IO Sets
I'd personally like to see some additional purple sets with different kinds of set bonuses.
We really could use some greater variety in Targeted AoE. They're all recharge-poor save for the PVP set.
The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
I'd like to see sets that give more resist bonus's and a unique IO for immob protection. It would be nice to not have to take combat jumping all the time for immob protection.
I'd like to see all the garbage low-level ones done away with and replaced by awesome low level ones. It would be cool to be lvl 15 and have a healthy set bonus list going on.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Still could do with a few more. Silly that there's only 3 of them.
Slow sets need a good kicking as well. Someone was drunk when they were deciding what they enhance.
It's a pity there aren't more Targetted AoE-sets, I usually end up going with five Positron's and a PvP triple/quad. I'd like to see Recharge-intensive slow sets similarily with what happened to pet sets. A lot of the slows available do not benefit from the damage-components while it would be great with larger recharge-components than are currently available. Also, it'd be nice to see the mez resist-numbers go up on set bonuses and possibly on powers that provide them in general to make those type of bonuses seem useful. I highly doubt we'll see straight up status protection in IO's, the status protection easy-mode will probably not leave actual powers.
a MM set with a proc that summons a mook
The Slow sets need a Recharge Intensive Slow set. Both Tempered Readiness and Pacing of the Turtle have hardly any Recharge, but several click slow powers could use high Recharge.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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We really could use some greater variety in Targeted AoE. They're all recharge-poor save for the PVP set.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I'd like to see all the garbage low-level ones done away with and replaced by awesome low level ones. It would be cool to be lvl 15 and have a healthy set bonus list going on.
I also second the suggestion for a unique immobilize protection IO, and throw in a stun protection IO unique as well. Stuns seem just as annoyingly too common as immobilize and KB. In fact, it seems like a huge portion of enemies have the ability to stun for no valid reason whatsoever.
"Dude, look at that. I nicked him with a spitwad, and he's staggering all over the place like a drunk bum." (says the civilian to the Hellion who was trying to steal her purse)
I'm in favor of keeping the sets we have, adding more, and making one other change to even out supply and cut down market hunt and pecking.
Do we really need every recipe at every level? I'd be much happier hunting through recipes set to drop on the 5s (10, 15, 20, etc)
If that's not doable, then try to give us an upgrade to the market interface that lets us view transactions and place a blanket bit on anything within a certain level range. Why should i have to place 3 bids on a 34 35 36 recipe I want when any one of those will do, let me place one bid on all 3 levels and the first one that sells, is mine.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Do we really need every recipe at every level? I'd be much happier hunting through recipes set to drop on the 5s (10, 15, 20, etc)
If that's not doable, then try to give us an upgrade to the market interface that lets us view transactions and place a blanket bit on anything within a certain level range. Why should i have to place 3 bids on a 34 35 36 recipe I want when any one of those will do, let me place one bid on all 3 levels and the first one that sells, is mine. |
Especially the multiple-level bid part. Doubt they're willing to go back and change sets to 5-level increments. Always did wonder why the generic IOs were like that but sets weren't.
I like the idea of more sets for all of the powers. What I would like to see is less of the debt protection, like who cares about debt, I don't. Targeted AoE's I agree, but would like to see more period. I like the IO set concept with bonuses, it's very good.
Any plans for new ones to come out. I wonder how often they come up with sets. I wonder if we'll see more with incarnates coming out. I guess I just wonder.