Draft: PvP Community Wish List





Number-fudging aside,

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It's not really very hard, he's not lying about the numbers really.
@lvl 50 MM hp = 803.17
accolades 20%
IO's ~10% (on most builds)
803.17*1.3 = 1044.12hp

Yes MM's cap at 1606 like normal squishies, but their low base hp means they benefit less from +hp accolades/IO's than other toons.

I don't play a MM, i've fought plenty, some are nasty, some not so much.

Poison is similar to cold, in that if you let them survive and kill you first, you've likely just lost the match. So a poison that manages to summon and pop bg before getting hammered is gonna be a tough opponent (for most toons).

I don't have a MM (have a project lvl'ing slowly), but I do feel they could use some arena tweaks. Yes it will benefit poison.

Faster summons - standardize these across the sets, some are quick, some take half a day. Make them all faster.

Faster upgrades - recharge on the upgrades seem ok more or less, but again faster animations across the board.

If a MM could get his t 1 and 2 pets out in like 2.6 seconds, then they would have a lot more options. And might even be able to recovery if they die once.



In Wow battlegrounds, I seem to recall that Warlocks used to respawn without pets. I hopped back in a while back and saw they now do. I think it was because of the extreme cast time and mana meant that the penalty meant for PvE (not insta-popping new suicide pets and actually needing to keep them alive) was carrying over to a place they never intended.

I'm not sure if instant-spawning would be best, but maybe full spawn without buffs OR maybe just Tier 1 spawning?

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Pet mana cost was high, summon time was long, and all but the imp requires a soul shard. The problem wasn't so much the cast time and mana cost but needing to have soul shards every respawn to cast your pet.



Putz, this is a great list and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



TL;DR ... seriously

#1: PvP = TL;DR ...Arena_PvP = TL;DR x 10. Everyone's gotta make up stupid rules and argue FOREVER about WHAT'S GOOD [censored] & WHAT'S REALLY GOOD?? Newbs can't test random builds @ 50, this puts a MASSIVE gate and "reading curve" on all Arena competition. For crying out loud, make PvP simpler and more accessible to ALL players.

#2: REWARD players for taking time away from PvE & leveling. Time spent PvP'ing is time LOST and NEVER REGAINED in this mmoRPG. Devs can start with awarding rare Recipes for PvP'ing considering what a massive impact those same recipes are having on the Metagame of PvP itself.

#3: Stalkers... They LITERALLY scare casual players AWAY from PvP b/c they're way too Binary in lowby (introductory) PvP zones while suffering greatly for it in PvE. The way Perception/AI is handled in this game needs to be MASSIVELY reworked. Show outlines or sound FX from invisible players whether we can target them or not...there's GOT to be some kind of WARNING there, not just total silence followed instant-death.

#4: The other Travel Powers aren't underpowered, it's SUPERJUMP that's OVERPOWERED! *JOUST, JOUST ,JOUST* ...Why else does every single serious PvP'er use it? I'm the only person I've ever seen come to a PvPeC event with a Flying corruptor/damage-dealer. Good lord, it's Horizontel velocity cap is the same as Superspeed, almost 2x what Fly is. Meanwhile Teleport animates WAAAAY too slowly to PvP with. But Don't buff the other Travel powers, just bring SuperJump in line with the rest of them.

#5: Why do all the damage dealers have such ridiculously-high Status, Defense, and -KB-protection Caps? They're the same as Tankers. ...So why ever take Tankers/MM's or Brutes into PvP then if the Blappers & Stalkers can be buffed INTO tankers??? This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in a PvP game seriously. Don't nerf the Buffs and Buff-Stacking... just assign more Reasonable and THEMATIC buff-Caps to the Proper AT's so that there will actually be some Diversity in the Arena.

#6: Read the last 5 again cuz I don't NEED 5 more to make a top-ten out of. ...I'll say it again---> TL;DR. PvP shouldn't require this much explanation. It should be intuitive and Fun for everyone, not just fun for the damned Minmaxxing Gank-Festers. ArenaNet got it right the first time!, there's no excuse now that Jack is out of the picture and NC Soft is in full control!!



#3: Stalkers... They LITERALLY scare casual players AWAY from PvP b/c they're way too Binary in lowby (introductory) PvP zones while suffering greatly for it in PvE.

