Remove AE!




Dirty_Tanker .you are a good person

im a new player and in mercy island ,its fun there ,people always asking for teams and no one yet asked for AE ,im guessing its only in the good side .

btw i was in atlas park yasterday[i robbed a bank there with 7 more guys]it was quite empty .

[/ QUOTE ]
... Ah, newbies... welcome to the game.

Hey, we have yet another reason why Villains>Heroes!



Dirty_Tanker .you are a good person

im a new player and in mercy island ,its fun there ,people always asking for teams and no one yet asked for AE ,im guessing its only in the good side .

btw i was in atlas park yasterday[i robbed a bank there with 7 more guys]it was quite empty .

[/ QUOTE ]

hihi and welcome.

Mayhem missions are Inatanced so they would be empty save for your team no matter what. Though it would be funny to have Villains going to the real Atlas Park to rob the bank^^

I'm glad you're having fun Villain side and really Hero side isn't that bad, other than AP spam, all missions I got invited to were normal teams and not a single AE team, all my AE experience comes from soloing.



Redside the AE spam usually happens in Cap. Give it a few days



Dirty_Tanker .you are a good person

im a new player and in mercy island ,its fun there ,people always asking for teams and no one yet asked for AE ,im guessing its only in the good side .

btw i was in atlas park yasterday[i robbed a bank there with 7 more guys]it was quite empty .

[/ QUOTE ]
*Bwahahaha* Sweet. Actually missions like bank mayhems are instanced maps created on the mission server when the first player enters. The only players on the map are you and your team. If you had been in the actual Atlas Park you probably would've been fighting dozens of level 30+ heroes. Which would've been nearly guaranteed failure and frustration for level 5-10 villains.

Redside most AE activity is usually in Cap au Diable. Mercy Island is a rather out of the way zone with little to draw players, even if all characters start there, whereas CaD is a fairly central hub. Atlas Park, on the other hand, is a fairly central hub for blueside and characters start there.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



That said, I'm absolutely certain that AE will be nerfed into oblivion before Going Rogue is released. Perhaps Tyrant will tap into Dr. Aeon's power sources and open up his invasion portals inside the AE buildings - leaving nothing but smouldering craters surrounded by bemused noobs who don't know where to go next

[/ QUOTE ]

Or ripping the buildings out of the ground and transporting them into the CoX:GR zones.

It is becoming pretty clear that the infestation in the AE is so bad that the whole building needs to be come down and be rebuilt to get all the bugs out ... or in this case exploitative "farmers". I tend to think that all farmer are exploiting the game, but the ones in the AE are far worse than "normal" farmers were before the AE release.

Some of the worse part of the destruction of new player experience is that obnoxious behavior of what seems to be many of the individuals that have come from other games to take advantage of the abuses that the MA allows. And I'm serious about that. Since AE has been released there has been a large influx of individuals that aren't standard CoX players.
By and large, the average CoX player tended to be a friendly and helpful individual. I think part of that reason was because they were playing the game because they liked the genre and the genre helps to instill certain sensibilities.

It is good for income that new players are joining. It is bad for the longevity of the game if they are only joining because they know that they can abuse the game.

Save the City!
Resolve AE problems now. One step at a time, but quickly.

And, yeah, selling slots to people with their all their slots banned for exploiting the AE is just stupid.

Once again, Epimetheus in prime form.



It is becoming pretty clear that the infestation in the AE is so bad that the whole building needs to be come down and be rebuilt to get all the bugs out ... or in this case exploitative "farmers". I tend to think that all farmer are exploiting the game, but the ones in the AE are far worse than "normal" farmers were before the AE release.

[/ QUOTE ]Wow, you're giving me flashbacks to TOTALITY. All you need to do is attempt to start your cult, and you'd be there!

It is bad for the longevity of the game if they are only joining because they know that they can abuse the game.

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, I'm sure that's why they're joining *nods*

Once again, Epimetheus in prime form.

[/ QUOTE ]Ah.. there we go! You've already made the first steps! Now claim you're the savior, and you'd be Totality.

For some odd reason, I bet you refuse to play a Villain as well

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I think the devs need to do the opposite of every single thing you post.




It is becoming pretty clear that the infestation in the AE is so bad that the whole building needs to be come down and be rebuilt to get all the bugs out ... or in this case exploitative "farmers". I tend to think that all farmer are exploiting the game, but the ones in the AE are far worse than "normal" farmers were before the AE release.

