Issue 13 Base Q&A




There is absolutely nothing of benefit for me in this. My now rent free base is going to have to pay rent. Granted the amount for my solo base is trivial, in fact is so trivial, its clear that it is meant to be an irritant. That certainly increases the fun factor. But, I still cannot invite my own characters, to my own SG. I still cannot give something to any of my own characters. Did they make a teleporter that can go to more than 2 locations?



<ul type="square"> Welcome Sunstorm[/list]<ul type="square"> [ QUOTE ]
Q. Salvage Storage Racks, Why only 30 pieces of invention salvage?

A. In short, the market. The market system is designed to have a steady supply of salvage coming in. If large salvage racks were added, it would create a temporary supply problem of unknown duration until the salvage racks filled up.

Since having salvage temporarily dry up would be a big problem for all players, this number was intentionally kept low. Once the impact on the markets as a whole can be measured, we will look at adjusting these numbers again.

[/ QUOTE ][/list]<ul type="square"> I have a question for you.[/list]<ul type="square"> If storage bins are limited to 30 base salvage. What happens to the other 969 base salvage items ???[/list]<ul type="square">( I have a feeling that those items would get deleted ..... gulp )[/list]<ul type="square"> To be honest you guys should just leave things as they are regarding salvage.[/list]



I have a question for you.

If storage bins are limited to 30 base salvage. What happens to the other 969 base salvage items ???

( I have a feeling that those items would get deleted ..... gulp )

To be honest you guys should just leave things as they are regarding salvage.

[/ QUOTE ]

As has been stated before, you will not lose anything. But you can't add any invention salvage to the storage untill you remove all the base salvage (which can be converted to brainstorms, which you can convert into invention salvage)




And I'll point out that I posted the same thing well before you , and further I provided more details.

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Why quibble over who started the idea. Discussions evolve and with every iteration, ideas may get better and more detailed.

If anything, if the devs see an idea being restated by many players might get more face time with them.

But if we're making a mini-game out of it...i do recall casually mentioning brainstorms as crafting components as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

No worries from me. I think I saw your post, Snow_Globe, I just wanted to add the idea of making a second type of brainstorm. Right now, brainstorms are for converting base salvage only. If the devs want to force us to use Invention Salvage for empowerment buffs, then a second type of brainstorm is needed.

I just want to give the devs as many choices as possible. I really, really, don't want to have to run to the Auction House in the middle of a mission just for a buff. My overall goal here is less superfluous running around when playing CoX. Credit for ideas can go to whomever, I don't really care.



Then do one of three things. Scrap it, Fix it before it goes live, or raise the cap on the storage limit. Don't throw garbage at us and expect us to like it. FIX IT!!

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Is it really that hard for you to store future holiday salvage on your person until the day finally comes that your salvage rack already stuffed with holiday salvage drops below 30?

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Yes it is. its a change that is idiotic, and unreasonable. Currently I have the max amount of storage for a base my size. this will hinder what I want. If they want to do this for base salvage, I don't really care. It's the other salvage that I have a problem with. I will make my opinion known on this change as I think its a lousy change.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Greyhawke asked

I understand the limit of 30 invention salvage in the rack, thanks for the feedback. However, are there plans to return event salvage to their own tabs with larger limits? The inability to store costume salvage and candy canes without impacting invention salvage storage is a big inconvenience.

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Yes, Holiday salvage was a big concern when we converted the salvage racks, but we thought it more important to give players access to invention salvage racks. Unfortunately, the code to create different salvage caps for each is non-trivial, so we will need to address this in another way.

Merry Christmas!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm, could there be a separate Salvage Bin made for Holiday salvage (Candy Cane, Halloween Costume Salvage, and whatever may come along for Valentine's Day) that'll be able to hold more salvage than the regular Salvage Bins?

Maybe it'd have some Holiday-related decorations on it (presents, plastic Statesman mask, rubber Lord Recluse mask, foam rubber Back Alley Brawler gloves, Hamidon costume, and possibly heart-shaped chocolate boxes)?



