Official Going Rogue Discussion




Hi Everyone,

We know you are excited about recent information being released about Going Rogue. As you can see, the new website is starting to ramp up.

Please use this thread to discuss anything related to Going Rogue.




Between i16, Super Booster 3 and the bazillion alts I've got I see myself spending a whole lotta time at Icon / the Facemaker's place. Wonder if they'll offer volume discounts?

"Striving for the impossible" doesn't mean "toiling in vain". It means growth. It means improvement in the direction of your ideals. Not futility.
Erfworld: the Battle for Gobwin Knob





I think your a little late on this one. Unless your looking at getting the several, non-Red-name, threads about the GR site updates into here...

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Some sweet new lore about Desdemona and Maelstorm. Awesome job devs! Maelstorm looks awesome and Desdemona's pose is sexy. I can't wait to see what they put in for Tyrant.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's official.

I <3 Maelstrom. So awesome. And I want to steal his guns.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Wait until you see Tyrant in the same outfit making the same pose!


Seriously, though... looking forward to this quite a bit. I'm a little miffed my friendly, local, corporately owned game store isn't taking pre-orders yet.




So who else already has placeholder characters set up to reserve the names they want for their demon summoners and dual pistols wielders?



*shows of new avatar*



*shows of new avatar*

[/ QUOTE ]
Maelstrom looks like he's dancing and firing into the air in your avatar.

I approve.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



I have a few questions:

With the introduction of the Alignment System, does that mean there will be multiple options to answer when you talk to the contacts?

Will there be new early level content in Atlas Park/Galaxy City/Hollows/King's Row/Mercy etc, since we've all done that numerous times, or will the new low level stuff be restricted to only the Preatorian Earth area?

What will happen if your Rogue Isles character's alignment move to evil? Will they be shoved in a bag and mailed to Paragon City, or have "Rebel Without A Clue" options for mission acceptance? Will there be the same for heroes?

How much more graphic intensive will the game get? Some people (not me) are getting to the edge of their graphics cards. Will Going Rogue amp up the graphic requirements, or will it ease it up a little?

Will Boomtown and Dark Astoria be receiving attention in Going Rogue, since this is obviously a story advancement thing? Those areas have been like that since launch, and I'd like to see some movement, much like what was accomplished with The Hollows (which was a fantastic makeover IMHO)

How difficult will it be to port between the areas? Can a 1st level hero transition between Paragon City and Praetorian Earth, or is there going to be a different level cap?

Any word on how many zones there are going to be in Praetorian Earth? Are we going to see a fully clean Boomtown and Dark Astoria, or will they just be missing?

Finally: When does pre-order come out?

"If you build it, they will run you over with it."-RPG Designers Mantra
Working on: YotZ Legends: Even Heroes Die (First Round Edit)



wait, so is this new info we were waiting on for July, or was that i16 we were waiting for?



Just one question: which year are you targeting to release this? Not a date, just a year.

This year? Next year? 2012?



wait, so is this new info we were waiting on for July, or was that i16 we were waiting for?

[/ QUOTE ]

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



you misunderstand my question

At one point, there was a posi post about something that was coming up. They said more details in July.

My question was, was that simething i16 or Giong Rogue.

I looked and it was a teaser of i16 and he said more details coming in July. so after i posted i searched for his post. He was refering to i16. And yes I saw waaay before that there was aa i16 update today. Whihc i am excited for.

The update for going Rogue however, not so much. want moar details!



The existing Praetorian arcs from Tina MacIntyre and Maria Jenkins are pretty old school - lots of defeat alls on outdoor maps and in the generic science base. Any plans to update these missions to coincide with GR?

In one of the missions Maria Jenkins says something like "If the Praetorians do invade then Portal Corp will be ground zero." It would be fantastic if Peregrine Island got a makeover to reflect exactly that - Praetorians controlling one of the Portal Corp buildings, and with a presence on the streets of PI, would be much cooler than the Behemoths in the parking lot we have now.