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I think you have a good list in general, but I have to say Stalkers don't suck at PvE. They suck at GROUP PvE. But I found my Stalker did better than most groups unless they were organized people used to playing with each other. I'd just do kill missions on max level, invis to the end, kill the guy, collect reward.



TL;DR ... seriously

#1: PvP = TL;DR ...Arena_PvP = TL;DR x 10. Everyone's gotta make up stupid rules and argue FOREVER about WHAT'S GOOD [censored] & WHAT'S REALLY GOOD?? Newbs can't test random builds @ 50, this puts a MASSIVE gate and "reading curve" on all Arena competition. For crying out loud, make PvP simpler and more accessible to ALL players.

#2: REWARD players for taking time away from PvE & leveling. Time spent PvP'ing is time LOST and NEVER REGAINED in this mmoRPG. Devs can start with awarding rare Recipes for PvP'ing considering what a massive impact those same recipes are having on the Metagame of PvP itself.

#3: Stalkers... They LITERALLY scare casual players AWAY from PvP b/c they're way too Binary in lowby (introductory) PvP zones while suffering greatly for it in PvE. The way Perception/AI is handled in this game needs to be MASSIVELY reworked. Show outlines or sound FX from invisible players whether we can target them or not...there's GOT to be some kind of WARNING there, not just total silence followed instant-death.

#4: The other Travel Powers aren't underpowered, it's SUPERJUMP that's OVERPOWERED! *JOUST, JOUST ,JOUST* ...Why else does every single serious PvP'er use it? I'm the only person I've ever seen come to a PvPeC event with a Flying corruptor/damage-dealer. Good lord, it's Horizontel velocity cap is the same as Superspeed, almost 2x what Fly is. Meanwhile Teleport animates WAAAAY too slowly to PvP with. But Don't buff the other Travel powers, just bring SuperJump in line with the rest of them.

#5: Why do all the damage dealers have such ridiculously-high Status, Defense, and -KB-protection Caps? They're the same as Tankers. ...So why ever take Tankers/MM's or Brutes into PvP then if the Blappers & Stalkers can be buffed INTO tankers??? This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in a PvP game seriously. Don't nerf the Buffs and Buff-Stacking... just assign more Reasonable and THEMATIC buff-Caps to the Proper AT's so that there will actually be some Diversity in the Arena.

#6: Read the last 5 again cuz I don't NEED 5 more to make a top-ten out of. ...I'll say it again---> TL;DR. PvP shouldn't require this much explanation. It should be intuitive and Fun for everyone, not just fun for the damned Minmaxxing Gank-Festers. ArenaNet got it right the first time!, there's no excuse now that Jack is out of the picture and NC Soft is in full control!!

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Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.




I know my opinion is not welcome here, but I am still entitled to it.

In my opinion PvP participation will not dramatically improve even if every idea on the list is implemented. Don't misunderstand me, the concerns expressed are genuine and the list is important. I am positive that implementing these changes will improve PvP for those who are already doing it. I see nothing here that would bring me into PvP in CoX, and I spent two years playing Lineage II.

As I have posted elsewhere, in my opinion PvP in CoX is broken beyond repair and needs to be redesigned from the ground up. The concept outlined below is not entirely my own but is a compliation of ideas from the months leading up to the release of CoV.

1. Transform the current PvP zones into co-op zones.

2. Create a special server for PvP that has no connection to the main servers. Allow SGs to build bases on the server where they meet, discuss strategy, house some kind of visual awards, and zone directly from the base into the PvP zone at the moment their missions start.

3. Allow players who wish to engage in PvP to copy their characters to the PvP server minus all enhancements and with all inventories reduced to zero, but with SG-loyalties intact. Have all copied characters automatically bumped up to level 50. Also, allow the creation of entirely new characters native to the PvP server that start at level 50.

4. Create a dozen mission-centric PvP maps based on the current map zones but with no NPC enemies and no PvE missions.

5. Have a structured, regularly scheduled league of PvP encounters that awards prestige, PvP points, badges, and SG base decorations to the winners along with some kind of smaller, individual award for every single participant. All PvP awards stay on the PvP server.

