Issue 12 Discussion: Hollows Zone Makeover




I do like this thought to add to invasion events.

I do like invasion events, and it is way clear to me the players like it. Instant team, instant action. It is way fun. Extending the event to a couple hot spots would be fun. And reasonable.

Sorry to rain on the parade, this idea does belong in suggestions and not in the hollows remake.



Could have the Looting after GM attacks as well this would also give more meaning to the Stores we pass by but never really take time to notice.



Serge: The Tsoo are attacking Icon, and magically changing the clothing to the most horendeous colors! Please help!

I do like the looting idea though, but I am also concerned about the lag it may cause.

If I wanted to PvP, I would just run outside and gank people with rocks.

I wonder if anyone has ever been offended by my hero "Asparagus-Man" because someone they know is a vegetable...?



Honestly, the only large problem with the Hollows is that you were pointed at it 3-5 levels too soon. Very few teams run street-sweeping missions together, those are usually done solo. For me and the folks I hung out with, this was even true "back in the day". At best, they were duo'd. They simply do not have the appeal or the reward to attract groups. I mean, when is the last time you heard someone shout "LFT for Street Sweep!"?

So, the issue with the zone could have been fixed by pointing the heroes to it at level 8 or 10, when they could handle the lower end street sweeps but still be challenged by the numbers, or even removing the pointing finger all together.

Alternatively, just reducing the size of the street spawns accomplishes the same thing, but then it's not really a hazard zone anymore. It's simply going to be a zone that lacks a trainer.

For all of the folks requesting a Hollows-style zone be added to CoV or that the Hollows become a shared PvE zone, please, dear lord, NO! I hate the Hollows with a passion simply because of the way you're pointed at it and the fact that you're thrown at it too early. Let's not forget that it is also designed in such a way to be very nearly mutually exclusive with the rest of the content.

The VEATS are going to be welcome additions, the Midnight arcs are going to be welcome additions, this is going to be "that's nice, more incentive to actually avoid any semblence of depth for Heroes". Not to sound entirely negative, it is nice that work has been done not to push people out of it when they arrive at level 5 expecting to actually be able to do the street sweeps (sure, doable in SG groups, but not likely to find a PuG for it) and find that they've either got to waste a lot of time respawning or wait a few levels, however it wasn't really the area that needed the most work. In my opinion, it was already exactly what it needed to be, a nice alternative to running the standard contact string. Sewers until 8 and radio's until you get your raptor pack was already more efficient for levelling. As such, why not spruce up the old contacts to make the enjoyable and remove the necessity of either dropping the "Speak with Wincott" mission or running to talk to him to clear it by simply dropping that aggravating mission. The zone hasn't been new for 4 years now, I don't think most players need to be told it exists.