Just curious Devs...

Abigail Frost




And also, I'd like to see any purchase of 500mil or more flag that account for investigation of RMT. Before you jump into an uproar, if you earned that Inf the honest way, then you have nothing to worry about.

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Yes, because treating your customers like criminals is such a fantastic way to keep them subscribed.

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Worked well shortly after MA came out... Oh wait.



How do you know things arent listed at the cap? When is the last time you saw an Armageddon sold for 5 mil? When people see the last 5 sold for 180mil or 200mil, i doubt they list it for 1 inf.

Salvage is still selling for up to 200k for some. And?



The thing is Dumbleberry, some people still like to play the missions portion of the game and would like to be able to slot and build their toons from the drops. Not from running to an auction and trying to find one for what YOU decide i should pay for it. Maybe other folks should pull their tin hats down up and see that NOT EVERYONE wants or likes WW and having to use it for recipes. But since the rates suck, that's what we are left with.

To tell people the WW is the best way to get stuff, well sir, that's YOUR best way. Others best ways would rather be from killing stuffs.



The thing is Dumbleberry, some people still like to play the missions portion of the game and would like to be able to slot and build their toons from the drops. Not from running to an auction and trying to find one for what YOU decide i should pay for it. Maybe other folks should pull their tin hats down up and see that NOT EVERYONE wants or likes WW and having to use it for recipes. But since the rates suck, that's what we are left with.

To tell people the WW is the best way to get stuff, well sir, that's YOUR best way. Others best ways would rather be from killing stuffs.

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The merit system was created specifically with those players in mind.



Blame the low drop rates. Blame the AE farmers for the increased scarcity. And blame the guy standing in the market next to you. He wants that purple too, and he's willing to outbid you if he can.

You could list an Armageddon for 1 inf, and you'd probably still sell it for 180 to 200 mil or whatever the current going rate is. There's an excellent chance someone has a bid out for it close to that now.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



How do you know things arent listed at the cap? When is the last time you saw an Armageddon sold for 5 mil? When people see the last 5 sold for 180mil or 200mil, i doubt they list it for 1 inf.

Salvage is still selling for up to 200k for some. And?

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well for one, if there was a cap you would see it. for 2, i have seen armageddons go for under 500k. just have to have the bid that gets it. when people see the last 5 sold for, the smart ones list it low, the greedy list high and sit on it for what can be weeks before it sells. remember there are more people bidding then there are things for sale.

putting a cap on prices almost gaurantees that everything listed will be at cap. that also means that everyone will be bidding at cap which means that you now have to wait around until your number comes up to get one rather then having a higher bid then someone else who has bid low ball.



The thing is Dumbleberry, some people still like to play the missions portion of the game and would like to be able to slot and build their toons from the drops. Not from running to an auction and trying to find one for what YOU decide i should pay for it. Maybe other folks should pull their tin hats down up and see that NOT EVERYONE wants or likes WW and having to use it for recipes. But since the rates suck, that's what we are left with.

To tell people the WW is the best way to get stuff, well sir, that's YOUR best way. Others best ways would rather be from killing stuffs.

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I get "stuff" from killing "stuff" all the time. And I post it for low amounts. If someone wants it more than everyone else, than they bid more than everyone else. It's called demand.

Purple recipes are different than costume recipes. Purples are intended to be the rarest of the rare. And people treat them as such. If you want the demand to go down, you don't have to convince the seller--you have to convince every bidder.

In any case, I just slotted my first purple set on a character I am working on. Took a lot of hard work to earn all those pieces (and I'm only using five of the six). And it was an immob. set--lower demand for those. Guess I'm going to have to work much much harder to earn the harder purples. Because I'm not expecting anyone to just give them to me out of a sense of entitlement.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I'm still laughing at the fact that people believe an IN GAME economy is the same as a real life economy. Which is weird since I dont see a trade bank, ATM's , or CD's in game. Maybe its just me, but it's always as simple as waiting, eventually someone will drop the price of said purp. I still remember when costume wings used to cost 14mil and up. When your not buying anything , supply tends to cheapen up, thats a fact. I would link a Wiki page but anyone can do that(google ftw).

On a more serious note, I run my 50 nearly every night, either farming in Cim or farming BM, two purps so far.....been doing that for almost a year now. I think the drop rates need to increase slightly. But the prices of purps would drop, yes I know, heaven forbid we all had purples....I like to throw the "its just a game" line , but many market heads will comment on how it reflects RL, which is sad because I come to play to ignore certain definitives in RL, mainly greed. But aslong as there's inf to be had JD, there will always be Avarice. I would love to tell you , your dealing with a mature lot, but that just aint the truth. The truth is , more kids play this game then adults do. And the adults that do?, they rather screw someone in a game (vicious circle) they don't know simply for in game money.

