Draft: PvP Community Wish List





A few of us have been working on a list of PvP bugs and wishes that we’d like to see fixed, similar to the Official Base Wish List the Base Community made a while ago. We’re hoping maybe (just maybe), with the upcoming NCSoft reinvestment in CoH, we might be able to get some movement on a few of the things listed here.

We drew heavily from the requests in Jasmine’s thread, our own experiences in PvP, and memories of all the PvP Bug lists Manchuwook used to work on so tirelessly. But there are probably things we’ve left out. If you have any bugs or remember any particularly popular requests we miss, post them here and we’ll do our best to edit them into the list. One thing we tried to do was stick to things that are relatively well agreed upon. We don’t want ideas that a good portion of the community would disagree with (nerf tk to think of just one that recently made the boards). By that note, if there’s something on the list you disagree with or think should be edited, do post.

One thing we want to do is create a top ten list of things we’d most like to see fixed or added. That way we can still have an inclusive list, but still prioritize the things that matter most. Select a few things that matter most to you and post them.

The current numbers are temporary and meaningless. Use them for referencing, we’ll get rid of them in the final copy.

Jimmay, Jasmine, Kitten, Excentric, Pants_stealer, abnormal_joe, Thorizdin, TonyV, Neutra, Kitsune9tails, SGAlliance, Bionic_Flea , Azhriaz, Ineffable_bob and others all put a lot into making this and deserve much of the credit.

With no further ado, the list:

[u]Overall Design, Balance, and Power Issues[u]

It’s a Bug! Kill it!!!

1. Placate is bugged and occasionally won’t work.

2. Fury does not build as intended.

3. Combat logs are incomplete and a substantial percentage of incoming damage doesn't show up.

4. Defeat list only shows people who've defeated you, not those you have defeated.

Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference

1. Fly is not a viable PvP travel power. Add protection to –fly, possibly to an underused buff such as O2 boost, antidote, or one of the ST FF bubbles.

2. Cage is overpowered since it has no workable counters. Add cage resistance (i.e., a decrease in duration caged) to one or more ally buffs.

3. Villains have no access to ally grantable +perception in Sirens. Either switch the order of sonic repulsion and clarity or add it to thaw or the ice shields.

4. Not being able to use accolades while exemping favors power gamers at the expense of casual players who got their accolades later. Let accolades be used in PvP zones regardless of what level they're earned at.

Some Bigger Changes

1. Hero and villain combat is not balanced, especially in the 40+ game. The most popular suggestion is to open up a set of APP for villains and allow them to respec out of their patron pools to get those.

2. Many people feel that the balance of irresistible effects in PvP needs to be reconsidered. Changing irresistible effects might be another way of balancing heroes and villains.

3. Brutes, tanks, and scrappers are entirely absent from high end team PvP. Consider adding resistance or protection to Cage to some of the sets that aren’t as good in PvP (invuln, stone, ea) and make taunt less easy to shake.

4. There aren’t any meaningful rewards to encourage participation in PvP. Add zone rewards that are for PvPing, not for doing PvE activities in PvP zones.

5. The current rep and bounty system doesn’t reward new and learning players. Look at changing the reward system we already have to one where you gain just for participating but still gain more for winning.

6. PvP is confusing to newcomers. Add a tutorial that explains some basic PvP tactics and introduces people to zones, arenas, base raids and their respective mini-games.

7. The difficulty of leveling and equipping toons decreases the number of people who can get involved in competitive PvP. Make a paid PvP expansion where you can auto level to 50 and get unlimited loot for a toon, but can only play in the arena and PvP zones.

8. There are no true instanced PvP missions. A popular suggestion is Hero vs. Villain in PvP enabled Safeguard/Mayhem.

9. Having no PvP contact on the dev team makes feedback unnecessarily tricky. Tell us who we can talk to and what they want to know.

10. New PvPers feel overwhelmed as they try to get the hang of things. Consider adding a newbie friendly zone with debuffed damage, debuffed movement, and buffed resistance so players can learn basic mechanics at a slower pace.

11. A good PvP build can be very different from a good PvE build. Allow players to toggle between build so they can use the same toon to be good at both PvE and PvP.


It’s a Bug! Kill it!!!

