Draft: PvP Community Wish List




<ul type="square">[*]PvP Tutorial/Training Wheels (e.g., an inventions style tutorial about using PvP features that concludes with the gift of PvP zone only temp power that lasts for an hour or so of in game time and offers bonuses like +per, +resist, temp sj, etc.)[*]PvP and PvE Builds[*]Make flight more viable in PvP[*]Lack of meaningful rewards for PvPing (better bounty rewards in Sirens is a common request)[*]Instanced PvP missions (such as hero vs. villain safeguard/mayhems)[*]More variety in Arena matches (king of the hill or capture the flag type games)[*]Add rewards for participating but losing in fights (e.g., .25 rep for getting killed as opposed to 1 for killing)[/list]



2 Selectable maps
1 Cross-server PvP
3 Hero-Villain Balance
7 Villain Lack of +per
4 Paid PvP Expansion
5 PvP and PvE Builds
6 Flight Not Viable
10 Instanced PvP Missions
9 Non-SG Arena Match Caps
8 Cage Issues



Updated Tally:

Item Number of Requests
Selectable maps 40
Hero-Villain Balance 34
Cross-server PvP 28
Paid PvP Expansion 23
OAS Timer Issues 22
No Meaningful Rewards 20
Observer Bot Issues 20
PvP and PvE Builds 19
Villain Lack of +per 19
Inspiration Tier 18
Instanced PvP Missions 18
Flight Not Viable 16
Non-SG Arena Match Caps 14
PvP Tutorial/Training Wheels 14
/pvpcount 10
Bounty System in All Zones 10
Fury Bug 10
Remove System Matches 9
Arena Organized Tournies 7
Placate Bug 5
Cage Issues 4
CoP and IoPs 4
Arena Level Issues 3
Sirens Bounty Bugs 3




For things like Cross-server PVP, listing this at this point where there is no technology to support

[/ QUOTE ]


Current tech can support this. Just create a second test server. This test server shares all the characters from the main test server (as well as sharing test server character wipes), but maintains the game version of the live servers. This test server is then understood to be mainly used for cross-server pvp (or even non-pvp) events.

It's obviously not perfect, but it's stuff that cryptic has previously shown they can support, and it's enough for the players to make due.



1. PvP Faction Balance
2. PvP expansion w/ auto leveling and only pvp
3. Map options



1. Cross-server PvP
2. Selectable maps
3. PvP and PvE Builds
4. /pvpcount
5. Paid PvP Expansion
6. Non-SG Arena Match Caps



1) Fix Fury.

2) Give Villains +Perception.

3) Accolades usable at all levels.

4) Toggle builds between PvE and PvP.

5) Allow Villain APP respec.

6) Open newbie friendly zone for new player learning.

7) Give us a PvP Dev contact.

8) Remove or change irresistible effects.

9) Fix or change Cage.

10) Make Fly a viable PvP travel power.

- [censored]! Too many problems and not enough to list. Guess these will have to do ....



Hero-Villain Balance
Selectable maps
Villain Lack of +per
PvP and PvE Builds
No Meaningful Rewards



These would be my vote in no particular order.

Selectable maps
Hero-Villain Balance
Cross-server PvP
Paid PvP Expansion
OAS Timer Issues
Observer Bot Issues
Villain Lack of +per
Inspiration Tier
Arena Organized Tournies



Selectable maps.
PVP missions
Villan lack of +per

On my wish list:
Cross server pvp

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



PvP and PvE Builds
Hero-Villain Balance
Paid PvP Expansion
Selectable maps
Cross-server PvP
OAS Timer Issues
Villain Lack of +per
Remove System Matches
Bounty System in All Zones



