Discussion: Cyborg and Jetpack Boosters




I take it,all of the future costume additions will only be available through these micro-transaction "booster" packs,no?
I guess, it's just a matter of time till we they start charging us for new power pools as well.



Folks, was no one paying attention to ANYTHING Lighthouse said about this? The ONLY reason they offered this jetpack up on the store is that they got a ton of comments from people WANTING the one that was offered with the time cards. This is simply giving us what WE WANTED. This does NOT imply that there will never be a jetpack costume part. If you don't want to spend $4.99 to have a 30-day temp power at level 1, THEN DON'T. C'mon, it's only providing an ancillary benefit for about 14 levels (EARLY LEVELS!). I think I can stand the inconvenience. Sheesh.

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There were a ton of comments from people that wanted the jet pack but ONLY if it was going to be permanent... But, NOT a $5 for 30 days "temporary power".

I think the forum monster ate the thread already, or I'd say go look at all the comments...

Maybe they'll offer a different type of Travel/Flight/Jump? (or whatever - so long as it's different than the one they just released) type pack that IS permanent - when/if the sales on the New "temp jetpack" don't go over very well?

And on the Cyborg costume options several of them look very similar to Exproto or Vanguard parts.

I too was hoping there would be some more Fleshy "Terminator"-style options.
Especially with "The coming storm" thing...
I was kinda hoping we'd get some options like that after I recently re-watched the first Terminator movie on cable.
It's one of the closing lines at the end - "there's a storm coming", oh well.
The self destruction power looks neat - esp. if it finally gives us a reason to use the self rez powers, and whenever they get the bugs worked out - I'll probably order the cyborg pack. They won't be getting money for the jetpack from me though.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



I take it,all of the future costume additions will only be available through these micro-transaction "booster" packs,no?
I guess, it's just a matter of time till we they start charging us for new power pools as well.

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Considering that they give us new costume pieces and ways to unlock them each issue, the paid Booster sets are ways to deliver more costume options without having to wait 4-7 months between each issue.

And if they can offer more power pools between issues, I'd fork over another $9.99

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Can we get costume jet packs now? Last I heard there is no "connect" poitn on the back to do so....but what if they made it so it was a toggle that worked like a power, but cost no endurance and gave no benefit. You just toggle on when you want your backpack to show up and toggle off when your done with it. Same thing could be done with swords sheaths and other back items.



But they've been going strong for the past 4 year and now with a monetary system in place, I still see no reason why they need to change or do these things.

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It has been made apparent that since around issue 8 (until around issue i12 or perhaps more accurately the upcoming i13) or so they have not been "going strong". The live team was brought down to a number of around 15 persons. All things considered they produced some important and impressive features during that time but look, if in no other places, to all of the bug fixes (chain lightning, oil slick arrow, MoG change etc.) which have occurred since NCNC was formed ... ones which should have happened long ago. They have already stated that such things had to be sacrificed for content/feature addition. Likely, this was in order to keep up with the demand for content form the subscription base and to maintain visibility with non-subscribers.

I;d be just as happy to shell out 10 dollars for each issue they brought out if they included these boosters with them.

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I will just have to believe you. I think the majority would disagree.

What I do not like is how all these little things they come out with are just 10 dollar candies you can buy just to sugarcoat the game.
They get money off of monthly subscription fees.
They make money off character transfers.
They make money off additional character slots.
They make money off ad endorsments now.
They make money off a wedding pack.
Now they make money off a Cyborg Pack.
Need I go on? They're not in bad shape.

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Most of these were implemented very recently, likely for the reasons I gave in my post 5 posts above your own. Bad shape? Maybe not, but the game was perceptively understaffed at one point, and the game has perceptively improved since NCNC formed.

One of Six, Cannibal 6




Folks, I'm on a limited income. I'm disabled, on social security, and I really shouldn't be paying for City of Heroes in the first place, let alone now being tempted to pay even more to NCSoft for these excellent graphic pieces of art...

This blatant money-grubbing is really insulting to me.

