Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




I do believe this is officially full of win.

And I12 was supposed to be the "small" issue leading up to I13? Man... I13 will be scary huge if this is "small"...



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement.

Issue 12: Midnight Hour, the twelfth upcoming free expansion since the launch of City of Heroes® will introduce a host of new content, challenges and features!

For all the details, click here.

We have discussion threads about the different aspects of Issue 12 available. Please use them to discuss the features of Issue 12:

Midnight Squad Content

Roman Style Maps and Costumes

Villain Epic Archetypes

Powerset Proliferation

Hollows Zone Makeover

Major Gameplay Improvements

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I call shenanigans. This was supposed to be a filler issue. I want my grayish-red meat alternative!



hah, and *lmao*, they remade the Hollows... why not a remade Mercy Island?



This is really doom.



*sigh* Way to screw villains YET AGAIN.

*HIGHLY disappointed with the "epic" archetype*

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Your name is such a misnomer*...

* - designates sarcasm.




Jezus. Can we have your stuff now?

Be excited about something for once. This is really nice. Very, very good changes and improvements, new zones, .... but no, *you* wanted something else.

make your own damn game. Then you'll be happy.

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Hey thats a pretty legitimate complaint though. Villains are RIGHT back with Arachnos. I can't wait till the RPers get ahold of this. Alot of em are gonna be pissed lol.

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Well, it'll be a bit easier to role play than Khelds. The fact is that if Villains were given an "outside-the-story-line" epic, the hero side RPers would be screaming that it's not fair. I like the fact that they didn't go the "easy" route and just give Villains Khelds, but they kept it "even" by giving both sides epics that are tied to the story-line of the game.



Ok, So i can make a Elec/Regen Scrapper?? Or Brute?

or a Fire/Therm Controller?

Oh and one more thing? Talsorian Dual Blades???

PS: Do heroe's get Stalkers then too??

So many questions!!!

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Some of those combos could be so awesome. How long until the nerf bat falls?

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Wow, this entire issue is full of awesome! Midnight squad seems like its gonna be an awesome NPC group to work with! I think I may actually have a reason to get a villian up to 50 now.

The villian epic archetype looks really cool, I've always wanted a set that branches out to different "jobs" or so to speak. I severely wonder how they will play like and hope to see great thigns about em! So excited!

Hell's Flare, 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Kid Powers, 50 Sonic/EM Blaster
Imprisoned Devil, 50 Spines/DA Scrapper
Winter Kitty, 50 Claws/SR
Kheldian Kitten, 40 Peacebringer
Psionic Fury, 38 Kin/Psi Defender

Leader of Citrus Grove, Infinity




Axe brutes! Plant controllers!


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/Storm Corruptors... done.

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/Rad MMs?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I love this game, new stuff all the time!



/Storm Corruptors... done.

[/ QUOTE ]

...What about Ice Brutes?




PS: Do heroe's get Stalkers then too??

[/ QUOTE ]

I don' think it's so much that AT's are being ported, just more like the powersets that would thematically fit are being ported over to them.

Posi talks

Take a look at this, Posi said 20 powersets were getting spread out over the AT's.



heh, level boost up...(tries to find a way to time hitting a new level with AV fights or something where I'll actually need those temporarly boosts)



ok, im the last person to gush normally but.....

i12 looks like uber win



/Storm Corruptors... done.

[/ QUOTE ]

...What about Ice Brutes?


[/ QUOTE ]

Looks like brutes are gonna get battle-axe. Judging from the picture at least. I'm all for weapon sets on brutes though!

Hell's Flare, 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Kid Powers, 50 Sonic/EM Blaster
Imprisoned Devil, 50 Spines/DA Scrapper
Winter Kitty, 50 Claws/SR
Kheldian Kitten, 40 Peacebringer
Psionic Fury, 38 Kin/Psi Defender

Leader of Citrus Grove, Infinity




Jezus. Can we have your stuff now?

Be excited about something for once. This is really nice. Very, very good changes and improvements, new zones, .... but no, *you* wanted something else.

make your own damn game. Then you'll be happy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey thats a pretty legitimate complaint though. Villains are RIGHT back with Arachnos. I can't wait till the RPers get ahold of this. Alot of em are gonna be pissed lol.

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Well, it'll be a bit easier to role play than Khelds. The fact is that if Villains were given an "outside-the-story-line" epic, the hero side RPers would be screaming that it's not fair. I like the fact that they didn't go the "easy" route and just give Villains Khelds, but they kept it "even" by giving both sides epics that are tied to the story-line of the game.

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Yeah, this is really quite difficult for them. Reskinned player Night Widows and Bane Spiders. Like we're not sick of dark evil shadowy eight legged mean spiders with webs of eight legged evil and shadowy dark evilness led by a demi-god named Lord Recluse.



This is really doom.



Like everything for the most part, but...

...not really feeling the VEAT's just yet. I can be convinced with time, though!



Sounds like I'm going to have to put my controller on the back burner for a while so I don't outlevel the Midnight Squad thing -- it would be perfect for her.

Repeatable missions in the Hollows? Between that and the sewer, I can see people just grinding up to 20. Sounds dull to me, but I know some people will appreciate it.

VEAT sounds great. Now to actually get a villain to 50 ...

Looking forward to seeing what sort of powersets have made the crossover, even though I really don't want to *have* to roll any more characters ... darn them for twisting my arm like this!

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Wow, that all looks sweet. I like the new click on names of chars in chat to do stuff and linking enhances in chat. All this looks awesome to me. Also the wife almost has her villain to lvl 50, so good for me hehe. Thanks devs and NC. Crab Spiders have always been my fav lookin Arachnos, now i can be one, sweet.



new temporary powers allow players to display enemy stats.

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SCORE! I wonder how well this will work in PvP! But seriously, major score.

Hell's Flare, 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Kid Powers, 50 Sonic/EM Blaster
Imprisoned Devil, 50 Spines/DA Scrapper
Winter Kitty, 50 Claws/SR
Kheldian Kitten, 40 Peacebringer
Psionic Fury, 38 Kin/Psi Defender

Leader of Citrus Grove, Infinity








*faints from sheer win*

But but what do I play first, heros, villains and most importantly, -where- do I play when so many of my server slots are full...

*collapses from indecision*

Invictus Est Level 50 Invul/Fire Tank
Malentis Level 50 Ice/Energy/Leviathan Dom (Freedom)
Black Jeremiah Level 50 Fire/Fire/Mu Dom
Sejanna Level 50 Dark/Dark/Elec Def (Virtue)
Arc #119664 - The MiniMech Cometh - Hess TF Mini-Sequel




Axe brutes! Plant controllers!


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/Storm Corruptors... done.

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noooooo /trick arrows pleeeeaaaaase

seriously, trick arrows. NOW



I just hope that the costume pieces that are available to the Villain Epic Archetypes are not only available to them, wthin reason. I have wanted that metallic-sheen costume style since before this game existed and I want it available for all characters. I would have no problem with the raised design being exclusive, but I hope most of it is not exclusive.

I like the Roman cape a lot, though.

Edit: And I hope they give us two more character slots on each server because of all the new options available in this Issue.

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |