New powerset priorities




"It's just a flesh wound."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Look, you stupid [censored], you've got no arms left!"

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]
Right. We would never give heroes the ability to Dull Pain as a combat ability. That would be off-theme. In other news, Aspirin is evil.

I team with the Repeat Offenders.



How exactly is Mind Control not synergestic with Empathy?

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How does being able to affect the thoughts and actions of others translate to the ability to close and heal wounds and restore the recently dead to life?

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Mind Control is a Psychic-based control set. Empathy is a Psychic-based buff/healing set. Thematically, they work for all intents and purposes. I don't see why you feel the need to include something that will, functionally, end up replicating similar, if not the exact same effects, to Empathy when it already exists. Infact, they've done that already - it's called 'Pain Domination'.

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There's nothing "psychic" about Empathy or Pain Domination, you're actually physically healing your targets, not just making them think they're better.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats it my next /Invul is going to be a PcP junkie.



With power customization, I think we should look more at what powersets will DO, rather than what they look like thematically... since with enough customization, the only static things about powersets would be their combat stats (damage type, amount, recharge, etc... most of which of course are modifyable via enhancements)

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I agree with this. Depending on how much fx customization they put in, lets say for the sake of argument that they let us change the energy blasts to look like the fx from ice blasts or sonic blasts. It'll look like an ice blaster or sonic blaster, but the effects from the blasts will cause knockback instead of slowing them down or causing a resistance debuff (I think thats what sonic attack does, but can't remember off the top of my head, but not really the point). This might lead to the sets we know completely changing in name. Instead of 'Fire Blast' it'll be (horrible name I know) Damage Over Time Blast. Energy Blast would be "Smashing Blast". Ice Blast because "Slow Blast", etc etc. For the OPs example of wind blast, simply recoloring the energy particles to be grey scale could look like air compression blast flying at someone, or changing the effects of the blasts to look like sonics would also do that, at least in my opinion.

Depending on how much customization they give us, we could be looking at a very interesting game in the future. Those of us that made a character one way, like a fire/fire blaster, may be able to change the effects of the powers to still do the same thing, but now we look like an ice/ice blaster.



Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]
Right. We would never give heroes the ability to Dull Pain as a combat ability. That would be off-theme. In other news, Aspirin is evil.

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:| Because Pain Domination is so much different from Empathy. Oi.




Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

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I think you guys used that excuse already as the reason why Willpower Brutes can stand in a crowd of Romans hacking at them with swords indefinitely and not have their HP move but "Invulnerability" Tankers get whittled down.





Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

THANK YOU Mr. Babs! I'll pass this onto an argument I was having with someone in a global channel :P




You really could squeeze every element out for every AT. I'm sure if you squeezed hard enough you'd get "Sword Control" And might even make it a good set. And I AM all for having these sorts of choices. It makes me feel like I can choose different "styles" of combat for my character.

Right now, a character with fire or powers can be offensive, range, melee, defensive. And a host of in between.

Not so with lightning.

Yes, Storm does kind of match lightning. But if my character controls LIGHTNING and not the weather... How is he making it rain or gust? There's really only two lightning powers in that set.

I think there IS room for a pure lightning buff/debuff set. Along with a control set.

- - -

Now you can take that case and plead it for Rad and Sonic and Earth and so forth and so on.

Ok, yes, with what's coming in Issue 16 you can make a case that they don't HAVE to make all these new sets. We can just alter what's already there. But that's a slippery argument. Why make ANY new powersets then?

The answer is, while we can make new colors and designs. We can't alter the actual powers and what they do. If I want a character that hurls stones at his foes and makes quicksand. One who shields his allies with rock and stone. I can't recolor a set or two for that. I need some form of Earth/Stone Defender. Personally, I'd like to see a plant buff/debuff set. With a lot more flowers to it.

The conclusion I've come to is. With Issue 16 coming. They need to start working on sets that have mechanics that can't be replicated. Or effects that can't be replicated. Ideally both. To fill out concepts that we can't accomplish now.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work on my Pollution Control set for Doms, Decay set for Corruptors, Subdue and Tactical melee sets for scrappers, Sanctuary set for Defenders, Explosives for Stalkers, Adaptive armor for Melee characters, and Metal Armor for Tankers.



Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]
Right. We would never give heroes the ability to Dull Pain as a combat ability. That would be off-theme. In other news, Aspirin is evil.

[/ QUOTE ]

:| Because Pain Domination is so much different from Empathy. Oi.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it's more the intent behind it. It's one thing to grit through the pain. It's another to go around dopeing up teamates 'cause it's easier then actually fixing their wounds




Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't understand the Dev's ideas on what is and isn't villainous in terms of powersets. Pain suppression is apparently villainous, but roasting people alive, bathing them in radiation, and emptying machine guns into them are all neutral.

I disagree with the idea that any powerset in the game is inherently heroic or villainous. I think it's how you use it. Healing the Joker while Batman is trying to knock him out to keep him from harming innocent people is villainous. Severely weakening Solomon Grundy with toxic poisons so that Green Arrow can take him down before he destroys several city blocks is heroic.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



How exactly is Mind Control not synergestic with Empathy?

[/ QUOTE ]
How does being able to affect the thoughts and actions of others translate to the ability to close and heal wounds and restore the recently dead to life?

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Mind Control is a Psychic-based control set. Empathy is a Psychic-based buff/healing set. Thematically, they work for all intents and purposes. I don't see why you feel the need to include something that will, functionally, end up replicating similar, if not the exact same effects, to Empathy when it already exists. Infact, they've done that already - it's called 'Pain Domination'.

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There's nothing "psychic" about Empathy or Pain Domination, you're actually physically healing your targets, not just making them think they're better.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which means a Defender can use it if they Go Rogue, right?

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As long as the powersets are new, I'm not too picky on the priorities.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I don't want to have an even match for every powerset. Why? Because when there is a "correct" match it makes most everything else seem sort of "wrong."

The best powerset matchups in the game, IMO, are the Controller sets, because for the most part they don't line up 1 for 1.



Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]
Right. We would never give heroes the ability to Dull Pain as a combat ability. That would be off-theme. In other news, Aspirin is evil.

[/ QUOTE ]

:| Because Pain Domination is so much different from Empathy. Oi.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pain Domination is "Suck it up son! Be a man!"

Empathy is "now now, Mommy kiss it and make it better!"

So um, men are evil and women are good, or something.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



How exactly is Mind Control not synergestic with Empathy?

[/ QUOTE ]
How does being able to affect the thoughts and actions of others translate to the ability to close and heal wounds and restore the recently dead to life?

[/ QUOTE ]

Mind Control is a Psychic-based control set. Empathy is a Psychic-based buff/healing set. Thematically, they work for all intents and purposes. I don't see why you feel the need to include something that will, functionally, end up replicating similar, if not the exact same effects, to Empathy when it already exists. Infact, they've done that already - it's called 'Pain Domination'.

[/ QUOTE ]
There's nothing "psychic" about Empathy or Pain Domination, you're actually physically healing your targets, not just making them think they're better.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've read the power descriptions, right? How can you seriously tell me that's not psychic in nature? Empathy is a little loose, granted, but you can still have it fit within a Psychic framework (Empathy is, infact, an ability regularly attributed to psychics in the real-world field of Parapsychology, and a sub-set of Telepathy in it and in the comics/fantasy world at large - some of which include a Mind Over Body effect of healing other people through psychic energy) as well, even if the descriptions for it are far more basic.

Or should I continue to pull up citations for you from other places to back up my position in this matter?

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Especially share Pain or whatever it is - assuming the wounds of other to accelerate their healing. And almost all examples I can think of of psychic healers has them being tele-empathic even if they are not telepathic (which one can argue is a separate field completely from empathy, albeit similar)

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I agree with you on most of your points, Vanden, especially with regards to electric buff/control. My main is an Elec^3 blaster and I've made other iterations of the same toon (a stalker and brute, both Elec/Elec Mu). I know I can't be the only one that feels the same about a certain type of power and I'm all for expanding our options.

I'll even go one further and say that after two rounds of Primary/Secondary proliferation, it might be time for an Ancillary/Patron proliferation. Villains have been clamoring for new PPPs for a long time and hero's deserve things like Radiation Mastery for Defenders and a Fire/Dark for Scrappers/Tankers, respectively, to name a few.

Chromium Man Model Designations
I - Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, II - Fire/Energy/Fire Tank, III - Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster,
IV - Elec/Elec/Mu Brute, V - Elec/Elec/Mu Stalker, VI -Elec/Elec/Energy Tank, VII - Elec/Elec/Body Scrapper, VIII - Elec/Elec/Mu Dominator
Co-founder of Riders of Apocalypse - Triumph Server




Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does that make the medics on the sidelines at Football games villains? They give the players a hefty cortisone shot after they get injured and then send them right back onto the field.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wow... just... wow...

You, sir, win the False Analogy of the Year award.

(Not that I absolutely agree with BAB, but... yeah...)



Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]
Right. We would never give heroes the ability to Dull Pain as a combat ability. That would be off-theme. In other news, Aspirin is evil.

[/ QUOTE ]

:| Because Pain Domination is so much different from Empathy. Oi.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pain Domination is "Suck it up son! Be a man!"

Empathy is "now now, Mommy kiss it and make it better!"

So um, men are evil and women are good, or something.

[/ QUOTE ]When will brutes get PcP defense?



I don't understand the Dev's ideas on what is and isn't villainous in terms of powersets. Pain suppression is apparently villainous, but roasting people alive, bathing them in radiation, and emptying machine guns into them are all neutral.

I disagree with the idea that any powerset in the game is inherently heroic or villainous. I think it's how you use it. Healing the Joker while Batman is trying to knock him out to keep him from harming innocent people is villainous. Severely weakening Solomon Grundy with toxic poisons so that Green Arrow can take him down before he destroys several city blocks is heroic.

[/ QUOTE ]
I agree, and it seems to me this is what Going Rogue is all about. The Empathy vs. Pain Domination debate now seems moot.




Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does that make the medics on the sidelines at Football games villains? They give the players a hefty cortisone shot after they get injured and then send them right back onto the field.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wow... just... wow...

You, sir, win the False Analogy of the Year award.

(Not that I absolutely agree with BAB, but... yeah...)

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, from an ethical standpoint, I suppose you COULD say it is 'evil' to inject a person with a substance that dulls their pain, making them feel wonderful, then sending them back out to the field to get hurt again simply for the amusement of many, many people.

So I suppose roman gladiator arenas are would not have been considered torture of they had medics....

oh wait, they did...

(and yes, one uses footballs, the other uses lions, you have a chance of dying in both)



With color say others are right...Energy Manipulation will pair up nicely theme wise for Sonic and Radiation Blast)

Energy Blast goes well with Kinetics. Kinetic's even has it's own repel power.

Wind Blast = Energy Blast (as said)...don't like the idea of energy with it, pretend it's all smashing.

Electric Blast works with Kin (bio electricity), and Storm (lightning) so very well. It has a match.

Mind Control has Force Fields (telekinesis), Empathy, and with a little imagination (and maybe color tinting for you), Radiation (My ILL/RAD RP's Radiation as Telepathy...makes the enemy sick, dizzy, feel generally weaker, makes friends feel stronger than they are, makes them ignore wounds...ect...ect...)

Storm Summoning has Ice Control as a matching set.

Force Field matches up with Mind/Grav/Illusion very well.

Radiation can match up with Fire/Grav/as mention I matched it up with ILL...

Poison seems to match Necromancy rather well imo. The zombie's puke, and hey, now so do you!
Pain can go with alot of them well if you just try (you're just looking at the name now, and thinking..."Pain Domination must equal BDSM" while it doesn't have to)

Ok, hugs could likely use a better match, Devices do seem a bit higher tech, but I don't know if it's a new set that will help. Especially sinse it would just be devices with new graphics.

Maybe ask for a Leadership style Buff/Debuff type of set?

Electricity already works with Earth Control (as they showed when they ported it), however that said I am not against an Electricity Control set, and figure it will come sooner or later.

Why would you have to match broadsword with anything? Hey look! I have a big huge sword! Really, it'll match with WP, Ninjitsu, or SR just fine, if you don't want to use Dark/Fire/Elec Armors.

Now I should note, you ask for all this...but you forgot Trick Archery. Which has no match up for Trollers.

And this is the one set that never made sense to me, to give Trollers.

/TA Troller *twang* Look at me! I slowed down the enemy so they can still shoot at us!

ARCHERY Blaster *twang* Look at me! I pinned them all to the wall, so they can't shoot at us! Seriously dude, break down and buy some normal arrows, you cheap-skate.

/TA Hey, these arrows are expensive! *shoots harmless arrow at Blaster*

/Archery Mine are cheap *shoots arrow into Trollers head* and effective.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection




Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does that make the medics on the sidelines at Football games villains? They give the players a hefty cortisone shot after they get injured and then send them right back onto the field.

[/ QUOTE ]

Considering how much trouble those athletes tend to have later on thanks to all the old injuries, yes... it does.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

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