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The CoX IP was bought from Cryptic Studios by NCSoft.

NCSoft is a for-profit company.

NCSoft has made a significant re-investment in the IP (tripling development staff, new offices, etc.).

NCSoft needs to make a return on their investment, and that return needs to be something more than just "everyone keeps playing and paying their subscription fees just like it was before" in order to justify the expense and risk they are taking.

Seen in this light, these new-style micro-expansions (wedding pack, cyborg fun pack, hypothetical cosplay catfight extravaganza) make perfect sense. In fact, back when NCSoft purchased CoX, I seriously wondered what they thought they were doing. I wondered how they expected to turn a profit on it. Well, now I know. To call this "money-grubbing" is silly, unless by "money-grubbing" you mean "basic capitalism."

And honestly, it's brillant. Nobody needs to buy the new stuff. Heck, you can even see the items on other players running around, which means that your play experience is enriched by them even if you don't buy one.

There are an almost infinite number of things out there in the world that I will never be able to afford to buy. I'm sorry to hear that your personal financial situation is rough. If it helps any, so is mine. But come on now... it's not all about you. To expect that NCSoft will devote the resources, personnel, and money into stuff like this without getting anything in return is simply unreasonable.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



There seems to be the mistaken impression that I think that having the jet pack purchasable via the game cards was a good idea. No matter how it's sold, it still boils down to $$$ = gameplay advantage.

Also, I found out a little while ago (missed this in the announcement) that the Cyborg pack includes the self-destruction power that does extreme damage. Yes, it has a self-kill component, but incurs no debt, so it's basically a purchasable modified nova power. Yet another gameplay-affecting advantage for people willing to shell out the $$$. It won't take many more of these add-on packs before a player with money has characters with an insurmountable advantage over those who don't.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Hey...um i dont know how many people have had this problem or are having this problem....

But for some reason the new sytem of buying stuff from the nc soft store doesnt seam to like my credit card...ever since i got a new one to replace my old one that expired....its like the system just doesnt recognize it and auto-declines it.

So in this case....i had to resort to paypal......thank goodness that was available.

Anywise i dont know if its because the cvm check is messed up or the expiration date is unaccepted...it has to be either one.....probably the cvm since i had that same problem with another online web site......anywise

I guess i am posting this to let people for the nc store know(that their credit verification system is in need of an update)...and also to let other players know that they are not alone.

If anyone still has problems...PAYPAL and i beleive VISA offer ways to get on line numbers for virtual credit card paying...the information is on their site.....so that is an option if you have any problems with paying for things online and such.



Lol@people crying. This is a video game. They want to make money. You are not forced to buy this stuff in anyway. If your that broke you shouldn't be paying $15 a month to play anyways. You shouldn't have spent the money on a decent rig to handle this game either.

Bottom line is this is a business. To get everything there is to get outa this game you have to be willing to spend the money, be it new video cards, new processors, or a $10 costume pack. If you can't, sorry but that is your problem not the othet 80k people that can and will pay. Just like everything else in this world, it's all about the money.



The chest piece is hilarious, talk about man boobs and forget about women looks like they're cyborg breast implants hahaha.

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Well, going by 7 of 9, we already knew that the Borg had assimilated Dow Corning technology.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform




There are an almost infinite number of things out there in the world that I will never be able to afford to buy. I'm sorry to hear that your personal financial situation is rough. If it helps any, so is mine. But come on now... it's not all about you. To expect that NCSoft will devote the resources, personnel, and money into stuff like this without getting anything in return is simply unreasonable.

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Listen, I fully empathize with those are frustrated with this. I remember being so hard put for money that I had to stretch food for weeks and cut some luxuries...so I see your point.

But, at this point in my life, I can afford this and I'll be honest. My interest is in keeping this aging game alive on its servers. If this helps do that, I may buy another Booster for a friend.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Self destruct in awfully buggy. After I use it doors don't appear open to me and enemies randomly rubber band.