<ul type="square">[*]Balance Hero APPs and Villain PPPs[*]Villains need +Per pre-level 30[*]The 'Effect does not stack from same caster' mechanic needs to be enforced on *all* buffs, including Clear Mind, Clarity and Thaw[*]Any power that affects another character, friend or foe, should trigger movement and stealth suppression regardless of whether the effect damage, a debuff, a buff or a heal[*]Balance the travel powers; ie more counters to jump, less to fly[*]Add 50% unresistable debuffs to Corruptors and 30% unresistable damage to Brutes vs other players[*]Add competitive instanced PvP missions; Safeguard/Mayhem could be one style but doesn't necessarily have to be the only one[*]Add better rewards for Bounty (recipes and/or even temp powers) and give players a choice on what type of reward they get; ie Insps after 6k bounty[*]Add the bounty system to all the PvP zones. No reason why Siren's should be the only zone with a secondary 'mini game'.[*]Not that big of a deal for me, but add a -Teleport zone to the bases. We know you can do it since you did it in Pocket D and mission prison cells.[/list]

Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)



In no particular order, save for #1 - #3

1 : OAS Timer Issue
2 : Selectable Maps
3 : Paid PvP Expansion

Pi : Cross-server PvP
Chair : Inspiration Tier
Tree Bark : Observer bot issues
Gerbil : Non-SG Arena Match caps
Band-aid : PvP Tutorial
Fishing lure : Villain lack of +perception
Stripper pole : Hero-Villain balance



my top six:

1 - PvP and PvE Builds

2 - Hero-Villain Balance

3 - Selectable maps (including the ability to exclude maps and still have it be random)

4 - Cross-server PvP

5 - Inspiration Tier

6 - Instanced PvP Missions

other (smaller issues) on my list:

Observer Bot Issues
Villain Lack of +per
Flight Not Viable
Non-SG Arena Match Caps
PvP Tutorial/Training Wheels
Bounty System in All Zones
Fury Bug
Remove System Matches
Arena Organized Tournies
Placate Bug
Cage Issues
CoP and IoPs
Arena Level Issues
Sirens Bounty Bugs



Selectable maps
Hero-Villain Balance
Cross-server PvP
Paid PvP Expansion
OAS Timer Issues
PvP and PvE Builds
Flight Not Viable



Selectable maps
Cross-server PvP

These three have my vote.



Why isn't "Defense is useless" up there? I see exactly no mention of the single worst imbalance out of all the ATs/Powersets. Honestly, there is no way anyone can honestly say that ToHit vs Defense is balanced. Especially with the ridiculous amount of ToHit buffs players get (not even mentioning the ones NPCs get), there is NO reason for "Fix Defense/ToHit" not to be the number one priority.

This imbalance makes /Energy Aura, /Super Reflexes, /Ninjutsu, Ice/ (to a lesser extent, what with the insane amount of utility Ice gets), and any set relying on Defense virtually useless in PvP. Buildup, Aim, Rage, Focussed Accuracy, Geas of the Kind Ones, all of these completely negate Defense sets, and for a set like /Energy Aura, that relies completely on it's Defense (another problem entirely), it is virtually the same as the player becoming an AV for 10 seconds or more. The only way these sets survive are through their Tier9s, which double-stacked Rage (easily achievable), Buildup+AIm, or Geas can easily get through.

Fix Defense/ToHit first.



Hero-Villain Balance
Cross-server PvP
No Meaningful Rewards
Villain Lack of +per
Non-SG Arena Match Caps
Flight Not Viable
PvP Tutorial/Training Wheels
Bounty System in All Zones
Fury Bug



more cowbell.



My top issues, in no particular order:

a. Not being able to use accolades while exemping favors power gamers at the expense of casual players who got their accolades later. Let accolades be used in PvP zones regardless of what level they're earned at.

b. 7. The difficulty of leveling and equipping toons decreases the number of people who can get involved in competitive PvP. [s]Make a paid PvP expansion where you can auto level to 50 and get unlimited loot for a toon, but can only play in the arena and PvP zones.[/s] Rework the bounty system and bring it to each PvP zone so that players that PvP can expect to be able to equip themselves with SOs and basic invention enhancements through PvP. These enhancements would be flagged 'no trade/no sell' to avoid a market influx/crash.

