New powerset priorities




With color say others are right...Energy Manipulation will pair up nicely theme wise for Sonic and Radiation Blast)

Energy Blast goes well with Kinetics. Kinetic's even has it's own repel power.

Wind Blast = Energy Blast (as said)...don't like the idea of energy with it, pretend it's all smashing.

Electric Blast works with Kin (bio electricity), and Storm (lightning) so very well. It has a match.

Mind Control has Force Fields (telekinesis), Empathy, and with a little imagination (and maybe color tinting for you), Radiation (My ILL/RAD RP's Radiation as Telepathy...makes the enemy sick, dizzy, feel generally weaker, makes friends feel stronger than they are, makes them ignore wounds...ect...ect...)

Storm Summoning has Ice Control as a matching set.

Force Field matches up with Mind/Grav/Illusion very well.

Radiation can match up with Fire/Grav/as mention I matched it up with ILL...

Poison seems to match Necromancy rather well imo. The zombie's puke, and hey, now so do you!
Pain can go with alot of them well if you just try (you're just looking at the name now, and thinking..."Pain Domination must equal BDSM" while it doesn't have to)

Ok, hugs could likely use a better match, Devices do seem a bit higher tech, but I don't know if it's a new set that will help. Especially sinse it would just be devices with new graphics.

Maybe ask for a Leadership style Buff/Debuff type of set?

Electricity already works with Earth Control (as they showed when they ported it), however that said I am not against an Electricity Control set, and figure it will come sooner or later.

Why would you have to match broadsword with anything? Hey look! I have a big huge sword! Really, it'll match with WP, Ninjitsu, or SR just fine, if you don't want to use Dark/Fire/Elec Armors.

Now I should note, you ask for all this...but you forgot Trick Archery. Which has no match up for Trollers.

And this is the one set that never made sense to me, to give Trollers.

/TA Troller *twang* Look at me! I slowed down the enemy so they can still shoot at us!

ARCHERY Blaster *twang* Look at me! I pinned them all to the wall, so they can't shoot at us! Seriously dude, break down and buy some normal arrows, you cheap-skate.

/TA Hey, these arrows are expensive! *shoots harmless arrow at Blaster*

/Archery Mine are cheap *shoots arrow into Trollers head* and effective.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've thematically matched up Trick Arrow with Plant Control (using a bendy stick to shoot wood, and grow your own) and Illusion Control (tricks and illusions - it's a super magic act!) for Controllers.

"Wind Blast" is arguably Sonic Attack, since it gusts up the environment now.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]
Right. We would never give heroes the ability to Dull Pain as a combat ability. That would be off-theme. In other news, Aspirin is evil.

[/ QUOTE ]

Spectral Wounds is so evil You give them mental scares so bad that it hurts them.




Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does that make the medics on the sidelines at Football games villains? They give the players a hefty cortisone shot after they get injured and then send them right back onto the field.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wow... just... wow...

You, sir, win the False Analogy of the Year award.

(Not that I absolutely agree with BAB, but... yeah...)

[/ QUOTE ]

Upon further research, it may be cortisol that is administered on the field, and not cortisone...

But the point I was trying to make that making someone "ignore the pain" instead of healing them is not necessarily evil. Even a hefty dose of the hormones released from our own glands during "fight or flight" situations suppresses our ability to feel pain. Once the stimulus that triggered the fight or flight response is over, we get to feel that pain again.

In the end, the "evil or not" argument is pointless. Somewhere between six months to a year from now, we will have plenty of Heroic Corruptors running around with Pain Domination and plenty of Villainous Defenders running around with Empathy, all thanks to side switching. With this being part of our impending future, there is no reason not to open up all Archetypes and appropriate Powersets to both (all three?) sides of the game.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



When it comes to new powersets, I believe that the devs should prioritize sets that would complement existing powersets that, due to proliferation or what-have-you, don't have a thematic match within an AT. These sets would be:

Radiation Manipulation (Radiation Blast)
Sonic Manipulation (Sonic Blast)
(Not a new powerset, but Devices should be modified to not cause redraw when used with Assault Rifle or Archery)

Molecular Blast (Kinetics)
Wind Blast (Storm Summoning)
Electric Buff (Electric Blast)
(I know people will say that Storm Summoning and Electric Blast are thematic matches, but I DISAGREE!)
Mental Reinforcement (Mind Control)

Mental Reinforcement (Mind Control)
Spectral Defense (Illusion)
Wind Control (Storm Summoning)
Force Control (Force Field)
Radiation Control (Radiation Emission)
(Empathy is so supportive in theme that Blast or Control versions of it would be too weird. That would be, what? Inconvenience Blast? Itch Control?)