1. There are places in the Perez Park map where you can get behind the trees. -1748.4, -26.8, 2305.0; and -2056.6, -22.8, 2429.1. Fix them please.

2. There are holes in the Eden map where you can fall and end up in total darkness at 1 HP. We need the /loc of these map holes. Please close them up.

3. If you quit out of an arena match early, you’ll occasionally be bugged and unable to relist matches for a while. When you click Create an Event the UI will flash to a screen with the old event set up and you’ll get an error message saying failed to add the event. You’re able to join events listed by others, but you’ll first get a message saying you’ll need to drop the previous event you were in.

4. The only affecting self timer is unreliable. Testing had it varying between 3 and 17 seconds: a world of difference in an arena match. Please normalize the timer.

5. You are often able to hold, stun and damage players who are only affecting self. See this video for a demonstration.

6. You can enter 1v1s while teamed, allowing dominators to build domination at a faster than intended rate.

7. You can use telekinesis (TK) to get people stuck in the lights in the monkey cage in such a way that you can turn off TK, keep them stuck, and they won’t be able to use /stuck to escape. The four lights used for this trick are at -222.9, 4.1, -1358.0; -222.0, 4.1, -1297.1; -161.1, 4.1, -1298.0; and -161.1, 4.1, -1357.7.

8. A player can zone into an arena match dead and his teammates may stack veng off the body by putting it on auto and selecting the fallen teammate.

9. Occasionally some players will be able to move and use toggles and buffs before the timer at the beginning of the match is over.

10. People who lag when entering arena matches will sometimes have a different time in their navigation screen than the actual match timer.

11. A confused player who kills his own teammate receives a point for the kill.

12. The teleport to arena after an ai often does not work.

13. The Arena has badges for the championship of each weight class. They don't work.

14. The temporary teleport does not work correctly when the tper is being tk’d. Using it creates a split between what’s happening on the would-be tpers screen and what’s actually happening in game.

15. The timer on the navigation (nav) screen does not show up in 30 minute matches.

16. Observers will only sometimes be able to see the match timer.

Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference

1. Observers have trouble following the action in PvP matches. Greatly increase the flight speed of the arena bots. Consider adding an option to grant them +perception.

2. People often have to reset matches multiple times to get an acceptable map. Add selectable maps, as well as the ability to eliminate maps from the selection while still having a random pick.

3. There’s no way of policing the tier of inspiration used even though tier 1s are the only thing sold at the arena store. Add an option to limit the tier of inspirations used.

4. Some people feel there aren’t enough options for match length. Add 5, 15 and 25 minute matches as an option.

5. Since team size on non-SG matches caps at 8 people, new people who want to play are often shut out of matches. Allow non-SG matches to be greater than 8v8.

6. Some people do not like the current system of arena temps. Add an option to disable arena temps. Consider adding an option to permit all temp powers, including ones from outside the arena.

7. The buggy system generated matches are confusing and no one uses them. Remove them from the terminal.

8. The arena system can be confusing to first time users. Add copies of the NPCs that explain the arena found in Pocket D to the other arenas.

9. Arena terminals in St. Martial and Pocket D aren’t appropriately marked on the zone maps. Add the A that marks them in other zones.

10. Many people dislike that deaths aren’t shown on the scoreboard. List deaths and kills for all matches, as it’s shown in base raids.

11.People who put a lot into PvP feel under recognized, and information can be hard to get in game and on the main CoH site. List the PvP SG/VG and Individual Ladder Rankings on the main CoH/CoV site and to the Kiosk Stats.

12. Current level ranges are clunky, and put lower level players at a disadvantage. Allow players to set matches to a specific level and allow players to get auto sk’d to that level as well as auto expemlared.

Some Bigger Changes

1. Very few people use the arena on live because of the lack of competition there, while test server arena is filled with people. Allow the arena to be cross-server.

2. There are no options in arena matches that aren’t just “kill the most people on the other team.” Add objective based instanced PvP like capture the flag and king of the hill.

3. Popular events like lethal lotteries and kickball are hard to organize using the current arena UI. Make mechanics to auto run some of the more popular styles.

4. The lack of genuine rewards or incentives for players and SGs to participate in the arena keeps many people away. Add some.