Is it sad?, yes. Will the devs fix it?, maybe, should people just relax and go eat a donut or get a girlfriend?, definitely.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



Get over yourself dude, I've learned these lessons already. I know how to make inf in game. MY OPINION IS THAT AT CURRENT MARKET PRICES PURPLE RECIPES ARE NOT WORTH THE INVESTMENT.

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My opinion is that purple recipes (the attack ones) weren't really worth the investment when they were only worth 50 million. They were always more for the LOOK HOW RICH I AM aspect. That's why I got my sets. I only regret that they don't add a little graphical effect to your character where dollar bills spill out of you depending on how many purple sets you have slotted.

I play pretty sporadically. That is, I pay for a month or rarely two, mostly play the market and tinker around until I get bored of making fake money, then disappear for months. I came back recently and purples are 250 million????! Flashback to me buying multiple armageddon sets (except I forgot to buy accuracy/recharge somehow) for 50 million.

My complaint about the new purple prices: To me, it's driving home the thought where the only point of having money in this game, past a certain low point for the big non-purples, is getting more money. Before if I was hitting the cap I'd just buy a couple of sets of purples for personal use, even though I still thought they were a waste of money at lower prices. I don't think I would buy an armageddon set (to use) at today's prices. It's the difference between lighting cigars with 100 dollar bills, or buying a solid gold toilet, then buying a bomb made out of diamonds to blow up that toilet. Without even enjoying the single use of that toilet. And then making a forum post about the whole experience.

So anyway I guess my point is that the ability to buy golden toilets for your base at the cost of 100m influence would be cool.



The merit system was created specifically with those players in mind.

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That reminds me: being able to buy purples with merits would be nice. I can't figure out what I'm supposed to use them for at present so I just use them as coasters. Tickets seem a much better implementation of the merit idea, at least you can conveniently buy pool A recipes and specific salvage with those.



It's funny, the people that spend thier time manipulating the market and getting rich off it, can't understand why I wouldn't take thier word as law? Go figure.

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Yeah, go figure. people would rather listen to their own uninformed, biased, illiterate, deluded opinion than listen to people who likely have the experience and know-how to know what they're talking about because obviously you know better than them what you're talking about and they're just trying to obfuscate the truth with their evil book learnins.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



is it bad that i just heard that in my head the way that Early from Squidbillies talks?



do I WANT to drop 500mil on a single recipe?

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get out of the IWANTITNAO mind set and place a bid that is just enough to get what you want and wait. that is how i do it. might take a day or a week. but you will get it.

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I currently have 3 bids outstanding for an Armageddon triple and 2 Apocalypse triples. Each bid is for slightly over 100mil, and have been sitting for a month. I WANT those recipes, but considering the amount of work it takes me to make 100mil, I believe they are not worth more than that. Yet people are paying 200-500mil redside for these. I guess they want it more NAO than I do, and have more spare time to make that inf. Mr. Quint, stop acting like everyone around you is a noob and get over yourself. Not everyone thinks 10-25% of the inf cap for a single recipe is a worthwhile investment.

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so what are you doing with the drops that you get that you don't need? selling them to a vendor? why not spend some time at the market doing some research bout the recipe and made enhancement and see which is going for more then sell it in the way that will get you the highest amount. doesn't take a genius to figure that out. then you won't just be earning inf from doing the run but also from marketing your stuff you don't want/need at this time.

oh and just because most people stil don't seem to understand: PURPLES ARE SUPPOSSED TO BE ULTRA RARE. get over it.

i have plenty of toons that i would like to have purples in but i don't. big freakin deal. i wait for them to drop or wait for a bid to fill.

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Wow! I've learned so much from you in the last 30min than I have from reading this forum since i9 went live! /sarcasm off

Get over yourself dude, I've learned these lessons already. I know how to make inf in game. MY OPINION IS THAT AT CURRENT MARKET PRICES PURPLE RECIPES ARE NOT WORTH THE INVESTMENT. And that the people willing to drop 25% of the inf cap on a single recipe should be investigated.

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Yeah, because y'now, its totally difficult to make 500 million in a couple weeks at worst.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



is it bad that i just heard that in my head the way that Early from Squidbillies talks?

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I love Early. he reminds me of my hometown.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Even if it's only 5% of the community that can do that?

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5% of what community. People with level 50s? Remember, only a 50 can slot purples (you can't slot them at 47 like other level 50 enhancers).

