Issue 13 Base Q&A





Prestige Refunds: The programming team has set up a refund system for all base plots, rooms and items. As soon a player loads into a base, that base will automatically refund the Prestige difference. This is crucial: the base must be entered in order to trigger the Prestige refund. If your base is not loaded, then the refund will not happen until someone enters it.

Teleporter recipes: The Rare salvage requirement on these should be removed in the next patch.

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Thankyou thankyou thankyou!

We are actively looking at ways to make the pathing system easier for base builders, however, in the future there may be pathing requirements for raiding.

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Understood. I'll enjoy the loosened rules while they last.

Items in personal inventory will be placed at the reduced price after the issue goes live. Merry Christmas!

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We want to add new base decorations, new permissions features, and a few more goodies as well. We are still working on these, and they will be added in as we can get them completed.

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Bolded to emphasize personal priority preferance. Glad to know this stuff is on the table.

So, beyond that, I’ve been a long time reader of the base threads, and am looking forward to seeing the new bases that will be built. My goal is always to make base building better, and we will keep working to bring in new features to improve bases.

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Welcome aboard!

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Sunstorm, here are a few recurring questions from the last few weeks in the base builders forum....

The secure and hidden plots have the same prices for the same sizes. Bug? or can you give us insight into a design goal?

What are your thoughts on simply removing crafting? Or perhaps for the non-Defensive items? This would solve a lot of concerns, and, to be blunt, like Rent I wonder if the system has been "simplified" beyond any real meaning.

Any plans to address the concerns about storage security? The added ability to store IO salvage makes this a bigger issue than it's been in the past - not that it's been a small issue to start with.




Thank you for addressing our concerns.

This response of yours raised a question of mine:[ QUOTE ]
Q. What’s happening to Rent?

Rent still exists, but it has been reduced dramatically. Rent is no longer charged by plot size, and is instead based on the number of utility items in the base.

These are the items that charge rent:
- Storage bins: 100 prestige per bin.
- Workbenches, and Enhancement terminals: 100 per tier
- Medical Items: 100 per item, excluding Basic Reclaimator

No rent is charged for basic utility items like Teleporters, Teleport beacons, Medical Reclaimator's, Basic Work Tables, and Invention work tables. Rent free bases of any size can still be built, with all the normal utilities available. In the future, we will be looking into improving how rent is charged as well.

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These changes represent an increase in rent for me, as I was able to fit things on the default, 0-rent plot size, and paying any rent is an increase.

I deliberately kept things small to avoid the rent, and villainside it's relatively easy to get all of the essentials without increasing plot size - since there are fewer zones, there are fewer teleporters needed, less power and control needed to power them, and storage just takes up space and not either control or power.

So, the question - are there any plans to continue to excuse the default plot size from rent, since your response seems to indicate that the desire was to reduce rent?

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QFT. I have a very small SG, in fact it is basically just me and my family. We have no need for more people, and frankly, we like it that way. Over many months we have worked up enough prestige to really work up to a rather nicely established base plot. We have telepads to most zones, energy and control enough for all of our items, and a decent, small, but decent workroom for our 6 or so enhancement bins. As we are not on all the time, it is not always feasible to get extra prestige, I would hate to see my base lose power because of added rent to my base plot.

I see this as a major change to the rules, and not fair for the small SGs who spent so much time on decking out a nice base plot base.


CoH 50s: Fire/Stone, MA/Regen, Fire/Storm, Stone/Fire, Fire/Rad, Rad/Rad, Kin/Sonic, Fire/Kin, Stone/SS, Stone/Stone, Kin/Rad, Spines/Dark, Inv/Axe
CoV 50s: Fire/Dark Corr



Rent still exists, but it has been reduced dramatically. Rent is no longer charged by plot size, and is instead based on the number of utility items in the base.

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It's kind of ironic because originally base rent was calculated by the items in your base, then it was lowered by changing it to plot size based rent, now it is going back to per item calculated rent. In any instance lower rent is definitely welcome.

Base salvage has little value to most players. Since there are a limited number of base items to construct, once those items are built there is little need for any further base salvage. As a result, base salvage tends to either gather dust on salvage racks, or be a source of confusion with Invention salvage. Base salvage will not be removed though, so anything not converted to Brain Storm tokens will remain in game.

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I have a small personal size base and use my salvage extensively in the Empowerment Buff stations so my salvage never sits around gathering dust.

Anyhoo, I'm very happy to see more Base love'n by the devs. I've always thought the base system is quite awesome.