6. Do not allow PvP characters to be copied back to the main servers.

This system would allow PvP to exist using CoX paradigms, powers, and maps without placing any burden of participation on the non-PvP players. This would allow powersets, missions, and awards to be created especially for PvP and also allow current powersets to be modified for PvP on an as-needed basis without transferring the PvP balance back into the PvE game either directly or indirectly.

Most importantly of all, this encourages experimentation with PvP in a manner that does not require a PvE player to damage the PvE capabilities of their character while also freeing a PvP player from being forced to powerlevel through content they do not enjoy and have no interest in.


I'm not coming at this from a NIMBY perspective. My motivation and intent is to see PvP designed so that it will have more in common with an amateur sport than an imaginary battleground.

If (as stated elsewhere) only 10% of the CoX playerbase is interested in PvP, then it seems to me it would be far more reasonable to spend development resources creating a way to bring these players together without endangering the ingame experience of the other 90% of the playerbase. Therefore, would it not be better to create a PvP friendly environment that allows a PvE player to be tempted to experiment there without affecting their ability to continue enjoying the PvE portion of the game (and to do so without nerfing the current powersets)?

You've put a lot of time and effort into this list, but implementing it will not attract PvE players like myself. Rather, the only thing it will do is improve the experience for the current 10% who actively participate in PvP. That, my fellow players, is not going to answer the pressing need to increase the overall popularity of PvP.

================================================== ===

AE Story Arc #536752: Torn Asunder
An army from far, far away has been driven from their homeland and landed on Earth. They desperately need a new home and they're liking the look of ours.

================================================== ===



What if you had 4 seconds of fly instead of 4 seconds of hover at the end of a teleport?

I know I have often tp'd my self just to the edge of a building and not quite been able to make it to the edge and I think fly would have given me the extra oomph to make it.

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the hover was added to tp, for lag issues. It was too great a chance of some slow data causing you to plummet down to the ground. Now you could probably make a pitch for lessening the amount of hover after a TP, but you're probably not going to get rid of it outright.

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I think you've keyed on the issue.

The Hover is to prevent you from plummeting to the ground.
The problem is when you *want* to be on the ground immediately!

I target a spot on the ground 80 yards away where there is combat. I port there. Why do I end up materializing 2 feet *above* the spot I targeted?
Even a .5 second hover would be a problem - if I teleport in with my Stone with Rooted on there's still a delay as a I fall those 2 feet.
Consider how useful TP could be for chasing foes on the ground if you could materialize and immediately be in motion.

There's no problem with hover running if you're in the air. It does what it should, and the time is fine - it may even be too short for that. and increasing the mobility during that time may be great for attacking foes in the air. so maybe there is a problem that TP is a bit weak for vertical movement.
There's a 2nd problem with teleport, though, when using it on the ground.
No, I doubt there's a single setting that reconciles both issues. So why not treat them separate? Give TP different behavior if you target the ground or if you target the air.

And let's not forget there are more problems trying to engage in combat with TP, such as the activation time, the inability to control its range, and the inability to use a Follow command, the much higher End cost than Fly/SJ/SS, movement buffs like SB and AM don't buff TP, etc. TP may just need a complete overhaul. THAT's why TP is an issue. The "hover on the ground" thing is just maybe the most noticable, and most straight-forward.



Okay, what about the casual PvP'ers that want to be able to leave the zone, blow off some steam and come back to the fght when more of their friends are on?

How about Accolades and IO sets? Temp powers from story arcs and mayhem missions? What about only being able to purchase Inspirations in Bloody Bay? How would you approach the Black Market, Recipe Drops, getting Inventions Salvage and Base Salvage? That too would mean to increase the rewards for PvP even moreso than they do now.

...and in transforming the PvP zones into co-op zones, don't glase over the fact that Nukes, Shivans, and Mini-blasters will be phenomenally easy to get. I've seen folks get up-in-arms when wanting to nerf PvP zones and then having the mini-game removed due to Risk vs. Reward becoming Sight Seeing vs. Monty Haul.

The suggestions you/your source have made (such as "a dozen new zones") to me seems more effort to get PvE into PvP.

IMO, It does come across as NIMBY, and only really favours the hardcore crowd.



In my opinion PvP participation will not dramatically improve even if every idea on the list is implemented. Don't misunderstand me, the concerns expressed are genuine and the list is important. I am positive that implementing these changes will improve PvP for those who are already doing it. I see nothing here that would bring me into PvP in CoX, and I spent two years playing Lineage II.

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Funny, every item on my list was aimed at bringing new people in PvP. Maybe none of them work for you specifically, but I've been around long enough to have a feel for what the average non-PvP/casual-PvP player is looking for in a system that they'd use more. Now I agree that a lot of the items on the original list aren't going to mean anything outside the current PvP community, but saying that all of them are unimportant to the PvE-only/casual-PvP community is going too far.

Separation of PvP in the manner you describe is, in my opinion, an awful idea. Not only would it further exacerbate the dividing line between those that PvP and those that don't, it would require the developers to divide their time and effort on what would effectively be two completely different games. Not gonna happen, not while this is run by a for-profit business.

Oh, and your opinion isn't unwelcome - everyone's opinion is welcome if stated clearly and politely. You're just not going to get a lot of agreement.

My Char. List and Market Transactions
HeroStats Developer
Legion of Valor
Iron Eagles



i wish any fight would be fun.
the my power counter yours (and sometimes counter your AT totally) should be changed
an emp or a kin make too much difference.

some AT have easy life in PvP comparing to other that need to stack power or kite etc.
the problem is that the AT that need effort have no "reward" for being that hard.when you have to stack holds, or debuff and then several time your attack chain to kill a squishy, it's very frustrating to see how a blaster a ice/em tank only have to run and then "click-click" to totally destroy you.

your suggestions are all great but they do not fix the 2 main problems that are
1/to few villain PvP
2/heroes>villains imbalance which is the cause to the problem number 1 IMO)

i will not mind all the "lol noob there is no imbalance" that could (will?) be posted as i know that any real PvPer will at least agree with me on that



#3: Stalkers... They LITERALLY scare casual players AWAY from PvP b/c they're way too Binary in lowby (introductory) PvP zones while suffering greatly for it in PvE.

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I think you have a good list in general, but I have to say Stalkers don't suck at PvE. They suck at GROUP PvE. But I found my Stalker did better than most groups unless they were organized people used to playing with each other. I'd just do kill missions on max level, invis to the end, kill the guy, collect reward.

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Well lemme tell ya something then as someone who solo'd Defenders and Controllers ever since issue-1: Just like how the PvP game isn't balanced for Solo.... well... Neither is the PvE game. They *tried* to get closer but some builds are still Overpowered at it while others go through theirs slower than pig snot in cornstarch. Stalkers are still -->Slower<-- than MM's and Brutes in solo PvE making it clear that they've always been designed as the Premiere Solo-PvP "toon". ...Literally a toon, a 1-sided 1 trick pony for no real reason at all. They sure don't help us Villains in Team PvP or make our faction anymore endearing to people who've considered playing villains but don't like the non-cooperative backstabbing killstealing nature they see presented in BB & Siren's every day. IE: Stalkers are a P.R.-Disaster for CoV and need to be changed before Faction Vs Faction will ever attract more casual players and keep the sides fair and equal.



I would like to reiterate my idea for a "PvP package" of powers that a PvP n00b could acquire, so they can try PvP without worrying about their build.

This would be a temp power that would suppress all of the player's own powers, but grant access to a few PvP-useful powers like Super Jump, Temporary Invulnerability, Power Blast, and the like.

That way, casual or non-PvPers can try a PvP build without building one themselves.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Again, it seems like a balancing factor for how good MM's can be in Bodyguard. And it seems a little too convenient to cite 800-HP MM's while citing 1600 HP for supposedly overpowered blasters and 2409 HP cap for scrappers. If you assume one has accolades, assume the other does too. MM's can get a decent amount of HP with set bonuses and accolades, so don't give the low estimate to make the case look more need-worthy.

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Full disclosure: I'm currently around 1000 HPs.

Setup during the 10-second countdown would be nice, but it would hurt MM's who have slow PC's and thus don't make it into the match for the full countdown, plus it'd probably be very difficult to set up, especially with how the arena "disables" all powers in use at the start of a match.

It seems to me like the only ways to "fix" this, aside from calling on the MM to utilize some skill and accolades in order to survive the initial attacks, are ways that would greatly skew the fight in favor of the MM.


