Discussion: Cyborg and Jetpack Boosters




Is anyone else having trouble buying this thing? Me and my roommate use the same card and he bought his with no problem. There is more than enough money left and it keeps declining me, what gives?

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One use per day, per card. You have to use a different card to make another purchase. Ran into this problem a long time ago myself when I was running multiple accounts.

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is that not the same as our monthly subscription fee? Cause that also comes from the same card on the very same day each month and we've never had any problems.

PSI-on: DM/PB Defender (Triumph)
Disco Lord: MA/SR Scrapper (Triumph)
Spec-tor: MC/PA Dominator (Triumph)
The Regional Manager: Merc/FF MM (Triumph)



Is anyone else having trouble buying this thing? Me and my roommate use the same card and he bought his with no problem. There is more than enough money left and it keeps declining me, what gives?

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One use per day, per card. You have to use a different card to make another purchase. Ran into this problem a long time ago myself when I was running multiple accounts.

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is that not the same as our monthly subscription fee? Cause that also comes from the same card on the very same day each month and we've never had any problems.

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Pretty sure it's works in different manner when it's a monthly subscription. Lighthouse had a suggested link up there somewhere though.



The Cyborg pack description says it has a "Self-Destruct Temporary Power". What does Temporary mean here? Does it go away after you use it once? Does it only last 30 days?

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The description is wrong. It's an inherent power, not a temporary one. It lasts forever.



If I missed something I apologize in advance, but why don't we get pics of everything included? The artwork is nice, but I don't wanna feel like I got tricked. I think it's pretty reasonable to wanna see what your buying BEFORE you buy it.


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There are supposed to be pictures on the Cyborg Pack page, but the links aren't working right now for some reason. However, there have been pictures of everything up since yesterday here on the forums. If you missed those, you may have been living under a rock the last 24 hours...

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For those of you wanting pictures, KA did a fantastic job. Cyborg Pack

The screen shots, and emote animations are what really decided it for me.



It looks pretty cool. Some really neat peices. The legs aren't available under Kilts though....not sure if that was on purpose. Only disappointment for me is there is no new cyborg chest or face. The premade Cyborg set uses exeproto chest and robotic face. The face/hat options cover your face anyways, but it would be nice to get an entire set for $10, plus we need some new faces. Other than that it looks good.

The self destruct power is neat. It counts down from to 10 t0 1....not sure if it is interuptable or not....but it does a huge AoE of extreme damage....killing yourself in the process.



Awesome job on the cyborg pack, but temp Jetpack Boosters? Are you guys really catering to PL services? What's wrong with running radios for the Atlas park temp power?

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Awesome job on the cyborg pack, but temp Jetpack Boosters? Are you guys really catering to PL services? What's wrong with running radios for the Atlas park temp power?

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Or unlocking the new pack IN GAME some how. It looks neat and I'd sport it on a few toons...butt $4.99 every month to have it is retarded.



Bought the Cyborg pack this morning, as soon as I saw that it was available.

Won't be renting the jetpack, I already have a few of those. Got no problems with NCSoft renting them out. People did ask for them.

However, can we please get a jetpack costume item already?!?!!?!??!?!??



I bought it for one of my accounts, and it's not showing up for my characters on that account.

Edit: After an hour and a half, it seems the code kicked in. The screen went to black for the character I was going to try the new costume parts on. Only the UIs were visible.

I logged off of TR and logged onto Live and everything's ok.



The Cyborg pack description says it has a "Self-Destruct Temporary Power". What does Temporary mean here? Does it go away after you use it once? Does it only last 30 days?

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The description is wrong. It's an inherent power, not a temporary one. It lasts forever.

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The description should be fixed in an update to the PlayNC store tomorrow.

Community Relations Manager

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I can see my HUD pop up in the costume generator at Icon, and it's selected as part of my current costume, but when I leave Icon and enter combat, no HUD.

Anyone else seen any issues with it yet?

EDIT: At times, I can see very faintly where it *should* be (i.e. standing in the light, looking into the shadow of a tree, camera behind and slightly elevated), but it's nowhere near the light show it is in the costume generator.

The Players' Guide to the Cities



Ok, I went back to the TR, and the cyborg pack option's not showing for a new character, going to see if I could use it on a pre-existing one.

When I had the Live game up at the same time as the TR one, the first time around, everything was ok, until I logged off of the TR. The screen went black for the non-UIs in the Live server, like it spread.

Going to try to load it up again to see if it's still messed up.




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You can make a master account from anywhere, you can make a purchase (as far as I can tell) from anywhere, so why the use of a third party?

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IIRC, the ip address from the countries Level Up! Games serves are blocked from buying directly from NCSoft due to fraud - and Level Up! hasn't made it possible to buy anything but the basic game.

The person would either have to pay someone who can purchase directly from NCSoft to go into their account (thus giving up login/password info), or use a proxy of some kind that has an IP address that works. IIRC, I asked Soph about this back when the wedding pack came out and the response was they rather not put CC info through a 3rd party, or release give out account info.