5. Observer bots can have a tough time figuring out who’s winning and who’s on what team. Create a way for observer bots to distinguish between the two teams or add an ongoing scoreboard.

6. People starting out have a tough time figuring out what goes into winning an arena match. Create an option to allow direct observation, where instead of an observer drone you are in looking at what exactly the person in the match sees. To explain, I'm Player A fighting Player B. Someone joins the match as an observer and can see my UI, my power trays, HP, and inspirations. With a click of a button, they would switch to Player B's UI, power trays, HP, and inspirations. This must be able to be turned off.


It’s a Bug! Kill it!!!

1. When first zoning in to Sirens, your initial bounty won’t show up with a dot on the map. When your bounty switches (either because the player’s been killed or left the zone), the tracking dot will then show up.

2. If you are killed, you’ll sometimes get a bounty dot on the map where you died. This can lead to having multiple dots on the map and being unable to distinguish your true bounty.

3. Heroes can hop into the villain base in sirens and camp out there. The camp location is -1201.3 -152.0 1795.5. You can also use /stuck in another location to get inside the base. (Not posting the /loc on that because it’s a little too exploit to post on the boards.)

4. PVP door missions are bugged. Players zoning into the mission can be jumped by a large spawn and some jail cells are doorless.

Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference

1. Allow players to choose between Tier2 inspirations and SOs if they have over 6000 bounty.

2. Add more/better rewards to the bounty options in Sirens.

3. Add the bounty system to the other zones.

4. It’s annoying to have to trudge through multiple zones to find out where the greatest amount of PvP is happening. Add a /pvpcount or other slash command that would give a count of heroes and villains in the various pvp zones. If possible include people on /hide in the count.

5. There’s no open zone where heroes and villains are able to team. Allow heroes and villains to team in Warburg.

6. The lethality of NPCs in the PvP zones means dealing with debt is a penalty of PvPing while on your way to 50. Decrease the number or level of NPCs in the zone.

7. People often want to 1v1 in the zones but have no way of doing so without getting interrupted. Add arena terminals to hero and villain bases.

8. When more than one team of heroes or villains is in the zone, they have no way to communicate and plan an assault without the opposing side hearing. Make request faction side only.

9. A player can do most of the damage to another player and still get no reward if an off team player kill steals him. Award partial credit for Bounty based on damage, as is done for XP when 2 different unteamed players defeat a mob on the street.

10. Many new players go into zones solo and are surprised they end up facing multiple teamed opponents. Rewrite zone entry warning messages to emphasize that the situation calls for teams and entering solo is both not smart and at your own risk.

11. Many feel the reputation cap is unnecessarily low. Remove or raise it.

12. Remove upper level limit on zone door missions. Currently high-level players are not permitted to play the minigame of buffing/debuffing allies/enemies but they're still allowed to be affected by it.

13. Improve buff/debuff mission info. Currently mission holders don’t see the percentage of the buff/debuff, only people outside in the zone do.

Some Bigger Changes

1. The lack of meaningful rewards discourages people from participating in zone PvP.

2. The bases are vulnerable in Bloody Bay, Sirens, and Warburg. Look into better protecting the hero and villain bases either by a portal system (such as in RV) or by adding a TP resistant field in the hospital.

3. Most PvP missions require you to enter an instanced map, which means you can’t participate in the zone’s PvP. Add repeatable in zone missions (i.e., missions that let you stay in the zone and not enter an instanced map).

4. Except for Sirens, the zone goals and mini games that aren’t very integrated and don’t encourage fighting other players.

5. While we know it might be impossible until a server-less configuration, cross-server zones are very, very high on player wish lists.

[u] Base Raids[u]
Base raid issues are well covered here, so we’ll keep requests from our side to a minimum.

It’s a Bug! Kill it!!!

1. You’re able to tp opposing players into prison cells made of decorative items from which they can’t escape.

2. “Field” items don’t always work in base raids.

Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference

1. Add a 30 second period of being unable to attack enemies/be attacked, similar to the counter on you when you enter PvP zones.

2. Raid set up is very confusing. Add a section on base raids to the in game Help, or create a base raid Tutorial.

3. Allow for raids to be set to 30 minutes instead of an hour.

Some Bigger Changes

1. Bring back CoP and IoPs.

2. Take away disincentives to base raiding, such as defending SG members not involved being in the raid being unable to use their base, and the potential of property destruction when scheduled raids do occur.