Any plan to restore the ability to drop stuff off in a coalition SG's storage. I understand the exploit that caused this change to be made, but was told by PM that this would be looked at later.

Life has been extremely awkward for me since this changed, and is very nearly gamebreaking. Example:

On Victory I run a large SG which is broken up into 3 SGs as it has too many members for 1. I have to maintain toons in all 3 to pay rent etc.

I also have a SG with a few close friends where I store my IOs and stuff for all my toons on the server.

As I often play at times when other SG members are not on, this has left me waiting days to get stuff to the toon that needs it.

Having to resign from SGs because the game has made it too awkward to be in more than one SG per server is surely not the way to go.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba




Q. What’s happening to Rent?

A. Rent still exists, but it has been reduced dramatically. Rent is no longer charged by plot size, and is instead based on the number of utility items in the base.

These are the items that charge rent:
- Storage bins: 100 prestige per bin.
- Workbenches, and Enhancement terminals: 100 per tier
- Medical Items: 100 per item, excluding Basic Reclaimator

No rent is charged for basic utility items like Teleporters, Teleport beacons, Medical Reclaimator's, Basic Work Tables, and Invention work tables. Rent free bases of any size can still be built, with all the normal utilities available. In the future, we will be looking into improving how rent is charged as well.

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so the max rent really is a few K? isn't that too trivial to even deal with? Why not just remove it?

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Rent really is such a trivial amount, that I have to wonder what the goal for having it at all, especially at these levels, really is. I have several small bases - none of which currently pay rent - that almost all have at least 3 storage bins (enhancements, inspirations, salvage). With the new, tiny limit on salvage, we're going to have to add storage bins in all likelihood. Now, even with that, I can't see us paying more than 500-700 rent, so the amount is really not a concern. The concern for me is that it really has become a nuisance that serves no obvious purpose. It's extremely annoying to have to run to one of the base registrars to pay 500 rent.

If we *have* to have rent for some reason, please make it more convenient. Either have an auto-pay option, or add a payment option to the base access screen, or make any trainer accept payments. Put a base registrar in Pocket D. Put a credit card slot in the city information terminals. Any of the above will make the fact that I'm going to have to start paying rent on my bases much less irritating.



Our own Redname!!!

*hugs Sunstorm*

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"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2




Ad_Astra Asked
Welcome, Sunstorm!

I do have a question regarding the elimination of Base Salvage:

Base Salvage is currently also used for Empowerment Buffs. Those buffs are therefore really "cheap". Do you anticipate that in the future use of Empowerment Buffs might decrease due to the higher cost of the Invention Salvage used in those recipes? If so, would you consider a change in the recipes to salvage that might be less expensive?

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...or a buff to the buffs to make them worth the cost?

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Empowerment stations were limited to common salvage, so they would still be fairly cheap (With a few exceptions). However empowerment buffs are on my radar to be looked at.

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Even with empowerment stations being limited to common salvage, there are so many more types of salvage now than there were of base components. Combine that with the decreased storage capabilities, and it's difficult to impossible to stock goods in the base for using empowerment stations.

Losing base salvage seems like it's only going to decrease the use of most of the situational buffs. Who is going to waste space in storage to be able to cover all the various types of resistance? Even if someone did, they can't even store 2 hours worth of resistance in a single bin, so after one person pulls some buffs, the bins have to be immediately refilled. No more filling at the beginning of the month and letting the SG go at it.

Are the empowerment stations really so underused that the increased difficulty to use them isn't going to affect enough people to matter?

Creator of Arcs:
- Discovering Doctor Dabble
- Adventure of the Ghost Generator



Q. The ruile that requires a room be attached to the portal can cause alot of headaches sometimes. Sometimes I am wanting to upgrade a room between other rooms and the portals but cannot do so under the current system. Is anything in the works to allow us to "store" a room to readd it back into the base later? Alternativly is the rule going to be changed?



If we *have* to have rent for some reason, please make it more convenient. Either have an auto-pay option, or add a payment option to the base access screen, or make any trainer accept payments. Put a base registrar in Pocket D. Put a credit card slot in the city information terminals. Any of the above will make the fact that I'm going to have to start paying rent on my bases much less irritating.

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Agreed! And PLEASE look into fixing the ridiculous way rent charges work now--e.g. if you pay before the due date, your next rent payment is actually due SOONER than it would be otherwise! Just being able to pay rent whenever it's convenient rather than having to wait until the exact right moment would make the process much less annoying, IMO.

