Discussion: Issue 12: Midnight Hour Announced!




Two words...


(And I applaud the devs' sense of timing... laughing for my own reasons.)

I've been intrigued by the Midnight Squad storyline since I first came across it, and I can't wait to see what they do with it.

I wonder when this will come out... but what a nice early birthday present for me!


*toddles off to start imagining the I-12 trailer*

Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)




Yeah, this is really quite difficult for them. Reskinned player Night Widows and Bane Spiders. Like we're not sick of dark evil shadowy eight legged mean spiders with webs of eight legged evil and shadowy dark evilness led by a demi-god named Lord Recluse.

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Yeah man. What's up wit dat? They just right clicked a couple of things and BAM Issue 12. It was just that easy. Game developing is easy.

If I were you man, I'd totally quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? I don't have to play an archetype I think is boring, unoriginal and distasteful.

Just colour me confused about why, WHY they'd make this arachnos. They should've realised by now that tying our characters into Arachnos is just ... freakin' ... boring.

As for Kheldians, I've seen them RP'd as angels, as energy blasters, as essentially anything. They're not rehashed versions of Longbow though. They're a unique Archetype with a unique storyline.



This is really doom.



As mayor of Champions.... What happen to a ICE Brute? or Stalker with cold shileds and etc....maybe Fire/Stalker..... hmmm a Earth Dom... axe brute going be lame like a axe tanker......



HOLY CRAP this is a "SMALL" issue?

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



This is like the motherload issue! Holy crap!




I literally started crying when I read this I was so happy.

2 issues of pure awesome in a row.



As mayor of Champions.... What happen to a ICE Brute? or Stalker with cold shileds and etc....maybe Fire/Stalker..... hmmm a Earth Dom... axe brute going be lame like a axe tanker......

[/ QUOTE ]

Please, just go away.






/e passes out. Yay



*Spits hot coffee in bosse's face*
*Reaches for a napkin too wipe face......craps pants....gets two napkins*
*Has a small child, RL man*
*Realizes that Hades has frozen over*
*There is a higher power that shall not be named because it will be <bleep>*
*Looks out of window to make sure that the world is not coming to an end....would be my luck I12 is coming out and the world ends*
*Loose's job from incident mentioned earlier but does not matter.....MORE TIME TO PLAY WOOT WOOT*




Yeah, this is really quite difficult for them. Reskinned player Night Widows and Bane Spiders. Like we're not sick of dark evil shadowy eight legged mean spiders with webs of eight legged evil and shadowy dark evilness led by a demi-god named Lord Recluse.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah man. What's up wit dat? They just right clicked a couple of things and BAM Issue 12. It was just that easy. Game developing is easy.

If I were you man, I'd totally quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? I don't have to play an archetype I think is boring, unoriginal and distasteful.

Just colour me confused about why, WHY they'd make this arachnos. They should've realised by now that tying our characters into Arachnos is just ... freakin' ... boring.

As for Kheldians, I've seen them RP'd as angels, as energy blasters, as essentially anything. They're not rehashed versions of Longbow though. They're a unique Archetype with a unique storyline.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well no, you don't have to play it. But I wouldn't just toss it off as an "easy" thing to put together. Personally, I'm just happy it's not a squid or a lobster.



As mayor of Champions.... What happen to a ICE Brute? or Stalker with cold shileds and etc....maybe Fire/Stalker..... hmmm a Earth Dom... axe brute going be lame like a axe tanker......

[/ QUOTE ]

I totally forgot about Ice Armor Brutes and as someone mentioned up above, Illusion Doms. I hope those sets made it.



WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!! That's all I have to say about that!



TY Devs! Lyin' bastages! You said no VEATs! We luv you anyway!

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Anything for Defenders????



So, what happens when you level from 1 to 2? You have fewer insp slots than there are inspirations. Does it just fill them randomly until you're full, or do the drops have an order of precedence? It would be nice to get a giant wakie at level 2!



Clarification needed:
The clandestine organization of mystics, scholars and mages, known only as the Midnight Squad, seeks to rebuild its numbers since the devastating assault of the Rikti Invasion. The Midnighters hold a secret that could bring the alien assault to an end, but without the help of the Heroes of Paragon City™ it will remain Lost forever.

[/ QUOTE ]
Would this also be accessible to characters [u]over[u] level 20? Would this require flashing back to the content or does the content auto exempt or does it scale like the inventions tutorial?

Inquiring minds and all .

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



So, what happens when you level from 1 to 2? You have fewer insp slots than there are inspirations. Does it just fill them randomly until you're full, or do the drops have an order of precedence? It would be nice to get a giant wakie at level 2!

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No, it auto-hits you with them all at once, so you get awakened, broke free, full hp and end, and a buff to damage, accuracy, defense, and resistance. Ie, ALL the normal inspirations.

Gonna be sweet, especially during Sewer runs!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



As mayor of Champions.... What happen to a ICE Brute? or Stalker with cold shileds and etc....maybe Fire/Stalker..... hmmm a Earth Dom... axe brute going be lame like a axe tanker......

[/ QUOTE ]

lolz mayorz

moar caps in sig plz

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



I'm pretty sure when you hit the level you get a buff and likely the icons as if you had used those inspirations...and not in your tray.



* Inspiration Conversion: Right click an inspiration to convert three of that kind into any one inspiration of another kind.

I'm not a big fan of this in PvP. Inspirations are already imbalancing some ATs. Tier 1 are fine but figure out a what to limit this in Zones and Arenas.

Sadface for no mention of MM fixes.

Everything else looks great.



So, what happens when you level from 1 to 2? You have fewer insp slots than there are inspirations. Does it just fill them randomly until you're full, or do the drops have an order of precedence? It would be nice to get a giant wakie at level 2!

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never mind they're "cast" on you, not put in your tray.