Toxic Minions (Poison)
Elementals (Storm Summoning)
Slaves (Pain Domination, think Dominatrix's Praetorians)
Improvisation (Thugs)
(Let's assume that Demon Summoning will be a thematic match for Thermal Radiation)

Electric Buff (Electric Blast)
Molecular Blast (Kinetics)
Wind Blast (Storm Summoning)
Agony Blast (Pain Domination)
(And they should get Force Fields proliferated to match Energy Blast)

Electric Control (Electric Assault)

Hm, since Stalkers can't match Broadsword with Shield Defense, maybe something like Parrying Dagger?

Eh...I got nothin'. Energy Aura should get ported to Tankers though.

Well, I've said my piece, anyone else got opinions?

[/ QUOTE ]

I would replace Wind Control for Controllers with Electric Control. Thematically the ability to control lightning works with the ability to control weather and there are enough wind based powers in Storm Summoning already. That's just me though, YMMV....

I'd also like to see Scrappers get an escrima set or a kung fu set that allowed you to pick from a lists of different attacks (punches, kicks and sweeps) to create your own unique style.

For defenders I'd like to see a buff set that's a little outside the box like Cybernetics. Less about glowing auras and more about added armor plating or implants that the defender could eventually design themselves through power customization.

Masterminds need evil toys. Marionettes that whip opponents with their own razor sharp strings. "Tonka" style tanks with mustard gas and flame throwers and a giant teddy bear with broken razor blades for teeth!

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



How exactly is Mind Control not synergestic with Empathy?

[/ QUOTE ]
How does being able to affect the thoughts and actions of others translate to the ability to close and heal wounds and restore the recently dead to life?

[/ QUOTE ]

Mind Control is a Psychic-based control set. Empathy is a Psychic-based buff/healing set. Thematically, they work for all intents and purposes. I don't see why you feel the need to include something that will, functionally, end up replicating similar, if not the exact same effects, to Empathy when it already exists. Infact, they've done that already - it's called 'Pain Domination'.

[/ QUOTE ]
There's nothing "psychic" about Empathy or Pain Domination, you're actually physically healing your targets, not just making them think they're better.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Old post yes...but I really need to vent this

Why did you call this Pain Domination then? When you could have called it "Charisma" which is closer to Empathy than Domination, and is something alot of the better villains out there exhibit in spades.



I think customizing anything too far beyond its color or what type of axe it is would be bad. That is because of the Typed Damage System that the game is founded on.

To have fire blasts do cold dammage and arrows heal, is dumb. In PVP its practically an exploit.



Ok, hugs could likely use a better match,

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree, hugs needs a better match. Wait, which AT gets hugs as a powerset? I want hugs!

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Masterminds - Slaves ....

Sorry but LuLZ! They aren't allowing female pets because of POSSIBLE sexist abuse, I seriously doubt they would allow slaves.

..just sayin

[/ QUOTE ]

The funny thing here is that the concept that it doesn't become offensive until women are involved, I find quite sexist. There's really nothing stopping me from making an MM backed by his or her band of boytoys, aside from common sense and some dignity.

That, and I've never heard the devs say any such thing in the first place. I also remember all those people saying they'd never allow model switches due to the "obvious" and "inevitable" abuse.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



I like how Vanden stopped posting and dropped the subject after BABs came in and BURNED him



Pff, BAB doesn't know anything, he's just the art guy. I just didn't want to embarrass him.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

That explanation has far too many holes. My contention is mainly with the bolded part. If nobody is really getting healed, then in essence you are saying that the 'heals' as well as the damage byproducts of 'heals' are all illusionary. If that is the case, then all heals and damage of this AT should act like Spectral Wounds.

No offense BaB, but I would prefer that Castle gets the final word on this.

