Discussion: Message From Positron 4 Year Anniv!




Woohoo! 4 More years!
Oh, and CREATE missions?!!?!? WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A few points:

1) Awesome

2) I'm sure player created missions will have to have no xp/inf/loot/etc, but should still be lots of fun to do. Maybe some of the best can be vetted and rolled into future issues as regular missions.

3) Another very nice way of adding end-game content. Once you're at 50 and don't care about XP, playing and creating other people's missions should be lots of fun.

4) I plan to make missions with the "donut room" in all possible tile sets.

5) Awesome

6) Did I mention awesome?




In reality, I think it might be CoX's version of Mad Libs...

<ul type="square">[*] Select a Villain Organization.[*]Select a Map.[*]Select Mission Type.[*]Insert Primary Antagonist's Name Here.[/list]
As I said before, I think it will give players a chance to expand their creativity, but I think that's about it. I doubt you'll be able to select where mobs will be located at or where the important object will be placed. The Devs will put up safeguards to ensure there aren't ubermobs or unique and rare item drops.

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Yeah, there was a thread going on for a couple months in the Suggestions forum at the end of 2006. I wish I could remember all the tweaks and additions that went into that thread, but a purge cleared it out some time ago. I think it was pretty much everyone that posted in the thread that such arcs would probably include a percentage penalty on rewards, to prevent abuse.

I still think that is the way to go. After all those of us that want it for endless "end game" content, will use it for that. Those that would prefer to stand at the entrance of a mission for a few ours, would probably better off still using the regular game missions.

I can't wait to see all the mission arc options, and to see if they tied options to badges, or if you can use your characters as the contacts. While I would prefer the whole kit and caboodle, I'm just happy to know I will be getting some balsa wood and glue at the very least.



In reality, I think it might be CoX's version of Mad Libs...

Select a Villain Organization.
Select a Map.
Select Mission Type.
Insert Primary Antagonist's Name Here.

As I said before, I think it will give players a chance to expand their creativity, but I think that's about it. I doubt you'll be able to select where mobs will be located at or where the important object will be placed. The Devs will put up safeguards to ensure there aren't ubermobs or unique and rare item drops.

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^ That was exactly my thoughts when I read this:

Similar in concept to our character creator, it allows you, the players, to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it.

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The maps most likely are the ones already in the game with preloaded spawn points and specific layouts of rooms. No where does he say you will be able to customize your own spawn points, only that you pick your maps.

However, I am still enthused about this. Its very good news.

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That reading of it certainly looks reasonable. Having a fixed set of maps solves the problem of the mission awarding too much xp/inf/loot/etc. That said, it seems pretty limiting. Hopefully there's more to it than just those 4 options.

In any case, the devs should start dropping some more info on how much you can customize your mission. Otherwise, the wild speculation on the boards will be well into full overdrive mode (assuming it isn't already ), which will only lead to disappointment.




I can’t tell you how excited I am for our game’s future, and although we have some major announcements yet to be made, one of the things I can talk about is a feature that we are planning. Similar in concept to our character creator, it allows you, the players, to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it. Fame will come to the players whose stories rate the best overall. It is features like these that we never dreamed of including when we first shipped, but are excited to be able to offer players very soon.

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This is made of Awesome and Win!

My initial thoughts and concerns:

<ul type="square">[*]How customizable will the maps be? Will we be able to use an interface similar to base tech to make some detailed, original maps or will there be pre-generated standard newspaper door map type maps?[*]Will the missions be screened by Devs before being available for players to actually play on? I would think so due to concerns over appropriateness of content and to avoid super easy loot generator 'missions'.[*]Does this tech give us the ability to play the game offline? We'd need to test the missions, after all. Obviously characters that play through the missions in this manner wouldn't gain real inf, exp or loot but it would still be fun just to make something outlandish to fool around with. [/list]
I'll probably think of more but those things sprung to mind as I read the announcement. Looks like it'll be a ton of fun!

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The addition of a mission creator that is accessible offline would be awesome, and selling it via a box as it has been suggested would be by far the most effective way to do it...

Now, since we're allowed to mess around with the mission, what about the sounds produced during the mission? What I'm hinting at is the possibility of adding your own music. Is there any chance this may be possible?

If not, who cares? LONG LIVE COH!!!!

"I solo'd the invisible AV with the targeting reticle turned off in under two minutes with no temp powers or inspirations armed only with a spork."

-Ultimus, the day after I11 goes live.

By Zombie_Man




Heck, I'll just be happy if it lets us create villain-side missions with Red Caps so we can get the badge without having to wait for special events.

Killjoy - AR/Kin Cor | Grimwind - Dark/Cold Corr
Fallowlord - Plant/Ice Dom | Game Warden - TA/A Def
Thought Police - Mind/Psi Dom | Gammarauder - Rad/Traps



Similar in concept to our character creator, it allows you, the players, to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it.

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Woah. Awesome.

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Agreed, Totally Agreed...

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.





it allows you, the players, to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in.

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Simply awesome.



I have been playing MMOs since EQ was in beta. I don't think any news in any game I have tried has ever impressed me or made me so excited as this. I love this dev team.

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I dunno, when I saw the Storyteller system at SWG I was damn impressed, now, in a game I can still talk my friends into playing? Bonus.

Let's Dance!



Additional items of interest

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Those are fascinating. Almost every one of them is different from what I would have predicted. Seriously, how are Scraps as a whole more wealthy than the legion of F/K farmers I see every day?

Happy 4th, Posi.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.




If people choose to do that fine, But hopefully more people will actually be interested in using it as Posi Described

" to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it. Fame will come to the players whose stories rate the best overall.

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I'm intrigued by the idea that there might (possibly) be a new type of reward/currency - basically something new to strive for, or work towards = "Fame".

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Im thinking the highest ranked missions would become famous via immortalized as real CoH content or such



create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions.

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Story arcs. With dialog and clues. Can do origin stories for my characters, wow.

With hope we can name bosses or choose existing av/eb sometimes, for end of arc. And maybe ambushes, in or out of mission, since those are a nice touch for arcs.

I'm sure they'll limit certain enemy types to the levels they normally occur in.

What I'm hoping... praying... wishing... please let me put 5th Column in some missions? Please? They're in the Ouro stuff so they're still in the game. And I need them for most of my origin stories.

And some NPC colleagues to rescue and fight with would be a dream. That's happening more and more with new missions, like most of Faultline and RWZ. Would definitely be a nice touch, but I could see it being tougher to balance or hard to let us create our own and what kind of AI they would use. This would be icing on the cake though. Something involving the capture and liberation of a hero before he/she decided to become a hero, and fighting alongside their rescuers... well, here's hoping.

Gratz on 4 years. And nearly 300 centuries. Let's push for big 300 before the anniversary month is out, gang.



Now, do you guys think this mission creator will allow people to customize missions just for the sake of farming?

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That would be great.

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Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox



Now, do you guys think this mission creator will allow people to customize missions just for the sake of farming?

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That would be great.

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And that'll be the crap that gets it nerfed to the point of no fun.



I can’t tell you how excited I am for our game’s future, and although we have some major announcements yet to be made, one of the things I can talk about is a feature that we are planning. Similar in concept to our character creator, it allows you, the players, to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it. Fame will come to the players whose stories rate the best overall. It is features like these that we never dreamed of including when we first shipped, but are excited to be able to offer players very soon.

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I think I just pulled something trying to restrain myself from leaping out of my seat and screaming "WOOHOO!" at work.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



I read thi sat home, just before leaving for work. I was so excited that I almost took the day off. Then I remembered that it wouldn't be NOW, just SOON. Beta soon too. Glad I saved some vacation days for just such an occassion.



Just when I thought I might could maybe, just maybe, entertain the thought of interacting in RL ever again...

Posi whacks me with the Ban stick on RL.

DANGIT, Matt, what are you trying to DO to me!?!

"I can’t tell you how excited I am for our game’s future, and although we have some major announcements yet to be made, one of the things I can talk about is a feature that we are planning. Similar in concept to our character creator, it allows you, the players, to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it. Fame will come to the players whose stories rate the best overall. It is features like these that we never dreamed of including when we first shipped, but are excited to be able to offer players very soon."