I found out a little while ago (missed this in the announcement) that the Cyborg pack includes the self-destruction power that does extreme damage. Yes, it has a self-kill component, but incurs no debt, so it's basically a purchasable modified nova power. Yet another gameplay-affecting advantage for people willing to shell out the $$$. It won't take many more of these add-on packs before a player with money has characters with an insurmountable advantage over those who don't.

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Gameplay advantage.... 10 second count-down, and you die every time you use it...



"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I didn't read the rest of the fourm but like the cyborg pack. I don't like the purchased jetpack. I mean comon you should be able to run a mission and get it as a temp power like the gold flypack or the meyhem mission pack. I don't want this to become some elite crap only some can afford.



10 second count-down, and you die every time you use it...

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Yes, gameplay advantage. If you play a tank, it's trivially easy to go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies, probably defeating most of them, and making it really easy for the rest of the team to mop up. Pop a wakie, or even better, have someone with Resuscitate or Resurrect on hand, and you're good to go.


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Yes, we're all impressed by your sarcasm, but I don't think it will be quite as funny when $15 a month just plain isn't enough to play any more.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



If you play a tank, it's trivially easy to go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies, probably defeating most of them, and making it really easy for the rest of the team to mop up.

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I assume that it is unbuffable like the veteran inherent powers. Can anyone confirm?

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Why is this awesome?

My day 1 villain character's name is SuperCritical. It had always been in his backstory that his powersuit was (unbeknownst to him) highly unstable, and could go ka-boom at any time. Now I can actually do that

Why is this not cool? You implemented it while I was on vacation!



I can see my HUD pop up in the costume generator at Icon, and it's selected as part of my current costume, but when I leave Icon and enter combat, no HUD.

Anyone else seen any issues with it yet?

EDIT: At times, I can see very faintly where it *should* be (i.e. standing in the light, looking into the shadow of a tree, camera behind and slightly elevated), but it's nowhere near the light show it is in the costume generator.

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more than likely you are in SG mode and it changed the colors of teh thing to make it almost invis. exit SG mode, i bet it works...

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



10 second count-down, and you die every time you use it...

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Yes, gameplay advantage. If you play a tank, it's trivially easy to go into a large group, pop a red or two and maybe a yellow, and dole out a sweet purchased Nova to your enemies, probably defeating most of them, and making it really easy for the rest of the team to mop up. Pop a wakie, or even better, have someone with Resuscitate or Resurrect on hand, and you're good to go.


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Yes, we're all impressed by your sarcasm, but I don't think it will be quite as funny when $15 a month just plain isn't enough to play any more.

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It says Extreme damage but it isn't really that extreme. Like 350 base damage at lvl 50 and it resists all buffs. It also has a one hour recharge. Not the game breaking power your trying to make it out to be.



I found out a little while ago (missed this in the announcement) that the Cyborg pack includes the self-destruction power that does extreme damage. Yes, it has a self-kill component, but incurs no debt, so it's basically a purchasable modified nova power. Yet another gameplay-affecting advantage for people willing to shell out the $$$. It won't take many more of these add-on packs before a player with money has characters with an insurmountable advantage over those who don't.

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I was goofing around today in RV, i was unbuffed, group of baddies same level, did SD, didnt even kill the minions... an hour recharge... self death... this is far from a uber power, much more cosmetic in my opinion... just is a cool concept with a small purpose... however if the whole team of 8 did SD at the same time in a large group

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."




For anyone who may be thinking that the team is hoping that we will obtain significant revenue from the Jetpack; we aren't. The above hypothesis is correct. The Jetpack was offered because it was already available via the Game Cards that include this 30 day temporary jet pack. All we did was hook up the existing Jetpack for the difference in price and make it available to existing customers this way so you don't have to go out and hunt down a game card if you want it.

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OK - but why NOT make them permanent? We WOULD pay for that...

Add me to the just say no to rentals...



I actually wonder if the self-destruction power will be more useful as an easy way to get Vengeance going.

One of Six, Cannibal 6