Then do one of three things. Scrap it, Fix it before it goes live, or raise the cap on the storage limit. Don't throw garbage at us and expect us to like it. FIX IT!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Is it really that hard for you to store future holiday salvage on your person until the day finally comes that your salvage rack already stuffed with holiday salvage drops below 30?

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Yes it is. its a change that is idiotic, and unreasonable. Currently I have the max amount of storage for a base my size. this will hinder what I want. If they want to do this for base salvage, I don't really care. It's the other salvage that I have a problem with. I will make my opinion known on this change as I think its a lousy change.

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I agree with GA, 30 is an idiotic amount when you add in the holiday and event salvage. I am sorry Sunstorm but making it 30 will not make me run to the market and sell stuff (as seems to be the intention). Instead I will use my 20+ 50s as mules to hoard my stuff. I do it now, so I guess I will just have to give them a little more stuff to hold. Either way, I won't be forced to do anything I do not want to do.

Also here's a question for you (not sure if its been asked or not), but I am curious if the different containers will ever be given different permission settings, i.e., the base inspiration holders vs. the enhancement holders. I'd love to be able to set the inspiration holders to "everyone" can take, but unforunately they are governed under the same settings as the enhancement bins.

Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox



We don't need two different types of Brainstorms. All we need is new recipes for Brainstorm conversions added to the already existing system:

1 Common Invention Salvage &gt; 1 Brainstorm
1 Uncommon Invention Salvage &gt; 2 Brainstorms
1 Rare Salvage &gt; 5 Brainstorms

Or somesuch, whatever values the devs think Invention Salvage is worth. This allows for empowerment buffs to be used indefinitely for straight Brainstorm cost.

Yes, people could use this to churn Invention Salvage to get what they want, back and forth, back and forth, I guess... but frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. I don't owe 'The Market' (whoever that is) anything. I'm tired of him extorting all the fun out of my game.

Failing that, give us the OPTION of paying with straight Brainstorm cost AS WELL AS the cumbersome Invention Salvage Recipes from the Ninth Level of Hell.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Hiya Sunstorm

Welcome to the Base forums. I have been looking forward to i13 very much as it will mean I will be able to upgrade my base. I don't have any problems with the storage items (30 items is a bit low but I will adjust) However many of the people I have read comments from here in the base community, One item keeps coming up. That is the ability to drop off enhancements and whatnot to coalition bases.

So I have but one question: How hard from a developer point of view would it be to create a special bin that could be placed in a entranceway of a base that anyone could drop of items in and pick up as well (kinda like a recycle bin).

This item could hold say 10 items altogether and with the open statis noone would have to worry about there regular bins being robbed. This would help those needing to transfer recipes, enhancements etc. to there alts or friends. (keeping in mind that if they leave them there to long they might loose them),(would be good for getting rid of junk they don't want and that someone could use)

Sorry everyone if this has been brought up in the past.

If your gonna play follow the leader just make sure the leader is taking you where you want to go.




I did have another question and this is more for the veteran base builders. When this goes live with the prestige refund thingy in place, will I need to rebuild my rooms (ie the tper rooms etc.), or I just have to walk in, collect my prestige refund and go on with my base remaining the same? I'm a bit confused by the whole redoing thing v. the prestige refund. Thanks in advance.

Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox



The latest info says all you need to do is enter your base and bang the prestige usage is recalculated using the new numbers.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



Oh, and giggle with glee. Don't forget the giggling, MonkeyB.

I know I will be. That auto-refund will be a thing of joy to behold. The news of it lifted me out of my I-13 depression, and brought me back to actually playing this game again. (I've been visiting Middle Earth the last 3 weeks.)

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Oh, and giggle with glee. Don't forget the giggling, MonkeyB.

I know I will be. That auto-refund will be a thing of joy to behold. The news of it lifted me out of my I-13 depression, and brought me back to actually playing this game again. (I've been visiting Middle Earth the last 3 weeks.)