Some of the worse part of the destruction of new player experience is that obnoxious behavior of what seems to be many of the individuals that have come from other games to take advantage of the abuses that the MA allows. And I'm serious about that. Since AE has been released there has been a large influx of individuals that aren't standard CoX players.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow...where do I begin.

In the past four days I have:

Maled down to help new villain mates.
Worked on a new pop culture arc
Ran a TF
Done a little farming in AE
Done a little farming outside AE (whee Accolades...)

AE is fine.
If you *Want* to find stories to run, you can.
If you *Want* to find something to level you quickly, you can.
If you *Want* to create something yourself, you can do that too!

Hey look, it's like Nethergoat was right when he said that a bunch of the stuff would be crap and there would be some truly memorable moments as well.

Guess what, the Ticket system has enabled Pool A and the occasional Pool B and C drop to find themselves onto the Market. And they allow you to get RICHER by selling salvage or those rolls. Tickets can also be used to get more maps.

Take away AE and you know what? People will farm map X to level their alts with their perma 46s. It's not going to stop.

If you do not wish to farm in AE, don't.
If I wish to write stories, I will (new one should be out next week).
If I want to challenge myself in AE, I'll do that too!

What you're missing in your grandiose "XP Puritan" rant is that AE is also a way to challenge extremely twinked characters. I have a friend that piles craploads of mobs into corners then Electric Melees them into the ground.

The Hollows are empty? No one has gone there since you could get jet packs in Kings Row. CoH has a crapload of zones no one attends to.

The Devs will nerf the obvious exploitive stuff and the rest will stay.

P.S. Imagine if they did remove utterly clueless the company would look: "Paragon Studios removed an entire issue's worth of content because players were taking advantage of its features!"

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Most of the people complaining about AE are on Freedom and Virtue, where I agree it "seems" to be rampant.

However, you can find groups for most things still. It might take longer than it used to but the game's population has been slowly shrinking. AE caused an influx and many of those players simply don't know how CoH was designed to be played. They come from games like WoW where it;s all about becoming as powerful as possible as quickly as possible.

Games like them will easily burn themselves out and quit. AE Farming is honestly a self-correcting system.

And they won't ever pull the AE out of the game completely. That would kill CoX since it's one of the game's major selling points. The system definitely needs some changes and there are exploits to be fixed, but we cannot sacrifice creativity for the sake of removing the non-exploit farmers.

I'm also for taking the AE buildings out of Atlas, Galaxy and Mercy (and possibly cap, but that would cause a disparity between heroes and villains. Heck, maybe remove them from all sub level 15 zones.) Let the players experience some of the normal game at least before they decide to farm.

As long as the game exists there will be farmers and PLevelers. Every game has them and there's no real way to remove them without seriously harming things for normal players.



I agree that the quickest fix is to yank out the AE all together.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, there was no farming before AE!

Oh, wait.

[/ QUOTE ]
Your argument is weak, because before we didnt have farming in Mercy Island and Atlas Park, and the noobies actualy LEARNED TO PLAY THE GAME.



I agree that the quickest fix is to yank out the AE all together.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, there was no farming before AE!

Oh, wait.

[/ QUOTE ]
Your argument is weak, because before we didnt have farming in Mercy Island and Atlas Park, and the noobies actualy LEARNED TO PLAY THE GAME.

[/ QUOTE ]You mean the noobies walked to Peregrine Island/Grandville. And we'd have 3-4 of each on Freedom, instead of 1-2 Atlas Park/Cap Au Diable.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Post deleted by Moderator 08



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, insulting peoples will make your point stand out far more easily.

Well, believe it or not, there are still players out of Atlas Park.



Post deleted by Moderator 08



People seem to forget how they were like when they were new I nearly had a 30 when I found out you could put multiple of the same enhancement in a power! And I was told that by somebody I got into the game (of all people! ). Although, when they first started playing the game they probably knew everything.

[/ QUOTE ] I didn't take Aim on my first level 50 because it didn't do any damage. Same thing for lingering radiation.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ] Golden. You trash everybody's intelligence and call him a meat head because he is making mute points. Pot, meet kettle.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't really think everyone that likes AE as the way it is, is an exploiting farmer. I mean they may like AE the way it is because it allows them to have the power to make the stories they want. *shrugs.*

I think the problem is with player attitudes than the AE itself, I think some tweaking to remove exploits like Bubble teams and the like are needed, but nothings perfect. The people that want to farm will do it anyways, it's just one thing people do in MMOs and while I think it's boring and don't do it, I don't see why all the fuss about them playing that way.