c. A good PvP build can be very different from a good PvE build. Allow players to toggle between build so they can use the same toon to be good at both PvE and PvP.

d. Having no PvP contact on the dev team makes feedback unnecessarily tricky. Tell us who we can talk to and what they want to know.

e. There aren’t any meaningful rewards to encourage participation in PvP. Add zone rewards that are for PvPing, not for doing PvE activities in PvP zones.

f. When more than one team of heroes or villains is in the zone, they have no way to communicate and plan an assault without the opposing side hearing. Make request faction side only.

g. The lack of meaningful rewards discourages people from participating in zone PvP.

h. Add a 30 second period of being unable to attack enemies/be attacked, similar to the counter on you when you enter PvP zones. This is especially needed for Masterminds and classes that could use this time to buff their comrades.

i. Bring back CoP and IoPs.

j. Take away disincentives to base raiding, such as defending SG members not involved being in the raid being unable to use their base, and the potential of property destruction when scheduled raids do occur.

* I think a very good option for making a separate "PvP build" for a character would be having a secondary enhancement screen where only enhancements gained through Zone PvP can be used. Rare and Ultra-Rare invention set enhancements could be applied not to defeating players, as that could lead to exploits, but instead to difficult zone events. For example, say a Zone mission would be for Heroes to get together and take out an enemy outpost with a secondary mission to defeat the base's leader (who would retreat with guards) Villains would get the opposing mission to defend the base and submission to rescue the base leader. Secondary mission completion would give the side to complete it a chance for a drop. Completion of the objective would definitely give a drop. Zone missions should be designed to be completeable within a half-hour period, with a new mission occuring 5 minutes after the last was completed.

My biggest beef with PvP is that it completely destroys the immersion I enjoy when I play. A role-playing filter, able to be designed by the player and turned on and off at will would be ideal.

Example: I want to add '[censored]' and 'n00b' to the RPFilter. I would type, /rpfilter add [censored]; then /rpfilter add n00b. Then I would type, /rpfilter change [censored] silence; then /rpfilter change n00b worm. Next time someone told me "[censored] n00b" in the game while I had the rpfilter on I would hear "Silence worm!"



Selectable maps

Hero-Villain Balance

OAS Timer Issues

No Meaningful Rewards

Observer Bot Issues

PvP and PvE Builds

Inspiration Tier

Instanced PvP Missions

Non-SG Arena Match Caps

Arena Organized Tournies



You can add my name to the votes for:

Selectable maps
Lack of villain +perception
selectable inspiration tiers
No meaningful rewards
PvP count
Fury bug
Placate bug
Arena level issues
cage issues
PPP vs EPP balance
Bounty system in all zones



Example: I want to add '[censored]' and 'n00b' to the RPFilter. I would type, /rpfilter add [censored]; then /rpfilter add n00b. Then I would type, /rpfilter change [censored] silence; then /rpfilter change n00b worm. Next time someone told me "[censored] n00b" in the game while I had the rpfilter on I would hear "Silence worm!"

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be so damn cool. I could fix it so everyone actually talks as demonstrated in Gnome's awesome CoH PvPer cartoon.



This time the cut is 4 or more votes:

Item Number of Requests
Selectable maps 51
Hero-Villain Balance 45
Cross-server PvP 35
Paid PvP Expansion 29
Villain Lack of +per 28
No Meaningful Rewards 27
OAS Timer Issues 27
PvP and PvE Builds 27
Inspiration Tier 23
Observer Bot Issues 23
Instanced PvP Missions 22
Flight Not Viable 21
Non-SG Arena Match Caps 17
PvP Tutorial/Training Wheels 17
/pvpcount 14
Bounty System in All Zones 13
Fury Bug 13
Remove System Matches 10
Arena Organized Tournies 9
Cage Issues 6
Placate Bug 6
CoP and IoPs 5
Accolades while Exemping 4
Arena Level Issues 4
Dev Involvement 4



Has anyone mentioned anythng about having too much +acc/to-hit vs defense. Make defense not useless