Issue 12 Discussion: Hollows Zone Makeover





(I'm still very irritated about the 10-20 content addition, of course.)

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Oh, of course.

No... wait... what? When is new content = bad? Especially levels 10-20, the most boring content in CoH?

Global name: @k26dp



War Witch, Level Designer who's doing the Hollows Gameplay Makeover, wanted me to point out that the changes are to address spawns and that there are no significant art changes (like moving buildings, etc.) being done with the changes.

We'll have more information and details about all the features of Issue 12: Midnight Hour in forthcoming web articles.

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So war witch is the dev who places the npcs in the zones? Well please tell her this, if we are to do missions that are hunts specifcially in a certain zone then we need to have enough npcs and at the PROPER LEVEL RANGES!!!. I dont know how many times I get a hunt mission to kills something and the stuff either doesnt spawn enough of them in the zone or they are so far in level above me I end up having to hold on to that mission for 2 or 3 levels just to be able to do it otherwise I have to drop the mission.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



I find it intriguing that people are talking about how much it sucks to have to walk across The Hollows to get to mission doors, and how bad it is to not have a travel power.



It's not hard. Spend a couple of hours puttering around in Atlas Park, or the sewers. At lvl 6, go to Kings Row. Learn the joys of the Radio, and how to PUG. Do three missions. Holy crap, there's a bank being robbed! We have to stop it!

"Oh thanks for saving our moniez, here, have a flight pack."


Instant Travel Power

Oh noez! I'm a noob that wasted all my flight time. What's a foo ta do?

What? three more missions and the KR bank is being robbed? I must stop it!
"Yay, you saved teh moniez again. Have a jump pack."

Holy Carp, Now, at lvl 11, I've just tested out two travel powers before I committed to one for the next 12 levels, AND I can get around The Hollows without any real danger. Kings Row is freakin' awesome. I'm glad I'm not one of those other fools that just walks around in The Hollows.

Schattenbolt - Blaster Elec/Elec/Elec
Pierce Steele - Blaster Arch/MM/Munitions

Paragons of Victory



I don't visit the Hollows anymore. Once I get to Level 5-6, I go straight to Kings Row and get my police radio. Then I get my Jet pack as soon as I can from the Safeguard missions. The trouble with Hollows was that the misison doors were always so far away and very dangerous to traverse. So its a good thing they are putting in a hospital in the zone and reworking the mission doors. No more hospitalling to Atlas or Skyway and having to re-zone into Hollows!



Actually, I liked hosping back to Atlas. Made it easier to take the pain train to lvl up from across the map. The absence of trainers in The Hollows was, for me, the worst part about it. Well, that and the lvl 14 mobs standing around a lvl 8 mish door while I'm in the group that has the ONE blaster in the zone that thinks purple names = "shoot me, I'm easy."

Schattenbolt - Blaster Elec/Elec/Elec
Pierce Steele - Blaster Arch/MM/Munitions

Paragons of Victory



The absence of trainers in The Hollows was, for me, the worst part about it.

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They could easily stick a trainer in there.

Just put Blue Steel in there. He should have no problem running back and forth from Kings Row.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Yeah, but no trainers allowed in Hazard Zones. They're too smart to stand around, that's why Wincott, dispite his years of diligent service in The Hollows, is still just a Lieutenant.

Schattenbolt - Blaster Elec/Elec/Elec
Pierce Steele - Blaster Arch/MM/Munitions

Paragons of Victory



Yeah, but no trainers allowed in Hazard Zones. They're too smart to stand around, that's why Wincott, dispite his years of diligent service in The Hollows, is still just a Lieutenant.

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Wha Wha Whaaaaaa?

I guess now that you mention it, there aren't any trainers in any of the other hazard zones.

Still, I'd think that in the interest of creating a zone that people enjoy using, they'll add a trainer.

There are lots of fun trainers they haven't used yet. Foreshadow?

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Yeah, but they can't just blow the whole group in one shot. Lots of TFs and Zones to be made in the future.

Honestly, I'd have prefered an upgrade to Boomtown or one of the other places that are less-frequented.

Some say that it's better to work on the one people go to, but my thinking is "If they go to it, it still draws them. I usually forget that Boomtown and Dark Astoria even exist." I only went to Striga to get the wolf and vampire badges and then it was on a Double XP weekend, so I didn't stay long. Went to DA once, but lagged so badly on dial-up that I never went back. Boomtown I go to for the "Destined for Valhalla" badge on my norse-esque toons, and then I forget about it until I bring down the Clockwork King and realize "Hmm, this looks familiar... OH YEAH, Boomtown."

If they're not going to fix them, than they're just taking up space, and that's never good. I won't say that Hollows was fine, but in the triage of zones, Boomtown would have been marked "critical need", Hollows would have been "he'll live for now"

Schattenbolt - Blaster Elec/Elec/Elec
Pierce Steele - Blaster Arch/MM/Munitions

Paragons of Victory






If they're not going to fix them, than they're just taking up space, and that's never good. I won't say that Hollows was fine, but in the triage of zones, Boomtown would have been marked "critical need", Hollows would have been "he'll live for now"

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I bet you $5 they'll fix them within the next 3 issues.