My Characters

Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012



Sunstorm is still fielding questions and/or rounding out on ones already posted. Due to his new status to the boards we will be filtering these out in bunches, mainly because we don't want him to get caught in the wiles of the forums.

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Too late, we already have our hooks in him. *cackles madly*

Welcome, Sunstorm, and thank you for answering our questions.

Prestige Refunds: The programming team has set up a refund system for all base plots, rooms and items. As soon a player loads into a base, that base will automatically refund the Prestige difference. This is crucial: the base must be entered in order to trigger the Prestige refund. If your base is not loaded, then the refund will not happen until someone enters it.

Teleporter recipes: The Rare salvage requirement on these should be removed in the next patch.

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Thank you. There are bases with rooms that are works of art, and it seemed nearly a crime for an SG to tear them apart to get a room refund. You really need to take up that offer of a tour. Once you've seen a pirate ship in a base, your imagination runs wild.

And I am very happy to see that our concerns were heard about the teleporter recipes. That is probably the first item most base builders craft, and having to come up with some of those items would have been a nasty shock.

Q. Base salvage, why replace it, and what will happen to it?

A. Base salvage has little value to most players. Since there are a limited number of base items to construct, once those items are built there is little need for any further base salvage.

As a result, base salvage tends to either gather dust on salvage racks, or be a source of confusion with Invention salvage. Base salvage will not be removed though, so anything not converted to Brain Storm tokens will remain in game.

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I'm sorry, nobody is buying the 'it is too confusing' line. Anyone so befuddled by two different types of salvage shouldn't be out on the internet unchaperoned. I think it is far more likely that you want to reduce the number of items in the storage database but don't want to say why just yet.

You can tell me. I can keep a secret.

Q. Salvage Storage Racks, Why only 30 pieces of invention salvage?

A. In short, the market. The market system is designed to have a steady supply of salvage coming in. If large salvage racks were added, it would create a temporary supply problem of unknown duration until the salvage racks filled up.

Since having salvage temporarily dry up would be a big problem for all players, this number was intentionally kept low. Once the impact on the markets as a whole can be measured, we will look at adjusting these numbers again.

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I made a joke in another thread that someday I'd like to meet The Market, because evidently he's the most important player in the game.

All kidding aside, I am thrilled to finally have invention salvage storage. But the sting of losing that much capacity wouldn't smart so much if we got some relief on the eighteen bins per base limit. Is there any hope of that coming? Otherwise my SG is going to have to split into personal bases to handle our storage needs.

No rent is charged for basic utility items like Teleporters, Teleport beacons, Medical Reclaimator's, Basic Work Tables, and Invention work tables. Rent free bases of any size can still be built, with all the normal utilities available. In the future, we will be looking into improving how rent is charged as well.

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Thank you for giving us hard numbers. It is always good to have solid info rather than speculation. However, I find it amusing that you don't see storage as a utility item. For my SG, it is the number one reason we have a base. Personal space, teleporters, medical items, those are all nice. But what we really want in a base is a big, big closet. We maxed out on storage bins before we ever built our first teleporter.

A. Actually, we looked at a lot of features. We have plans for not only Base Raiding and the Cathedral of Pain, but also the base editor as well. We want to add new base decorations, new permissions features, and a few more goodies as well. We are still working on these, and they will be added in as we can get them completed.

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This is good to hear. Since all the I13 news we were getting focused on raiding and restoring things like IoPs and the CoP, those of us firmly in the PvE crowd were rather worried that our needs would go begging.

So, beyond that, I’ve been a long time reader of the base threads, and am looking forward to seeing the new bases that will be built. My goal is always to make base building better, and we will keep working to bring in new features to improve bases.

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Once again, welcome. You will find that most of us are easy to talk to. We only get testy when we think no one is listening.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



If we *have* to have rent for some reason, please make it more convenient. Either have an auto-pay option, or add a payment option to the base access screen, or make any trainer accept payments. Put a base registrar in Pocket D. Put a credit card slot in the city information terminals. Any of the above will make the fact that I'm going to have to start paying rent on my bases much less irritating.

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I agree. If I were to add a salvage storage rack to each of my bases, I would have to run off to Atlas Park and Port Oakes 38 times a month to pay rent. Because I have 38 bases. That's a lot travel time.

Currently, I am paying rent on NONE of my bases. So this is a big change for me.

As it is, I'll have to seriously limit the functionality of most of my bases so that I'll only have to pay rent on a few of my bases.



Welcome aboard, Sunstorm. You have no idea how much your mere presence has brightened my day. So a few more questions for you.

1) Are you our red name on a longterm basis, or are you just a temporary lend?

2) In regards to the prestige refund - just to clarify this means we do NOT get prestige back for rebuilding rooms/plots? (I presume so, but it's better not to make assumptions.)

3) Are you exploring, for when pathing is re-enabled, presenting SGs the option to opt for raidability (and thus stricter pathing restrictions) or to opt out (and keep the looser pathing)? This is more a cautionary question - forcing bases into a stricter pathing setup after we've come to enjoy the current is likely to be received poorly. Please keep that in mind for the future - we try to be calm and peaceful here, so avoiding an uproar is to everyone's advantage.



Just adding in my support that rent is more annoying than it's worth.

Case 1: I have a big SG. I now have to pay under 2K per period for rent. Earning that amount of prestige in a play session for a single character is a joke and yet I need to haul somebody over to Atlas to pay it.

Case 2: I run a small SG on a free plot. My rent just went up. If I happen to run a one man type SG on one server and go away for 3 months for whatever reason(leave game, stop playing on server), I'm now paying rent when before I didn't need to. I just could go and use my base.

In short, the cost of rent is so low that the cost isn't a hindrance anymore. The hindrance is now having to deal with that little rent reminder at all.



Empowerment stations were limited to common salvage, so they would still be fairly cheap (With a few exceptions). However empowerment buffs are on my radar to be looked at.

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My first thought upon reading this was "if you want it to be cheap, require uncommon salvage". (For at least one recipe per Empowerment buff -- and there should be multiple recipes for them, as with base items.) 90% of the time, you can buy Uncommons for less than list, which isn't true of a lot of Commons.

Unrelatedly -- now that I'm going from a collection of zero-rent "starter" bases to ones with minimal rent, one of my biggest gripes just became more relevant:

The two week "grace period" for rent payments, combined with the fact that the next due date is 30 days from payment (not the previous due date) has made it accepted practice to wait until the grace period is over before paying, creating a six-week cycle. The problems I see with this are threefold:

1. It's a bookkeeping nightmare. No one enjoys having to keep track of due dates, especially if they play a lot of alts on different servers.

2. It's logistically annoying. In my experience, people tend to notice that the rent needs to be paid only after they go to the base and find the power has been shut off. If they've just arrived via Base Teleporter vet power from the far side of, say, Crey's Folly, they're forced to leave with no easy way back.

3. Planning ahead gets you penalized. The simplest way to avoid #1 and #2 is just to pay the rent as soon as you notice the rent-due message. But this means chewing up prestige at 1.5x or above the usual rate. I've also seen people get chewed out by SG-mates for "paying early".

If I had a vote, I'd suggest doing the following:

1. Allow rent to be paid from within the base itself. Add a very low-cost "rent terminal" item to allow this, if needed.

2. Add an auto-payment option. This would prevent players from having to keep track of due dates. (But make it an option, so that if people stop playing alts in a given SG, they can stop paying prestige by shutting the base down.)

3. Eliminate the grace period. Make 4 weeks the absolute deadline. (If we were keeping the old system, I'd add "...and reduce rent costs by 33% to compensate", but you're not.) However, keep the 2-week warning, and only do this in conjunction with...

4. Base the next due date on the prior one. The next due date should always be 30 days from the previous one when a payment is made, regardless of when the payment is made. If a base actually shuts down for some duration, then and only then should the next due date be based on date of payment.



Teleporter recipes: The Rare salvage requirement on these should be removed in the next patch.

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Why is there a need to craft teleporters at all? There is no PVP aspect related for them.

Now for the Q&A:

Q. Base salvage, why replace it, and what will happen to it?

A. Base salvage has little value to most players. Since there are a limited number of base items to construct, once those items are built there is little need for any further base salvage.

As a result, base salvage tends to either gather dust on salvage racks, or be a source of confusion with Invention salvage. Base salvage will not be removed though, so anything not converted to Brain Storm tokens will remain in game.

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Because base salvage had little value to most players, it was freely donated. With the change invention salvage, the burden shifts from members of the group to the base builders and the group leaders (sometimes the same person).

I simply reject the idea that base salvage confused anyone. The base builders have been saying this since it was announced.

While base salvage isn't being removed by the game, all the recipes except converting to brainstorms are. Brainstorm conversion takes a predictable element (converting 18 echips = 6 tech power = 1 teleporter) and randomizes the result (18 echips = 18 brainstorms = 18 random pieces of common salvage, OR 6 common inventions pieces of Tech or Arcane, etc...). The point is that you've dramatically increased the price of the teleporters and even getting rid of the rare requirement will keep the price of the teleporters higher than the previous costs.

Some of the other crafted items are likewise affected (mainly the tier 1 non-pvp items), just that teleporters are the most glaring example.

Suggestion for the developers to look at for the future:
Keep brainstorms, but have both base and invention salvage convert TO brainstorms.

Convert common salvage (any) at 1 salvage:1 brainstorm.
Convert uncommon salvage (any) at 1 salvage:5 brainstorms.
Convert rare salvage (any) at 1 salvage:10 brainstorms.

Have crafting costs based only on prestige and brainstorms.

Basic Tier 1 items = 5-15 brainstorms.
Basic Tier 2 items = 15-30 brainstorms.
Basic Tier 3 items = 30-45 brainstorms.

Empowerments could be priced based depending on the type/strength of the buff.

<ul type="square">[*] Any confusion in base item crafting.[*] The need to keep salvage racks ridiculously low.[*] Avoids market impact entirely.[*] Promotes groups donating to the base.[*] Provides more options, not less.[/list]
Q. Salvage Storage Racks, Why only 30 pieces of invention salvage?

A. In short, the market. The market system is designed to have a steady supply of salvage coming in. If large salvage racks were added, it would create a temporary supply problem of unknown duration until the salvage racks filled up.

Since having salvage temporarily dry up would be a big problem for all players, this number was intentionally kept low. Once the impact on the markets as a whole can be measured, we will look at adjusting these numbers again.

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I could say many things about this, but I'll go with the nicest: Using the Market is PVP. People were never meant to be forced to PVP. This change forces PVP on those that don't want to.

The other thing is did anyone bother to even look at the market prices when coming up with the crafting costs?

No rent is charged for basic utility items like Teleporters, Teleport beacons, Medical Reclaimator's, Basic Work Tables, and Invention work tables. Rent free bases of any size can still be built, with all the normal utilities available. In the future, we will be looking into improving how rent is charged as well.

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This is yet another nail in the "Why are teleporters crafted" coffin.

So, beyond that, I’ve been a long time reader of the base threads, and am looking forward to seeing the new bases that will be built. My goal is always to make base building better, and we will keep working to bring in new features to improve bases.

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Seeing that base building is going to come out of my pocket more, I'm going to keep the base restrictions locked down. I don't want someone removing an item that will cost so much as to burden either myself or the group in general to replace a mistakenly deleted item.

I was seriously hoping for a change that would have meant that I could do away with base edit permissions.

I do have to thank you for this:
Prestige Refunds: The programming team has set up a refund system for all base plots, rooms and items. As soon a player loads into a base, that base will automatically refund the Prestige difference. This is crucial: the base must be entered in order to trigger the Prestige refund. If your base is not loaded, then the refund will not happen until someone enters it.

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Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Prestige Refunds: The programming team has set up a refund system for all base plots, rooms and items. As soon a player loads into a base, that base will automatically refund the Prestige difference. This is crucial: the base must be entered in order to trigger the Prestige refund. If your base is not loaded, then the refund will not happen until someone enters it.

best bit of news I've heard about bases in i13.

oh and look a new red name...and he's mostly dedicated to bases too. Can't wait to see the new goodies he sends our way

V-Tronix - Angry Angels
V-Tron Elec/EM - V-Tron X EM/EA

To Build a Better Hero #53098 [Newly edited and looking for Feedback] - Renegade Robots: V-Tron's Task Force # - A Summer Song and A Winters Tail #104106



Just a couple more answers for now. I'll continue to keep an eye on this thread and threads in the base forums and elsewhere.

Plasmastream asked:


Q. Are you guys aware of the general view point on your movement to the new invention system?

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We are in fact watching this very closely, and looking at options to improve it.

The Rent payment system is also being looked at closely as well.


Q. It's understood there are 3 seperate building communities, PVP Base Raiders, Casual Raiders and DEAR GOD KEEP PVP AWAY FROM MY BASE!! correct?

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Mad Scientist asked:


The secure and hidden plots have the same prices for the same sizes. Bug? or can you give us insight into a design goal?

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Good question. This relates to the original goal of the base repricing, which was giving players access to make better raidable bases.

The smaller Secure plots are the same price, however the larger secure plots are more expensive. To make it official, this is what the correct prices are supposed to be: (I've seen them posted around the forums already.)

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Hidden base costs:

Size Cost
8x12 84,500
12x12 312,500
12x16 722,000
16x16 1,250,000
16x20 1,984,500
20x20 2,812,500
20x24 3,872,000
24x24 5,000,000
24x28 6,384,500

Secure base costs

Size Cost
12x16 722,000
16x16 1,250,000
16x20 1,984,500
20x20 2,812,500
20x24 5,000,000
24x24 7,812,500
24x28 11,250,000
</pre><hr />



Has the drop rate for Invention Salvage been increased to account for the base salvage that is no longer being dropped (but will be used to make base items)?



Thank you Sunstorm, I will update my tables and see if I can work with Ex to get it posted in a 'table' format.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Welcome Sunstorm, very glad to have you. Hope it will be a long term placement.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Any plan to restore the ability to drop stuff off in a coalition SG's storage. I understand the exploit that caused this change to be made, but was told by PM that this would be looked at later.

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I'm no dev, but considering Sunstorm made a point of explaining how he's overly pre-nerfing salvage storage to prevent hypothetical market issues, I highly doubt he'd turn around and give a means of increasing storage capacity by tying in to coalition SGs.

oddly, though, what you detail about building an individual SGs instead of pooling together into groups is not only the opposite of the 2nd M in MMO, but is also going to net out MORE storage space to horde things if there are more SGs overall.



on rent,
If I had a vote, I'd suggest doing the following:

1. Allow rent to be paid from within the base itself. Add a very low-cost "rent terminal" item to allow this, if needed.

2. Add an auto-payment option. This would prevent players from having to keep track of due dates. (But make it an option, so that if people stop playing alts in a given SG, they can stop paying prestige by shutting the base down.)

3. Eliminate the grace period. Make 4 weeks the absolute deadline. (If we were keeping the old system, I'd add "...and reduce rent costs by 33% to compensate", but you're not.) However, keep the 2-week warning, and only do this in conjunction with...

4. Base the next due date on the prior one. The next due date should always be 30 days from the previous one when a payment is made, regardless of when the payment is made. If a base actually shuts down for some duration, then and only then should the next due date be based on date of payment.

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Would the coding time to implement any of those be worth the gameplay benefits?

It'd be far simpler to just set rent values to 0 for all objects. What do we lose? A little gameplay immersion? No matter how it's paid, it's not like 2k Rent is going to shake up the Top 100 Prestige List.

Let's put it this way: say the game had 0 rent, everyone was on a smallest plot, and I13 was going to add rent for everyone. What's the gain? Would you bother trying to add a 2nd feature to justify the first, or just argue it shouldn't be there at all?




I'm no dev, but considering Sunstorm made a point of explaining how he's overly pre-nerfing salvage storage to prevent hypothetical market issues, I highly doubt he'd turn around and give a means of increasing storage capacity by tying in to coalition SGs.

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Ya know...I'm really tired of the Market getting all this extra treatment in order to baby it along. And since he did acknowledge it, this is pretty much stating unequivocally that Market PvP is now required for anyone who wishes to base build.

I really wish they would acknowledge that for the cost for these racks, of which it'll take 11 bins to out-match one badged-out character's storage (and NO, this is NOT a call to nerf characters even though that's what they'll see it as), is not in any sense of the word, "balanced".

For group storage to be so pitiful is just an insult, really.

Sunstorm, don't take this personally please. It's not directed at you, but rather the situation.



Q. Salvage Storage Racks, Why only 30 pieces of invention salvage?

A. In short, the market. The market system is designed to have a steady supply of salvage coming in. If large salvage racks were added, it would create a temporary supply problem of unknown duration until the salvage racks filled up.

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When IO Salvage was introduced, Positron gave an explanation of individual character inventory which, IIRC, was about an hour to fill up one character. (If someone with greater Search Fu can locate that reference, I promise to be awed.)
So any character level 5 and up should get 30+ drops in an hour.

Doesn't that indicate that your "unknown duration" would be pretty short? 1 man hour per salvage bin in existence. That can't be too long, especially factoring in higher populations when an issue releases, and with a holiday event, and with Brainstorms producing more drops.

Not to mention the logic of what's happening with the stuff in those full racks. If it's never getting used, then who cares if it fills up? Not like it'd be used on the market, either. If it is being used, then no one's going to go to the market to notice a brief shortage.
You sound afraid people will actually be using the rack at all! That makes little sense.