Moreover, even if it was 5% of the community, that can't explain what we're seeing, unless you assume that there are only enough purples available to equip 5% of the population. Otherwise, the 5% that could afford them would, and then everyone else selling purples couldn't move them at that price. The price would come down so that they'd move.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Devs....did you want purple sets to cost well over a billion inf? That's it.

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The short answer is, yes they did.

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Good lord, man, I wish I could fit the rest of that post in a sig.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I understand that purps are rare, but are they more rare now than last year? If so, why? What makes them worth 200mil and not the 30mil that they were?

I've never bought a purp and never will but still have 5 sets on my farmer. I give the ones i dont use away to friends or SG members.

If the reason is AE, then the devs need to look at this because their "old" rare ratio drops are probably 75% less than that now due to AE farming. So, the numbers need to be increased to keep the ratio what they should be, imo.



I'm sure it has been mentioned, but is a price cap pretty much frowned upon? If $150 million was set as the absolute highest price you could list something at, it would help a little. I think $150 million infamy is quite a bit, and personaly don't feel any one item should be selling for more than that. Just my opinion of course, but I'm curious what kind of feedback a price cap has recieved in the past?

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Based on real-life examples, this would fail. Items would be sold 'off market' at whatever prices people were willing to pay. This would result in a less active / less liquid market and, therefore, higher prices.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Also, shouldn't there be a formula for drops? Like if there are 100k subscribers, then there should be around 100 purple drops a month. Just random numbers here, but my point is if the ratio of purple drops decreases dramaticly, which it has due to the MA addiction, shouldn't the drop rate be raised to compinsate?

I would just think the Devs would have a general idea of an amount of rares they want to be dropping, and if that # drops to 1/4 or 1/2 of what they are expecting...they would raise the drop rate. If people leave the MA or whatever and too many purples start dropping, then they lower it again. Am I wrong to expect this type of micro managing the game economy?

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Not necessarily, but that would be the wrong way to manage it. The drops should not be based on raw population. Certain activities give certain types of drops. If people want them, then they should engage in the type of activities that will get them the drops.

As for raising the drop rate due to people being in MA, no. If people want they drops, they should get out of MA.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I understand that purps are rare, but are they more rare now than last year? If so, why? What makes them worth 200mil and not the 30mil that they were?

I've never bought a purp and never will but still have 5 sets on my farmer. I give the ones i dont use away to friends or SG members.

If the reason is AE, then the devs need to look at this because their "old" rare ratio drops are probably 75% less than that now due to AE farming. So, the numbers need to be increased to keep the ratio what they should be, imo.

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AE's a big part of it but not all of it. Prices shot up to double (or more) of what they were long before AE, at around the time of merits, actually. Though AE seems to have doubled it again.



maybe it's becaue people are farming the AE content and not the original farms right now. wait until 2 xp weekend. i' sure someone will be running regular farm missions to drop some purples. and when i16 hits more should be available. stop crying dooooom already.



Santorican. I already stated above my opinion that this isn't a game about economy and market manipulation, it's a game about comic book super heroes that has an economy. I know there are some that only play the market and never run around doing missions, SFs, or other content, but they are the minority. Good for you that you made Billions of the market alone, but the majority of folks that spend more time actual playing thru content shouldn't have to pay the price becuase folks like you rather spend their time manipulating the market.

Playing the market is just one small aspect of a larger game. I'm not asking for instant gratification. All I'm saying is the Devs might wanna think about creating some boundries that stop a minority from greatly affecting the majority in a negative way. IMO setting a price cap and adjusting the drop rates is a good place to start.

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I actually play the game thank you very much, I'm almost up to 400 badges on one of my long time characters.

As for manipulating the market? Not even close. I just work smarter not harder.

And if the developers wanted to have instituted communism/socialism in the game they would have but that would be along the lines of instant gratification and they want you to actually work hard for the best enhancements. I guess that is something that has been lost in today, the majority of people want their instant gratification and aren't willing to work hard for something great. I guess that is the root of this thread, and really should be locked because it has been turned into another complaining thread and really isn't benefiting anyone.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Look smurph, if they tripled the drop rate of purples but didnt have a price cap, the market manipulators would just buy them up and flip them still demanding 200 million to a billion inf for one IO.

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Obivously, the market doesn't work the way you think it does. Not even close.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I've learned that when people want to be ignorant you're better off getting blood from a rock then getting through to them.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



I'm sure it has been mentioned, but is a price cap pretty much frowned upon? If $150 million was set as the absolute highest price you could list something at, it would help a little. I think $150 million infamy is quite a bit, and personaly don't feel any one item should be selling for more than that. Just my opinion of course, but I'm curious what kind of feedback a price cap has recieved in the past?

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I am in favor of this idea. The devs really need to put market caps in place. I know it would make my use of the market more enjoyable.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are