3. Create more reasons for SGs to engage in base raids



Damn Putz...very nice work. Everything you said seemed solid to me, and the idea of a PvP Tutorial is something Id never thought of



/signed to all

can only imagine someone to actually buff on meh thermal. :P



Great list. I don't see anything there to really disagree with.



Thank you very much for putting all the hard work and time into making this.

You diserve my
(to all)



Gold star.

Great list.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



This is one of the better pleas I have seen in a very long time. Thank you for the write up.

One teensy thing worth mentioning would be 1 additional zone for the 50s. An FFA 40-50 zone. I recommend a portion of the Shadow Shard with a bit more ground and access to the Prison section.

+Perception on the rocket bots in arena would make life a bit more annoying for the folks who depend on stealth (Read: Ill/* and Stalkers) and would be a terrible crime to have someone both in Ventilo/TeamSpeak and on a bot reporting locations. However, a boost to movement I would have less doubts about.

Also, in Power Issues, bullet #4, this will also cover the Fear/Confuse hole that exists with Thaw and other Mag Protection/Resistance powers for Villains.

For many defense-based sets, the proliferation of +ToHit availability on one side more than the other, in addition to unresistables, makes them very binary and -- in a few cases -- distasteful to play. Arcanaville (or was it Pax_Arcana?) had an interesting recommendation for fixing Defense posted around here somewhere.

All-in-all, My name is Manchuwook, and I approve of this message. I find your ideas intriguing and would like to purchase a subscription to your newsletter.



1. Placate is bugged and occasionally won’t work.

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To elaborate, Placate doesn't work when the target has a pre-existing status effect in place from the Placate caster.

You may want to add the TK falling bug that prevents people from even being able to use inspirations.

Also, the TK bug that causes the client of the person being TK'd to think they are farther away from the TK'er than they really are, or that they are behind an object when they really aren't. This causes the person being TK'd to get "Out of range" or "Target obstructed" messages, which allows the TK'er to attack without retribution.

7. The difficulty of leveling and equipping toons decreases the number of people who can get involved in competitive PvP. Make a paid PvP expansion where you can auto level to 50 and get unlimited loot for a toon, but can only play in the arena and PvP zones.

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Can we move this to number 1 please?



Edited in some typos and two bugs that I missed (missing incoming damage and people from defeat list).

Some small changes were made to the contributors. I stupidly left Neutra out even though she helped bunches and bunches (sorry and thanks!). I also removed MadScientist at his request. Although I thought he was very helpful in many regards, he believes the list is too editorialized because I didn't include requests to slow down the pace of PvP both via movement and damage and healing, or include his suggestion that teleports 3 second hover period be removed in PvP. Apologies for erroneously including his name, but thanks to him nonetheless for all his help. His style and formatting advice was invaluable, even if he hates me and the list with a bloody passion.

Since y'all are in fact the PvP community, if you think I should add those changes, let me know. One current suggestion on the table worth discussing is taking out the resistance to cage recommendations and adding in tohit vs. defense recommendations. I think enough people would be strongly enough against buffing rads and ice tanks via nerfing to hit that there's not a consensus on the issue, but if I'm wrong and there is, let me know. It feels to me that complaints about villains not having enough tohit are probably most popular than a recommendation to nerf all tohit.

Let me know.



1. Placate is bugged and occasionally won’t work.

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To elaborate, Placate doesn't work when the target has a pre-existing status effect in place from the Placate caster.

You may want to add the TK falling bug that prevents people from even being able to use inspirations.

Also, the TK bug that causes the client of the person being TK'd to think they are farther away from the TK'er than they really are, or that they are behind an object when they really aren't. This causes the person being TK'd to get "Out of range" or "Target obstructed" messages, which allows the TK'er to attack without retribution.

7. The difficulty of leveling and equipping toons decreases the number of people who can get involved in competitive PvP. Make a paid PvP expansion where you can auto level to 50 and get unlimited loot for a toon, but can only play in the arena and PvP zones.

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Can we move this to number 1 please?

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Thanks. As I don't have a stalker higher than level 4, I wasn't exactly sure how the placate bug worked. Next draft will have clearer language on that.

Totally blanked on TK falling bug, I'll add that.

TK tp/split world bug is under arena bugs #14.

The numbers are just for easy reference right now. We'll edit them out in the final copy.

Should I could auto 50s having your vote for belonging on the top ten list?



Placate is bugged and occasionally won’t work.

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Placate is insanely overpowered and is an instant escape in small fights. It needs to be resistable or more resistable (not sure if you can). Maybe require a to-hit. Though most Stalkers don't need it especially.

Villains have no access to ally grantable +perception in Sirens.

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At the low level zones, no heroes are going to be able to see stealth-based toons (Stalkers) regardless of what they have. Which leads to lots of boring non-chases and "herding" of heroes for protection. I have a high level stalker myself, but it shouldn't be so amazingly easy to either a) be hidden forever OR b) kill and run/hide. Even in a medium group of heroes most stalkers can kill and escape if they are half-decent.

Not being able to use accolades while exemping favors power gamers at the expense of casual players who got their accolades later. Let accolades be used in PvP zones regardless of what level they're earned at.

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I say put a level on Accolades just like they were powers. You can't use lvl 32 powers in Bloody Bay or Siren's (without popping it beforehand), why can you use an Accolade that does almost exactly the same thing? Also, you're assuming that people who play BB or Siren's are in there with lvl 50 characters when the zone is capped much earlier. You would still be rewarding power gamers by allowing them to use Accolades since the lower level characters likely won't have them, even if they are at max level of the zone. But barring that, I support having anyone use them at any time.

1. Hero and villain combat is not balanced, especially in the 40+ game.

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Well, it's not balanced 30- either, but it goes the other way.

3. Brutes, tanks, and scrappers are entirely absent from high end team PvP.

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Again, these ATs dominate ('cept tankers) in BB and Sirens and do well in Warburg. Along with Stalkers. It is the other ATs that suffer. If they store any statistics on kill:death ratio, I'm sure it would be something like:

*********huge gap
*********huge gap
*********huge huge gap
everyone else

Phase Shift has really messed-up lowbie PvP. Everyone has it and it is a get out of jail free card. Unless you have overwhelming firepower on someone or lots and lots of control, anyone can punch it and literally log out before you can hurt them. Or just travel power away.

There should be no teleporting from hospitals (not sure if that was fixed, but I think not) and adequate drone coverage by the hospitals.

I think you're list is primarily focused on high-end RV PvP and arenas. And I agree, I went into those and was immediately struck with how unbalanced it all was. Which is why I stay in SC. But it also has issues.



I don't think slowing PvP down in terms of movement is a good idea. It's one of the major draws of PvP in this game. I would say changing slow resistance so that slows actually work in teams would be a better idea. Currently, slow resistance works like damage resistance (Debuff * (1 - DebuffRes)) so that 100% resistance completely negates any amount of slows. A single Speed Boost provides 175% resistance to run speed debuffs (which in itself is evidence that the devs never intended for it to work the way it does). It should either be changed to work like mez resistance (Debuff / (1 + DebuffRes)) or have a cap placed on how much resistance can be achieved. This would enable slow spikes to be a viable way to slow the pace of PvP without globally nerfing travel powers. And if people aren't moving so fast that you basically need to kill them before they can react, then burst damage can be reduced.

This would also have the side effect of preventing a single Kin from completely negating the movement penalty of Granite, which is a common PvE balance complaint.



My personal top ten fixes and wishes (in no particular order):

Fly is not a viable PvP travel power. Add protection to –fly, possibly to an underused buff such as O2 boost, antidote, or one of the ST FF bubbles.

Villains have no access to ally grantable +perception in Sirens. Either switch the order of sonic repulsion and clarity or add it to thaw or the ice shields.

PvP is confusing to newcomers. Add a tutorial that explains some basic PvP tactics and introduces people to zones, arenas, base raids and their respective mini-games.

The difficulty of leveling and equipping toons decreases the number of people who can get involved in competitive PvP. Make a paid PvP expansion where you can auto level to 50 and get unlimited loot for a toon, but can only play in the arena and PvP zones.

A good PvP build can be very different from a good PvE build. Allow players to toggle between build so they can use the same toon to be good at both PvE and PvP.