Sorry, any case for helping MM's seems to make no sense, especially after 1) seeing how survivable they can be with all their pets up and 2) hearing how amazing certain players on /poison MMs already are in fights.

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Granted, I can hold my own and by no means am I push over under the current system. However, the point of the arena is for player A to fight player B at full force. There is no satisfaction of whacking a tank that does not have a single toggle up. Taking out stalker that is no hidden. Whacking a petless MM is not a challenge. Rez'ing and not being able to move or resummon pets while the opponent sets up for a two shot makes the current arena kind of pointless.

Poison Pill



What if MM's were allowed to summon pets during the set up timer? 10 seconds isn't much, but its better than a stick in the eye. But it also doesn't give them all the time in the world to set up all their pets and buff them.

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What if all classes were set at various times based on the need/prep time to be fully functional.

I know some classes should be up for killing again right away, others need a 10-15 second prep time, and being able to opt out of prep time would also be a fairly cool feature.

Anyway just saw this portion and was intrigued enough to comment.




how about instead we just normalize the respawn time and add the placate effect to the person who is still in "only affecting self" mode (by placate effect, I mean you can't click on them at all, so no anchoring debuffs on them before they can fight back, and no spawncamp stunning with an auto attack)



your suggestions are all great but they do not fix the 2 main problems that are
1/to few villain PvP
2/heroes>villains imbalance which is the cause to the problem number 1 IMO)

i will not mind all the "lol noob there is no imbalance" that could (will?) be posted as i know that any real PvPer will at least agree with me on that

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Again, this is not the case in BB/SC. I've never counted how much PvP goes on in which zones, but there's a whole lot that happens in SC, which is why I've built a number of my characters to it.

In SC, when there are more heroes on, they camp outside the villain base. When there are more villains, they camp outside the hero base. I'd say each happens about half the time. There is no shortage of heroes or villains in PvP up to lvl 30. So be careful on any changes you propose as you will gimp entry PvP, which will make people not interested in PvP period.

Further, I bet a million spacebucks the kill:death of villains vs. heroes VASTLY favors villains in BB/SC. If I'm wrong on that I'll shave my head and give out bananas at the airport while banging a tambourine. So just keep in mind the whole dynamics of PvP, including imbalances, shift quite dramatically as the levels go up.



how about instead we just normalize the respawn time and add the placate effect to the person who is still in "only affecting self" mode (by placate effect, I mean you can't click on them at all, so no anchoring debuffs on them before they can fight back, and no spawncamp stunning with an auto attack)

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Makes too much sense... and takes away too many "i wins"

I suspect the real solution is to make a second cage map, but 6 lvls, each half the size of the current floor plan. More lights and more tables/chairs.

Make it spawn way more often than other maps like the current cage does most of the time.



In my opinion PvP participation will not dramatically improve even if every idea on the list is implemented. Don't misunderstand me, the concerns expressed are genuine and the list is important. I am positive that implementing these changes will improve PvP for those who are already doing it. I see nothing here that would bring me into PvP in CoX, and I spent two years playing Lineage II.

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Funny, every item on my list was aimed at bringing new people in PvP. Maybe none of them work for you specifically, but I've been around long enough to have a feel for what the average non-PvP/casual-PvP player is looking for in a system that they'd use more. Now I agree that a lot of the items on the original list aren't going to mean anything outside the current PvP community, but saying that all of them are unimportant to the PvE-only/casual-PvP community is going too far.

Separation of PvP in the manner you describe is, in my opinion, an awful idea. Not only would it further exacerbate the dividing line between those that PvP and those that don't, it would require the developers to divide their time and effort on what would effectively be two completely different games. Not gonna happen, not while this is run by a for-profit business.

Oh, and your opinion isn't unwelcome - everyone's opinion is welcome if stated clearly and politely. You're just not going to get a lot of agreement.

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We are in agreement this time. Heh heh. A nice change of pace.

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



how about instead we just normalize the respawn time and add the placate effect to the person who is still in "only affecting self" mode (by placate effect, I mean you can't click on them at all, so no anchoring debuffs on them before they can fight back, and no spawncamp stunning with an auto attack)

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Thing is, Masterminds need to re-setup again, and the 'only effecting self' is limited to self buffing, and no summoning. While this is a great idea, I think for masterminds, summoning should be allowed, but the minions are put in the same mode as the masterminds, similar to how the pvp zone is.