.Driver Sweeper * CohHelper * HijackThis * TweakCoH * CPU-ID
* Defraggler * Program Security Scan * PC Performance Scan *



I don't think the placebo effect is strong enough to allow you free movement and action when you're frozen in a block of ice or entombed in an enormous rock.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



How exactly is Mind Control not synergestic with Empathy?

[/ QUOTE ]
How does being able to affect the thoughts and actions of others translate to the ability to close and heal wounds and restore the recently dead to life?

[/ QUOTE ]

Mind Control is a Psychic-based control set. Empathy is a Psychic-based buff/healing set. Thematically, they work for all intents and purposes. I don't see why you feel the need to include something that will, functionally, end up replicating similar, if not the exact same effects, to Empathy when it already exists. Infact, they've done that already - it's called 'Pain Domination'.

[/ QUOTE ]
There's nothing "psychic" about Empathy or Pain Domination, you're actually physically healing your targets, not just making them think they're better.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

so, are you saying Pain Domination is a drug dealer set?


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

I think you underestimate our fools, sir.

Why /duel is a bad idea



Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

[/ QUOTE ]

"You didn't need that arm anyway."

[/ QUOTE ]
KA: Look, you freakin idiot. You've got no arms left.
BK: Yes I have.
KA: *Look*!
BK: It's just a flesh wound.



I really don't mean to shoot down your priority powersets because I completely understand where you are coming from.

Some ideas take their inspiration from the game itself instead of actual comic heroes which it was once intended to emulate.

The desire for a psychic weapons sets for example because it would be teh sick unrezisted dammzorge.
Instead of boomerang or lasso or swinging or call custom vehicle transport or other iconic things.
Not to mention imposable hurdles requiring new tech or a sequel, like liftable cars and catchable civilians, savable trains, planes and automobiles, and punch a guy through a wall stuff.
I know the game inspired changes mesh well with what is already there, but as far as priorities and power sets go I'd like more time spent on the really new stuff.

Instead of say, Sonic Manipulation, I think that issue would disappoint me.




Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does that make the medics on the sidelines at Football games villains? They give the players a hefty cortisone shot after they get injured and then send them right back onto the field.

[/ QUOTE ]

Considering how much trouble those athletes tend to have later on thanks to all the old injuries, yes... it does.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree.

Warning: all teen rated stuff (I think), but may be a bit disturbing for younger-teens-at-heart.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!




I'm still hoping for some kind of Archery Blaster secondary that doesn't send the powers team into fits of uncontrollable pointing and laughing at my expense.

There's got to be SOME kind of thematic match to Archery for Blasters. I hate having to break theme. Every other power makes no sense---to me, at least. Maybe something in the new list of PPs.



Archery Manipulation:

Entangling Arrow
Arrow Stab
Throw Bow
Two Arrows Stab
Build Up
Glue Arrow
Stun Arrow Club
Boost Range
Use The Bow As A Makeshift Garrote

There ya go!

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Kinetic Tankers.

That is all...



Qr-as soon as slaves are in, Im there.

But we really need Animal Control.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."




I'm still hoping for some kind of Archery Blaster secondary that doesn't send the powers team into fits of uncontrollable pointing and laughing at my expense.

There's got to be SOME kind of thematic match to Archery for Blasters. I hate having to break theme. Every other power makes no sense---to me, at least. Maybe something in the new list of PPs.

[/ QUOTE ]

A Martial Arts secondary for Blasters would work quite well with Archery/Ar/dual pistols (particularly if they made the attacks not cause redraw)

Always remember, we were Heroes.




I'm still hoping for some kind of Archery Blaster secondary that doesn't send the powers team into fits of uncontrollable pointing and laughing at my expense.

There's got to be SOME kind of thematic match to Archery for Blasters. I hate having to break theme. Every other power makes no sense---to me, at least. Maybe something in the new list of PPs.

[/ QUOTE ]

if people laugh at Devices, they don't know what they're missing.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

I think you underestimate our fools, sir.

Why /duel is a bad idea



There's nothing "psychic" about Empathy or Pain Domination, you're actually physically healing your targets, not just making them think they're better.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's really how it's supposed to work?! That's actually -perfect- for one of my characters. Sort of brings up the whole Darkman dilemma that if you don't feel pain, you can't tell when you're dying, but still, that explanation works great for me.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.