Discussion: Cyborg and Jetpack Boosters




does the self destruct option get interupted if hit like the pocket D TP?

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I would highly, HIGHLY reccomend you do NOT zone while the self-destruct power is counting down. There is currently a bit of an issue with the FX script that can cause the camera shake to not stop and increase over time...indefinitely. If this happens, the only fix is to completely shut down the game and restart it.

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I imagine a lot of people are now going to do exactly this just to see what happens. I know I probably will.



I go on record in this offical thread, I'm unhappy for ANY pay for package
thats not bought at a local store (like best buy) especily these little teaser
packs with costumes and emotes. I did by the wedding one and will likely
get this one (though FAR less intersted in it, im anti teck hero stuff)

Just putting my voice down as one that doesn't like paying out side of monthly
fees. (or BIG expensions)



10 second count-down, and you die every time you use it...

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Yes, gameplay advantage. If you play a tank, it's trivially easy to go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies, probably defeating most of them, and making it really easy for the rest of the team to mop up. Pop a wakie, or even better, have someone with Resuscitate or Resurrect on hand, and you're good to go.

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Please do post a YouTube video showing us all the awesome game-breaking, PLing power of this uber combo. Let us all know how quickly you were able to clear out a map full of demons, or family, or... just about anything. Be sure to show yourself standing around waiting for it to recharge.


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Yes, we're all impressed by your sarcasm, but I don't think it will be quite as funny when $15 a month just plain isn't enough to play any more.

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And when exactly will that be? I'm gonna throw a dollar into the office pool on "never."

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Please be careful who you're quoting. I said nothing that you responded to.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I'm in the same boat as Sophism, though I'm sure I can buy it if I do it through a proxy server. I'm going to wait a while and see if we get a way to buy the thing that doesn't require to bend the rules by using a proxy.

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Bending the rules aside, which I have no problem with in this case personally, you should be aware that using untrusted/unsecured SSL proxy servers (the kind you can find by googling for them), for use in credit card transactions, is a bad, bad idea.

For one thing, it defeats the entire purpose of SSL, which is assumed to be a two-way direct and secure communications channel (e.g. no middle man).

Proxy servers, regardless of how you use them (web/IP) have the ability to log pretty much anything that goes through it, and even if the data is encrypted, it's still stored, and for all you know, it could be rogue, hacked, or just set up for the explicit purpose of gathering sensitive data.

Thankfully most proxies out there are not SSL enabled by default, and most SSL services will either warn or deny you access via SSL should it detect you may be using a proxy, although, there are legitimate places out there you can pay for that offer you that kind of service and anonymity should you require it .

But even then I'd be weary, and in either case, its your credit card information, account information, and ultimately, your decision.



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Well said on all counts. However, the proxy server I would use to do this would be set up on my own website's server (which is hosted in the US) so the only logs of the transaction would be on my own website host, and they already have my credit card details to charge me anyway.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



does the self destruct option get interupted if hit like the pocket D TP?

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I would highly, HIGHLY reccomend you do NOT zone while the self-destruct power is counting down. There is currently a bit of an issue with the FX script that can cause the camera shake to not stop and increase over time...indefinitely. If this happens, the only fix is to completely shut down the game and restart it.

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What he was asking is if it is interruptable a la snipes and Assassin's Strikes, etc.

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It is not interruptible. Once you push the button, you're committed. It also seems to break stealth like any other attack (and does so immediately upon starting up).

It ignores recharge strength (there is no way to improve its recharge with any sort of +recharge buffs of any kind), and its damage ignores strength (so there is no way to buff the damage of the power with damage buffs). It *will* get more accurate if you have tohit buffs or accuracy buffs working: tohit buffs are mechanically buffs to the player's ability to hit and not buffs transferred to the power (so there's no way for a power to "ignore" tohit buffs), and the power is not coded to ignore accuracy buffs (of course only one thing actually *has* accuracy buffs at the moment).

And if you "go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies" you'll probably defeat minions with it, but nothing else unless they are really heavily resistance debuffed. If you're a tank and do this your team shouldn't rez you, they should drop you into the nearest smokestack and get another tank.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



does the self destruct option get interupted if hit like the pocket D TP?

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I would highly, HIGHLY reccomend you do NOT zone while the self-destruct power is counting down. There is currently a bit of an issue with the FX script that can cause the camera shake to not stop and increase over time...indefinitely. If this happens, the only fix is to completely shut down the game and restart it.

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And I'll say it again... How can you tell us something like this and expect us not to go out and try to do exactly that

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.




I tried out the A.C.C.A.H.U.D option and it does not seem to hold the colors from the tailor screen to normal play in combat. I chose a blue outer edge with yellowish inner.

Outside the tailor screen, it is just bluish all around. How can I take a screenshot of the tailor screen?

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Check your SG mode costume color settings. SG mode seems to affect the colors of the aura like it does any other costume piece; it's been discussed in this thread and others already.



Oddly enough, both times I've used the Self Destruction, I've gotten debt to go along with it. I must be doing it wrong.

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It's a bug. If your character has any kind of debt reduction/protection power running (including the RWZ debt reduction) you'll get debt when you use Self Destruction. You shouldn't be getting debt in other situations, though.



Woo Hoo Travel power at level !



I bought the Cyborg pack and liked it. The costume parts are cool ( although I wish there was a chest part, and a Monstrous legs version ), and the self destruct is fun. I even managed to get practical use out of it; when doing Darrin Wade's missions I got terrorized by that Lich and was having serious trouble finishing off the last group of enemies; I hit Self Destruct, it counted down and * BOOM *, mission completed !

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I take it,all of the future costume additions will only be available through these micro-transaction "booster" packs,no?
I guess, it's just a matter of time till we they start charging us for new power pools as well.

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Um...say what? We got new costumes as part of I12, AFTER the Wedding Pack. The roman set, and other additions. And a lot of costume additions after the release of the GvE pack which included two complete special sets.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



10 second count-down, and you die every time you use it...

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Yes, gameplay advantage. If you play a tank, it's trivially easy to go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies, probably defeating most of them, and making it really easy for the rest of the team to mop up. Pop a wakie, or even better, have someone with Resuscitate or Resurrect on hand, and you're good to go.

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Except you have no body to rez, you can't use a wakie (at present, you can, but you remain without a body and unable to interact with anything). Your only choice is "go to hospital"

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Except you have no body to rez, you can't use a wakie (at present, you can, but you remain without a body and unable to interact with anything). Your only choice is "go to hospital"

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Actually, you can rez sometimes. I used Self-Destruct with my Stalker, and I got the "Go to hospital?" screen. I used the Mayhem rez power, and my body appeared out of thin air and resurrected.



I noticed when my Regen self distructed I had no body but my Heath bar started to fill back up no Hospital button so guess I was a ghost. Heard someone else on the chat channel said it happened to them too.



Known bug - they're working on it.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



does the self destruct option get interupted if hit like the pocket D TP?

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I would highly, HIGHLY reccomend you do NOT zone while the self-destruct power is counting down. There is currently a bit of an issue with the FX script that can cause the camera shake to not stop and increase over time...indefinitely. If this happens, the only fix is to completely shut down the game and restart it.

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Of course now I have to try this.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



10 second count-down, and you die every time you use it...

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Yes, gameplay advantage. If you play a tank, it's trivially easy to go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies, probably defeating most of them, and making it really easy for the rest of the team to mop up. Pop a wakie, or even better, have someone with Resuscitate or Resurrect on hand, and you're good to go.

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Except you have no body to rez, you can't use a wakie (at present, you can, but you remain without a body and unable to interact with anything). Your only choice is "go to hospital"

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The ability to self-rez or use wakies is definitely intended and works most of the time. There are some cases where you're left without a body (including one which Castle says they're trying to fix here), but for the most part self-rezzing works just fine. Rise of the Phoenix, in particular, looks really awesome after a Self Destruct.



