stop scattering them!
KB it's a part of the game, unfortunately some people don't like it most, like me, don't care. It is just a game some people take it way too serious. Don't worry about it if that is the first complaint you have had in a while of playing then it will be a while before the next one. Just as long as you are doing your job (blasting things) and controlling your KB, it shouldn't matter.
Don't worry it was your first but surely won't be your last, even the best of Energy Blasters get that comment.
"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."
"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."
-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp
Were you firing before the kin got off their fulcrum shifts ?
To be effective a kin needs their damage boost and they need it at least every 45 seconds. Not saying you are at fault here but everyone on a team needs to be aware of the others playstyle.
Either way it certainly sounds like the kin in question was a bit high strung they should have tried to work with you before leaving in a huff.
I didn't unload until they were at half health or so.
I think KB is the worst mechanic in the game. That being said, I would never just up and quit a team because of it but I can say, depending on what I am playing, it does significantly effect my enjoyment of the game.
It is just a burden some players have to bare. Energy, stormies, illusuion, etc.
As much as I hate KB, it is still my problem not yours.
What server and character name? I'd like to avoid that Kin. You can PM it to me if you don't want to be that guy.
It's not your fault, you play your powers at their best.
However, I wont blame the Kin either. On many circumstances, some you wont notice, KB can be annoying for your teamates. Maybe this one didnt notice you were using your powers being careful all the time long : so many players just dont care and scatter the packs without paying attention.
I saw more than once a PB in our team : in our set up (tank herding... etc) we had to ask him not to use his KB powers. Well, it was the same as asking him to remove half his buttons from his bar. Some got pissed and left, some didnt.
KB is just a bad mechanic in this game, even if sometime it can be fun.
I'd like to see new enhancements that would allow us to turn KB into KD.
It's not your fault, you play your powers at their best.
However, I wont blame the Kin either. On many circumstances, some you wont notice, KB can be annoying for your teamates. Maybe this one didnt notice you were using your powers being careful all the time long : so many players just dont care and scatter the packs without paying attention.
I saw more than once a PB in our team : in our set up (tank herding... etc) we had to ask him not to use his KB powers. Well, it was the same as asking him to remove half his buttons from his bar. Some got pissed and left, some didnt.
KB is just a bad mechanic in this game, even if sometime it can be fun.
I'd like to see new enhancements that would allow us to turn KB into KD.
[/ QUOTE ]
In the team environment it can be very problematic.
Soloing its a lifesaver and about as good as blaster mitigation gets.
I think kb is not a bad survial trick. Just that if the team has no problem with survival, then your kb is useless and it does get into other people's way sometimes no matter how careful you use your powers.
I think the game needs to allow players to control kb in real time, for example click a power to kd, but shift-click a power for kb(enhancements can still be used for kb distance). I don't think kb is a bad game mechanics, but a lack of real-time control that is problematic.
"If three people tell you you are drunk, lie down."
... if one person tells you you are drunk,take it under advisement.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I'll leave a team with too much Knockback if I'm playing one of my Tanks. I won't make a big stink about it when I do, though. It's just a preference.
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question
I would suggest to look for PBers to team with, they KB probably just as much or more than any energy blaster.
War Mace tankers used to do this also, but their KB powers were all modified to KD only.
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian
I have to say KB is probably the most annoying effects out there for me. I typically play a scrapper and there's few things lamer than beating on a mob and then a blaster or PB decides to KB the enemy and I have to chase it down. The other annoying part about KB is that not everyone pays attention and you'll get a mob that gets KBed near another pack and someone runs over to kill it, grabs the other pack and then all hell breaks loose. Now I wouldn't say it worth quitting a team over and it's not really your fault but I can see how some people if they aren't in the mood could get really upset.
I'm with Liathan. If i'm on a scrapper or tank, it's annoying. But more important, it's counter-productive to knock foes away from taunt area or being beat up by the scrapper.
The best thing to do is try to use the KB to the teams advantage. ie., Corners, dead-ends and such. Not blowing them into other mobs or out of debuff area and so forth.
The other annoying part about KB is that not everyone pays attention and you'll get a mob that gets KBed near another pack and someone runs over to kill it, grabs the other pack and then all hell breaks loose.
[/ QUOTE ] I love it when that happens. I find chaos enjoyable.
I strongly dislike teaming with storm, energy, and peace bringers due to their knock back.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
If I'm doing massive damage while dishing out my KB attacks, I'm contributing alot already to the team's efforts. A KB'ed enemy also equals an enemy who can't fight back for that duration that he's down.
That being said, of course, KB has to be used smartly, not recklessly.
To the OP: Anyone complaining about Nova's KB effect when you managed to kill a majority of them or take out 3/4 of their health is an absolute moron, even if taking away 1/2 health if they are bosses.
KB it's a part of the game, unfortunately some people don't like it most, like me, don't care. It is just a game some people take it way too serious. Don't worry about it if that is the first complaint you have had in a while of playing then it will be a while before the next one. Just as long as you are doing your job (blasting things) and controlling your KB, it shouldn't matter.
Don't worry it was your first but surely won't be your last, even the best of Energy Blasters get that comment.
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I agree with this guy here.
Yup, its just a game and folks do take this game way too seriously. Having brought an energy blaster from 1-50 since this game launched I've had less than 2 or 3 real complaints on a team about the knockback. Most times I get people congratulating me on "how far that guy flew when you hit him!" lol. I love it.
I simply tell them its inherent to my blaster and it keeps me alive when you guys are focused on killing other badguys. My defense sure as hell aint gonna do it lol.