The only affecting self timer is unreliable. Testing had it varying between 3 and 17 seconds: a world of difference in an arena match. Please normalize the timer.

Since team size on non-SG matches caps at 8 people, new people who want to play are often shut out of matches. Allow non-SG matches to be greater than 8v8.

People often have to reset matches multiple times to get an acceptable map. Add selectable maps, as well as the ability to eliminate maps from the selection while still having a random pick.

Observers have trouble following the action in PvP matches. Greatly increase the flight speed of the arena bots. Consider adding an option to grant them +perception.

There aren’t any meaningful rewards to encourage participation in PvP. Add zone rewards that are for PvPing, not for doing PvE activities in PvP zones.

Other people pick a few of your priorities!



putz might be a genius



putz is a genius

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I also removed MadScientist at his request.

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I requested no such thing.
What I did was challenge you to explain why you were constantly not including items that I listed as PVP issues because you (and only you) said that they were not relevant.

For everyone else's reference, I'll sum up the issues,
- set bonuses working when exemping helping bulding for PVP
- many people complain PVP combat is too rapid. not speed of movement, but over too fast. as in: do we do too much damage?
- teleport is not up to par in PVP because of the hover effect delaying your movement.
- jousting is still a problem. (For those unsure of what I'm refering to, this is when someone very rapidly moves past you and their attack fires when they're far away. this is not a suppression problem - suppression is suppose to have helped minimize this, it wasn't totally effective.) possible solutions: lower the movement buffs. increase travel end costs to make it more costly to attack while at travel speed.
- zone activity is hit-or-miss, it's too easy to get used to not PVPing for Nukes, inviting non-PVPers who say "no PK!" also it's too likely to get a lopsided battle if a side is underpopulated.



putz is a genius

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Placate is bugged and occasionally won’t work.

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Placate is insanely overpowered and is an instant escape in small fights. It needs to be resistable or more resistable (not sure if you can). Maybe require a to-hit. Though most Stalkers don't need it especially.

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Tanker Taunt and Scrapper Provoke also are Auto-hit, so it works the same way in reverse. In addition, Placate is not AoE and is Single-Target only. Therefore, Stalker AS->Placate->Follow Up Attack could be interrupted at any point by someone who is paying attention and either a) KD/KU b) Confuse/Fear c) Do enough damage to kill them d) Taunt by an outside party.

The bug pretty much forces the Stalker to lead in with AS or one of the few attacks that don't have a lasting effect (such as DM, which has 1, I believe) and severely cramps playstyle. If the placate bug was fixed, you would see less people leading in with AS after spending 10 minutes trying to get into position, and instead leading with a lower-damage but reliable attack.

Most of the complaints I see about Placate/AS being overpowered are by folks who refuse to adapt the "keep moving" mantra when running around the zone. It is also the same folks that use the /afk macro to show when they are typing... it places a big flag over their head broadcasting that they are not paying attention to their surroundings.



Villains have no access to ally grantable +perception in Sirens.

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At the low level zones, no heroes are going to be able to see stealth-based toons (Stalkers) regardless of what they have. Which leads to lots of boring non-chases and "herding" of heroes for protection. I have a high level stalker myself, but it shouldn't be so amazingly easy to either a) be hidden forever OR b) kill and run/hide. Even in a medium group of heroes most stalkers can kill and escape if they are half-decent.

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Perhaps for EM/* Stalkers, but the remainder of the Stalker AT powersets do not have that luxury. Especially if there are enough Sonics, Stormers, and Emps in the group, that 10' really does mean a difference in a "Turtle."



1. Hero and villain combat is not balanced, especially in the 40+ game.

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Well, it's not balanced 30- either, but it goes the other way.

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The imbalance is not so much a gap in Siren's, hence why the Villains are crowding there unlike Recluse's Victory. There is still a gap, it is just not as detrimental to the Villain ATs. A few key Hero powersets have very few counters Villain-side, yet all Villain ATs have an easily accessible counter.