Some sweet new lore about Desdemona and Maelstorm. Awesome job devs! Maelstorm looks awesome and Desdemona's pose is sexy. I can't wait to see what they put in for Tyrant.

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed.... I got bored earlier, and already made myself a quick wallpaper of the two characters for my desktop... (granted it was done in about 10 minutes, and probably looks it...)


Would have thrown a "Going Rogue" logo up just above/behind them,(instead of the CoH/CoV logos in the bottom right corner) but I couldn't find an image to snag for it... >_>;

Edit: Made it cause the ones they have on the site didn't grab my attention enough...



So Desdemona is basically Bettie Page with straight hair? I can get behind that.



I find the name choice of "Desdemona" very interesting.

Googling it brings up definitions of: ill-starred, ill-fated, misery, wretched, unlucky

The most notable character is not some greek heroine, but the loyal, devoted wife of Shakespeare's Othello. Desdemona defied her father to marry Othello. Othello eventually murdered Desdemona in a jealous rage fired by Iago's manipulations.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



I find the name choice of "Desdemona" very interesting.

Googling it brings up definitions of: ill-starred, ill-fated, misery, wretched, unlucky

The most notable character is not some greek heroine, but the loyal, devoted wife of Shakespeare's Othello. Desdemona defied her father to marry Othello. Othello eventually murdered Desdemona in a jealous rage fired by Iago's manipulations.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, in the middle of the biggest paragraph of her bio - it does mention her jealous BF trying to "Teach her a lesson".

But, he is the one that gets killed.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I find the name choice of "Desdemona" very interesting.

Googling it brings up definitions of: ill-starred, ill-fated, misery, wretched, unlucky

The most notable character is not some greek heroine, but the loyal, devoted wife of Shakespeare's Othello. Desdemona defied her father to marry Othello. Othello eventually murdered Desdemona in a jealous rage fired by Iago's manipulations.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, in the middle of the biggest paragraph of her bio - it does mention her jealous BF trying to "Teach her a lesson".

But, he is the one that gets killed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Say wha...?

*goes back to the character pages*

Oh... there is a full biography button there. How did I miss that before?



So Desdemona is basically Bettie Page with straight hair? I can get behind that.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Disgards first fifty or sixty dirty, but agreeing, jokes*

And... munitions... any way to combine that with pistols without losing animation time? Oh, and pirate pistols, please, as well as Silver Heat .45 pistols.

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



I find the name choice of "Desdemona" very interesting.

Googling it brings up definitions of: ill-starred, ill-fated, misery, wretched, unlucky

The most notable character is not some greek heroine, but the loyal, devoted wife of Shakespeare's Othello. Desdemona defied her father to marry Othello. Othello eventually murdered Desdemona in a jealous rage fired by Iago's manipulations.

[/ QUOTE ]

Her name just makes me think of Gargoyles >.<

She needs an alternate costume with blue skin, red hair, demon wings, a tail, and a skimpy loincloth type outfit. lol

I know, the Gargoyles character was just named Demona, but it still makes me think of her.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters




So who else already has placeholder characters set up to reserve the names they want for their demon summoners and dual pistols wielders?

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Me for sure My DP/Dev is Alexiares and my Demon/??? Is anicetes. The normal name (anicetos) on my server was taken so i had to ajust it a little.

[url=""]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!



I thought we'd at least get an approx. date for release.

Anyway, I am hoping this expansion brings as much as CoV did. I hope that means new ATs, NEW maps/mission maps (please don't ever use what we have ever again - done to death) and the side switching ability etc.

If you don't get the box does that mean you cannot side switch??



Indeed.... I got bored earlier, and already made myself a quick wallpaper of the two characters for my desktop... (granted it was done in about 10 minutes, and probably looks it...)


Would have thrown a "Going Rogue" logo up just above/behind them,(instead of the CoH/CoV logos in the bottom right corner) but I couldn't find an image to snag for it... >_>;

Edit: Made it cause the ones they have on the site didn't grab my attention enough...

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Now we just need Tyrant doing a cool pose in the background or in the foreground for a Charlie's Angel type vibe.