Remove AE!




I won't lie, I'm not a fan of AE and I really don't like any mechanic that lets someone get a toon to level 50 in a matter of hours. I haven't liked it in any MMO I've played, yet it continues to be something that happens in every MMO that I've played.

People say let people do what they want, play how they want, let them be etc... that's fine. It doesn't mean I will agree if I feel it is something that is out of balance compared to regular gameplay.

As you said its the Devs decision where to call the shots, but as long as people perceive an unfair advantage they will continue being vocal. The same thing happened in WoW when they tried to fundamentally change the Warlock class and how they mitigated damage compared to their HP ratio. There were tons of people outraged on the forums over it.

Forums do tend to be dramatic, with lots of opinions and perceptions about how things are or should be. The example I posted above about how people react demonstrates that pretty well.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is where the difficulty lies and I really don't have an answer for it. Last night, my wife and I ran AE for a bit on one of our duos; we gained a little less than one level. Then we headed out into King's Row to run some standard contact missions; in almost the same amount of time, we gained close to two levels.

But we don't run farms; when we do "real" AE content (story-based, better mob selection), we do not level as fast as we do when running standard content. In other words, it works just like the devs wanted it to.

However, it is possible to make AE farms/PL arcs that outstrip the pace of the dev content.

Most of the solutions I've seen posted on the forums would impact players like my wife and I (who are using the AE as intended) far more than it would any farmers/PLers.

Removing the AE would be stupid. It is a great tool that a lot of players use they way it was intended; it's fantastic for SGs and for casual players alike. As to several of the suggestions I've seen (level-gating, zone-gating, etc.), it's not difficult to find ways around those (which I won't post here; don't want to give people ideas). The main impact will be on non-farmers/PLers.

Oh, well. The ball is in the devs' court. I'm sure they'll do whatever they think is best for the game overall. It's good for all of us to give our feedback, pro and con. Feedback with suggestions is even better -- as long as we don't go overboard.




oh wait we can't do that any more.


[/ QUOTE ]

/jpowerra . . .

Damn we can't do that either.



All games make a fatal Mistake,and this is one of those moments when a fatal mistake has been struck.AE will kill the game.Take it out like a splinter,and the game will start to go back to normal.none of the changes iv seen that have occured in this game before AE,have had this huge of a impact.

I have enjoyed this game over some time,i cant always play it,and i just want my favorite video game back.....and im not the only person that feels this way.There are tons more problems happening becuase of AE,other then what iv just listed.So here is the bottom line...


[/ QUOTE ]

Reading this, it struck me...

What if "The Coming Storm" the Menders are warning us about is AE? Yes, it all makes sense now...



Ugh, not this BS again.

Just friggin deal with it. I can't decide what's worse, the amount of farmers or the people complaining about the farmers.




OK I guess it's against forum rules to just type /no, so I'll give you a more in depth post.

/no thank you

There's an old saying about throwing out the baby with the bath water. You might want to look it up. Also I'm going to go on the record right now and answer all of the threads that go along these lines.

The Following List of Features will never be Removed from the Game:

Enhancement Diversification
Wentworth's / Black Market
Mission Architect
Inventions System
(Insert any feature you don't like in this spot)

They might be changed, they might be altered to something completely different and unrecognizeable, but they will never EVER be removed.

If you can't deal with that, then well...



Max, you forgot to add this

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile



The farmers are annoying. I've learned very quickly that AE Team = Farm. Just today I was pulled into one (naively hoping it was a legitimate team), but no no no no. XP was given out like candy, and I didn't have to work for it. So quickly I attacked one of the big purple conning monsters, got my [censored] kicked, and then left the team. Only once have I been pulled on a legitimate AE old-fashioned style team, and that was with friends. The rest have been farms in sheep's invitations.

IT'S ALL A NEMESIS PLOT! Clearly he wants to keep potential threats out of the way by distracting them with virtual simulations.

I have to admire the honesty of those who ask you to farm up front. Of course I say no to those, with witty replies concerning cow pies.



The wrong AE team = farm. Of course, finding the right teams short of starting one yourself can be a bit dicey, I suppose. Anecdotal evidence seems to fall on both sides, depending on the bias of each forum poster.

Hopefully the devs read all of the forums, not just the general ones. With all the "AE is ruining the game threads" in the general area, we've got AE arc forums brimming with posts from people who are at least trying to use the AE to tell stories and have creative fun. There are hundreds, if not thousands of non-farm/PL arcs available.

From where I sit, the AE is a good thing and a success in CoH, in spite of those who abuse it and those who just don't want it for whatever reason.




