Back from the Dead




I'm building an all-stalker Villain Group. PST to my global chat @Inviegle if you are interested.

Let the flames begin.




WB, Hotbox! Can we expect more ex-BLCers to return?

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Unlikely. My wife became critically ill some months ago and I had to take care of her and so others took up the mantle of the Clan on other games. Her health still is an issue, so I can't be on all the time like before. I decided to have some fun and slowly build here, at least until KOTOR comes out, since this game is mostly PVE and they are heavy PVPr's. Hopefully she will be fully recovered by the time KOTOR comes out so I can split time between there and here. If not, my old buddy Torx will do the KOTOR thing.



BTW Im looking for alliances. The Lair of the Lotus apprently was destroyed in the last 2 years I've been gone and the old SG disbanded , although it still appears on the rolls.



Ha, wow, welcome back. Condolences on the situation; that's something you hope to never have to deal with.

TOR is extremely interesting to me too. I absolutely loved the two games and I really like the era, so it should be interesting. I will probably play it at least for a bit at launch, see how I like it.

I'm just a holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

Thessalia, by Darkchildx2k



Welcome back!

And repeating: [ QUOTE ]
Condolences on the situation; that's something you hope to never have to deal with.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not sure what coalitions are out there. You could trying joining the global channels Victory Forum (PM a mod to be unsilenced after joining), Victory Badges (if any room), or Victory Badges 2009. They are pretty active and you may get some more information.



TY, I generated a LOT of hate and controversy the last time I played, trying to RP a villain. I hope to avoid that this time.



I certainly hope that the health issues with your wife work out, HB...

No idea on the alliance situation with villains. It seems that there has been a drop off in PvP, but there are still some folks out there. I ain't one of them, but they are out there.

"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm



TY, I generated a LOT of hate and controversy the last time I played, trying to RP a villain. I hope to avoid that this time.

[/ QUOTE ]




Back in the day, we were a large PVP oriented guild that came to came when COV was first released. Upon arriving we declared ourselves to be the preeminant villain SG- and then went out of way to prove it through any means possible including forum warrioring. In 6 short weeks we had amassed as much infamy points as some of the top SG's and at one point we actually grabbed 1st place.
It was ugly to say the least.
It didn't help that we would do things like create alts that looked like robots and marched them across PVP maps saying they were bombs headed for Atlas City and dared heroes to stop us. We did things like that, at which point we entered EVERY chat channel on the server at the SAME time using our different toons and announced our 'evil plot to destroy Atlas City' ala Lex Luthor style. We thought it cool- apparently the heroes took it personlly, Satanic Hamster hating us the most, banning us from chat channels etc.
Our base was HUGE- since we constantly created alts and levelled them up to powergrind the base. I'll see if I have screenies anywhere.
What made it worse, is we had a strict ethical guideline- we were villains only in our SG, no hero alts, and a VERY tight security system. It added fuel to the fire. We tried EVERY way possible to make things dificult for heroes, even loading in our capped alts to low level PVP areas and locking down their spawn in point.
Eventually, we left the game, when COH/COV devs could not put into place a viable PVP base attack scenario the way they originally intended- we were licking our chops at that one let me tell you.
Anyway, it doesn't seem like many of the old crowd from 24-36 months ago is left here so I'd like to make a new start with the server.



Heres a screenie of the #1 ranking in all of villaindom....
We were pretty proud of it. The game was so new at the time, that checking the stats on the villain side was bugged, so I had to create an alt to verify it. The number one hero listing there was an exploit at the time. The one above us was legit.



Oh, a lot of us are still here. We just watch and wait for the most part though.



Oh, a lot of us are still here. We just watch and wait for the most part though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, except for Hamster... on the forums at least.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Mod8 tries to hurt me if I say anything about the fuzzy one.




There were... hate posts because you posted about being the number one group? Yeesh, some people are a bit competitive. And I always play to win, too... I just don't get all angsty if I lose.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



...don't judge unless you were there. It was during that period of time that Victory became the most heavily moderated server forum because of all of the fighting.

It was bad. Really really bad. I mean, you know me, right? Probably one of the nicest people on here? of those in the VG being discussed told me I would be the most horrible mother on the face of the earth and felt sorry for my (then unborn) child because of this and that and the other thing...needless to say I blew the [censored] up and gave him more than a piece of my mind, and a bunch of Victorians jumped in and helped me out.

There were also blatant attacks on other forum regulars (Londerwost comes to mind the fastest) as well, so wasn't a happy time for any of us, and we were more than happy to see them go.



Yah it was ugly all right. We cetrainly encouraged that sort of behavior, thats for sure. In fact, I can't seem to find any of the old threads.
I dunno, most of us enjoyed it all, being villains and what not. That was the idea. I supoose I"m mellowing in my old age.




There were... hate posts because you posted about being the number one group? Yeesh, some people are a bit competitive. And I always play to win, too... I just don't get all angsty if I lose.

[/ QUOTE ]

It wasn't just 'we are better'. We posted that, AND we posted about all the heroes being losers etc etc etc, in an effort to filll the PVP zones and make ourselves famous. When it got personal, I started backing off,but by then we were moving on since the devs never delivered on the base raid thing the way it was originally intended.



TY, I generated a LOT of hate and controversy the last time I played, trying to RP a villain. I hope to avoid that this time.

[/ QUOTE ]

This sentence is in direct conflict with itself... at least on the Victory forums.

I thought your villain raid RP for the PVP zone was kinda cool but IIRC it was announced on short notice. Welcome back and sorry about your wife. I know I would drop this game (or any/all games) like a bad habit if something happened to anachrodragon. That's called true love right there.



Back in the day, we were a large PVP oriented guild that came to came when COV was first released. Upon arriving we declared ourselves to be the preeminant villain SG- and then went out of way to prove it through any means possible including forum warrioring. In 6 short weeks we had amassed as much infamy points as some of the top SG's and at one point we actually grabbed 1st place.
It was ugly to say the least.
It didn't help that we would do things like create alts that looked like robots and marched them across PVP maps saying they were bombs headed for Atlas City and dared heroes to stop us. We did things like that, at which point we entered EVERY chat channel on the server at the SAME time using our different toons and announced our 'evil plot to destroy Atlas City' ala Lex Luthor style. We thought it cool- apparently the heroes took it personlly, Satanic Hamster hating us the most, banning us from chat channels etc.
Our base was HUGE- since we constantly created alts and levelled them up to powergrind the base. I'll see if I have screenies anywhere.
What made it worse, is we had a strict ethical guideline- we were villains only in our SG, no hero alts, and a VERY tight security system. It added fuel to the fire. We tried EVERY way possible to make things dificult for heroes, even loading in our capped alts to low level PVP areas and locking down their spawn in point.
Eventually, we left the game, when COH/COV devs could not put into place a viable PVP base attack scenario the way they originally intended- we were licking our chops at that one let me tell you.
Anyway, it doesn't seem like many of the old crowd from 24-36 months ago is left here so I'd like to make a new start with the server.

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I didn't mean why were you hated. I mean why do you not want to be hated this time around.



Well it really doesn't serve much purpose. It's not that I 'dont want to be hated'. I just don't need the headaches it brings with it.



Well it really doesn't serve much purpose. It's not that I 'dont want to be hated'. I just don't need the headaches it brings with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was entertaining though. WB.

Good luck on an all Stalker VG, they are universally picked last for teams and task forces etc. I did PL 15 people at a time on my stalker though, that was a hoot.

Hope you wife gets well soon.



She is doing better and on the road to recovery. I understand the PVE problems with stalkers- they existed even way back when.
However, I have my reasons for an all stalker SG. If anyone is looking for a fresh start in one look me up



Back in the day, we were a large PVP oriented guild that came to came when COV was first released. Upon arriving we declared ourselves to be the preeminant villain SG- and then went out of way to prove it through any means possible including forum warrioring.

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By that logic, Jack Emmert did more PvP than your group.