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That's awesome news then, I was worried about moving around all my tpers and my storage bins - I am at max capacity at the moment due to a leaving person giving me all his stuff! For the first time in 4 years I am totally unorganized!

Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox



I just want to go on record saying I think the salvage change is a horrible idea. All my reasons have been stated before countless times now, so I won't repeat, but I did want to get my opinion voiced at least once.



[color=yellow]Well Sunstar, you've gotten to paruse the responces, recieved your welcome from those of us whom haven't greeted you in the official Welcome thread &amp; I see you've already buckled down to deal with our issues. Hats off to you I have to say!

You've already seen all our responces to the salvage "nerf" as many would put it, so I'm not going to repeat myself except to toss out a couple ideas.
<ul type="square">[*]Would either creating a separate bin for event salvage or tieing them into the personal vault be an option instead[*]would it be easier instead to rewrite the code be so event salavges is counted in the bins the way it is on a character[/list]

Confusion is Lord & Chaos is my Best Friend!! Shall I introduce you??
MArc# 5232 Bastet's Unleashing *a Solo-able arc*
Gae'Atha- lvl 50 Emp/Ele/Psi Def
Sekmet's Fel Blood- lvl 50 Rad/Ther/GW Corr




Q. Base salvage, why replace it, and what will happen to it?

A. Base salvage has little value to most players. Since there are a limited number of base items to construct, once those items are built there is little need for any further base salvage.

As a result, base salvage tends to either gather dust on salvage racks, or be a source of confusion with Invention salvage. Base salvage will not be removed though, so anything not converted to Brain Storm tokens will remain in game.

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Well, my sg/vgs were using it as convert into components for use in the empowerment stations.
The use of empowerments was on-going. We were actively buying base salvage and components on the market, building components in the base with base and IO salvage, and using empowerments quite often.

I can understand why many players weren't doing this. We weren't doing it until the last issue or so.


Q. Salvage Storage Racks, Why only 30 pieces of invention salvage?

A. In short, the market. The market system is designed to have a steady supply of salvage coming in. If large salvage racks were added, it would create a temporary supply problem of unknown duration until the salvage racks filled up.

Since having salvage temporarily dry up would be a big problem for all players, this number was intentionally kept low. Once the impact on the markets as a whole can be measured, we will look at adjusting these numbers again.

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I'm not sure that allowing IO storage in base items is a good idea at all - in regards to the market - but it will be good to be able to exchange salvage between my characters through the base storage items.
I kind of wish there was recipe storage for this reason as well.


Q. What’s happening to Rent?

A. Rent still exists, but it has been reduced dramatically. Rent is no longer charged by plot size, and is instead based on the number of utility items in the base.

These are the items that charge rent:
- Storage bins: 100 prestige per bin.
- Workbenches, and Enhancement terminals: 100 per tier
- Medical Items: 100 per item, excluding Basic Reclaimator

No rent is charged for basic utility items like Teleporters, Teleport beacons, Medical Reclaimator's, Basic Work Tables, and Invention work tables. Rent free bases of any size can still be built, with all the normal utilities available. In the future, we will be looking into improving how rent is charged as well.

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Reduced dramatically?
We weren't paying any! We intentionally didn't build past the base plot level in order to avoid the hassle and prestige drain of paying base rent.
Now most of the sg/vgs that I'm involved with will be paying base rent - at least the ones that have been built up to a usable level.
We have at least one base that just went from free to 1500 prestige per month. I guess that isn't a whole lot in the big picture, but it isn't a dramatic reduction - it is an increase!

We tended to have at least two base salvage racks- one for arcane and one for tech salvage w/ the respective type of components each, and sometimes another one for components only (so it would be easier to access them due to the way bast storage salvage operates).

Multiple enhancement tables allowed us to store ehancements by level so that as our characters progressed we would have gear ready for them. We usually have one table just for IO sets and often one for DO's and SO's. I don't usually save DO's and SO's since IO's came out, but one of my friends is into using them so, we all thrown them in a bin.