Paypal wouldn't matter, IIRC, since they cannot even view the items.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



EDIT: At times, I can see very faintly where it *should* be (i.e. standing in the light, looking into the shadow of a tree, camera behind and slightly elevated), but it's nowhere near the light show it is in the costume generator.

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Nice details on camra position.



Cyborg includes an extensive costume set

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Is there any chance that the costume pieces will eventually be offered as Veteran Rewards?

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They better not be. I'm a 51 month vet and if I just paid $9.99 for something that in a few months time I would get for free as a vet reward, I'd want my money back.

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NCSoft has said before that any content you have to specifically pay for you will not get for free (GvE goodies and CoH CE goodies, and CoV CE goodies specifically referenced).

Pre-Order bonuses, unless your retailer cheated you, do not cost you any extra (just a little bit of it a little bit sooner), and so don't fall under that. This was made clear when they first released prestige sprints for vet rewards.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Ok, I went back to the TR, and the cyborg pack option's not showing for a new character, going to see if I could use it on a pre-existing one.

When I had the Live game up at the same time as the TR one, the first time around, everything was ok, until I logged off of the TR. The screen went black for the non-UIs in the Live server, like it spread.

Going to try to load it up again to see if it's still messed up.

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Um, account stuff can take 24 hours to proliferate from Live to server.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Can you purchase the jet pack again once your 30 days runs out? Just wondering, I wont buy it(looks like fun but its to easy to get them in bank mishs and getting to lvl 14 is also easy). I did buy the cyborg pack OMG BLOW MYSELF UP to much fun. I will prob do this for the 1st hour I get to play when I get home!!! Thanks Devs great job, cant wait to see all the secrets your keeping about I13 to come out.

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Yes, you could keep re-buying the jet pack every 30 days if you choose to. It's the same if you bought the Game Card that comes with the 30 day temp jetpack.

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Which means if you buy it before the power ends, it doesn't stack, it just overlaps, so lasts 30s from purchase.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I can see my HUD pop up in the costume generator at Icon, and it's selected as part of my current costume, but when I leave Icon and enter combat, no HUD.

Anyone else seen any issues with it yet?

EDIT: At times, I can see very faintly where it *should* be (i.e. standing in the light, looking into the shadow of a tree, camera behind and slightly elevated), but it's nowhere near the light show it is in the costume generator.

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I haven't had any problems with the HUD, but the targeting auras don't show up in the costume generator for me. The show up in-game, however.



Quick Reply:

I bought both the Cyborg Pack and the Jetpack. That's right, naysayers, I engaged in flagrant free-market capitalism and there's nothing you can do about it!

I had to go to work (from whence I now post) less than an hour after buying 'em, so I didn't see everything. However, I do have some initial thoughts, some good, others bad. I'll start with The Bad, just to get it over and done with.

The Combat Auras: Now, for whatever reason, based on no solid information at all, I assumed that they'd be like the Veteran Reward single-shoulder capes, in that just having the Cyborg Pack would enable the Auras on all of one's current and future characters. However, like regular Auras, the Combat Auras must be unlocked, which means that the character I really wanted the Auras for needs to gain another nine levels, and a new character I was planning to create can't have the Eye Laser Sight right from the start. That's just a hair annoying, but it's my fault for making that assumption.

The Self-Destruct Power: I really tend to dislike self-sacrificing abilities in any game, so I don't know as I'll have a lot of use for this. That said, I have some more to say about it, which is found under The Good.

The Jetpack: Okay, I knew going in that it had the 30-day time limit. I knew this from when the Game Cards were announced, I knew it when the Jetpacks were announced as online-buyable, and I knew it when I bought mine. But I don't like the idea. It's not a specific complaint against the Jetpack policy as much as a general annoyance with Temporary Powers that go away even if they aren't used. I collect Temporary Powers, so it grinds my gears when one just vanishes from my tray because the mission I got it for is over, or I've had it for too long. I'd prefer a timer, like the Safeguard toggles, the Wedding Ring, and many other toggle Temporary Powers. But that's all only loosely related to the main topic.

Okay, that mess is out of the way, so let's get on with The Good:

Bitt Player, despite not being at all a cyborg, is greatly enjoying his new A.C.C.U.H.U.D.

All of my lowbies now have a safe, faster-than-Sprint means of getting around when, say, they're Level 10 and have been sent to see the Steel Canyon Security Chief, and haven't run a Safeguard Mission, since I don't like Safeguards, for reasons I honestly don't understand myself. I loves me some Mayhem Missions, however.

I got a kick out of the name of the Jetpack's manufacturer.

While I said that I wouldn't find a lot of use for the Self-Destruct power, I cannot deny that it is hilarious fun! I made Android Rho, one of my Scrappers, explode himself at some Outcasts while on the way to see how the new costume parts looked on him. It was funny to watch, and now I have an idea involving the Self Destruct power, multiple /petsay commands, and an evil robot Mastermind I've had mothballed for too long.

Those costume pieces? Excellent. Sexy Jay did very well with these. The shoulder and chest details are paticularly nice, and bits and pieces of the set will be popping up on most of my technological characters.