In the zones, if the mastermind is summoning, his pets share the exact same 30 second countdown timer he does. Like if he summons them with 15 seconds still, the pets also have the 15 seconds.

10 seconds is good enough to summon all 3 which is essentially your defenses, but not upgrade everyone.

Mercs for example takes a good long time to buff, due to the animation times of the tier 2 buff.

My only thing is that for some of the masterminds, they need only seconds to get their defenses up, upgrading on-the-go is part of how they play.

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



well one could adjust the OFS mechanic for that purpose, but my point still stands.



Yes, I'm one of those people wary of camera spies if you give the camera +Perception. Good example is the one match between JAL and FoL on Skyway City map.. as sucky as it was for me as a spectator not to be able to see anything, if the cameras had had +Perception, those of us in spectator could've scoured the map and pinpointed the Freaks' location, essentially shooting their stealth tactic to hell. It just seems to turn fights with stealth tactics into a battle of who has more camera spies. Not to mention a stealthed blaster running over for a quick nuke at the start of a match could easily be foiled by one camera spectator.

My objection to the "option" is 1) when would it actually be turned on? I can't see SGs consenting to this unless it would benefit themselves at the cost of their opponents, in which case their opponents wouldn't consent, and 2) many of the suggestions outlined in this list could be turned into in-game "options." If we're going to option-ize everything... I don't know, I just don't like the idea of that.. it's a pain enough to set up 10 minutes, 2 teams of 8, no spectators and no stealth for spike practices, everyone on the right team, et cetera.. without having to worry about even more options.

What's the rationale for normalizing the OAS timer? The way it stands now, it at least provides some protection for the player in OAS and adds some unpredictability to matches. If I'm playing kin and everyone's buffed, my goal is disruption, which often includes throwing sleep + knockback combos at the last player who died, since there's a good chance they won't have CM yet. However, sometimes they came out of OAS early and got CM already, and sometimes they're still not out. If I knew it'd take exactly 10 seconds to leave OAS every time, you can bet I'd be throwing Will Dom 10 seconds after each kill in order to detoggle and disrupt.

Even in duels, it's a nice variable. If you die and happen to get out of OAS quickly, you can catch your opponent by surprise... or if you get out of OAS late, your opponent might get overzealous and waste their best attacks on you while you're still OAS.

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Camera +per is a pretty widely requested option (it comes up several times in Jasmine's thread), and I can think of lots of times it would be left on. Really, any event where you care more about letting newcomers learn than you're paranoid about camera spies or think they're a huge disadvantage. Kickballs I'd leave it on, IPvPL and TPvPL I'd leave it on, practices where people had to sit I'd leave it on (care way more about people being able to learn than I do about someone gaining a competitive advantage by spying, big whoop if you lose on of those), most PvPEC things I imagine it would get left on, pretty much everything that's not a duel or an official ladder match.

As far as normalizing the OAS, why wouldn't you want to replace something that rewards luck with something that rewards skill? If I'm emping a match and don't get out of OAS until 17 seconds after I spawn, my team could lose two or three kills in that time that I would've been able to save if I had gotten out of OAS in 3 seconds. That could decide a match, and it shouldn't. Meanwhile, if it's a standardized time, everyone knows when it's ending and everyone's able to react. And beyond the fact that you know to try and sleep the respawned and I know to CM them, there's also the fact that my team can go after recently spawned people just as much as your team can. With equal information and equal rules, skill is what matters and will win. With randomly changing spawn times, luck can become a deciding factor.



well it could be normalized to a range that's not as insane as it is now, which is 0-20 seconds. it could be like 5-10 or something.



well one could adjust the OFS mechanic for that purpose, but my point still stands.

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I know. And I really like that idea too.

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



how about instead we just normalize the respawn time and add the placate effect to the person who is still in "only affecting self" mode (by placate effect, I mean you can't click on them at all, so no anchoring debuffs on them before they can fight back, and no spawncamp stunning with an auto attack)

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I think this would be a wonderful idea.