I will never be seen again outside mah house now.

How will I eat now?!

/this is epicness.
//This should require 4 50 level characters to open, btw. Not every Tom, Dick, and Harry should be writin' stuff... :
///Which means I'll finally get my abilities to write in 2012 maybe...
////Just the 1 50, Ruby Dawn, but her evil sister Cerise is catchin' up...

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



I want to set up something horrible, stop the war between the Rularuu and the Knives of Artemis; because I think that mission would be pure hell for just about every archtype.

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I would love to get in on that mission!!!

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Agreed, I think half the funs going to be trying to come up with the biggest PITA mission for your team .

I'm thinking of a joint Malta/Carnie one for starters .

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Sappers, Sorcerors and Succubi, oh my!

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Nonononononononono... it's:

Sappers, Dark Ring Mistresses and Nightwidows, oh my!

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No, it's Sappers, Vanguard: Sword, and Dark Ring Mistresses.

@Van De Graff-X, Liberty



This whole idea blindsided me. I had no clue, hint, or even rumer of mission creator.

Can you really make any mission from this? Like a big field or destroyed part of a city where familiar NPC heroes like fussionnet fight off against familiar NPC villains such as Ice mistral and a nice fight with longbow vs arachnose minions like in Sirens call? I mean.. of corse, i didnt find anything about putting in Heroes or villains on your side and I do know when I make to much lag, but it's pretty much the dream battle creator I've always wanted. Heck, would be like one of the battles in the CoH comics, where they fight for sirens call.

You are now breaking the walls of every MMO I know by adding this. WoW does not have it, EVE does not have it, Champions online for all I know is goina use it, Age of Connan cant have it, Guild Wars cant have it...

Closing statement is simple and obviouse, OMG SUPER WOOT CRAZY THX COH AND COV FOR A SUPER GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.




I can start making my Moon Zone Missions...

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Similar in concept to our character creator, it allows you, the players, to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. You’ll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it.

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Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Lois, this is NOT my Batman glass.

What were you talking about? user-created content? Freakin' sweet! That's one of the things I am looking forward to most in Spore. They are releasing the creature creator this summer, which will allow players to create a universe of life forms so when the full game is released in September your new life won't be alone.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]



I can't say I like the Create Your Own Story Arc (it will really, really muddle with canon). But thanks for telling us.

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A story arc is just a series of missions strung together by a common plot. Doesn't have to have anything to do with game canon at all.



Im just curious if we can have scripted events.



Plus are we able to designate these new missions as badge providers?

example: I make a mission and I see can have Deathsurge, Ghost of Scrapyard, Caleb, and even the Archnos Flier in it as the primary targets. (Sort of a Giant Monster Mash) So presuming I could make such a mission/arc/TF, would the badges from killing them be awarded?

Could I make a mission/arc that lets us fight the versions of the Sig Heroes or Sig Villains that can manifest in RV and obtain the badges we would normally get from killing them in RV?

If such is the case then this could become exploitable for badge hunters who want to obtain certain badges that are currently a nuisance.

Examples being: waiting for Flier to spawn in GV; now just make a mish that has you fight it and you get the badge for shooting it down..... hmmm

Example 2: I make a mission that lets me face off against the Sig Heroes and I obtain the badge from them I would get as if I fought them in RV.....hmmm

I look forward to this feature, but I foresee many people making many a map/arc for the sole purpose of maximum farmage or badge exploitation. Also would these new missions/arcs be added to Ouroborus, or can we access them anytime from a special contact?

Now to sit back an fiddle with plot for my Omega Arc........




[u]Most Wealthy Archetypes[u]
Heroes: Scrappers

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How is this not Controllers?

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Probably because scrappers get made more than controllers, and even though there are more blasters than other ATs, they are too busy paying off debt to be affluent.

And user created content 4tw!

Edit: PS - Once Spine/Fire and Fire/Fire scrappers hit the streets, then the influence gap will only widen.