All in all, I'm very happy with the whole thing. Heck, my complaints with the packs come from a valid design decision (Temporary Powers that go away even if unused), an assumption I made based on nothing (Combat Auras need to be unlocked through the normal Aura mission), and personal preference (dislike of self-defeating abilities in any game). And even those complaints, despite my ability to become rather wordy on the subjects, are minor. Speaking of which, perhaps the commonly-held belief that people complain a lot is at least partly due to the fact that complaining takes so many more words than expressing happiness. I'm happy with what I bought, and I haven't had a chance to try the emotes yet.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Wow. So when did NCSoft start becoming a marketing [censored]? Don't go the way of WoW, with it's always wanting to sell you stuff.
It's just like the wedding pack fiasco. Buying a few emotes and costume parts seem to be the thing nowadays. Why not make em available as recipes in Wentworths or something? At least then there be some other things of value in it, plus getting one will make the player feel like they accomplished something. Instead, your trying to pad your wallets again. But you are a company so we should expect that.



It's just like the wedding pack fiasco.

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Fiasco? I don't think you know what that word means.

If you don't wanna buy the extra stuff, then don't; it's no big deal. But sales of the wedding pack led to the introduction of VEATs at least an issue earlier than they were originally planned. People who want to shell out the extra cash for this stuff will, and the extra revenue generated from it will benefit even those who don't pay more than their monthly fee. There's no "fiasco" here.



Ok, this is day 1 of the pack and the discussions have been RAGING! It's obvious the community likes additional stuff like this and only sales will tell. I am assuming this will be a big hit.

What I am wondering is why the CoX team has not made this a regular feature? The anticipation over this stuff has been huge and should get lots of extra revenue in for the franchise. So, is this going to be a regular occurence? One every 4 or 5 months probably would keep it fresh and fun. Devs?



Doing some more digging into this. I copied to test and logged the character in there. Over there, the HUD showed right up on the first try (and looks really cool with Cloaking Device, by the way.)

Back to live to double check. Same issue as before.

In the interests of data collection and debugging, here's a screenshot and some info (map, time of day, costume, and position info for the character and camera) from a quick demorecord.

(Not using the code tags because it breaks the boards. )

*demo code starts here*
0 0 Map maps/City_Zones/City_02_01/City_02_01.txt
0 0 Time 13.665305

0 2658 COSTUME 0 6b98dd -2.610994 -0.650000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.680000 -0.590000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME V_Male_Pants.GEO/GEO_Hips_Cyborg_01 !X_Cyborg_Gloves none 000055 000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME Tight !x_male_chest_tech_sleek_mask !Chest_sleektech_01_dual 000055 000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME V_Male_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Robot !X_Face_Robot_Mask none 000000 000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME V_MALE_GLOVE.GEO/GEO_Larm*_Cyborg_01 !X_Cyborg_Gloves !Glove_V_Cyborg_01_Mask 000000 000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME V_MALE_BOOT.GEO/GEO_Lleg*_Rocket_01 !X_male_boot_rocket_01 none 000055 000000 000000 000000 AnimatedCharacterParts/RocketBoots.fx
0 2658 PARTSNAME V_MALE_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Cyborg_01 !X_Cyborg_Gloves none 000000 000055
0 2658 PARTSNAME V_MALE_HAIR.GEO/GEO_Hair_Cyborg_01 !X_Cyborg_Head_01 none 000000 000055
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 000000 00000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME V_MALE_EYES.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Cyborg_02 !X_Cyborg_Eyes_01 none 000000 000055
0 2658 PARTSNAME V_MALE_Emblem.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Cyborg_01 !X_Cyborg_Gloves none 000055 000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME V_MALE_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Cyborg_02 !X_Cyborg_SpadR_02 none 000000 000055
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 000000 00000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 000000 000000 ffffff ffffff WEAPONS/Custom_AssaultRifle/Male_AssaultRifle_Mastermind03.fx
0 2658 PARTSNAME V_MALE_NECK.GEO/GEO_Neck_Cyborg_01 !X_Cyborg_Head_01 none 000000 000055
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 000000 00000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 000000 00000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 000000 00000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 000000 000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 000000 000000 000000 000000 Auras/Male/CombatAura/CyborgCombatHUD.fx
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 000000 000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 000000 000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000
0 2658 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000

300 CAM POS -2074.872559 9.139685 -3067.074707
0 CAM PYR 0.304269 0.240057 0
0 2658 POS -2076.914063 0.59998 -3075.415039
0 2658 PYR 0 2.931651 0
*code end*

Viewing the character from the front, the HUD is sometimes just barely visible as a shadow across the face.

The behavior is almost as if the HUD is completely transparent and taking on the lighting value of whatever is on the other side of it.
<ul type="square">[*]lighter from behind while standing in the light[*]darker from behind while standing in the shadows[*]darker from the front in front when backed by a dark faceplate[*]lighter from the front while standing in the light with Cloaking Device active[/list]
EDIT: For comparison, here's what I see on test: screenshot

The Players' Guide to the Cities