Empowerment stations were a recent addition. Now that components are useless, so is a lot of time building and buying them. The Empowerment stations will be less useful as they require IO salvage and the storage bins don't hold as much. (I've gone into the stats before so I won't repeat them). Now they will cost us base rent if we leave them in bases.

Well, maybe the decrease in cost of base items and rooms will make up for the base rent, but still - we will actually have to go to the base contacts to pay rent.
How about a way to pay base rent when zoning into a base? or at least some way to pay base rent instead of running back to the base creation contact once a month. (Even when I was renting an apartment, I didn't have to go to the main office of the company renting the apartment to me every month in order to get into my apartment. I could mail them a check.)
Is there a reason why there can't be an option for the base rent to get paid automatically if the prestige is available?



You've already seen all our responces to the salvage "nerf" as many would put it, so I'm not going to repeat myself except to toss out a couple ideas.
<ul type="square">[*]Would either creating a separate bin for event salvage or tieing them into the personal vault be an option instead[*]would it be easier instead to rewrite the code be so event salavges is counted in the bins the way it is on a character[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
you're skipping a potential third idea...
<ul type="square">[*]If holiday salvage can be easily put into personal vaults (which already contain code for multiple tabs of many salvage types) that would leave more room for *sharing* salvage in the SG bins since there'd be less need to *stash* salvage there.[/list]



You've already seen all our responces to the salvage "nerf" as many would put it, so I'm not going to repeat myself except to toss out a couple ideas.
<ul type="square">[*]Would either creating a separate bin for event salvage or tieing them into the personal vault be an option instead[*]would it be easier instead to rewrite the code be so event salavges is counted in the bins the way it is on a character[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
you're skipping a potential third idea...
<ul type="square">[*]If holiday salvage can be easily put into personal vaults (which already contain code for multiple tabs of many salvage types) that would leave more room for *sharing* salvage in the SG bins since there'd be less need to *stash* salvage there.[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
But that isn't sharing event salvage, that is hording event salvage.

Also the highlighted portion already said what you did.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



You've already seen all our responces to the salvage "nerf" as many would put it, so I'm not going to repeat myself except to toss out a couple ideas.
<ul type="square">[*]Would either creating a separate bin for event salvage or tieing them into the personal vault be an option instead[*]would it be easier instead to rewrite the code be so event salavges is counted in the bins the way it is on a character[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
you're skipping a potential third idea...
<ul type="square">[*]If holiday salvage can be easily put into personal vaults (which already contain code for multiple tabs of many salvage types) that would leave more room for *sharing* salvage in the SG bins since there'd be less need to *stash* salvage there.[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]

I want event salvage in a public place. I could keep it on my person if I really wanted, the point is I'm trying to share.



I want event salvage in a public place. I could keep it on my person if I really wanted, the point is I'm trying to share.

[/ QUOTE ]

But *how much* do you need to share?
I'm not saying remove it from the bins. I'm wondering if you only need to share a little, would the problem be where to keep the rest while sharing that little?
30 is still kinda low. but if 30 is enough for what needs to be shared, then 30 isn't the heart of the particular problem with holiday salvage.



But *how much* do you need to share?

[/ QUOTE ]That's exactly what I was wondering. I have plenty of Halloween salvage on my main...but I see no need to put it all out at once. If the salvage racks weren't so cluttered with base salvage right now that it'd get lost, I'd put, say, 3 or 4 complete sets out for people to use. As people need it, they can take it. If those are used, I put out more. No need to put 50 sets all out at once just to sit there for who knows how long.



This is a reply to the thread, not to the above poster....

I think your thought process is flawed from the get go on the issue of "IMPROVEMENT".

