Discussion: Cyborg and Jetpack Boosters




10 second count-down, and you die every time you use it...

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Yes, gameplay advantage. If you play a tank, it's trivially easy to go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies, probably defeating most of them, and making it really easy for the rest of the team to mop up. Pop a wakie, or even better, have someone with Resuscitate or Resurrect on hand, and you're good to go.


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Yes, we're all impressed by your sarcasm, but I don't think it will be quite as funny when $15 a month just plain isn't enough to play any more.

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It says Extreme damage but it isn't really that extreme. Like 350 base damage at lvl 50 and it resists all buffs. It also has a one hour recharge. Not the game breaking power your trying to make it out to be.

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ZOMG! now I can respect into Time Bomb on my device blaster and have 1 nuke every 30 minutes.. Self destruct and time bomb!

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute



So first we pay cash for wedding stuff. then for respecs. Now if we want the "neato" cyborg stuff we better pony up some green.

I thought I already bought this game and paid $15 a month for it.

Does this mean we are gonna have to pay for new AT's and powers now to? Oops, we do pay for new powers already.

I'll keep playin, but I ain't buyin. At least not until April of next year.

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



For my part, I've lost a ton of respect for NCSoft. This obvious cash-grab is a page from SOEs book. Buying features for the game in this fashion puts us on a slippery slope, folks. They can charge us for each little tidbit of each "update" now.

I'm very disappointed in NCSoft, and I really don't care what the new stuff looks like; it's the principle of the thing.




Not only -can- you rebuy this $4.99 jetpack again after your first 30 day period expires but that is apparently exactly what the NCSoft Sales and Marketing seem to be hoping that we will do with this.

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Fixed that for you.

As someone who works in Software Development I can tell you that the people who develop the software have zero to do with how it is marketed and sold, and that is often a point of contention. BAB, SexyJ, Posi and gang have not control over how the jetpack is sold, only in how cool it looks and how it works. For which I thank them!

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I don't believe anyone thinks that the $4.99 jetpack is going to be a money-maker...but the cost to offer it for players is practically nill. It's being offered more as a convenience for players who want the 30 day jetpack, but don't want to or can't purchase the game card that it is associated with.

If someone wants to pay $5/mo to 'rent' a jetpack month after month, they're more than welcome to...but it's far from expected.

Frankly, with the cost of fuel today having an unlimited supply of jetpack fuel for $5/mo is a steal.



I'm liking these, although I do see TonyV's point about $ for game play advantages. I figure though with a game getting this long in the tooth, I don't mind it like I probably would have in the past. Also the dev team's past history of reinvesting the money they make back into other improvements makes it more palatable.

I laugh as usual at the "greedy" and "money-grubbing" comments because I know the people that tend to throw around those kind of insults are usually the first to act even worse when the shoe is on the other foot.

All those that are saying "why pay for the temp flight pack when you can just run Ouro over and over again for one?" I thought that was only available to do on the villain side? I play almost exclusively hero, so that's why I'd consider it. But maybe I'm missing something. I know that if I relied exclusively on the safeguard temps, which I do know you can get only once, and no other travel power, I'd burn through those in no time. Even used sparingly I never put off a "real" travel power later than level 24 as that's when I find they start to run out for me otherwise.



Frankly, with the cost of fuel today having an unlimited supply of jetpack fuel for $5/mo is a steal.

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OK, waitaminit, hold on, time out, travelling, illegal use of hands.

Devs ain't allowed to have a sense of humor. And you owe me for my dry cleaning bill.



Yes, we're all impressed by your sarcasm, but I don't think it will be quite as funny when $15 a month just plain isn't enough to play any more.

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Please Tony, must you be so melodramatic in every forum you visit?



Hey...um i dont know how many people have had this problem or are having this problem....

But for some reason the new sytem of buying stuff from the nc soft store doesnt seam to like my credit card...ever since i got a new one to replace my old one that expired....its like the system just doesnt recognize it and auto-declines it.

So in this case....i had to resort to paypal......thank goodness that was available.

Anywise i dont know if its because the cvm check is messed up or the expiration date is unaccepted...it has to be either one.....probably the cvm since i had that same problem with another online web site......anywise

I guess i am posting this to let people for the nc store know(that their credit verification system is in need of an update)...and also to let other players know that they are not alone.

