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  1. I run a Fire/Fire Brute. Getting 41 kb can be a pain. Mine has 23. I get KB'd sometimes, but not enough that I want to use any more slots

    CJ - 4
    Plasma - 4
    Fire Sh - 4
    Temp Pr - 4
    Tough - 4 steadfast 3 Gladiator armor.

    I could work in another 4 in SJ, but I haven't gotten the money and that would bring me to 27 pts.

    If I got some great drops I could get 6 more points by putting gladiator armor in plasma/fire shield then I am up to 33pts.

    The cost to go from 23 to 33 point would be about 1.5 billion.

    So my 23 points is good enough.
  2. This is about the cooliest event I have seen. I think it is a great event idea. I think I have a villain with some money. I will try and make a donation.

  3. Blue_Justice

    It's here!!!

    I dislike the SK/LK feature. I hate the changes to AE. I like the color changes and animation changes. I like the difficulty slider. I like AT power proliferation. I am mostly postive. My main blaster now has his EM pom poms that match the color of his blasts. Forgot I dislike not being able to change the color of epic pools. So, my ice blaster will likely on get blue pom poms and the rest of the set colors will stay original to match the epic colors.

    Claw brutes will equal a new army of Wolverine clones. My claw brute is Mors Vulnus for the record.
  4. 375 mill will soon be over priced. Farmers have moved backed to the zones to farm and that mean purples will start entering the market in greater numbers. Good luck and sell quick.
  5. Blue_Justice

    Brute Template

    WP is a good set, however, in PVP Rise to the Challenge will be shut off each time you are held or stunned. PVP stuns and holds work differently, so it happens all of the time. Fire Armor is good, but its not the most durable. You will want load of global recharge to keep your heals up.
  6. Blue_Justice


    I would buy a rotary cell phone if they would let me.
  7. This seems like a broken idea from the start. It will be great for scrappers and tanks, but since villains have nothing comparable, seems unfair. I had hoped villains would get some sort of generic APP pool to open up their builds along the line of body mastery. So, villains have to take a mace power to get foc. accuracy which is dumb, do not get a conserve power which is dumb and no villain has access to phyical perfection. I was so hoping for some sort of improvement to villains. i16 has some great changes, but each issue that did not address the disparity of APP vs EPP and did not make the Shard a co-op zone has a good percentage of fail attached to it.
  8. Blue_Justice

    The Tally

    dm/Shield Brute 12-21
    fire/regen Scrapper 22-26
    bots/storm MM 8-12

    I raised about 25 mill with DC on the train on a couple of 50s

    Drops were very poor in my Blue opinion.
  9. Blue_Justice

    Thoughts of I15?

    i15 is meh. Nothing new really. I don't run a lot of Shard TFs, but simply making that a co-op zone would be a better expansion than bland 15. From this point forward it is b15.
  10. Your fan base is home with a day off. Okay not everyone, but a good porion and you bring the severs down. Sounds like customer service at it finest.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Why do you think that means its broken?

    Watch what happens. You placate a mob, but you're still taking AOE damage.. means you're exposed by the damage you're taking.

    But that individual mob is still ignoring you. You're not as hidden, they can still see you're there, but your power keeps them PLACATED.

    Seems to me to be working exactly as it should.
    What am I not seeing?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is the this idea of how placate should work or maybe theye read a post 10 years ago about a vague idea of a problem and people have been upset since. Placate is a tool. It is not 100% reliable. Sometimes you can't use it....oh my that is scarey. I have yet to worried, concerned, upset or even curious about the "bug" that most people complain about. Enjoy placate and enjoy your stalker.
  12. Blue_Justice

    Dear Devs,

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zone PvP is horrible.

    1. Why does Hibernate grey out when you use phase shift? With all the suppression these two powers help my corrup stay alive. Can't you attack a phase shifter person now? Maybe it's time to remove this change, hello??
    2. Why all this suppression? Why do you punish builds that heal/buff?? Do you punish a blaster for using his main attack too much in a certain time period? Maybe drop the damage a bit after each use?
    3, How about creating a zone without all these goofy changes and allow some strategy back in pvp??

    I've been pvping since it came out on test & I find myself confused on why I'm leveling up any toons for zone pvp. It's really not worth it, is it?

    BTW...Rogue Expansion is um a bit late. This expansion should've been in place way before COV came out. Why would I want to take a hero & make him into a villain when I already have villains or vice versa?

    Is Bizarro leading your team of misfits or something??


    [/ QUOTE ]

    GLHF in with PVE or your next game.
  13. Why would you skip Eagle Claw on MA? EC, Storm, CK, CAK or something like that?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    If you can slot it, then yes, it will affect your opponents, and have a chance to damage them every now and then. It's not really a noticeable amount (I have it slotted in Invincibility), but it's fun to see it go off now and then.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have it in Invinciblity also, should work the same. Its a hoot to stand in low level mobs and watch them die, just because I am awesome!
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Well it really doesn't serve much purpose. It's not that I 'dont want to be hated'. I just don't need the headaches it brings with it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was entertaining though. WB.

    Good luck on an all Stalker VG, they are universally picked last for teams and task forces etc. I did PL 15 people at a time on my stalker though, that was a hoot.

    Hope you wife gets well soon.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    PvP in I-12 was more balanced then it is now,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks for the laugh
  17. Blue_Justice


    [ QUOTE ]
    I was in SC (freedom) on my stalker the day before yesterday and a VG with about 10 corrupters named REPLICATION popped up in the usual fite klub location and began to gank any hero that crossed their path. Was pretty funny seeing a bunch of clones swarm a hero and wipe them out in a barrage of ranged attacks and debuffs.

    It looked so fun I had to switch over to my tank and see how it did. Within a few minutes of swapping sides the replicants were laid to rest rather quickly. They kept trying to regroup and counter attack but were wiped out every time until they finally left the zone.

    Never seen or heard of them before but I have to admit, it was a pretty cool idea. Was that some type of new PvP VG?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was in a VG on Victory and all the toons looked alike the costume creator instructions were on the VG website and I fort the name, but something like illi1 name illil1

    As you know the i,l and 1 look nearly the same in a toon name. So, it was great fun to see a swarm of clones ganking people.

    Oh a rival VG had the illi name thing and their names were Butterface. Very fun.
  18. Blue_Justice

    500 Badges

    Yesterday Blue Justice hit 500 badges. Maybe that isn't a big deal to some folks, but it has been a lot of work and I don't really badge that much. I finally broke down and started on some Flashback badges. They are as terrible as I imagined.

    As the kids never say anywhere "Badging Ain't Easy".
  19. Blue_Justice

    a new joke....

    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't care if people do it, but it's always puzzled me. I don't find it the least bit fun. But then, I'm not an "Achiever" type. I like my characters to "live and grow" and get attached to them. I don't want an avatar of a bunch of numbers. Very dull to me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can't speak for anyone else, but the toons I PL are ones for PVP. I have tons that never get PL'd and just PVE. Oh, I did PL kins on both blue and red side to farm with.
  20. This thread is interesting. I would suggest a thread where you recommend arcs. No judements, no hurt feeling, just fun arcs you want to share and give some praise to the publisher.
  21. Blue_Justice

    a new joke....

    It not a big secret how people PL in MA so quickly. Farming groups and people who just want to level fast use farms that spawn only Bosses. A team of 8 vs a map of lvl 52 to lvl 54 bosses is quick xp. The joke of MA is the lack of normal drops of salvage and recipes will impact the Market. Players running normal missions with common salvage and drops will soon be kings of the market.
  22. Votes
    Hero-Villain Balance
    Cross-server PvP
    No Meaningful Rewards
    Villain Lack of +per
    Non-SG Arena Match Caps
    Flight Not Viable
    PvP Tutorial/Training Wheels
    Bounty System in All Zones
    Fury Bug
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Can I be the offical waterboy of Victory Reborn.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What are your qualifications? Past experiences?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All I can say is I know high quality h2o when I taste it.

    Hiya Putz. Was only away for a month, but seemed longer.
  24. Can I be the offical waterboy of Victory Reborn.