What part of "We don't want rent on the bases." changes into an explination of we will pay rent for things that we bought with gimp salvage that we have to randomly earn by smacking enemies around for?
Let me make it even simpler. WE DON'T NEED RENT. It was a stupid idea from the beginning, and it hasen't even been addressed as to why we need to pay it in the first place.
It's purpose isn't even for a legitimate reason, so go back and remove it, or give us a reason for it, like breaking down facilities, places to buy components to fix, build, or repair our equipment.
-I could understand the idea if our equipment in the bases fell apart, degraded, had malfunctions, etc.
-I could understand the idea if we had the opportunity to learn skills and repair our own equipment, bought a building in Paragon, and went to town paying a legitimate landlord.
- I could understand if we even had a CHOICE to make a base anywhere we wanted, with the freedom to place the base enterance anywhere we wantedand had a choice to build forts, bases, headquarters, or strongholds anywhere we wanted in the whole of the city, whereever we wanted.

But for all of these reasons...
we don't have choice one, except that we get to go from "Heros". to wage slaves in the space of an Issue.

Where again are the improvements that we have been asking for?

All we WANTED were reasonable additions. Not reinventing the wheel. All that, and then you're giving is a bunch of new problems to deal with without dealing with the primary problems or requests for improvements.

thanks for nothing.

Now I want to know why?

-WHY do I have to join up with people I don't care to work with in a supermegamaxipad base just to say that I have a functioning base?
-WHY is it supposed to be 100,000 wage slaves working for 3 or 4 eliteists that are supposedly "leaders" when all they do is use low level players to fund thier own personal playpen?
- WHY don't smaller bases get the concern, seeing as they are the majority of the player base, and each and every so called "IMPROVEMENT" that has been mentioned favors the large server overblown ego SG's. ARE you trying to drive people away? Do you actually READ what people are asking for?
Is it more of a question of having to become a forum twit to get the friggin point across of WHAT PEOPLE WANT IS IMPROVEMENT, NOT MORE PROBLEMS.

With your so called explanations, go back and READ the base suggestions and find and post where people actually ASKED for more ways to pay rent and the desire to lose salvage on account of opinion?
Go find where people ASKED FOR PERSONAL BASE STORAGE to stop from being robbed. to change the permissions. to have personal storage lockers.

Personal storage lockers. nuff said.

If we have to continue to be taxed for even the slightest of effort and success, then why bother? Just bring COX out as a single player game and give the effort to your goldfish.

Thanks again for nothing that was asked for.




[/ QUOTE ]...did you perhaps miss the reductions in cost on pretty much everything?

we don't have choice one, except that we get to go from "Heros". to wage slaves in the space of an Issue.

[/ QUOTE ]Wage slaves? Seriously...what the hell? The max amount of rent is about what a level 50 can make in one or two missions. (note: numbers completely made up...but it's something around that.)

I'd much rather have to pay a little bit of prestige every month than have my equipment constantly degrading. There's a *lot* of stuff in my bases...and to have to constantly repair it wouldn't be fun. At all.

- WHY don't smaller bases get the concern,

[/ QUOTE ] the repricings, they've made it easier than it's ever been to have a small SG. Did you actually *read* what the changes are, or have you just decided to complain about what your best buddy told you was bad?

Personal storage lockers. nuff said.

[/ QUOTE ]Have you ever considered that there might be some technical limitation they're trying to overcome to make this possible? It's not as easy as snapping their fingers, and saying LET THERE BE PERSONAL STORAGE!

Plus...isn't it kind of dumb to be complaining about lack of personal storage, *and* lack of options for solo bases? Isn't personal storage kind of worthless in a solo base?

I can understand the disappointment in getting rid of base salvage. But...what you're complaining about isn't even a concern. The devs have indirectly done a lot for the small bases this issue. Even getting rid of the base salvage helps, since small bases often don't have masses upon masses of base salvage sitting around to craft with...or at least not for quite a while.

Unless I'm completely missing something, your complaints are completely mislaid.



Your completely missing something.

dig deeper and read.



Unless I'm completely missing something...

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I don't think you're missing anything.
I think somebody else forgot their [rant][/rant] commands.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
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