Seriously. Start your own team. There are scores of players looking for anything but AE missions.




Seriously. Start your own team. There are scores of players looking for anything but AE missions.

[/ QUOTE ]





As you said its the Devs decision where to call the shots, but as long as people perceive an unfair advantage they will continue being vocal. The same thing happened in WoW when they tried to fundamentally change the Warlock class and how they mitigated damage compared to their HP ratio. There were tons of people outraged on the forums over it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm a 5-year warlock and I don't know what time period you're speaking of. Warlocks have done nothing but gotten better and better IMO, the only grief is which spec tops the charts in any particular development cycle.

[image]You CAN'T post images in sigs like they say you can in the forum FAQ.jpg[/image]



Shortly befor WOTLK, they tried to change how the mana and hp ratio worked with lifetap and at the sametime change how their damage mitigation was calculated with resiliance. Since warlocks were used to the way their hp was mitigated and didn't want the nerfs they made a hissy fit on the forums and the changes didn't go live.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile



*Walks into thread*

*Has a Drink and does a little Jig*

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



Regarding the OP:
Emphatically disagree.

[/ QUOTE ]

This. But I still think AE can be saved.

My plan: Use Bad_Influence's idea to take out AE from Atlas, Galaxy, Mercy and Kings Row. In addition, find a way to further restrict/downright remove AE's auto sidekick system.




Not reading all of it, as I simply dont care...

But I have to agree that I was highly annoyed when I was in AE with some friends and encountered a lvl 19 who had NO IDEA how to tell who the team leader was, what to do in AE, or how anything seemed to work besides "Local" chat. These "AE Babies" bother me. Greatly. I approve of someone's fix of LVL 25+ toons having access to AE and not before (and like Peacebringers and the like, only one toon has to hit 25 w/o AE).



I love that we get to pretend that it's the AE's fault that there are some newbies that don't know what they're doing. As if my entire playing experience hasn't been filled with these people.

Just be glad the game has some new blood and quit your whining.

I think a mod should retitle this thread "Terrible Ideas On How to Fix Something That Isn't Broken."



I love that we get to pretend that it's the AE's fault that there are some newbies that don't know what they're doing. As if my entire playing experience hasn't been filled with these people.

[/ QUOTE ]No! AE has changed EVERYTHING! Don't you understand, man! Before AE, like, everything was radical, man! None of these square new players, cramping my style! Back in my day, noobs weren't allowed! If we saw one, we'd beat 'em, man! MAN!!!!!!!

Just be glad the game has some new blood and quit your whining.

[/ QUOTE ]People seem to forget how they were like when they were new I nearly had a 30 when I found out you could put multiple of the same enhancement in a power! And I was told that by somebody I got into the game (of all people! ). Although, when they first started playing the game they probably knew everything.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Teaming is hard? I don't think so, I've had no problem getting from 30-46 in a few weeks from forming PuGs, as well as completing all the SFs along the way.

I tl;dr'd your post by the way, it was too long for what you were complaining about. AE isn't going anywhere, and neither is farming. All AE has done is increase the number of clueless players around. Pre-AE, I teamed with plenty of Blasters that thought jumping in the group first was what they were supposed to do, along with having ALL travel powers.



I love that we get to pretend that it's the AE's fault that there are some newbies that don't know what they're doing. As if my entire playing experience hasn't been filled with these people.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I never specifically blamed AE. I blamed Nemesis and farmers. I do intend to eventually write a few interesting story arcs using the system. Whether people will play them as intended, or somehow find a way to farm them remains to be seen. I certainly hope they make the wiser decision.




oh wait we can't do that any more.


[/ QUOTE ]'

I thought it was only banned on the suggestions boards.

Anyhoo, as the man himself owuld have said: "No."



Shortly befor WOTLK, they tried to change how the mana and hp ratio worked with lifetap and at the sametime change how their damage mitigation was calculated with resiliance. Since warlocks were used to the way their hp was mitigated and didn't want the nerfs they made a hissy fit on the forums and the changes didn't go live.

[/ QUOTE ]

hmmm, I don't ever remember this happening, though I never use test server in WoW.

[image]You CAN'T post images in sigs like they say you can in the forum FAQ.jpg[/image]



Don't worry I haz solution




Dirty_Tanker .you are a good person

im a new player and in mercy island ,its fun there ,people always asking for teams and no one yet asked for AE ,im guessing its only in the good side .

btw i was in atlas park yasterday[i robbed a bank there with 7 more guys]it was quite empty .