I like that they're tweaking the Hollows because the current 1-15 game is dead boring and often really annoying. It was in desperate need of polishing, especially because it's the first thing new players see. And although I might have preferred that they fix up Atlas and Galaxy, it's true that polishing one zone is easier than polishing two.

Honestly, I'd like them to spend another issue polishing the 1-15 content. Atlas, Galaxy, and Kings Row should become extremely streamlined, and The Hollows should become an alternate advancement path. Then I'd be comfortable with them giving yet more content to the mid and late games.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Yeah, but no trainers allowed in Hazard Zones. They're too smart to stand around, that's why Wincott, dispite his years of diligent service in The Hollows, is still just a Lieutenant.

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They might be getting rid of 'hazard zone' settings and turning it into a hybrid like Striga.

Add a hospital, trainer and some stores and it'd be super-set.

Still here, even after all this time!



The Hollows was the first hybrid hazard zone, no trainer, no hero corps rep, no hospital, no stores, but it did have contacts.

Striga was the second. It got a trainer, and while there was an area with "normal" spawns, once you got out of Port Noble it was standard hazard zone spawns (I still find some of the hunt missions difficult).

Croatoa and then Faultline became standard zones...normal spawn levels throughout the zone, and all the ammenities. RWZ was back to Hazard Zone sized spawns.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



War Witch, Level Designer who's doing the Hollows Gameplay Makeover, wanted me to point out that the changes are to address spawns and that there are no significant art changes (like moving buildings, etc.) being done with the changes.

We'll have more information and details about all the features of Issue 12: Midnight Hour in forthcoming web articles.

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Info from Lighthouse instead of War Witch indicates that WW's busy right now



Now if there'll only be stores and a Donut shop in the Hollows (hey it worked in Faultline )



Now if there'll only be stores and a Donut shop in the Hollows (hey it worked in Faultline )

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Don't forget a badge in the middle of the donut!



I don't care WHAT you do to the Hollows. I'll do the same as I've done on every character: ignore it.

This zone is one of the worst ever conceived and coded, IMO. For many reasons which, should anyone care to hear, I'll gladly list out.

Bottom line: a waste of time, resources and ca$h better spent on adding more to the Red Side.




I don't care WHAT you do to the Hollows. I'll do the same as I've done on every character: ignore it.

This zone is one of the worst ever conceived and coded, IMO. For many reasons which, should anyone care to hear, I'll gladly list out.

Bottom line: a waste of time, resources and ca$h better spent on adding more to the Red Side.


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Calibre2, are you going to whine and moan in EVERY issue 12 thread? Can't you just be happy you are getting something? I mean, some of it you may not like and some of it may be bleh to you, but I'm sure when it hits there is something you are going to like about it.



I don't care WHAT you do to the Hollows. I'll do the same as I've done on every character: ignore it.

This zone is one of the worst ever conceived and coded, IMO. For many reasons which, should anyone care to hear, I'll gladly list out.

Bottom line: a waste of time, resources and ca$h better spent on adding more to the Red Side.


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Calibre2, are you going to whine and moan in EVERY issue 12 thread? Can't you just be happy you are getting something? I mean, some of it you may not like and some of it may be bleh to you, but I'm sure when it hits there is something you are going to like about it.

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You call it whining; I call it critique. One is merely a typical example of the mentality of modern youth: sycophantic, sheep-like acceptance of the status-quo; the other, a dynamic and challenging exercise of artistic free will.





I don't care WHAT you do to the Hollows. I'll do the same as I've done on every character: ignore it.

This zone is one of the worst ever conceived and coded, IMO. For many reasons which, should anyone care to hear, I'll gladly list out.

Bottom line: a waste of time, resources and ca$h better spent on adding more to the Red Side.


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Calibre2, are you going to whine and moan in EVERY issue 12 thread? Can't you just be happy you are getting something? I mean, some of it you may not like and some of it may be bleh to you, but I'm sure when it hits there is something you are going to like about it.

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You call it whining; I call it critique. One is merely a typical example of the mentality of modern youth: sycophantic, sheep-like acceptance of the status-quo; the other, a dynamic and challenging exercise of artistic free will.



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Critique is what I've been trying to do:
"Ok, I like this, that is good too, but you should have done this in my opinion." Like I stated earlier, I would have rather seen this done to perez, and I think villain side desperately needs more good low to medium level content. Also like others I wouldn't mind seeing it done to boomtown as well, but at the same time I really like the hollows so I'm happy with this. What I'm saying is, I don't understand how someone can argue with the large majority of "HERE! HAVE A BUTTLOAD OF NEW CRUNK!" The devs are giving us alot of new stuff this issue, and I agree with their shotgun strategy of releasing a bunch of different little and big things mixed together so that everyone gets something they like out of it.