If anyone still has problems...PAYPAL and i beleive VISA offer ways to get on line numbers for virtual credit card paying...the information is on their site.....so that is an option if you have any problems with paying for things online and such.

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Did you contact support?

It could also be an issue with your bank - but go to support.plaync.com first.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



For my part, I've lost a ton of respect for NCSoft. This obvious cash-grab is a page from SOEs book. Buying features for the game in this fashion puts us on a slippery slope, folks. They can charge us for each little tidbit of each "update" now.

I'm very disappointed in NCSoft, and I really don't care what the new stuff looks like; it's the principle of the thing.

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On the plus side, it's just window dressing - and they are still giving us free window dressings (just not this bit for free).

At least you don't have to buy the new class/at, or the ABILITY to get to the higher levels (or use the new skills). And they know if they did that, they would majorly loose people.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I was pretty disappointed that the auras weren't available from level 1 myself. It made me realize exactly how many of my characters don't have auras yet.

As for the cyborg costume, I think I'm most enamored of the face details. By themselves, they make a pretty wicked looking mask. I'm all for more 3-D masks like we've been getting lately (Enforcer, Jester, Cyborg).

The temp power I only used twice so far to see how it looked. Gave some freaks a bit of a surprise in mission though when I started to feel crowded. That was fun.



If your that broke you shouldn't be paying $15 a month to play anyways. You shouldn't have spent the money on a decent rig to handle this game either.

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Jacobi, lay off this stuff. It's old, been rehashed to many times, is unnecessary. You DON"T know what everyone else's situation is, so don't go an make assumptions.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



If I missed something I apologize in advance, but why don't we get pics of everything included? The artwork is nice, but I don't wanna feel like I got tricked. I think it's pretty reasonable to wanna see what your buying BEFORE you buy it.


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Community Digest - Guide to the Booster Pack (or something like that, it's a reply.)

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



does the self destruct option get interupted if hit like the pocket D TP?

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I would highly, HIGHLY reccomend you do NOT zone while the self-destruct power is counting down. There is currently a bit of an issue with the FX script that can cause the camera shake to not stop and increase over time...indefinitely. If this happens, the only fix is to completely shut down the game and restart it.



I bought both the Cyborg Pack and the Jetpack. That's right, naysayers, I engaged in flagrant free-market capitalism and there's nothing you can do about it!

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I am going to write my representatives in Congress! Take that!

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Honestly, if you buy the $5 Jet Pack, it's because you wanted to try pushing it with no travel on a few toons without burning through the two early mayhem travels (especially hero side).

I almost hope this works well enough to consider temp teleport and jump mini packs. I'd love to have teleport for pvp without hurting my builds (darn slows and antiflys!). These would just be longer versions of the temps you can buy in Siren's.

Would it be easier to swollow if this were a $4.99 universal travel pack? - Teleport, Jump and Flight in a 3-pack of 30-day temps?

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



I'm also one of those few people who bought the Jet Pack. I'm not planning on buying it on a consistent basis, but I figured that since I had $5 I could spare, I'd buy it and see how well it works.

When I first tried it out, I was ecstatic that it's a flight pack, not a jump pack like the GvE one. After checking the flight speed compared to my run speed, I discovered that I'm renting the flight pack from the first Safeguard/Mayhem mission. I'm a little disappointed, but you know what? I'm fine with it.

I have altitis, and right now I have a gripload of toons below level 10. (I have 24 slots already, about to buy 5 more soon.) So, this is perfect for me, not only to help me until I get to the bank missions, but also so that I can push back travel powers for now and get to the good stuff faster. Having the flight pack also saves me from having to waste time on the bank flight pack; I have a level 50 hero that took SS and now only has half an hour left on his Safeguard flight pack, and he's only about 3-4 months old! (Time for a respec!)

Like I said before, I'm not planning on buying this on a consistent basis. But this is an excellent thing to have available when my toons need a mini-boost (pun not intended).

Now, if the Jingle Jet was available, I'd definitely throw money at that. Devs, please give us a Holiday Booster!



Yes, we're all impressed by your sarcasm, but I don't think it will be quite as funny when $15 a month just plain isn't enough to play any more.

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Please Tony, must you be so melodramatic in every forum you visit?

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Ain't this horse dead yet? I will at this point just have to respectfully agree to disagree with the doomsayers about these packs, and leave this horse to be whipped to death by others. From my point of view, these packs are restoring my interest in developing some long forgotten characters. And that justifies the Cyborg pack in my book. The Jetpack style doesn't work for my tastes, and most of my characters costume styles, to say nothing of not really being interested in a 30-day temp power. So I'll skip that one, but the rest of the packs have all been put to good use.

Great job, and keep up the good work devs.



and I remember when we used to get all sorts of cool stuff like VEATs for free.

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show me were you had to pay ANYTHING (other than the normal fees to play the game) to access the VEATs?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



If you play a tank, it's trivially easy to go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies, probably defeating most of them, and making it really easy for the rest of the team to mop up.

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I assume that it is unbuffable like the veteran inherent powers. Can anyone confirm?

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Which would mean yellows would still help it (not reds though, of course).

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



does the self destruct option get interupted if hit like the pocket D TP?

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I would highly, HIGHLY reccomend you do NOT zone while the self-destruct power is counting down. There is currently a bit of an issue with the FX script that can cause the camera shake to not stop and increase over time...indefinitely. If this happens, the only fix is to completely shut down the game and restart it.

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What he was asking is if it is interruptable a la snipes and Assassin's Strikes, etc.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Frankly, with the cost of fuel today having an unlimited supply of jetpack fuel for $5/mo is a steal.

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OK, waitaminit, hold on, time out, travelling, illegal use of hands.

Devs ain't allowed to have a sense of humor. And you owe me for my dry cleaning bill.

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This sent me down a different train of thought... why pay the current price of gas now when we can go back to the days it was cheap as dirt via Ouroboros?



does the self destruct option get interupted if hit like the pocket D TP?

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I would highly, HIGHLY reccomend you do NOT zone while the self-destruct power is counting down. There is currently a bit of an issue with the FX script that can cause the camera shake to not stop and increase over time...indefinitely. If this happens, the only fix is to completely shut down the game and restart it.

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What he was asking is if it is interruptable a la snipes and Assassin's Strikes, etc.

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It's not - the power will fire, or the enemy will kill you. Either way, be very sure before you hit that button.

Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.



Oh man I have bought the cyborg pack it & taken it for a quick run.

The costume? Looks great. Tons of detail & great textures i guess. Might need gfx details cranked high to really get it to shine? But I think it is a nice addition to costume options.

I REALLY LOVE the ability to blow myself up. Love it. I always wanted to be able to self destruct for one reason - because I CAN. The animation is very detailed & well thought through. Its going to be fun every now & then to just blow up. Not sure if it will be really useful as a combat power given the 60 min recharge but thats not why I love it. This was worth the price by itself.

The emotes are cool but only for theme reasons. Not fussed.

The Auras are OK but as someone pointed out it should be made clearer that they are only available at lvl 30. They do look nice though.

Summary? I am one happy customer. I gave it 8 out of 10.




Frankly, with the cost of fuel today having an unlimited supply of jetpack fuel for $5/mo is a steal.

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OK, waitaminit, hold on, time out, travelling, illegal use of hands.

Devs ain't allowed to have a sense of humor. And you owe me for my dry cleaning bill.

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This sent me down a different train of thought... why pay the current price of gas now when we can go back to the days it was cheap as dirt via Ouroboros?

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Tried that once, turned out it caused a .50$ hike in the current prices due to -more- dwindling supply.

Felt bad for the future, so I went back and killed Hitler. Damn history police brought him back again, tho. "Ooh, you'll destabilize the time-space continuum!" Wussies.

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
Check out my first Architect Arc, "Bring Up the Sun", arc #339507, and let me know what you think!



I tried out the A.C.C.A.H.U.D option and it does not seem to hold the colors from the tailor screen to normal play in combat. I chose a blue outer edge with yellowish inner.

Outside the tailor screen, it is just bluish all around. How can I take a screenshot of the tailor screen?