10 second count-down, and you die every time you use it...

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Yes, gameplay advantage. If you play a tank, it's trivially easy to go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies, probably defeating most of them, and making it really easy for the rest of the team to mop up. Pop a wakie, or even better, have someone with Resuscitate or Resurrect on hand, and you're good to go.

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Except you have no body to rez, you can't use a wakie (at present, you can, but you remain without a body and unable to interact with anything). Your only choice is "go to hospital"

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The ability to self-rez or use wakies is definitely intended and works most of the time. There are some cases where you're left without a body (including one which Castle says they're trying to fix here), but for the most part self-rezzing works just fine. Rise of the Phoenix, in particular, looks really awesome after a Self Destruct.

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Dull Pain+ Instant Healing + MoG (so no one hit me during countdown+ self destruct= My regen lives , regens to full health but only as a green cloud that cant move. Zoning (mish ending, tp to mish exit) or logout/login and good as new.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Yeah, I think if you have any power on that gives you +health like dull pain, you can survive the self destruct.

I tried it on my Regen scrapper with NO dull pain and died both times.
Tried it on Will Power Tank with all his toggles active (forgot the name of the +health power) and he survived both times without his body. The first time I had to log off and back on but the second time I had just triggered an ambush so I let them kill me and then revived.



10 second count-down, and you die every time you use it...

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Yes, gameplay advantage. If you play a tank, it's trivially easy to go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies, probably defeating most of them, and making it really easy for the rest of the team to mop up. Pop a wakie, or even better, have someone with Resuscitate or Resurrect on hand, and you're good to go.

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Please do post a YouTube video showing us all the awesome game-breaking, PLing power of this uber combo. Let us all know how quickly you were able to clear out a map full of demons, or family, or... just about anything. Be sure to show yourself standing around waiting for it to recharge.


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Yes, we're all impressed by your sarcasm, but I don't think it will be quite as funny when $15 a month just plain isn't enough to play any more.

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And when exactly will that be? I'm gonna throw a dollar into the office pool on "never."

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Has an hour recharge..thats gonna be a long mission.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Please, please, PLEASE, make the Cyborg costume options for PANTS available in Monstrous. Pretty please?

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Agreed. i was a little disappointed that we can't use the cyborg option with the Monstrous Legs. This was the first thing I checked since we already have those awesome robotic feet.

i think I understand why. Because Monstrous legs can be large or thin, right? Well, that shouldn't matter because the Armored version of the Cybor legs is exactly the same as the tights version. It's the only Armored leg that doesn't do the layered armor thing.

If the Armored legs can make an exception, so should the Monstrous, right?

Also, as others have pointed out, I think the combat auras should be available from level 1 like the vet reward capes.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



does the self destruct option get interupted if hit like the pocket D TP?

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I would highly, HIGHLY reccomend you do NOT zone while the self-destruct power is counting down. There is currently a bit of an issue with the FX script that can cause the camera shake to not stop and increase over time...indefinitely. If this happens, the only fix is to completely shut down the game and restart it.

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Of course now I have to try this.

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This bug may be linked to the self destruct but is not restricted to it.

Today, on a toon without the self destruct on her power tray (although I have got the pack), finished a KHTF, exited the mish and opened an Ouro portal, quick in and out to Talos, uncontrollable camera shake getting worse so I exited the game.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Dear Devs,

Please allow us to get the combat auras at character creation... Because really they are only like having half or quarter of an aura. Plus this is bonus material that we pay extra for that should have the perk of being available at creation.. Please Devs at least consider it.



I bought both the Cyborg Pack and the Jetpack. That's right, naysayers, I engaged in flagrant free-market capitalism and there's nothing you can do about it!

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I am going to write my representatives in Congress! Take that!

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If anyone can stop capitalism, it's Congress.