
There are also sets that go all the way to lvl 50, yet have bonus values of sets that are 10-30. I think if a set goes all the way to lvl 50, then there should be a good baseline value that is the same across the board. Obviously some sets will be the exceptions, but the bottom baseline should be the same I believe.
5)INCREASE SALVAGE BINS CAPACITY. I hold a lot of salvage in my bins. I try to hold at least 3 of everything (or things more used) so I can usually craft in my base without running to WW. A boost from 30 to 40 or even 50 would be nice. -
I'm gonna throw my vote towards ill/rad, but i'm partial to that because I have one and he's by far my favorite. He didn't start off as my main, but eventually became it. It takes some investing though to get it where you really want it (perma PA/AM/Hasten), but once you do, its amazing what you can do. I solo'd Lusca with my toon, and I don't think that anyone would say that is an easy thing to do.
I would also say maybe a sonic/cold corrupter, I'm working on one of those right now too, and the debuff/damage is awesome. But this is only my 2 cents and now a days more and more different AT's are able to solo AV's/GM's so you have quit a few choices to choose from. -
Ah, didn't realize all there attacks where psi damage lol.
Want to throw my 2 cents in and say Psi Mastery. PA and Phantasm does plenty of damage outside of Psi, so taking another psi attack to me is no big deal.
But another awesome reason, is in my opinion, psi damage is much more common in late game, and indomitable will gives a NICE defense buff to psi damage on top of the mez protection. So if you get enough recharge, you can basicly have perma mez protection and up to about 20 something percent psi defense (can't remember off hand what the base psi defense is for it, but remember that its pretty good). -
Yeah, i got lucky that no random people came by to help. Luckily, I didn't need inspirations either, I died twice, but it was because I was either watching something on TV or my wife was saying something to me. Biggest complaint is that they haven't fixed phantasm yet, his constant need to go into melee now is annoying.
I would have to wait to summon him, usually a few seconds before I need to recast phantom army, so that he would take agro, and keep it during recast before he died again. -
Me solo'n Lusca..
I didn't start taking pic's till after i killed a few legs already.....
Not as epic because I was using an Ill/rad and I'm sure plenty of others have done this... -
No, was thinking something along the lines of an actual AV, not a GM. I would like to see one for the banished.
From what I understand, the dev's are interested in revamping some of the older zones.... and thats about all I can say about that....
But, the zone I'd love to see get some love first would be Dark Astoria. I feel that zone could provide some real cool arcs and Lore. Plus, i'd love to see some arcs lead to a Banished Pantheon AV.
I don't think there is a BP AV in game is there? If there is, don't think i've fought one or if I have then its been a few years and I don't remember it... -
I know not everyone would really care for this to much and with whats going on right now with all the incarnate stuff I could see something like this not happening for a while, if ever. Especially with everyone wanting more high level content.
But, I would love to see an update to some old zones, that in my opinion don't get traveled to very much because of the lack of content and support in those zones. Dark Astoria, Eden, Creys Folly, Boomtown are all examples of zones I would love to see get some love.
I know it can be done, Faultline is a perfect example. Used to hate going in there before the change and never really needed to except for some random mission errand that made me go there. But when it was changed it got half a town with some markets, trainer, etc... and on top of that it has some great story arcs that give a lot of history on Faultline and give great xp.
Whenever I level a toon I always run the Faultline arcs now, I love'm and there great experience for leveling.
I know the zones I listed earlier are hazard zones and maybe the dev's wish to keep them the way there are for all intent and purposes, but I think myself and plenty others would like to see these zones updated somewhat and filled with some good updated arcs.
Actually, right after writing this, I just got a great idea. One thing that might make it easier on the Devs, would be to have a contest and have the players create arcs for these zones using the AE. The players would have to use the Lore that is present in game to make an arc that would stay in line with the lore and level of that zone.
The winners would get something cool, maybe a badge and something else, and there story arcs would be put into the actual zones to be used. I thought this might help the Devs out a little while maybe making it fun for everyone else. -
In ourboros, in lvl 40-45 range, I think it is the first mission arc, call Lost Souls are something. Its a carnie mish, I usually run that for badge and usually always get 2+ master ill's in it.
Make another ill/rad...... between two sets of debuffs, and if you guys play smartly together, you can alternate PA's, to basicly have perma PA between the 2 of you. Or i'd say a tank. The only thing I wish I had with me sometimes when I play my ill/rad is a tank to take agro, and thats only because when I recast PA, the current one I have up vanish's, and for a second I might get agro, especially with phantasm being jacked up and going all melee right now.
So I'd say ill/rad or tank to help your buddy out, but thats just me. -
I started to really try to learn the market a little over a month ago, and made my first bill after a week and a half, now I can usually do it in under a week.
And the more I do it, seems the easier it gets. -
Been meaning to post this... i've gotten over a billion mutltiple times now but keep burning a hole in my pocket
and whoever says the party pack isn't worth just doesn't respect the crotch grab....
hat and monocle included of course.. -
If put into a pet, will the FF chance for +rchg activate if the pets attacks or only have an initial chance to proc with the initial summon?
I've noticed the same thing. With my widow running SS and his stealth cloak and my Fire/dev blaster running the same. I'll be stealthing, like I normally would, and random things would fire on me, and I had done nothing. No attack, hostage saving, nothing. Its been random as hell,
I'd like to see sets that give more resist bonus's and a unique IO for immob protection. It would be nice to not have to take combat jumping all the time for immob protection.
yeah, i have pvp'd some with my ill/rad in RV, hes got about 90% global recharge from IO's right now
I'm looking to start doing some PvP, not really experienced with it but kind of getting bored with just PvE stuff. I zone PvP sometimes, but want to obviously get into arena and what not.
So, out of the toons I am about to list that I have, which toon should I concentrate on and would be best for a fairly new PvP'r. I've been playing since 04.
I have a lvl 50 ill/rad, lvl 34 ice/Men blaster, lvl 28 psy/em blaster, lvl 22 men/psi dom, and started a sonic/cold cor. I have others, but really on listed those that I thought would be pvp worthy. I do have a lvl 50 bs/regen and lvl 45 spine/wp scrap, but not sure about those two.
Haven't been sure which one would be best so haven't really been concentrating on any single one. So of these, which would probably be the best to start with?