But if you want to be all negative and unhappy, go ahead, I'm going to have fun.



I don't care WHAT you do to the Hollows. I'll do the same as I've done on every character: ignore it.

This zone is one of the worst ever conceived and coded, IMO. For many reasons which, should anyone care to hear, I'll gladly list out.

Bottom line: a waste of time, resources and ca$h better spent on adding more to the Red Side.


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Calibre2, are you going to whine and moan in EVERY issue 12 thread? Can't you just be happy you are getting something? I mean, some of it you may not like and some of it may be bleh to you, but I'm sure when it hits there is something you are going to like about it.

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You call it whining; I call it critique. One is merely a typical example of the mentality of modern youth: sycophantic, sheep-like acceptance of the status-quo; the other, a dynamic and challenging exercise of artistic free will.



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Critique is what I've been trying to do:
"Ok, I like this, that is good too, but you should have done this in my opinion." Like I stated earlier, I would have rather seen this done to perez, and I think villain side desperately needs more good low to medium level content. Also like others I wouldn't mind seeing it done to boomtown as well, but at the same time I really like the hollows so I'm happy with this. What I'm saying is, I don't understand how someone can argue with the large majority of "HERE! HAVE A BUTTLOAD OF NEW CRUNK!" The devs are giving us alot of new stuff this issue, and I agree with their shotgun strategy of releasing a bunch of different little and big things mixed together so that everyone gets something they like out of it.

But if you want to be all negative and unhappy, go ahead, I'm going to have fun.

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I'm not made unhappy by either an addition or lack thereof in an online game. Disappointment? Disregard? yeah.

Go ahead: accept this nonsense for a real change in this game, if you like. But I offer this warning: if you believe 'staying the course' or 'more of the same' is going to keep players here once CO comes out you are likely to be as shocked as the programmers for this game are going to be.

They had better find ways of doing better. That's all I'm saying.




I don't care WHAT you do to the Hollows. I'll do the same as I've done on every character: ignore it.

This zone is one of the worst ever conceived and coded, IMO. For many reasons which, should anyone care to hear, I'll gladly list out.

Bottom line: a waste of time, resources and ca$h better spent on adding more to the Red Side.


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Calibre2, are you going to whine and moan in EVERY issue 12 thread? Can't you just be happy you are getting something? I mean, some of it you may not like and some of it may be bleh to you, but I'm sure when it hits there is something you are going to like about it.

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You call it whining; I call it critique. One is merely a typical example of the mentality of modern youth: sycophantic, sheep-like acceptance of the status-quo; the other, a dynamic and challenging exercise of artistic free will.



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Critique is what I've been trying to do:
"Ok, I like this, that is good too, but you should have done this in my opinion." Like I stated earlier, I would have rather seen this done to perez, and I think villain side desperately needs more good low to medium level content. Also like others I wouldn't mind seeing it done to boomtown as well, but at the same time I really like the hollows so I'm happy with this. What I'm saying is, I don't understand how someone can argue with the large majority of "HERE! HAVE A BUTTLOAD OF NEW CRUNK!" The devs are giving us alot of new stuff this issue, and I agree with their shotgun strategy of releasing a bunch of different little and big things mixed together so that everyone gets something they like out of it.

But if you want to be all negative and unhappy, go ahead, I'm going to have fun.

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I'm not made unhappy by either an addition or lack thereof in an online game. Disappointment? Disregard? yeah.

Go ahead: accept this nonsense for a real change in this game, if you like. But I offer this warning: if you believe 'staying the course' or 'more of the same' is going to keep players here once CO comes out you are likely to be as shocked as the programmers for this game are going to be.

They had better find ways of doing better. That's all I'm saying.


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So what do you suggest they do?



RE: XaoGarrent

I've outlined what I think they should've done over the last 4 years. Most recently in the Power Customization FAQ thread.

Their bottom line: we can't do it.
Mine: fine *stares at CO with wallet in hand*

nuff said, methinks




RE: XaoGarrent

I've outlined what I think they should've done over the last 4 years. Most recently in the Power Customization FAQ thread.

Their bottom line: we can't do it.
Mine: fine *stares at CO with wallet in hand*

nuff said, methinks


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So basically what you are asking for is what they can't deliver? Power customization is off limits because it is locked into code, and the way I see it it's still a possibility in the future if they could get enough people devoted to the project over a longer period of time, and a City of Heroes 2 isn't completely out of the question either, and if they made one I wouldn't be surprised if they made it like the Source engine that HL2 uses which is very flexible. They've even made third person shooters with it, and things like side scrollers and RPGs have been proposed to be theoretically possible, surely if there was a CoH2 they would make an engine like that.

...You're still playing the game so obviously they are doing something right.



...You're still playing the game so obviously they are doing something right.

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What they're "doing right" is having a monopoly on superhero MMORPGs. When CO comes along that will change.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound