Back from the Dead





Ah, this makes sense, then. I can see how acting like a villain on the forums would not be well received. I think people take on personas of a sort as the write and post, but completely roleplaying a villain here would be... ouch. Though I think the Victory forum used to be a bit more touchy/difficult than it is nowadays.

Does the anti-Stalker feeling still exist THAT much? I thought their changes helped out with that attitude (I know having four stalkers on the Tarikoss SF this last weekend was nice for dropping difficult bosses). The prevalent attitude on the Stalker forums is that Stalkers should Scrap as much as possible (rather than be annoying and only use Assassin's Strike), which is useful on any team.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Wow, looking at this screeny brings back memories. I was in Infinity Inc before they disbanded and we created "Chaos Angels". WOW!!!! It has been a long time since i have seen that SG name.

@The REAL Chop

My teachers always told me to follow my dreams. To bad they are all Nightmares.



OH man Hotbox, holy crap, dude.
Anecdote: A friend of mine was running an exalted game where my roommate and I were slaves on a ship, but refusing to work and mouthing off to the guards, so he put us in the "hot box" and it made me think of you.

Cat Bot v 1.36 : NRG/elec Blaster : Level 50
"I thought so." - Hank_Rearden



TY, I generated a LOT of hate and controversy the last time I played, trying to RP a villain. I hope to avoid that this time.

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I thought your villain raid RP for the PVP zone was kinda cool but IIRC it was announced on short notice.

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Adrian Veidt: Do it? Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.




Ah, this makes sense, then. I can see how acting like a villain on the forums would not be well received. I think people take on personas of a sort as the write and post, but completely roleplaying a villain here would be... ouch. Though I think the Victory forum used to be a bit more touchy/difficult than it is nowadays.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, in some ways its still the same. Satanic Hamster kicked me from the Victory Forums the other day for no other reason than a 4 year old grudge.



wb! hotbox

global id @Panzer



WB Hotbox. For a long time Probie and I kept the BLC base up and running, paid the rent and used it pretty much just for storage. Both of us left the game a while back so I really don't know what happened to the BLC base but it might still be out there...Inhoi (spelling) the fire/stone brute stuck around for awhile, then ended up on freedum. I don't remember what happened to any one else.

Funny thing checking the forums on whim, and seeing this post. I Hope everyone is doing well on Victory. What's up Blue, been a while. Take care all,




Actually I might file a ticket on this . All my toons got booted from the old SG and now I can't access the base. The registrar says the SG DOES still exist, so the base must too. I'd really like to have it back.



If the SG does exist, then at least one person must be in it. The trick will be finding that person.

"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm



Actually I might file a ticket on this . All my toons got booted from the old SG and now I can't access the base. The registrar says the SG DOES still exist, so the base must too. I'd really like to have it back.

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If that doesn't work, keep in mind they completely changed how bases are decorated and paid for. Larger plots are cheaper and storage is a little different, stacking/floating is WAY easy now. You might want to completely overhaul the base anyway so why not start from scratch?



Actually I might file a ticket on this . All my toons got booted from the old SG and now I can't access the base. The registrar says the SG DOES still exist, so the base must too. I'd really like to have it back.

[/ QUOTE ]

If that doesn't work, keep in mind they completely changed how bases are decorated and paid for. Larger plots are cheaper and storage is a little different, stacking/floating is WAY easy now. You might want to completely overhaul the base anyway so why not start from scratch?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well the problem is that none of my toons are in the SG anymore, and anyone that IS in it , is long gone. I have already begun to rebuild from scratch as it were.

BTW, I'd like to get my other toons into the SG, if anyone would like to join me and invite my toons in, and then jump out I would be greatly appreciate it.

Contact me via PM in here.



TY Minotaur for helping me move toward restoring my old base.