I really think that the game would get better if we focus on improving the system and removing exploits, not trying to take away the new feature or limit newbie access, which won't help really other than making it so newbies that want to use it, can't and I really think a feature that huge should be for everyones use, I don't want to see CoX become Wow, where no one wants to do newbie stuff at all because the endgame has everything cool about it.



I am beggining to think that most of you flamming this post are the abusive farmers,and want to justify the abuse,so that you can continue to abuse the game and system...Bravo..

[/ QUOTE ]

Oww, my feelings. I'm taking my ball home now.

The only thing I abuse are hordes of enemies. Are you defending their rights to not be smashed? If so, I'm afraid we're going to have problems.

Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ]


I will now proceed to beat you silly with drumsticks. It's a minor point, but arguments work better when you use the proper words.

1) I have worked for every one of my 50's. Once they hit 50, I worked to earn the inf and drops to outfit each one. Most of my 50's have nearly 1,000 hours logged in (I need a life)
2) I'm not going to flame you. I'll flame your idea. There's a big difference between you and what seems to come out of your brain.
3) As a farmer, I agree that AE is a problem that needs a solution. Yours however, is moronic.
4) Some of the people that replied to you are indeed farmers. Not all of them are.

Now to beat your idea mercilessly with drumsticks:

We have recently released a new boxed version of AE called Architect. As such, the absolutely worst thing they could do for business at this point is remove AE entirely. Your extreme solution ruins the reputation of the developers who then are viewed as failing to deliver to the players. Furthermore, there would be potential litigation after said players have purchased the box set as they then fail to deliver what was promised on the box. Simply removing xp from AE would at least save them from that problem.

Unfortunately, as percussion is not my primary instrument, I've run out of the flams that I know how to do. When I learn some more, I'll resume my work.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, come on, gimme more insults, you're showing you know how to debate

Can I see your sources for the 5% players out of AE ?

Indeed, the 5% out there are enough to team with me and having good fun.
And I guess the 95% INSIDE AE include the devs who picked dev's choice story arc to show you that there is something good about the AE.

Come on, leave Atlas Park for once and meet some players.



I agree that the quickest fix is to yank out the AE all together.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, there was no farming before AE!

Oh, wait.

[/ QUOTE ]
Your argument is weak, because before we didnt have farming in Mercy Island and Atlas Park, and the noobies actualy LEARNED TO PLAY THE GAME.

[/ QUOTE ]You mean the noobies walked to Peregrine Island/Grandville. And we'd have 3-4 of each on Freedom, instead of 1-2 Atlas Park/Cap Au Diable.

[/ QUOTE ] No, because anyone who truly just bought the game wouldnt know how to get to Grandville/ PI. Those are people who have at least played somewhat.




Your argument is weak, because before we didnt have farming in Mercy Island and Atlas Park....

[/ QUOTE ]

I've farmed snakes to get out of Mercy ASAP. And I seem to remember this thing called I think a "bank mish"?
And sewer teams are hardly story arc content.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



The only change I would make to AE is to remove the AE building from Atlas Park so that new players to the game don't get spammed with PL offers to 50 and do that and then wonder where the game went.

Really, the AE buildings in all other zones can stay. Just take the one out of Atlas so that new players at least have to get STARTED on the real game's content. If they then make their way to Steel Canyon and decide they want to AE the rest of the way at least they made a somewhat informed choice. And experienced players could still take their level one characters to Steel for the AE.



The only change I would make to AE is to remove the AE building from Atlas Park so that new players to the game don't get spammed with PL offers to 50 and do that and then wonder where the game went.

Really, the AE buildings in all other zones can stay. Just take the one out of Atlas so that new players at least have to get STARTED on the real game's content. If they then make their way to Steel Canyon and decide they want to AE the rest of the way at least they made a somewhat informed choice. And experienced players could still take their level one characters to Steel for the AE.

[/ QUOTE ]

Adelie makes sense.
Though I like starting with two AE arcs to get level 5 or 6 as soon as possible, but then again, it's not like I haven't played that game for 5+ years.

Wha Adelie says makes real sense for a newbie who want to learn a little something about the game.




oh wait we can't do that any more.


[/ QUOTE ]

/jpowerra . . .

Damn we can't do that either.

[/ QUOTE ]
1 Star!

Yes, that's the ticket...