And yeah, anybody that gets mad at Nova has some serious issues if the baddies are dead. What I've learned is as long as its not causing excess aggro, BLAST AWAY!! But dont be an a$$hole about it though, nobody likes that.
As long as you're attempting to keep the KB under some sort of control (or even helping by knocking enemies back into the main mob) there shouldn't be complaints.
Energy blasters do plenty of damage, and the team mitigation (100% during the duration) is enough to offset any detrimental effects.
And for people saying KB is the worst implemented mechanic in the game. Imagine how dull the game would look if nothing did knockback. This is a superhero game, it is absolutely necessary we be able to throw our enemies around regardless of the numbers, it's a defining feature of the game.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
Kickback is something everone at some time or another just has to deal with. If I am on a Scrapper or Tanker do I enjoy having to chase my original target half way across the room or pick another? NO. But then I also PLAY Blasters and KB is designed to take that minion, Lieutenant or Boss that has broken aggor and is IN MY FACE and toss him across the room so that my ranged attacks can defeat him before he gets back. Certain high damage attacks come with KB as well like exploding arrow in the Archery set. Now do you want me to damage the entire mob and make it easier to defeat them or not? LOL I tend to put up with KB better than some because I play both sides and know why it exists.
You can't please everyone all the time. As long as you do your job and help the team .. that one player that's upset can deal with it or find another team. Hey I played 2 of my blasters today and on one team while several of the Scrappers and the Tank went down against a level 5 ALL purple mob I was the one that helped avoid a team wipe and defeated the remainder of the mob. Don't recall anyone complaining about kick back after that battle.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
man, same thread is going on in the corruptor forum.
I don't mind storm because most people seem to be smart enough not to make it a huge issue, and you can talk to them about it if it is. What are you going to tell a PB or an nrg/ blaster/ruptor? Don't attack? It's lame.
@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)
That is exactly what I was told by a Scrapper one time. He said to stop the KB, to which I and the other PB said that we can't really, a lot of our powers have it in there. He responded with, than don't attack.
I actually didn't for a few groups (not because I really cared what he thought, but to see if the enemies killed him or something ). Basically, with me standing around the team didn't move as quickly and more people took damage. I jumped back in and nuked, clearing the rest of an entire spawn. I think I did my job, as he didn't have anything to say after that.
Hehehe I apologize for my brother Scrapper we have a tendancy to focus on one thing .. Hit stuff Hurt things. It's Scrapperlock and when I am in that zone I like nothing more than to be surrounded by villains so as soon as one drops I have auto-targetted the next. If we have to stop and run 30 feet to keep hitting something or click on something new to hit manually we get grumpy. Oh I have used that tactic before.. someone tells me DON"T do this or that so OKAY I don't and when they are face down in the sewer water I chuckle as I start up again protecting the rest of the team.
Next time anyone tells you your KB is bothering them let know that you have a series of AOE attacks that work best when the villains are tightly grouped together since it allows maximum damage to all. Tell them you'd appreciate it if they'd stop running in there and scattering things around so your attacks work better. Then when they tell you no and say your crazy.. tell them it works both ways. Tanks can only hold aggro on 17 villains and aggro can easiliy be broken .. the idea that villains will stand around in a nice little cluster waiting to die is just not the case so they need to get used to the idea that they may need to actually move around a bit to attack stuff or they can just solo. When you are the ONLY thing in the room NOT on their side everything always comes looking for you! hehehe
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Hehehe I apologize for my brother Scrapper we have a tendancy to focus on one thing .. Hit stuff Hurt things. It's Scrapperlock and when I am in that zone I like nothing more than to be surrounded by villains so as soon as one drops I have auto-targetted the next. If we have to stop and run 30 feet to keep hitting something or click on something new to hit manually we get grumpy. Oh I have used that tactic before.. someone tells me DON"T do this or that so OKAY I don't and when they are face down in the sewer water I chuckle as I start up again protecting the rest of the team.
Next time anyone tells you your KB is bothering them let know that you have a series of AOE attacks that work best when the villains are tightly grouped together since it allows maximum damage to all. Tell them you'd appreciate it if they'd stop running in there and scattering things around so your attacks work better. Then when they tell you no and say your crazy.. tell them it works both ways. Tanks can only hold aggro on 17 villains and aggro can easiliy be broken .. the idea that villains will stand around in a nice little cluster waiting to die is just not the case so they need to get used to the idea that they may need to actually move around a bit to attack stuff or they can just solo. When you are the ONLY thing in the room NOT on their side everything always comes looking for you! hehehe
[/ QUOTE ]
This says part of it, but I also have a different problem with KB. I tend to play melee types with the camera fairly close and using follow. I find the jerky motion from frequent KB on the target I'm fighting gives me headaches.
Many AoE KB toons just look for lots of orange numbers, and don't realise that the attached KB is actually causing other peoples' AoEs to miss, reducing the team's damage output. My ice tank being unable to attack because another toon knocked all the badguys away as I triggered EA so I have no end, is not a thing of beauty.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
I have a very simple rule that I follow on my Energy/Energy Blaster, that I have followed since the start. If I knock it back, it's my problem. It's also usually dead before the second bounce, but whatever, neh?
And the Scrappers that whine about having to move five feet to re-acquaint their target with their sharp whatever can get off their lazy backsides and move that five feet (I don't use my AoEs other than Nova and LRM Rocket, both of which erase most of enemy groups, so it's not an issue for Tanks, usually).
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
I've played my nrg blaster for awhile now. And never had a knockback complaint until today. I did the usual thing, hovered above while using aoe's, if I knocked a single target out of the pack I'd kill it. A kin on the team complained the whole mission until I nova'd a pack at about half health, and even though they all died they freaked out about scattering and quit.