3. Brutes, tanks, and scrappers are entirely absent from high end team PvP.

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Again, these ATs dominate ('cept tankers) in BB and Sirens and do well in Warburg. Along with Stalkers. It is the other ATs that suffer. If they store any statistics on kill:death ratio, I'm sure it would be something like:

*********huge gap
*********huge gap
*********huge huge gap
everyone else

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That is not the point. Siren's and Bloody Bay are exempt from the statement. The point is they are absent in Arena, Recluse's Victory, and to some extent Warburg.

Really the only places for Brutes to fight are
A) Siren's Call
B) Bloody Bay
C) 1 vs. 1 < 40th level Arena Match.

Scrappers and Blasters have the benefit of still remaining useful all the way up to Warburg and beyond. Plus, Castle himself stated that the kings of the hill were Stalkers and Blasters.

Plus, the "everyone else" barely have a presence due to the huge gaps of all the other ATs. Why play on a Dominator when the damage is sub-par and the holds will only work if you have to fight NPCs to build Domination or get on an 8-man team hoping the opposing force will ignore you. Or the Controller that doesn't keep moving and is prone during rooting to get attacked by an Assassin Strike.

In addition, these Support ATs are going to be a force multiplier while waiting in the wings and not out front doing the damage. Folks don't say "Buffing is AWESOME," they all want to be the Quarterback.



I'll get you might priorities list in a bit, NotPutzing. I can already tell you what my Numero Uno desire is without thinking on it:

1) Cross-server Arena - Cross-server Zones (Either by Server Group, WestCoast/EastCoast, or All)




- teleport is not up to par in PVP because of the hover effect delaying your movement.

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IMO TP will not be viable even if the hover is removed. The fact that it breaks the flow by having you point and click to your location of interest is already a negative to its worth in PvP. You can use it to escape but trying to catch someone with TP is plain ridiculous. They would change direction right as you ported and be long gone. Sorry but TP will never be as viable as SS and SJ and to an extent Fly.



Seems like the Devs haven't addressed anything for us PVPers.

Bay Area meet n greet is on Nov 30th. I say If enough of us PVPers show we should force them on the issues =)

and get kicked out of Dave n Busters in the process

Or plan B we can picket the event. I'll have an "Unfair to PVPers" on my sign and chain myself to the doors



For everyone else's reference, I'll sum up the issues,
- set bonuses working when exemping helping bulding for PVP
- many people complain PVP combat is too rapid. not speed of movement, but over too fast. as in: do we do too much damage?
- teleport is not up to par in PVP because of the hover effect delaying your movement.
- jousting is still a problem. (For those unsure of what I'm refering to, this is when someone very rapidly moves past you and their attack fires when they're far away. this is not a suppression problem - suppression is suppose to have helped minimize this, it wasn't totally effective.) possible solutions: lower the movement buffs. increase travel end costs to make it more costly to attack while at travel speed.
- zone activity is hit-or-miss, it's too easy to get used to not PVPing for Nukes, inviting non-PVPers who say "no PK!" also it's too likely to get a lopsided battle if a side is underpopulated.

[/ QUOTE ]

1. While some people dislike that the hundreds of millions they spent on an inventions don't give them even more of an advantage in lower level zone PvP, others argue that having their effects minimized via the current system is actually a good thing. IOs are very poweful, newer players often already complain about having to fight IO'd opponents as is, and the people with twinked IO'd builds aren't generally the ones who need more help. If there's widespread agreement that the impact of IOs in lower level zones should be altered and that the haves really ought to get more, everyone should go ahead and speak up.

2. The speed of combat is one of the things many people really like about this game. There's not widespread agreement about reducing it.

3. Removing the three second hover period on TP in PvP zones would harm what people currently use tp for, namely as an escape power and for moving across large distances. Falling to your doom every time you try to tp some place is going to be annnoying and debtful. TP may need some sort of a buff, but as is it's pretty powerful and reasonably popular for PvP. It's the only travel power out there with absolutely no counters.

4. The way movement works in PvP is something that's absolutely beloved by many people who PvP. It's also one of the things that makes CoH PvP unique, and the reason several old timers have started to return. There's no other MMO out there that's as fast paced or that lets you move like this. Lots of people like jousting, lots of people would hate decreasing all movement buffs or increasing the end cost of all travels.

5. I'm not quite sure what "no PK" means, but there are several issues at the list aimed at trying to increase overall zone population and cross-server zones (which would increase the number of people in each zone).